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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 84 KB, 600x900, The_Hitchhiker's_Guide_to_the_Galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6355076 No.6355076 [Reply] [Original]

How far did you make it before the reddit style humor got to you?

>> No.6355080 [DELETED] 


>> No.6355082

Come on now, leave the innocent book alone.

>> No.6355083

I liked the movie before I knew about reddit or Douglas Adams

I don't care about the books

>> No.6355084

>Disliking culturally significant books because the style reminds you of a website another website dogmatically hates

>> No.6355086

Wow, another thread that obtained 3 admonishing posts in under sixty seconds. Tonight really is a special night for the board.

>> No.6355088

caught ourselves a redditor boys!

>> No.6355093

I think you missed the point of his post

>> No.6355099 [DELETED] 

caught ourselves a virgin boys!

>> No.6355103

caught ourselves a samefag boys!

>> No.6355104


you underestimate the tenacity of dedicated shitposters

>> No.6355108
File: 9 KB, 388x106, Screenshot from 2015-04-03 23:04:20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caught ourselves a cornered troll boys!

>> No.6355109 [DELETED] 

says you OP

>> No.6355111


Any fellow redditbros here?

>> No.6355124
File: 18 KB, 416x98, Screen Shot 2015-04-03 at 9.07.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try plebbitor

>that dark like my soul /r/atheist theme

>> No.6355127 [DELETED] 

nice shoop virgin

>> No.6355129


English majors, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.6355130



>> No.6355131 [DELETED] 

keep denying it you little virgin

>> No.6355133

nice projection there reddit

maybe you should subscribe to some computers for dummies subreddits

>> No.6355135

I liked it in 6th and 7th grade, back when I read them

I was cleaning and found the books recently. I opened to a random page and hated it, but anyone who like "lol so randum xD" would like it

>>that dark like my soul /r/atheist theme
"Tomorrow" theme is best theme. Very easy on the eyes

>> No.6355137
File: 50 KB, 861x931, my face when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6355141

I no longer understand this board

Everything is strange today

>> No.6355142

The humor lasts for a short story at most. How he managed to make several books out of it is beyond me. And television is an even worse medium for this type of humor.

>> No.6355145 [DELETED] 

hahahahhaha virgin

>> No.6355147


1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. (UP:1443 | WS:2210 | Total:3653)
2. 1984 by George Orwell. (UP:1447 | WS:2090 | Total:3537)
3. Dune by Frank Herbert. (UP:1122 | WS:2140 | Total:3262)
4. Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. (UP:967 | WS:1750 | Total:2717)
5. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. (UP:931 | WS:1680 | Total:2611)
6. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. (UP:1031 | WS:1530 | Total:2561)
7. The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. (UP:907 | WS:1320 | Total:2227)
8. The Bible by Various. (UP:810 | WS:1230 | Total:2040)
9. Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. (UP:603 | WS:1220 | Total:1823)
10. Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling. (UP:1169 | WS:560 | Total:1729)

>> No.6355151
File: 170 KB, 800x800, 1428072918917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8. The Bible by Various. (UP:810 | WS:1230 | Total:2040)

>> No.6355156

>8. The Bible
>10. Harry Potter Series

What sick hell have I been cast upon

Free me from this dimension

>> No.6355158

literally nothing wrong with the bible, although I doubt most of them read it

>> No.6355159

>things I read in middle school the list

I'm surprised catch 22 isn't on there

>> No.6355160

Fucking Christ, all of my hatred for leddit xD is justified

>> No.6355162

Never read it, saw the old TV show when I was a kid and liked it though.

I would bet its like Monty Python, if you can separate it from the idiots who think they are part of a secret club when they quote it or the fact that the lolsorandum humor has been squeezed dry by less talented copycats and memery it still holds up well.

>> No.6355164
File: 91 KB, 1025x772, 1428110470832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bible being redditcore is enough to be wrong

>> No.6355166


>> No.6355168

I was criticizing the placement of the two on the same list, and relatively evenly ranked at that

>> No.6355174
File: 10 KB, 179x282, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30. Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. (UP:265 | WS:520 | Total:785)

Fuck this book.

