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6355410 No.6355410[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a /lit/ inadequacy feels thread going?

>talk to vicar
>she has thread kids, all of them doing triple majors
>son majoring in Greek, Latin and theological studies
>other son is majoring in philosophy, history and Russian
>daughter is majoring in literature, art, and German

>mfw feels worse than having a two-inch dick

>> No.6355415

>she has thread kids

>> No.6355426

>>son majoring in Greek, Latin and theological studies

literally the only one doing a good major

>> No.6355431

>tfw she showed me a sermon he wrote in Latin for Easter
>tfw he's twenty
>tfw there was also an English version of it that's incredible

>> No.6355433


That's what happens when you start with the Greeks

>> No.6355438

>this is what it's like to be part of a heretical collective

>> No.6355439

achievements are spooks.

>> No.6355440
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>female vicar

Get out of here heretic.

>> No.6355448

>implying Catholics won't have female priests before the end of the century

>> No.6355450


Ignoring the fact that your vicar is a "she" and you're probably part of a church that doesn't have apostolic succession, and pretending you're Catholic:

That's nice and all, but let's be honest -- he's ahead of the curve, but he can't be ordained a priest in the Church until he's 25 anyways, and still has to sit through a seminary where he would be learning Greek/Latin anyways.

Besides, overwrought ambition is a sin. Just do what you can and the lord will be quite okay with that.

>> No.6355454


I sincerely believe the church would allow gay marriage long before they allowed female priests



>> No.6355456

I'm Episcopalian, and I don't think he's actually planning on being a priest. He only took theological studies as a third major on the advice of his mother.

>> No.6355461

The current Pope would probably allow female priests if it wouldn't cause a huge friggin' schism. My vicar's ordination was attended by two Catholic priests she's friends with, they even took communion (although they got a slight reprimand for this and had to penance or something).

>> No.6355463

>implying such a church would remain "Catholic" after making this doctrinal
>implying I would remain a member of said church were this the case

If the Catholic Church attempted to ordain women, I would leave "it" (which wouldn't be The Catholic Church anymore) and join the schismatics or whatever large group formed in opposition--for there would be many in opposition.

>> No.6355465

The Old Catholic Church? oh wait, they've have female ordination since 1949. They're actually in full communion with us, pretty cool folks.

>> No.6355466

>talk to vicar


>> No.6355477

>what is Papal infallibility
You're a shit Catholic, m8, if the Pope ends up invoking that and you still leave

>> No.6355479

You clearly didn't understand my post, which only confirms that many Anglican heretics are retarded.

>> No.6355480

Catholics are as bad as protestants these days.

>> No.6355481

The trouble about female ordination is: were there any female apostles? That's the whole reason behind there only being male priests. The Church believes that since all the apostles were male, only males can participate in apostolic succession.

I think, however, that you can make the argument that Mary Magdalene is considered an apostle. Gregory the Great even called her "the apostle to the apostles." And of course if you consider her an apostle, then women can take part in apostolic succession.

>> No.6355485

There's a large chunk of Catholics working toward female ordination. see womenpriests.org

>> No.6355486

>obeying the antipope francis
The catholic church ceased being catholic after vatican II

>> No.6355487

Junia was also an Apostle.

>> No.6355488

It's more about tradition. If the Church has always ordained only males, then the Church should continue doing so and not pointlessly deviate.

>> No.6355492

>pray with jews, buddhists, anglicans, native americans and other false religions, kiss koran
>still be infallible

How dumb do catholics need to be to believe this shit?

>> No.6355494


that's nice and all, but what's the point then? What's he going to work in? If the answer is "academia", I hope for his sake that he has a 4.0 and went to an Ivy or Oxbridge

>> No.6355495

The Catholic Church didn't allow women on their periods to take communion a hundred years ago.

>> No.6355497

even worse than i thought>>6355488

>> No.6355498

Exactly what happened at Vatican II? I don't follow this theology stuff

>> No.6355499

Why does tradition matter? It's 2015! Get with the times!

Besides the catholic church abandoned most of its traditions like 50 years ago.

