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6355052 No.6355052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Subnormal children and on the handicapped… It’s the attempt to bring everybody to the level of the handicapped. It includes the mentally retarded, subnormal children who are not able to learn. So at the end of spending thousands of millions of the tax payers’ dollars, you’re left with a half-idiot who may learn to read and write. May!" - Ayn Rand

is she right?

>> No.6355064

At least in America. Education standards are in the shitter just so people won't be called racist because Jequandrius can't keep up with Andrew.

>> No.6355066


Do you consider black people 'subnormal' or 'retarded?'

>> No.6355091
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>ayn rand, ayn reich, ayn volk
>being right

>> No.6355402

You know what the answer to that is.

I expect Ayn Rand's child einsteins to be autodidacts so they should have at least been able to go to the private library unless the library entrance toll is too expensive for them.

>> No.6355409

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6355411


god forbid we talk about writers on lit!

>> No.6355611 [DELETED] 

>is she right?

Yeah, the education system sucks, but that's on purpose. You and Rand are wrong to think dumb people are dragging us all down to their levels.

Bitching about tax dollars. *spits*

>> No.6355786

you are a sophisticated, enlightened person.

>> No.6355792

>writers who disrespect their own fanbase

>> No.6355793
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Now that's fucking funny.

>> No.6355802


>> No.6355804
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ayy lmao

>> No.6355811

No, but they score less. Consistently. And inner city (high black/hispanic population schools) underperform to an insane degree, lowering the standards for everyone else in their state

>> No.6355832


>Ayn Rand


>> No.6355844
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I wonder if malnutrition has anything to do with it. I do sometimes wish non white people would fucking smarten up and get their act together, no one's saying the past is gone but jesus stop acting in a way that basically justifies racism.

>> No.6355856

African Americans have an average IQ of 85. That's 15 points below the national average, so yes they are subnormal. You need an IQ of 70 or lower to be considered to have an intellectual disability. A higher proportion of American blacks have an IQ below 70 than the general population, as 16% of American blacks are officially "retarded" compared to 2% of the general population. Even more are "borderline retarded." Considering blacks internationally, the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africa is 70, which means that 50% of blacks there are officially "retarded" and a good proportion are "borderline retarded." So yes, worldwide, blacks are subnormal, and their rates of intellectual disability are enormous compared to those of other races.

>> No.6355857
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ayn rand is strictly neckbeard-core. they secretly fancy her tbh.

>> No.6355862

The reason this is a problem is because we've labelled tracking programs racist and classist. Some kids just belong in advanced-level classrooms, and (conversely) some kids really just don't.

Talk to anyone who received an education outside of the US (China, Korea, the UK, Germany, etc.) and it's clear that they actually had to work hard, study more, and compete with their classmates for rankings in a way that was far more demanding than we typically have here in the states. Special ed kids and fuckups don't share a classroom with the smart kids (and by smart I mean capable, competent, able to take a test and demonstrate that they actually know things and can apply their knowledge of those things to solve problems) because it's generally accepted that to promote an average, broad educational model just hurts everyone in the long run. Literally the only reason we don't have this system here is feelings - so it doesn't hurt a kid or their parent(s) when they find out they've been labelled 'below-average' and put in a system that is actually designed to accommodate them and help them improve from the starting point they're actually in; and also so people don't point at the scores of dumb black kids and become uncomfortable when they notice real intellectual inequality (that stems from culture/poverty, I don't buy the /pol/ biological shit because I actually do see examples of black intelligence in my day to day life).

Anyway- The 'smart kid who slacked his way through grade school and found himself unable to study properly in college' is a distinctly American phenomenon. International students are wiping the floor with American students at our universities and will continue to for the foreseeable future because smart American kids got a bad, coast-your-way-through-class education and don't know what it really feels like to learn. This is Clinton and Bush's fault

>> No.6355863



>> No.6355864

There are plenty of poor white kids who suffer the same malnutrition and other deprivations as poor black kids and they still score higher. Transracial adoption studies of identical twins controlled for economic status also show a racial discrepancy in results, despite the children having identical genes and similar environments. Obviously environment has an effect, but we know the intergenerational studies that IQ is about 80% heritable, and that 80% accounts for most of the difference in IQ scores between different races. The differences between whites, Asians, and Jews are negligible compared to the differences between the scores of Negroids and Australoids and all other races.

>> No.6355868

Herrnstein, Richard J, and Charles A. Murray. The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. Print.

>> No.6355876



And how would you defend you position if someone were to argue: muh IQ tests are culturally biased?

>> No.6355877
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I just googled "average iq of african americans" and read the first few results. This isn't some big hidden secret esoteric mystery.

>that stems from culture/poverty
Environment actually has a limited effect on IQ. Genes are more important. A child conceived by two intelligent parents and then adopted by stupid trailer trash will still be intelligent, just less so than he could have been. Unless part of African American culture includes bashing their skulls against walls, I don't see how it could have such an effect on their IQs.