>Humans are not special! Why are humans so arrogant and think they're better or different than any other animals?
>2 minutes later

>> No.6355180

How can a list this bad exist in this world

Its presence on earth disturbs me

>> No.6355189
File: 3.56 MB, 3000x2500, 1425766867601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read this in prison without having a clue what it was. i enjoyed it immensely. i am a huge sci-fi fan so my opinion is biased.

>> No.6355197

I read the entire collected volume in 10 hours falling asleep for the second half because I was working a shitty call center job and I was manning a station literally no one called.

It was enough to keep me semi-awake. I don't remember most of it after the first book or so except for brief snatches of things.

>> No.6355198

You could've earned a law degree while you were in prison m8.

>> No.6355200
File: 12 KB, 300x333, Brita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your fucking presence disturbs me. go tip it somewhere else.

>> No.6355202

What were you in for?

>> No.6355204

only there for 10 months m9. i took classes that to my eternal surprise really did transfer to a proper uni. it astonishes me just thinking about that prison classroom. astronomy and a tech math class that was basically measurements. a monkey could pass it but these monkeys were having severe difficulty.

>> No.6355212

meth. i used to do alot of meth.

>> No.6355214


>> No.6355218

You should've shoved the teacher aside and started standing and delivering. Turn society's trash that the into a bunch of mathematicians

You could've gotten a biopic deal

>> No.6355219

Its humor was good, it's just that people took it and tried to recreate its humor without ever succeeding, so it's easy to see it as worse just by association. The first book at least is still very funny.

>> No.6355232

Are you sure that's not nostalgia talking? Its brand of humor is fairly trivial to emulate.

>> No.6355233


Oh boy

>> No.6355236

Yeah I got towards the end of the third book. It wasn't going anywhere and the humor was too random to enjoy.
Good jokes = Funny
Good jokes + Random = Funny
Random != Funny

>> No.6355238
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 1424201454640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being this mad

>> No.6355239

I read that shit long before reddit's existence.

>> No.6355242

It's a poor man's version of Body Rituals among the Nacirema


>> No.6355244


Ultimate dilettante

>> No.6355248


How can he put "Mein kampf", "The Bible" and Dovstoyetsky in the same list ... "The Game" by Niel Stauss ... Just why?

>> No.6355260

It's a list with The Monster At The End Of This Book in it, it's obviously not mean to be serious

>> No.6355263


"The Communist Manifesto" ... "Atlas Shrugged"

>> No.6355264

Douglas Adams is a God. Name one other author that has mastered all of the following

>describing mundane things objectively in meticulous technical detail
>super funny, random, and quirky names
>pointing out ridiculous human assumptions while ironically making most of the galaxy anthropocentric

>> No.6355265

the astronomy professor was a christian fundamentalist and always said "allegedly" before giving ages of things because he thought the earth was 6000 years old. it was fucked up.

>> No.6355267

Sounds like prager university in prison

>> No.6355268

>never go to reddit
>dislike the things 4chan attributes to them
>though always suspect that it's far closer to 4chan than most like to believe
>see this

>> No.6355279
File: 23 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Prove it redditor. Prove it isn't real.

>> No.6355282

I've only read it within the past year, and I would say that it's much more consistent at nailing its style of humor than any of the others trying to emulate it.

>> No.6355291

I'm not talking about the merits of his style even assuming it's wholly original. I'm talking about how a distinct style like that can carry an entire book or even several books.

It grows stale fast.

>> No.6355464

It's a short read, and not every sentence has some sort of punchline in it. Perhaps after the reading the rest it grows boring, but for at least the first one it does fine on its own.

>> No.6355809

All the way through. Reddit didn't exist when I read it, and there's nothing wrong with surreal humour, especially when there's a fairly dark cynicism underlying a lot of it.

>> No.6355813
File: 107 KB, 297x470, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joseph Heller.
Now fuck off to leddit.

>> No.6355814

it's one of my favorite books of all time

>> No.6355834


I enjoyed it very much, especially The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. First two books are awesome, after that he's just in it for the money.