>> No.6355503

The changed the liturgy and rites of mass so mass is no longer valid. Rites of ordination were changed so they are no longer valid. Francis isnt even really a priest since he was ordained in the new rite which is invalid.

>> No.6355505

I don't know, but he's clearly pretty bright to be fluent in Latin at 20. Must be upbringing.

>> No.6355507

Nothing that would have invalidated the succession of the popes. "Traditional" Sedevacantist Catholics are just a bunch of Latin-speaking fags that lack sufficient faith in God's Church.

>> No.6355509

>catholic church

Please convert or an hero

>> No.6355514

>Tfw you're doing a Computer Engineering Major

>> No.6355515

Since Orthodox liturgy, mass and tires of ordination are different from Catholic, why do Catholic acknowledge Orthodox orders?

>> No.6355516

Convert to what?

>> No.6355517


I believe that advocating for female ordination in the church as part of the clergy is actually considered complete obedience and maybe even heresy at this point


They can work toward it all they want, but unless the cardinals of the future somehow slip up and allow someone who's in support of female ordination not only rise to the rank of cardinal, but to that of pope, then nothing will change (and all for the better)

(let's be honest, the real reasons aside, imagine a female priest on her period or a mood swing or whatever. or a horny female priest who seduces a male priest. or the male priest who rapes or seduces the female priest. or sleeping your way to the top of the hierarchy, etc. Talk about an all around bad idea.)


this. The catholic church went a bit of a lurch forward with Vatican II, but they're still far from being the trend-following Anglicans who adopt the ideas of every degenerate that pops up in Britain wholeheartedly

>> No.6355518

There are Episcopal parishes which are very traditional

This one has High Mass in Latin

>> No.6355519

Catholics will undoubtably recognise Anglicans soon. What will you say then?

>> No.6355522

Won't matter when they're living in a dumpster, now will it?

>> No.6355523

>They can work toward it all they want, but unless the cardinals of the future somehow slip up and allow someone who's in support of female ordination not only rise to the rank of cardinal, but to that of pope, then nothing will change (and all for the better)
I'm sure a lot of them have, it's just a question of getting to the point where you can have female ordination without splitting the Church in half.

>> No.6355524

>married catholic priests will happen in your lifetime

The pope's a Jesuit for Christ's sake. Of course it's going to happen.

>> No.6355527
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>tfw there will never be female imams

>> No.6355529

The Catholic Church.

>> No.6355531

The Catholic Church doesn't exist any more.

>> No.6355533

I want Catholics to recognize Anglicans. The Anglican communion is working very hard to unite all Apostolic churches again, and people are getting Apostolic to get in on that. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, for instance, worked with independent Catholic Churches, Anglican churches, and apostolic Lutheran Churches (such as Sweden and Denmark) to get their priests and bishops ordained in the line. Once that was finished, they got into full communion with the Anglican communion in 2000. We're making real progress toward uniting the Church again, achieving communion with the Catholic Church would be great. A lot of us like the current Pope and have high hopes for a final reuniting of the Church in the future.

>> No.6355537
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>tfw Computer Science major
> won multiple state-level science fairs when younger
> prestigious research opportunity at top-5 university for TWO summers in a row, beating out even those with connections
> taught myself from a Harvard list of classes required to graduate by topic

flash forward

> turning 17
> starting to lose interest, but keep going
> in the meantime, teach myself art history and drawing, but also lots of video games because I was lonely
> turn 18
> passion mostly gone
> study music theory intensively, relearn piano from when I was younger and learn some Scriabin sonatas, compose a bit, study music theory thoroughly from 1600ish to today
> turn 19
> get into literature
> currently spend 8-10 hours a day in uni library reading at least 2-3 books a day of high literary merit
> teaching myself Greek and Latin, brushing up on french and reading french literature like Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, Moliere
> finally decided I want to be either a priest/monk or writer, probably the former

> tfw haven't told dad yet
> probably going to go for a double major in CS / Literature
> he wouldn't let me go for a Philosophy major because I said something about why his Reagan rhetoric about Marxism was overly simplified or something, and he works for the government and won't stand of that sort

I honestly have no idea what I should do at this point. I feel I'm being really wishy washy in life, but I'm also recently turned 19 and I'm approaching the point in my life where I just need to pick something and go with it. I am very jealous of people around me without ambition, or those who are fine doing one thing for their whole lives. I really, really wish I could be like that

>> No.6355538

Why would you say that?

