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6356259 No.6356259 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading this and it blew my mind.

What does /lit/ think about it?

>> No.6356268

Very entry level existentialist ideas, but then again all of existentialism is entry level.

>> No.6356319

Alright, might as well post it here.

Can any one explain the last sentence?

>" For everything to be consummated, for me to feel less alone, I had only to wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution and that they greet me with cries of hate."

It just seems off. Why did he wish that?

>> No.6356349

I feel that in the end, Mersault is aware of life's absurdity, and his reaction (which I suppose is Camus's argument for what the appropriate reaction should be) is not to revolt against it, but to accept it exactly as it is. He hopes that the crowd on the day of his execution greets him with "cries of hate," because that is the natural order of things. He could not ask for any more or less.

>> No.6356495

seems about right, thanks

>> No.6356504


>> No.6356682

People will sneer at it, but I read it during formative years in my life and it changed my entire perspective on the world

>> No.6357768
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>the entire book

>> No.6357779

I read it too early then understood it later.

>> No.6357842

All of existentialism is entry level? What do you mean?

>> No.6357874
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>muh nihilism
Fuck off Mersault

>> No.6357896

It's called absurdism, sillyhead.

>> No.6357897

I think is shit, didn't feel anything for the main character at all.

I get the idea, but I didn't enjoy the book. Personally I believe that The Plague and The Fall were far better than this one.

>> No.6357900

I would disagree to this. Camus is cohesive but once you get into Being and Nothingness or anything by Heidegger problems of existence become more profound. Even still, entry level doesn't mean bad. Don't be cheeky.

>> No.6358160

Meh I disagree. He feels his actions are justified the entire time (because well, he was justified). He is an alien in a world that doesn't understand him. Camus is all about revolting against nihilism and emptiness/complacency. If he had converted to Christianity at the end, weeped at the gallows and begged for forgiveness, maybe he would not have been jeered at and hated. But then his life and his actions would have been worthless.

>> No.6358166
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>I didn't feel anything for the main character at all

>> No.6358167

> didn't feel anything for the main character at all.

>I get the idea,

Looks like you didn't get anything, air head.

>> No.6358412

I read it it one go, it didn't really move me.

>> No.6359313

What else would you recommend?

>> No.6359917

Sartre's being and nothingness then onto Heidegger, merleau ponty, and Edmund Husserl. Then read Foucault and realize your existence is only in the control of the super structures that surround it.

>> No.6359944


>> No.6359951

Absurdism is the Western answer to Cha'an/Zen

I think the book isn't perfect either, but it's certainly well done and very feelsy