>I don't buy the /pol/ biological shit because I actually do see examples of black intelligence in my day to day life
Anecdotes. Of course there are intelligent blacks. There are black geniuses with IQs in the 200s. There's just a lot fewer of them proportionately than there are white geniuses. There are also proportionately a lot more blacks with intellectual disabilities. This doesn't mean you have to expect every black you meet to be stupid until proven otherwise. These are just bell curves. Personally I expect everyone I meet to be stupid until proven otherwise, regardless of their race.

>> No.6355879


What about the language and cultural bias though? Your 'environment' argument is myopic, how would you argue that the test isn't culturally biased?

>> No.6355881

So exactly what are these cultural biases?

IQ simply measures the intellectual skills needed to succeed within academic and professional institutions in modern industrial societies. This is what our culture values, what it rewards. What should IQ tests include to counteract this bias toward what is actually valuable to our society? Upper body strength? Dick measurements? Ability to play basket ball?

>> No.6355886

>squares and circles are cluturally biased
You can test IQ for a 5 years old. How much culture can those little shits have?

>> No.6355894

The ability to recognize and conform to language and cultural expectations within academic and professional institutions is a sign of intelligence. If a black is unable to understand any language register than ebonics or any cultural signifiers than their ghetto culture despite being surrounded by and immersed in a larger popular culture, chances are that that black isn't very intelligent anyway. A black has to be able to talk white to succeed in academia and the professions. Why would a test designed to measure potential academic and professional success reward a test taker for being unable to achieve academic or professional success?

IQ tests are supposedly written by white Europeans. East Asians score higher on IQ tests than white Europeans do. So are East Asians more white European than white Europeans themselves are? Obviously that is the case, because these people are better able to intuit the cultural biases that the white Europeans write into their tests. Who would have guessed? People from a completely alien culture better conform to our culture than we ourselves do.

>> No.6355899
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>squares and circles
pic related is a practice question for WISC IV

>> No.6355903
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How about the fact that the tests were designed by old white men based in and are steeped in bias towards a base in western discourse. You could argue that then this would also bring down the Asian score or would only slightly affect the standard deviation which would be valid, but the tests still have unequivocal evidence of cultural bias.

Inb4: Muh Thomas Sowell

I totally agree with the premise that there are discrepancies between racial intelligences but the Stanford-Binnet and Milner analogies test are unequivocally heavily biased towards people with a westernized upbringing.

I live in a shit tier black majority country where you'd need to be blind not to see that there is a huge discrepancy in intelligence, it's almost unbearable dealing with the lumpenproles (Inb4 999 society fag here), but then how do you treat the issue?

>> No.6355906

>Yo nigga I be dryin' my drawers in the stove all the time cuz ma famfam be too shawt ta afford da laundramat, so da answer be STOVE. Dis IQ test bidness be retarded easy an' shit.

>This kind of thing is what race denialists actually believe is the reason why blacks bomb IQ tests.

>> No.6355908

MAT example

Bach : Composing :: Monet :

a. painting
b. composing
c. writing
d. orating

>> No.6355911

Don't afroamericans have westernized upbringings?
Also - do you believe black people could design intelligence test in which they would outperform whites? The one that wouldn't base on swearing and shootin' other niggas?

>> No.6355913

>Unless part of African American culture includes bashing their skulls against walls, I don't see how it could have such an effect on their IQs

Have in mind that blacks have been rejected from "intelectual jobs" and were seen as trash citizens (still mostly), therefore intelligence has never been a social advantage in their society. Look at how the ban to perform certain jobs for jews in Europe has affected their IQ and intellectual capabilities.

>Personally I expect everyone I meet to be stupid until proven otherwise, regardless of their race

Oh, you are one of those, nevermind then.

>> No.6355914


Samefag here, kek'd heartily.

>> No.6355918

Okay. Let's make a new test, one that cuts out all Western cultural things like being able to do well in school or participate in the international professional-mangerial class. Let's test for the kind of intelligence needed to survive in African culture. We'll strip students naked and dump them in the jungle and whoever survives a month wins the seal of African intelligence. Wait--why the hell would we do that?

>> No.6355921


This is a straw nigga my friend.

>> No.6355926

If you're not going to perform well on a test biased toward civilization, chances are you're not going to perform well in civilization itself, either. Oh, and look, that's exactly what's happening with Africans. It's like IQ tests measure something that's actually useful.

>> No.6355927

So... Do you think blacks in africa had intelectual jobs? Was intelligence a social advantage in tribal societies? Or maybe they were considered dumb because they never had a chance to evolve towards anything else than hunting zebras?

>> No.6355930
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>> No.6355940

>Implying she herself didn't use tax payer money for treatments

She's the worst kind of hypocrite, the kind who doesn't even see themselves as such,

>> No.6355942


This is valid.


This is not. You wouldn't last 2 minutes before you were being correctively raped into checking your privilege if you were up against an actual sjw.

>> No.6355943

No I don't. In fact, although black's IQ is lower than whites, it still bumped from their gatherer/hunter days. What I'm saying is that the IQ of a population changes a lot under enviromental pressure, so you can't really say "blacks are stupid because they are black". IQ has a great genetic component, but population genetics are greatly determined by the enviroment.

In america, blacks have been marginalised to a point that their full and correct integration in society is really hard. Same thing happens with gypsies in europe, and without the need to go racial, the favela's population in brazil.