>> No.6355539

My vicar doesn't like Islam at at all, she says it is a very repressive religion, and she's been to Israel and seen it. She also dislikes Judaism and Israel, though.

>> No.6355542
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Well that's what Nicea 3 is for, of course. The Happening commences in 2025.

>> No.6355545
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Lol... Christianity is a fucking joke. It must be destroyed!

>> No.6355546
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>what is Sweden

>> No.6355549

Because vatican 2. The pope is a heretic.

>> No.6355551


Too late for that, they have turned from being a moderately respectable "branch" under that kinda lame branch theory to the slave of politics and degenerates. I wish too that the Catholic church COULD reach out to them more like they have with the Eastern Orthodox, but they really just can't anymore. 100 years ago it was a possibility.

Maybe I'm too optimistic about the Catholic church.

>> No.6355554

What was heretical about Vatican II?

>> No.6355555

oh shit my sides

>> No.6355560
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That will never be accepted by Muslims. It's against shariah law.

>> No.6355561

>5 5s
>tfw God has blessed this thread

What religion are you anon? Catholic? Anglican? Sedevacantist? Lutheran? Solve the debates in this thread once and for all.

>> No.6355566
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I am thomas pynchon, actually

so, catholic

>> No.6355569
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>> No.6355571


for those who oppose Vatican II, this is the large reason why:


>> No.6355577
File: 1.25 MB, 235x240, 4977145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fundies in Burglerland will lose control as their parishes are united one by one in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church
>tfw Christian renaissance in literature, art and academics
>yfw you realize God exists

>> No.6355579

Ah yes, the Anglicans have never really had to confront their ingrained Antisemitism. The denominations on the continent had to so some soul searching after cooperating with Nazis.

>> No.6355582
File: 156 KB, 620x400, pope-francis-papal-plane-catholic-church-one-world[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protestants will take this as a sign of the apocalypse

>> No.6355583 [DELETED] 


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>> No.6355584

Not going to happen. Being in communion with the catholic church doesn't mean people have to obey him or the church.

>> No.6355585
File: 35 KB, 640x302, _22544207bf2b09a1f27d3186e272a118208188a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, no, you're not too optimistic.

>> No.6355586

nice get friend

nice get friend

>> No.6355588
File: 32 KB, 103x112, 2015-04-04_02-28-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satan hungers

>> No.6355589


maybe, if Catholicism weren't completely dying all over our continent while televangelists and Neil DeGrass Tysons draw in larger crowds year to year


(also the reason why I want to be a priest or monk)

>> No.6355598

They wouldn't be calling this council if there weren't something big planned. I think at least the Catholic and Orthodox Churches are going to try and unite.

>> No.6355607
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But Nazis actually tried to suppress Catholicism

No, but it will make the Church into a serious force that will be on everyone's lips. It will probably make some of the brighter Protestants reconsider their position. Apostolic succession looks less important when Apostolic denominations are calling each other heretics, but when there is only One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, it grants incredible dignity to title. I mean, consider that Lutherans started making a big movement toward being Apostolic in the last couple of decades. That's a pretty big thing. What happens if it goes that way with other Protestants? Which would be much more likely once the Church is united.

>> No.6355608 [DELETED] 

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>> No.6355610

I go to state college and have a very difficult time with it. In my science classes and my writing classes, I get by well, but my GPA is always poor because I will take four classes in a semester and flunk one. I think it's because I made the mistake of taking "anthropology" (being called a bigot and told to write papers on nonsense) and other social sciences. In foreign languages, I picked up fast and had a good time, and in science and math I've gotten by even though I'm not particularly good at them. I am done dealing with professors and their bullshit. You're not "quirky," you're not funny, and you're not making yourself sound well-rounded and cultured quoting Betty Friedan in a lecture that has nothing to do with women or gender. The next time I hear the words "social construct" I think I'm going to scream. I read a lot of books and can hold a conversation about quite a few topics, but I'm just not good at school. I feel kind of dumb because of my schoolwork and I know I'm certainly no intellectual. Is it possible to be smart in an intellectual (for lack of a better word) sense and not academically-minded? I always wanted to become a childrens' schoolteacher, but if I don't get a degree, that's not a possibility.
>inb4 go to a better school
Medical expenses killed my already small budget for education.