You also have to take it in the context of its time. It was very original and funny for the 70s/80s, just like Python was completely fresh and novel in the 60s/70s. It's not logical to criticise something on the basis that you don't like the derivatives that it inspired. That's like saying you don't like Black Sabbath because it sounds too much like Electric Wizard.

>> No.6355837

but i like black sabbath.

>> No.6355839
File: 2.42 MB, 1024x720, grandmagettingbeatn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6355841


Jesus Christ, what is wrong with some people.

>> No.6355846
File: 57 KB, 640x591, 1428042060001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

metal is brutal

>> No.6356262

I can never know if reddit-haters are serious.
You do know that reddit is huge, right? r/menrights is a bit different than r/indieheads.

It's like saying you hate 4chan while you only browsed /b/

>inb4 redditor spotted
Sure, and if you think 4chan isn't full of redditors, you must be fuckin high

>> No.6356264

you ruined my day fucking edgelord

>> No.6356266

>Sure, and if you think 4chan isn't full of redditors, you must be fuckin high

We know it is, and that's why 4chan has gone to shit now.

>> No.6356270

Never mind reddit, I just thought that the book sucked and wasn't funny or clever at all. I think I made it two chapters before calling it quits.

>> No.6356278

for those who read the whole saga, do you think I should read the following books if I thought the first one was meh?

>> No.6356317

There's two types of 4channers.

4channers who've never been to reddit, and 4channers who aren't schizophrenics.

>> No.6356324

>welcome to /lit/, we take ourselves very seriously here.

The book is great OP, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, at least on this website. Also anyone who sincerely uses "reddit" as a description or argument can fuck right off back to >>>/tv/

>> No.6356328
File: 189 KB, 717x880, FviuO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The book is great OP

>> No.6356336

Alright, explain why the humor is "reddit" and why that is bad.

Textual examples, please.

>> No.6356347

you won't get a satisfying answer because there isn't a 'reddit humour'

>> No.6356352

>mfw I ask a book related question on /lit/ but anons would rather talk about how dae le reddit is bad
>no face

>> No.6356357

The truth is that nobody has read the whole saga. The following books aren't bad per se, but get increasingly obscure and strange. So if the first one was up your alley, let's say I wouldn't order the whole set from amazon.

>> No.6356360

It now goes deeper than that, ever visit /tv/ or /v/, they now label every thing they dont like as "literally meme the x" (x being what ever it is you wish to fill in ie, "literally meme the movie").

Its the easiest way to hand wave hate something because you have no good criticism of it, or you never even tried to watch or read it.

The next step it to equate every fucking meme to Reddit or 9gag.

Not trying to oldfag here but 5 maybe 6 years ago it used to be fark or somethingawful, but now days reddit is a easier target being that a few Oldfags now call it home.

>> No.6356361

Literally 'Reddit: the post'

>> No.6356364

Oh wow, he done it again, the madman.

>> No.6356366


>> No.6356368

Whoa meta.

>> No.6356377


The difference between Reddit and 4chan is that Reddit is partly shit and 4chan is completely shit.

>> No.6356385

I'm glad you're able to rationalise going on reddit

Upvoted ^

>> No.6356393

it's true though

the bad thing about reddit is that you can't call someone a faggot when they're being a faggot unless you wanna get banned

>> No.6356399

Upvoting mechanism is a killer to any kind of discussion. Also reddit stinks

>> No.6356402

ask for recommendations on /lit/:
>you have shit tastes
>go back to reddit
>entry level garbage, lurk more

ask for recommendations on book-related subreddits:
>get actual recommendations

>> No.6356405

I recommend you actually go to Reddit

>> No.6356421


it was weak! try the old bbc miniseries. It's ugly but it's awesome.

check the intro music out:

would've posted episode 1 but the intro isn't on that one. iirc the series covers the first two books. which are the best ones anyways.

>> No.6356547

>not "by God"

>> No.6356552

How about you choose yourself and stop whining?

>> No.6356575

I feel like reddit is the rendez-vous of a community of dwarfs that succeed in making each other think they are tall.

>> No.6358647

Marvin the depressed robot was the only good thing in the entire series.