>> No.6355946

>inb4 SJW
Honestly doubt so.

>> No.6355949

What's your endgame? Why can't you get to the point? Let's assume that you've managed to definitively convince the world that niggers are, indeed, stupid due to genetics and evolution. What then?

>> No.6355950
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>> No.6355954

So... Blacks are dumb cause they lived in Africa -> blacks were taken to America where they are still dumb -> they get marginalised cuz they dumb => whites made blacks dumb ?

>> No.6355956

Then I don't have to listen to retarded SJ rants about quotas and such.

>> No.6355959

Is your definition of "environmental pressure" getting their wombs pumped full of white slave master semen for a few generations?

African Americans are what, 30% genetically Caucasian?

Of course they're going to get a boost to intelligence over their African-African relatives, regardless of their environment. They're already genetically different.

>> No.6355960

So much autism.

>> No.6355961


So you want to de-politicize blacks? We tried that where I'm from, it doesn't work.

>> No.6355969

More like they were dumb because they lived in Africa -> blacks were taken to America to work as slaves and after being freed from slavery they were still treated like shit -> blacks can't integrate into society. White people took them from their enviroment and now ask them to integrate like nothing has happened when their "american" culture/society has been (and continues to be) a servant one.

Also I don't see why you people take IQ and cultural integration as the same thing, when you can be a "good member of society" without the need of a high IQ. IQ's that doesn't allow that kind of thing are the retardation ones.

If you are talking about phenotipic characters as skin pigmentation and relating them to IQ, which isn't even 100% genetic you should read a book on genetics man.

Enviromental pressure exist always, it can mean Mongols decapitating anyone taller than a cart's wheel, or it can mean laywers and doctors getting hotter wives.

>> No.6355978

>muh race is just skin color

I've read many books on genetics.

>> No.6355981

Well, then it doesn't show, pal.

captcha: darki

>> No.6355986

Your ignorance is a social construct.

>> No.6355987


Inb4 'The Selfish Gene'


>> No.6355989

I'm a biochemist, you are probably a wanker who read some introductory book on biology years ago.

>> No.6355991

>Then I don't have to listen to retarded SJ rants about quotas and such.
Protip, if that's all you want, then there are much easier ways to achieve that.

>> No.6355992

Okay fucklords so whats the answer then, complete capitulation? Genocide? Multiculturalism? Integration? Affirmative action? Assuming you want some meritocracy what is the answer?

>> No.6355993


>> No.6355997

I'm a biological anthropologist with a PhD in human evolution. I mostly just do forensics these days. There's just something about accurately identifying the race of skeletonized remains day after day after day that sort, I don't know, convinces you that maybe it's real? Anyway, stick to your field, kid.

>> No.6356001

Seperatism. Not segregation. Seperatism.

>> No.6356003

Just with better public schools and higher education for everyone (not just blacks) things will improve (not resolve).

I find hard to beleive that given the shit you are spouting. You didn't even knew what I was referring to enviromental pressure.

>> No.6356004

Whatever you say, kid.

>> No.6356005
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Inb4 autistic 18 year old "that sort. I don't know" stick to your field kid

>> No.6356006


So Apartheid?

>> No.6356008


I thought that was segregation.

>> No.6356015


It's basically segregation too the point of separatism. It doesn't fucking work.

>> No.6356019



>> No.6356047

And South Africa today is such a sterling example of the successes of integration.

Seriously though, if there's blacks living inside the borders of the country, it isn't seperatism.

Apartheid only failed because of international pressure. Same with Rhodesia.

>> No.6356056

I can't wait til Eugenics becomes politically tenable again.

>wow get a load of this edgelord
>tips fedora

>> No.6356059

AFAIK it worked pretty good. South Africa went to shit only after someone let the monkeys out.
Anyway it's not the way to go. Universal acces to education and social work to show niggas being ghetto knight is not the only way to live.
Funny how there are no such problems in my country though. Low numbers of minorities make all of them to integrate at a basic level. The only one who doesn't are gypsies with their long tradition of being bums. Seems like the problem is creating subcultures. In this case getting blacks out of the gettos ould be the best move. Like maybe a program of cheap houses for poor people, but each far away from another such houses so they can't make their own bubble of nigga-world.

>> No.6356061

"Or as I've taken to calling it, Cat + Fancy."

Good lord.

>> No.6356102

>Apartheid only failed because of international pressure same with Rhodesia

Your ignorance is disturbing, Apartheid failed because the politicized blacks turned to eastern and social democratic regimes for support because 'murica and thatcher branded them terrorists. They then made the country ungovernable, being the majority, which was inevitably bound to happen.

All the fuckery in this countries political situation, demagogic kakiocrats and the like are the indirect result of apartheid and said fucks only have political potential because of apartheid.