>> No.6355612


too bad you didn't get a get, friend. Here, I'll donate the one I'll get with this post, and then we can spend some time washing each others' feet.

>> No.6355622
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let's try that again, with a nice jesuit pope to help us

>> No.6355628

God wills it.

>> No.6355633


oh, I don't doubt that. He's obviously extremely talented to be fluent with latin. That said, if not the (or, "a") church, then what? This isn't the old days where everyone went to school for either apothecary or latin/greek and was able to do something with them in the real world

(that said, it's too bad that this is a consideration today. Money is just too much, mane. I hope for his sake though that he finds something and puts his intelligence/knowledge to good use)

>> No.6355639
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>> No.6355650

The Lutheran World Federation in in full Communion withe Anglican Communion. My vicar is also a pastor at a Lutheran church, she does the service there, then comes to the Episcopal congregation and does Mass.

>> No.6355653

dostoevsky pls

yes, deus vult
thank you my friend

>> No.6355657

Why does this even matter?

What will happen if all the major denominations agree to be in communion?

How will this fix christianity? No one gives a shit about christianity anymore. Especially the youth.

>> No.6355693

I think part of the disillusionment with Christianity has to do with so much divisiveness in the religion. A unification could have the opposite effect, it might reach a lot hearts, it would be amazing.

I'm also not just talking about communion, but a single Church. There would be certain traditions parishes might preserve (the Catholic Church already has precedent for this for Anglican parishes which want to go Catholic), but it would be a single Church. The trick is dealing with Papal supremacy that would be required for Catholics to be okay with a merger. That in itself wouldn't be so hard, except for Papal infallibility. To deal with that, what probably has to be done is that the circumstances Papal infallibility can be invoked with have to be specific and limited enough to appease the merging denominations, but I think that can happen. I'm Episcopalian, and I'd be alright with Papal supremacy and even infallibility provided it has the right procedures and checks. Most major issues of doctrine should be dealt with through conference of bishops (which they generally are in Catholicism anyhow); Papal infallibility reserved for when there is a major dispute that bishops can't settle upon, then the Pope's infallibility may be invoked as the final arbiter on the matter.

>> No.6355703
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>female bishops

>> No.6355713


>> No.6355716


no, he certainly wouldn't

even before being a pope he was outwardly against things like gays adopting children

no, never, no, he will never support female priests, and he would never even entertain the idea.

>> No.6355718
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Most of the traditions are stupid. Unless you were born in them, they won't hold much significance. I just can't foresee the masses of irreligious people suddenly becoming interested in religion if all the churches come into communion. Most of Church life has little to do with the modern lives of young people. 'Getting involved' in a church when you've spent most of your life with nothing to with it doesn't seem worthwhile.

>> No.6355726

He washed female feet, big thing. Said women need to take a far more active part in the Church and says they need to be involved in "important decisions, where the authority of the Church is exercised." When asked about female ordination, he didn't say he was against it, he said, "The Church has spoken and says no." He's not going to come out and support it because it would cause the Church to split, even if he didn't institute it.

Being pro gay is a considerable leap from being okay with female ordination. The Old Catholic Church started ordaining women in 1949.

But even as far as gays go, he is a very unusual Pope

>> No.6355729

Maybe not this pope, but you just need to get used to the idea. Eventually when you're all ready, it will be done.

>> No.6355732

I think you're wrong. You see tradition as useless and stupid, and plenty of young people feel that way, it's true. But I think tradition is going to make a comeback, especially if the Churches merge. I think tradition can hold a lot of appeal for young people if it's done right, I think neoliberalism cannot keep giving people meaning, it will feel stale and empty after a while. Young people will swing toward tradition if only because they are dissatisfied, what is currently being pushed as fulfilling is a fad, and it will run its course.