>> No.6358667

Hear, hear.

>> No.6358697

Hannibal is closer to literature than it is television. A great script with great costume design and practical effects, with one or two good actors, decent cinematography and the rest being pretty forgettable...it's still more than watchable.

>> No.6358722

Never, because I never read it. The movie rubbed me wrong when I was a kid too.

>> No.6358728

About 42 days.

>> No.6358739

Yes, humans are part of nature. However, human society acts in a way that believes they are the controllers or overlords of nature rather than as equal members. This is the reason why civilization is headed for disaster.
How fucking dumb are you that you couldn't understand Ishmael?

>> No.6358751
File: 7 KB, 300x168, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fear that no one has ever explained explicitly why 4chan hates reddit, not superficially (reddit has upboats xD) but really go deep and grab the essence of reddit's userbase and the reason it is so repulsive.

Pic related, a reddit picture.

>> No.6358766

I read the whole saga as a kid and a teen about fifteen times. Blinded by nostalgia, I'll recommend it.

>> No.6358769

To be fair, the book was written before reddit was created, so you can't fault the book for that.

>> No.6358773

you're disgustingly new

>> No.6358784

they dont like reddit because it steals their memes

>> No.6358795

Fastidium etenim est in rebus manifestissimis probationes adducere.

>> No.6358812

I cringed
He's as bad as reddit itself and the worst part is that he doesn't know it

>> No.6358817

His voice is annoying and his style is too disorganized.

>> No.6358819

what's your problem with foreverpandering?

>> No.6358823

Not much, just my body reacts by cringing.

>> No.6358838

>gets actual recommendations
>from reddit

>> No.6358941

When I was about 10 I read the first three books in one day, while being drug along shopping with my mother. This was long before reddit existed, probably 93 or 94. I was young enough that the extreme bleakness of the last book kind of bothered me.

I remember the humor being much more satirical then it was random, despite the fact that the ship ran on randomness, which is abandoned mostly after the first couple of books.

I'm really sorry that atheists in general and reddit in particular seem to have ruined these books for anyone that uses the internet.

>> No.6358955

90% of everything is shit. Both Reddit and 4chan are by and large just shit. The difference between reddit and 4chan is that our shit is a hard, solid turd that - while you wouldn't put it on display or anything - you feel proud of squeezing out. Reddit's shit is just runny gassy crap

>> No.6358992

Are you baiting or this seriously fucking dumb? What happens when you wolves kill all the deer and starve to death? Is that natural? Does the planet fucking care? Does the universe care humans destroy the planet?

The book is the ultimate piece of hypocrisy when it starts railing against anthropocentrism and then falls into the exact same trap.

Please tell me this is bait, I can't accept people are this brainwashed.

>> No.6359037

>tfw I read the whole sage and sixth one written by Eoin Colfer.

>> No.6360248

Some people on 4chan post constantly about Reddit. It's like an atheist vlogger who apparently hates Christianity but rambles on about it more than believers. It's the same mentality as "durrr anonymous is legion" and in a few years you're all going to look back and cringe.

>> No.6360353

Get spoon fed more.

>> No.6360366

You forgot that your last line should actually read:
>get actual recommendations of shit

>> No.6360384

And if it goes anything like with atheism on 4chan, we'll have suddenly a ton of "pro-reddit" threads like we have with these weird christianity threads

>> No.6361372

I like the first two books, but even when I first read them in my early teens, I disliked the corny humor. I like the setting, I don't like the prose. Who doesn't want to hang out at Milliways drinking Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters?

>> No.6361397

>36. Various by Dr. Seuss. (UP:235 | WS:500 | Total:735)
This list is post sincerity.

>> No.6362207

Speak of the devil:


>> No.6363559

Never been to reddit, but I first read Adams in 1984. It's a great series, if one ignores the last book.

>> No.6363695



>> No.6363709

I'm a newfag, what's wrong with Catcher in the Rye and 1984?

>> No.6363712

>doing bird for doing drugs

What third world asian shithole are you from bruv?

>> No.6363839
File: 291 KB, 1638x1224, 1407545001253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw newfags
Lurk more