Under apartheid blacks weren't classed as citizens and couldn't occupy white space and the 'separatism' you're proposing is beyond autistic (ship em' off back to africa so my neet feedoms aren't encroached upon by niggers and I can live happily in pure white murica and jack off to cartoon ponies and dequan won't fuck my girlfriend) ... it's not a fucking solution. Who the fuck would necessitate all of this? People like you are the reason libtards can find easy verification in their affirmative action, welfare state shtick. If you actually gave a fuck about meritocracy and are so statistically euphoric surely having dequan around wouldn't hinder you in any way. If the standards are lowered what so what? Aren't you still scientifically euphoric enough to win anyway?

I think it's possible you've failed as a human being and want to try and equate your success with the success of your race.

You are why we can't have nice things.

>> No.6356105

you can off yourself now without the state intervention, no one's gonna sue you

>> No.6356196

>(ship em' off back to africa so my neet feedoms aren't encroached upon by niggers and I can live happily in pure white murica and jack off to cartoon ponies and dequan won't fuck my girlfriend
Sounds like paradise.

>> No.6356199

>So at the end of spending thousands of millions of the tax payers’ dollars, you’re left with a half-idiot who may learn to read and write.

yeesh ayn take it easy

>> No.6356250

>If you actually gave a fuck about meritocracy and are so statistically euphoric surely having dequan around wouldn't hinder you in any way.
I could really do without the crime, sexual disease, creation of single mother households, drug use, and decreased communal unity that also accompanies Dequan's presence.

>> No.6356271

fuck off to Syria or North Korea and enjoy the crimeless communal unity there

>> No.6356305

>literal civil war in progress
>hurr durr crimeless
Arguments ad Hitlerum rly suit you anon.

>> No.6356310

And then blacks were given total control of their country and it descended from a first world country to literally the worst country on the planet outside north korea.

>> No.6356314
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>citing the fucking Bell Curve as if it were a legitimate academic work

you, anon, are a moron

>> No.6356326

Yes. And that's not a bad thing. Because, you know, money isn't fucking everything. I couldn't give a single shit about the economy or "money". To do so is to make yourself less than sub-normal, its to make yourself nothing more than a channeler for the spook of currency.

>> No.6356339

>Environment actually has a limited effect on IQ. Genes are more important.
What a load of horseshit. Prepare for an IQ test by doing related exercises (pattern-recog) even a couple days before and your score will go up by at least two dozen points.

>> No.6356363

>prepare for an IQ test
>Score can go up slightly
>Seems like it'd have a limited effect

>> No.6356625

He's saying that the only reason people are pouring money into these types of programs is not for the sake of the children, but to keep up the appearance that they aren't "insensitive."

And this mindset produces the faulty systems and programs we have currently that serve only to fail every single student. If they truly cared, the programs would reflect that. Instead, we have the Common Core: a one-size-fits-all system that forces children into the same level of education, and thought, as well as limiting the growth and promotion of excelling students.

>> No.6356699

Before you go spouting Stirner memes, you should know in The Ego and His Own he says a competent individual would take as much money as he can.

>> No.6356789

its been 200 years you nigger apologist, the japanese had everything taken from them during the world war, and theyre doing just fine. the jews came here from eastern europe with nothing in their pockets and now they run the goddamn media and tell you that the blacks are still disadvantaged

>> No.6356811


When can this get started again?

>> No.6356845

Yes, she's right, but people can't past muh feels.

>> No.6356850

She is right, yes.

>> No.6357040

My family came to America with nothing, even less than what Blacks have had for decades, and they somehow managed to make a decent living for themselves.

There is no excuse.

>> No.6357074
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So they came to the heart of the empire and they weren't of a former slave race?
You'd expect them to stay in poverty?

You're not shaping up to be a very good namefig, fren

>> No.6357087

jej, maybe if you attend school in inner city detroit but post secondary institutions do not operate this way

>> No.6357115

Can we talk about this more? I live in Maryland and holy shit

>> No.6357130

>You could argue that then this would also bring down the Asian score or would only slightly affect the standard deviation which would be valid,
So, you're basically admitting that you're wrong?

>> No.6357137

Maybe I'm missing something here, but thats not an IQ test?

>> No.6357139

I agree with you.

Whites and asians are better suited to live in a civilized society with law and order, while niggers are better suited to live in cannibalistic tribes in the congo rainforest.

>> No.6357189

>Prepare for an IQ test by doing related exercises (pattern-recog) even a couple days before and your score will go up by at least two dozen points.
>at least two dozen
>24+ points

I don't think a person with an average IQ is going to get a score equivalent to the top 5% of intelligence on a well designed test by practicing a little a couple days in advance.

>> No.6357191

How old are you?

>> No.6357193

she's right but the problem is what to do with these handicapped kids. putting them in school just gives them something to do, and takes the load off the parents for a while. the public high school i went to had a bunch of tactile activities for the retarded kids, like basic shop classes where they could paint stuff or put things together for the drama department.

>> No.6357204

I would love a sort of eugenics program that doesn't discourage or ban people from having children, just much more strongly incentivizes smart people to do so without incentivizing less smart people to do so.

>> No.6357210

It's called "not having a welfafe state"

Shaniqua will stop having 8 babies from 8 different baby daddies if the state stops supporting her by stealing from the hard working middle class.

>> No.6357224

>Just with better public schools and higher education for everyone (not just blacks) things will improve (not resolve).