>> No.6355737
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Young people are going to other religions to satisfy this need. That is why they go to tibetan buddhism, zen, islam etc. Islamic traditions are more accessible than all the esoteric ritualistic crap that goes on at churches. Once it becomes more established in the white population then it will expand rapidly.

>> No.6355738
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It may seem trivial for anglicans, but it is a matter of dogma as far as we are concerned. Pope Francis has stated explicitly that female ordination is not possible (see Evangelii Gaudium). Even Cardinal Kasper, very friendly to Anglicans, has said ordaining women has created a problem.

You do not understand, the pope is the servant of the Church. It would be like him saying "God don't real".

If there was to be a union, you would not have do give up your rites wholesale (save for some changes). But you should consider whether you want to believe as we do, and start to adopt some of our practices.

>> No.6355741

I don't think so. Christianity is growing at a much faster rate than Islam is.

>> No.6355744

In the third world, yes. White people don't give a shit about religion in general though.

>> No.6355753

>The Catholic Church didn't allow women on their periods to take communion a hundred years ago.
women on their periods are even more delusional than their normal states (which is not much to begin with)

>> No.6355761

nobody loves the choices indeed

try CS/phil nonetheless, well unless your father supports you too much financially

>> No.6355768

Yes, because they've been taught all the answers to life are in consumerism and following the myth that they'll be millionaires, and that is very effective short term, but it can't hold long term, generations can only keep affirming their identity through that so long before they realize it's empty..

>> No.6355770

He said Anglicanism not Catholicism.

>> No.6355773

He said "denominations on the continent", which presumably includes Catholicism, have to cope with their history of cooperating with the Nazis.

>> No.6355794
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I agree.

That's why Islam is the answer.

>> No.6355812

Not sure how Islam deals with atonement for sin.

>> No.6355819

There is no original sin. You repent sincerely on your own to God, and do good works such as give charity.

>> No.6355830

I don't think you realize that Christ doesn't just cover original sin, which most denominations don't even believe we suffer from the guilt of original sin. According to Jeremiah 31:29-30, once the new covenant is established, people will only be accountable for their own sins.

If charity cured sin, you wouldn't need God.

>> No.6355833

Thread kids are good at weaving a line

>> No.6355836

This is what you get for going to a mainline church, OP. Go to an Evangelical church. The pastor will have graduated from an unaccredited American Bible college, and his children will be homeschooled by his wife. Instant superiority complex!

>> No.6355890
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I know, I used to be Catholic.

Charity doesn't 'cure' sin. Ultimately it is all up to God, but Muslims consider that doing good deeds is one way of doing penance for sins.

>> No.6355923
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I feel these everyday.
>will never get the best education in the world
>will never be as intellectually abled or have the deductive capacity as many people I know at those universities
>graduated from a two year school
>have been working temp job to temp job since then
>lack common sense
>physically terrible at everything I do and clumsy
>wholly uncompetitive and take failures very hard
I just want to find something that I am good at.

>> No.6355929

Doing penance for sin doesn't erase sin. We are in an ocean of sin, God can either make us come out of it depriving us of all agency, or he can plunge himself into sin to offer us his hand, and that's going to hurt because the wages of sin are separation from God, God has to be separated from himself. If God did not do that, we could only come back by being remote controlled automatons, if at all, in which case we wouldn't have souls, in which case there would be nothing coming back to God. And that's suggesting God exert his will in sin (that is separating from himself), without his will ever actually descending into the wages of sin, which doesn't quite make sense; the idea of God remote controlling something, without that something having God's presence in it, doesn't stand to reason.

>> No.6355947

whatever you need to tell yourself...

>> No.6355958

this caused me to convert

>> No.6355965
File: 273 KB, 1000x1500, islam_says_no_to_burning_churches_by_nayzak-d7ulmpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing penance for sin doesn't erase sin.
>or he can plunge himself into sin
That doesn't make sense. It's just a dogma. He made the laws, he forgives them. Simple. None of this blood sacrifice pagan nonsense is necessary.