Nope. Plenty of people go into higher education and come out dumb as rocks. You can't improve public schools without improving the quality of the students. For a school to be good you really don't need, well, ANY resources. If the teacher is smart and well versed in what he's teaching and the students are well behaved and intelligent enough, you could get high quality results teaching out of a tent in the desert.

Probably less education is a better answer than more for much of society's problems. Put more kids into vocational training instead of academic secondary education. I mean let's look at poor areas of major cities. Send more of the kids who don't have an academic inclination to learn some building trades and have form work corps for the kids to fix up all the abandoned houses and buildings to convert to low-rent housing. They'll be doing a service to their community that's much needed and will learn things of more value than then would in their high schools and have skills to better position themselves to get good jobs coming out of it.

>> No.6357230

>le epic welfare queen XD

>> No.6357232

You can't get rid of the welfare state in a post-jobs economy. More people getting jobs is simply infeasible. Going forward we will need more no less welfare since the days of everyone being able to find a good job to support themselves are coming to an end fast.

>> No.6357252

That's empirically wrong. Welfare states have extremely low birth rates compared to third world shitholes. Offering free abortions and condoms will do more to stabilize birth rates than impoverishing people (which just increases births).
gb2/pol/ malthus

>> No.6357257

Welfare is not a boogey man, but a sad reality. More than a third of americans receive food stamps for example. Why the heck do they think they're entitled to free food?

>we need more welfare
Are you insane?

>> No.6357271

Inside a welfare state, people on welfare have a lot more kids than people not on welfare. Thankfully the legalization of abortion has slowed down the reproduction of welfare recipients. Something like 10 million black babies have been aborted in the past 30 years, which no doubt has helped alleviate the burden of welfare.

>> No.6357285

>Are you insane?

Whats the alternative?

More people getting jobs? That's the insane part. The days of jobs are coming to a close.

>> No.6357295

Yes, welfare recipients would be forced to find a job

>> No.6357300

>More than a third of americans receive food stamps
This isn't true. No even one sixth of Americans are on food stamps. Why should anyone listen to your opinion when you won't bother checking your facts?


>> No.6357304

People on welfare are much more impoverished than people not on welfare; with greater wealth distribution the discrepancy wouldn't be as extreme.

That's why I can't understand American political discourse. Republicans seem to want to demographically destroy themselves by increasing wealth inequality and outlawing abortion which would only work towards putting the final nail into the coffin of white America.

>> No.6357306

then you would have to create infrastructure and hire officers to make sure those people have jobs, etc. making it cost money just like welfare

>> No.6357309

Jobs are more and more being replaced by machines, so many jobs already disappeared (telephone operator, lift-operator etc)

What do you think will happen once self-driving cars will start to work 100%? All driving-related jobs (taxis, trucks, staple-lifts, fork-lifts) will disappear! It will probably create some jobs but not on the scale as has been lost (for example, one guy can probably monitor a few hundred self-driving cars).

This trend of replacing 100 jobs by 1 won't stop, and you won't have jobs for everyone.

>> No.6357312

There aren't any jobs.

>> No.6357319


yeah Republicans are fucking stupid idiots, glad you've figured it out

>> No.6357455

I have posted on 4chan using this name beforehand,
in case you were wondering,
I just post on 4chan infrequently.

>> No.6357473


>> No.6357488

>"notice real intellectual inequality (that stems from culture/poverty, I don't buy the /pol/ biological shit because I actually do see examples of black intelligence in my day to day life)"

>I don't agree with science because muh anecdote

>> No.6357607

That whole question is wrong anyway, because most people don't keep clothes in a trunk/chest. And what is that, a letter box? what are those, nothing, the postman put's letter's through the letter slot on your frontdoor. And who even folds clothes like that, no one but your mum, is your mum taking the test, nu-uh. And what's this bullshit, milk at the back of the fridge, what idiot did that, how am i supposed to make tea if you keep putting the milk at the back of the fridge, mate you trying to have a giggle? Put it at the front.

well it can still be composing, you can compose a painting, it happens, and writing as well, Monet has to write sometime, duh.

>> No.6357674

>Bump, from Maryland, do suffer.
It feels like studying is such a monumental feat after all these years of toiletbowl education

>> No.6357699

Nothing Ayn Rand ever said was right.

>> No.6357725
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>> No.6357745


She assumes that the number of handicapped and subnormal children is relevant to the grand scheme of money-usage. It isn't

>> No.6357765

>Genes dominant factor in IQ
Flynn effect? Eyferth Study? How childhood malnutrition has a huge effect on childhood intelligence? All of these are massive factors that "race realists" like to ignore or hand wave away. While I respect your position of not judging people by race until they open their mouths, you do realize that /pol/'s goal in spreading these statistics is to condemn an entire group of people without considering them individuals at all, right?

>> No.6357782

All right 1/6th, not 1/3rd. It doesn't change the crux of my argument, that an astronomically high number of people are on food stamps.

>People on welfare are much more impoverished than people not on welfare; with greater wealth distribution the discrepancy wouldn't be as extreme.
Maybe because people on welfare are lazier and make poor financial decisions?

I'm not american btw. Oh, and wealth inequality isn't a bad thing.

No, the people would be let to fend for themselves, like responsible adults.

Then why should people who can't contribute be supported by those who can?

There are always jobs.

>> No.6357825

>Then why should people who can't contribute be supported by those who can?

Many Romans ended up on a grain dole, they didn't have any work to go to, and would likely starve otherwise. A grain dole only really came into such prominence thanks to the land grabbing of the elite, sending many of the lowerclass farmers packing into the cramped city. The gracchae attempted to reform the land distribution but this came to naught.

When ever the grain dole came under threat the people rioted. It was a reliable prediction, and as much as elites may have complained about it, ironically it may have been one of the key factors stopping the masses from forming a full on revolution that would have knocked the elite class from their pedestal.

>> No.6357830

I fail to see your point.

>> No.6357887

I wasn't really making one.

>> No.6357906

Then why bother answer?

>> No.6357911


calm down your tits m8, at least he is giving information instead of shitposting

>> No.6357912

she was a pathological retard

>> No.6357917

What? I didn't mean that in an agressive way. It was a genuine question.

>> No.6357971

I kind of thought talking about the roman welfare system was an interesting point in context to your own thoughts on welfare institutions. I have no real interest in the US system, but your point here
>Then why should people who can't contribute be supported by those who can?

just made me remember 'bread and circuses'

>> No.6357973

you are a pathological retard

>> No.6357998

Yes, I agree that the american welfare state is eerily similar of Roman society during its dying days.

>> No.6358042

It is not racist to judge people on their merits. Is this how far we have come? Can blacks not even have the dignity of failure? Must they be treated like invalids? They score less. They commit more crimes. Their culture has come to encourage this.
It's a problem. And sure it's not "all blacks", but it's "black culture". At least, that is what it's participants claim it to be. Imperialism, colonialism, racism and so on all have disadvantaged them and their effects are present still. Let's not add to it by normalizing the disparity - one that goes far beyond just the economic and academic.

>> No.6358073

They've done reaction tests too. IQ goes far beyond your typical oral or written test.

>> No.6358093

Eugenics is already politically tenable. It's what increases a mother's benefits for each child they have. We just don't call it eugenics.

>> No.6358108

Flynn effect has been reversing recently in Western countries. Might very well be from the increasing percentage of minorities.

>> No.6358128


Shows how much you know.

>> No.6358183
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He isn't wrong.

>> No.6358341

>replying to butterfly

>> No.6359088

Rand eloquently articulates and reiterates my view on this matter; expending millions of tax money on retards is beyond absurd; I assert that the entirety of the AWDA be repealed as the affront it is

>> No.6359090



>> No.6359609
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>> No.6359890

>implying "race" has anything to do with legitimate science

>> No.6359895

"jobs" and "work" aren't the same thing. there might be work to be done, but there aren't very many jobs. you'd be wise to consider why that is

>> No.6359908

gee, wonder why there's a civil war happening, dipshit

>> No.6359954

Sepertate but equal.

>> No.6360064

this cant be real

>> No.6360073


Then why don't you separate yourself? Move into a white neighborhood and don't go downtown?

>> No.6360093

so if i call that number will they tell me the answer?

>> No.6360095

thats insensitive to lolbertarians

>> No.6360110

There is no blinder people than those who refuse to see.

>> No.6360112



>> No.6360114

Y'all niggas dumb as hell.

Fo real.

Like, this thread is lowering the IQ of the entre site

>> No.6360147


>> No.6360156

Y'all niggas need to watch season 4 of The Wire.

>> No.6360158

Every teacher i had in School made fun of americas School System. We had to take a 3 hour exam in which we had to Analyse a speech of bush to show with what stylistic devices he tries to convince the audience, with the age of 14/15. Students in america with the same age are stuck with fucking multiple choice tests on American history.

>> No.6360238
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>> No.6361202
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>> No.6362252

I replied to "butterfly",
For what reason did you point this out?

>> No.6362262

Is that supposed to impress us? That sounds like any assignment in high school

>> No.6362278

i'm not agreeing with racismbro but you don't need to cite shit to reference the definition of mental retardation, what a standard deviation is in the context of iq, and some math you could do with those facts and a phi table. it's called common knowledge and numerical literacy. the only thing that needs a citation is the average iq of black groups which you could likely find from any number of less biased sources

>> No.6362367

Someone gave her retarded ass a chance. Might as well let others, too.

>> No.6362390

shes definitely not left

>> No.6362404
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>> No.6362405

Separatism implies complete geographic separation of races into entirely different nation-states, whereas segregation is separation (not necessarily geographic) within states. Separatism does not promise equality.

>> No.6362410


No. Rand was a complete fool who no one should ever take seriously.

She had no regard for ethics, and less for human life. She is worshiped only by the lowest sycophantic low in society or the highest high.

She's an avatar of human greed. So no.

>> No.6362417

Yeah because we would be better off if weren't trying to turn full idiots in half idiots. What could go wrong...

>> No.6362437

It's pretty ironic actually, because if you look closely at her arguments she kinda is advocating that the individual should sacrifice himself for the community. She's argueing for communism basically and doesn't even know it.