>> No.6355983

So what's with the Catholic obsession with penises?

>> No.6355984

I don't think you understand what "sin" is. Sin is not simply breaking the law, as in pissing of God. Sin is to turn away from God, that is to numb one's soul to spirituality in favor of non-spiritual satisfaction, which is ultimately empty, it superficial. It is like turning building a wall around your room so you can't hear your loved ones, and just focusing on video games or whatever rather than communion in love. Sin is to break away from communion with God, it's not some legalistic thing. When Christ said, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" he was expressing the agony of the wages of sin. These wages are not punishment, they aren't wrath, they are simply a natural conclusion stepping out of communion with God, God isn't tormenting you, it simply hurts being out of communion with him.

>> No.6355998

I suggest you read this, namely the Orthodox and Catholic understandings, since Episcopalians share much with those

>> No.6355999

That's a nice explanation but I still don't buy the dogma of Christ dying for our sins.

>> No.6356009

Here is the Episcopal stance summed up well

Why do you have a problem with Christ having to die for sins? Christ had to enter in absolute separation from God, or else how would God's presences be down here for us in sin? Let alone in hell (the state Christ until he was risen).

>> No.6356011

>the state Christ was in during his death until he was risen

>> No.6356012

God becoming separated from himself is nonsensical.

There is no need for any of this stuff.

>> No.6356013

>Islamists have to to post anime art to seem even remotely sane
top kek

>> No.6356014
File: 216 KB, 1280x824, islam_says_no_to_rape_by_nayzak-d7uyvay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's irony. I find the pictures hilarious.

>> No.6356016

It's not nonsensical, since sin is literally separation from God. How is God's presence supposed to be in separation-from-God without being separated from God?

>> No.6356018

There is nothing wrong about Vatican II.

>> No.6356024
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>since sin is literally separation from God.
That's a matter of definition. Why do you need to define it that way?

>> No.6356027

Because if sin were from God, then it would be holy. Sin is not from God, ergo it is separate from him.

>> No.6356030

How can something separate from God exist?

>> No.6356033

Through humanity's creation.

Are you seriously going to suggest that sin is Godly?

>> No.6356043

I'm questioning the ontological status of sin. How can something outside Being exist? Being is all there is, there is nothing outside it. Are you saying that humans create things that exist outside Being? If sins are 'non-being', then they don't actually exist.

>> No.6356044

So you're saying Being and God are synonymous? You're a pantheist?

>> No.6356046
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God is the actuality of Being, anon.

>> No.6356050

That is redundant. Being and actuality are synonymous.

I'm going to asking you again: doing think think Being (to exist) is synonymous with God? Are you a pantheist?

>> No.6356057
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>doing think think Being (to exist) is synonymous with God
Allah is Being

>Are you a pantheist

>> No.6356058

If you defined God as "what exists", then you are a pantheist.

>> No.6356060

That's what westerners say about advaita vedanta, but it isn't actually the case.

>> No.6356065

I don't know enough about that comment, I only know that you are saying God and reality are synonymous, which is the definition of pantheism.

>> No.6356070
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>being this delusional

>> No.6356077

If he was bright, he wouldn't be studying a dead language.

>> No.6356078

How can something that doesn't exist, exist?

>> No.6356085

Do you know what "synonymous" means? Grass is green, but "grass" is not synonymous with "green".

>> No.6356090

>what are gradations/determinations of being

>> No.6356092

Get out of here with your memetext, Niggle Faregg, leave them to it. It's interesting to read.

>> No.6356098

There are determinations of Being, but not gradations except relative to a specific determination of Being, not toward Being in toto.

>> No.6356170
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>interesting to read muslim animu shitposter

>> No.6356269

They don't go into them. They don't even have them as a hobby but an identity. Same shit as people who call themselfs gamers in the last 5 years. They are just there for the identity, not for the hobby in-itself. There's a reason why Philosophy and Religion are higher forms of meaning than Ideology, let alone sub-cultures.