>> No.6362445


She has a concept of what an individual should accomplish yet at the same time she has fuck idea what is at the end result of pinnacle.

>> No.6362448

>She had no regard for ethics,
Yeah because empathy is a characteristic found in so many commies, amirite? Top kek.

>> No.6362456


Compared to Rand, anyone has ethics. So I suppose you're right? She has even a basic understanding of what humans are capable of. No human can even begin to fit the definition of Rand's ideal human being, so yes, it is unethical to set such a high standard on others while having a bloated ego.

>> No.6362465

Oh yes, because the "new man" of soviet communism was such a realistic attainable figure.

>> No.6362471


When did we start talking about the Soviets? I was talking about Rand?

>> No.6362472

>The differences between whites, Asians, and Jews are negligible compared to the differences between the scores of Negroids
Not really. The IQ difference between the average Black and White American is the same as the difference between the average Jewish and White American. You don't win ~25% of Nobel prizes while being less than 0.2% of the World's population just by graft.

>> No.6362476


>> No.6362480

Sounds like you're the one talking horseshit. Have a source on that? Alos the other person who scored higher than you before would "go up by at least two dozen points" so there would still be a discrepancy.

>> No.6362490

I never got why should I care about her opinions considering how she's saying personal interest is more important than the suffering of others. If that was true, fuck her, because why should I care about some rich guy? It not in my personal interest. Saying it's like she was crying out "ALLOW ME TO BE SELFISH AND STOP MAKING ME PAY TAXES, BECAUSE THAT'S SELFISH!!!!"

>> No.6362496

Aren't the IQ differences within races itself supposed to be more diverese than the IQ differences between races?

>> No.6362536

This is a lie. Jews are an ethnic-religious community, not a race. If you're going to compare them to anyone, compare them to an analogous ethnic-religious denomination.

Anglicans outscore Jews on IQ tests, for example.

>> No.6362555

>Jews are an ethnic-religious community, not a race.
Jewish "clans" (ashkenazis, sephardic, etc...) constitute without a doubt different races.

>> No.6362570

Seeing as how the IQ within each race ranges from 0 to 200+ and within every races taken together ranges from 0 to 200+ I don't see your point. The average IQ of each race compared to each other or to the average IQ of every race taken together seems like it would be actually meaningful.

>> No.6362593

I'm saying that the IQ of the average neo nazi probably is lower in comparison to the average white person than the difference between the average white person in comparison to the average black person.

>> No.6362608


When we mean Jews like Ayn Rand, Kafka, etc. we mean Ashkenazi Jews exclusively. Apart from Emma Lazarus and Spinoza, there are no notable Sephards anyway. When we talk about those intelligent and greedy charlatans, we exclusively mean Ashkenazis. And they ARE an ethnic group.

And Anglicans in the US DO NOT outscore them - they outscore Americans whose religion is Judaism, which includes only a certain fraction of Jews in America, the smarter of which are presumably non-religious and thus not classed in that category.

So you're both wrong.

>> No.6362618
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>> No.6362630


There is no way to prove or disprove that. Just consider that Black individuals average IQ is one standard deviation below those of White individuals in the US, thus we know mathematically that 68 + (100-68)/2 % of white people score better than the average African American. So essentially, for a neo-nazi to be worse in comparison than the average Black, he would need to be in the bottom 16% of his racial bracket.

>> No.6362644
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Seeing as how no one has ever conducted an IQ survey of neo-Nazis in particular your point is pure conjecture. That said, there have been IQ studies of different political tendencies.

Observing that religious denominations with predominantly black memberships (Baptist) score lower than religious denominations with predominantly white memberships (Anglicans or atheists), I'd wager that the blacker a specific political ideology is the stupider it will be, but that's conjecture.

>> No.6362651

Anglicans outscore atheists, too.

>> No.6362659
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Also atheist Jews are apparently stupider than religious Jews lol.

>> No.6362662

I don't think your concept of race works because I reckon poverty/education plays a factor in IQ testing. Not say that you're probably more likely to have done an IQ before if you're educated and it's possible to improve IQ results with practice.

>> No.6362664

The only way to rationally solve an issue of funding to mentally handicapped (and consequently to children of lower-performing demographics) would be to evaluate how they respond to changes in their educational environments and find an optimal value whereby further funding creates minimal increases. There is no way that black children will not do better than they do now with more funding and better treatment, but if there is only a certain amount to which they can do better we cannot expect them to move past that by throwing money at them.

So while Rand has a point in saying that it is ineffective to throw money at handicapped people in hopes of 'educating' them, the truth should lie in a compromise which lets children realize their full potential (or what is essentially their full potential) with spending that is not excessive and ineffective.

Basically, children's intellectual development by group is almost certainly logistic as a function of money spent and there is a point where spending more does not do much - we need to find that point and set that as our budget for education.

>but why should we even spend any money on retarded kids? why should we let them even go to their full potential when it is nothing compared to that of a normal kid?

Because every person in a society has a right to reach their full potential. Why even have an educational system that aims to teach anything when the smartest can teach themselves? Or at least, know the entire curriculum with very little instruction? People ultimately aren't numbers but are unique creatures with subjective experiences and thoughts and everyone has the right to maximize their own potential to have these.

>> No.6362671

Who did those statistics?

>> No.6362676


That's atheist white people, not atheist Jews.

>> No.6362680

>So while Rand has a point in saying that it is ineffective to throw money at handicapped people in hopes of 'educating' them, the truth should lie in a compromise which lets children realize their full potential (or what is essentially their full potential) with spending that is not excessive and ineffective.

I'm pretty sure not throwing money at the mentally handicapped might cost you more money eventually than you would save.

>> No.6362695


That is true - like in the book IQ and the Wealth of Nations, African countries test at IQs in the 60s which is borderline mental retardation in humans (while they still maintain adequate mental function and can perform activities that people with ACTUAL 60 IQs cannot). And it IS because of the difference in education and environment.

However, how much is? The reality is, a perfect test can never be conducted unless you have an African-Majority society with equal education as a White-Majority one, and then you tested a black and white individual in these respectively.

For example, consider the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study - it found that, in foster families of equal economic aptitude, white children still performed better than black children.

This almost looks like it covers environmental factors but obviously, when you think a little, it does not because you realize that black kids could be treated differently by their peers and even their foster families.

It's impossible to conduct a perfect experiment. But from approximations like the Minnesota one, it appears likely that there are racial differences in IQ which do make sense because, for the most part, unless you are in Eurasia or the Arab states, race is pretty well-defined.

But that being said, even if there were objectively provable differences, they should have no real implication in a society except perhaps the limitation of non-skilled immigration.

>> No.6362698


How so?

>> No.6362706

>That's atheist white people, not atheist Jews.

So then this point...

>And Anglicans in the US DO NOT outscore them - they outscore Americans whose religion is Judaism, which includes only a certain fraction of Jews in America, the smarter of which are presumably non-religious and thus not classed in that category.

...is defeated.

Either way you interpret the categories you lose.

>> No.6362717

This is a little simplistic, but imagine tribal aborigines would do their own IQ tests and determine your intelligence by how well you're surviving in the australian bush, without having any gadgets or other help. Most New Yorkers would considered retarded as well.

>> No.6362723


Let's pretend for argument's sake that Jews are 50% religious and 50% non-religious, and that the non-religious ones are smarter. Thus, the average IQ of the ethnoreligious group 'Jews' is a lot higher than the religious one in your chart.

The 'atheist Jews' do not contribute to that classification's IQ as they do not identify under the religion 'Judaism'. They rather contribute to the IQ of Atheists. However, what % of white atheist are Jewish? The answer is probably below 10% considering Jews are 2% of America's population.

So the fact that non-religious, intelligent Jews identify as atheists instead of Jews does not substantially increase the Atheist score but substantially decreases the 'Jewish' score.

I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say.

>> No.6362733


Well that's the point of IQ tests. They're supposed to be objective regardless of your race as they test logical capacities. That is why Asians do not fare poorly despite being a different race and culture. Furthermore, African-Americans do not live in the bush but rather in a Western Civilization so their interpretation of IQ tests should be the same as that of white people.

>> No.6362740

My claim is that neglected idiots cause more damage than they would if you didn't neglect them. Especially in context of modern society. Burn houses down, unload their garbage in the streets or into nature reserves, cause car accidents because they can't read, shitpost on 4chan, vote for other idiots, eat your dog, rape your daughter. You name it. Better sent them to school and tame them. Otherwise it's garbage in garbage out.

>> No.6362741

It's a good thing that being able to survive in the bush is completely irrelevant in the 21st century and the skills you need to thrive in a modern industrial society are tested by IQ, then. I'm sure no one has ever suggested that Africans and Aboriginees are holdovers from the Stone Age before.

>> No.6362750

Plenty of atheist Jews still identity as Jews.

>> No.6362763

I guess primitive skills will become relevant again because of modern undustrial society. So much for intelligence.

>> No.6362765

ayo i represents queens on crime scenes duh duh duh duh murder machine stickin m16s in niggas spleens something osmething cus when i get ill it's blood spilt for real i aim my fuckin steel and shoot to kill something biscuit that i'm bustin something something fucking dutchinman.

>> No.6362767


I mean, maybe.


That says otherwise, but for Russia, not America.

It says there that 52% of Jews (ethnic) identify as non-religious or atheist, and only 13% identify as Jews (religious).

hilariously enough, 13% identify as Christians (the same amount as religious Jews) and 3% identify with pagan tengriism.

>> No.6362944

ITT: people who haven't even taken an intro to statistics course

>> No.6362946

Pure speculation and therefore completely useless.
Not even just okay as an hypothesis.
Just completely useless.
You think some one going through an institution will solve X problem.
Archaic stupid thought.

>> No.6363146

Yeah, because the "why don't we stop educating idiots because because I don't like paying taxes for them" -argument is totally based in reality and not just another expression of a reactionary/feely approach towards politics. It's not like there might be other factors to such a statement and you had to make sure a premise is correct before you throw around conclusions. Surely the world would be much better if idiots didn't have to go to school.