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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 523 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6352624 No.6352624 [Reply] [Original]

got all this for 2 bux a piece. the guy was all like: "lul, you'd've paid like a $100 at chapters for all this shit, mang."

>> No.6352631

Have you read the rest of Jane Austen? Don't judge her by Mansfield Park.

>> No.6352632

That's pretty expensive for used paperbacks.

>> No.6352642

Nope. These are the first books of hers i'm gonna read. Are you saying Mansfield Park sucks ass, or something?
not around here. average price for used paperback is $5, I'd rather pitch for a g of dank nugs.

>> No.6352683

>Mansfield Park sucks ass
I thought it did. The main character just didn't have the spark other Austen heroines show.

Some insist that the book's flaws were introduced on purpose to challenge the reader or as comedy. I didn't see it, but it's possible.

Don't let me scare you away from it, but if you don't like it it doesn't imply you won't enjoy the top tier of P&P, Emma and Northanger Abbey.

>> No.6352691

>2$ a book
no it's not

>> No.6352707
File: 41 KB, 400x599, 400px-The_Absolutely_True_Diary_of_a_Part-Time_Indian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Barnes and Noble with my mom and bought The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (pic related).
Have to read this by monday for my ENC 1102 class.
The main character is mentally and physically and deformed Native Indian attending a white highschool.

>> No.6352713

It is expensive. I can reasonably expect to find such books for 50p (that's 75c) here in the UK.

>> No.6352717

You must have checked the fuck out of that privilege.

>> No.6352721

I'm Native and went to a white highschool. Had to kick ass every single day. I was never the one to instigated a fight though. Fucking white people, fuck you guys.

>> No.6352723

Jesus, it's like the author is desperate as fuck to make you feel bad about the character. That's lame as shit.

>> No.6352729

nice fantasy, tonto. you should write a book.

>> No.6352731
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All day every day.
pic related
Well, you'd probably identify with the retarded kid then lol. He's gettin his ass whooped fightin all the time too.
Isn't it? Near all the readings in my class are like this.

>> No.6352737
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I know that feeling. I just got the Parallel Lives by Plutarch in really kickass old hardcover for just 2€.

>> No.6352739
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>tfw the white man memes with a forked tongue

>> No.6352741
File: 235 KB, 960x720, photo (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the many illustrations from the book.
Kid's an artist too. Smartest kid on the "rez"

>> No.6352755
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But those are books

>> No.6352762

You poor little impotent teenage boy. Is writing things like that how you get to feel more like a man? Go and tell your mother that you tried to hurt someones feelings on the internet, I'm sure she would be proud of you. She is certainly the only person who ever will be.
I stabbed a moose to death with a knife tied to a tree I broke in half when I was 15, you probably still slept with your parents at that age, you little scoundrel.

>> No.6352765
File: 56 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most recent get was an 1871 three-volume set of Carlyle's history of the French Revolution for £9 (~$13). Not the cheapest but I bet the same set in the US would've cost much more.

Pic related: not my copies but they're the same editions as mine.

>> No.6352766

Dubliners and the Plague are highly worth reading. Sartre is the poor man's Camus, Candide is alright if you like your philosophy served with a side of smug, and throw Austen into the trash

>> No.6352772

I work at a second hand bookshop (albeit in central London) and 50p for a (well sought after) paperback is unheard of.

>> No.6352777

How much do you guys sell Anchor paperbacks with topography by Edward Gorey?

>> No.6352782

Nice! I Where do you live?

>> No.6352783

As you suggested, being in central London (or any other city, especially a major one) will drive up the price a bit; as will the establishment being an actual bookshop, no doubt. I live in a modest Scottish town and do most of my bookhunting in charity shops ("thrift stores" to our American friends).

>> No.6352785

it depends entirely on what price abe books list it for, usually just under that price.

>> No.6352786

See >>6352783!

>> No.6352787


>all the girls ignored me

That's what happens when you're ugly.

>some of the guys called me names

Yep, sounds about right.

>they thought i was a killer

I guess that's the kind of thing you need to tell yourself.

>> No.6352789
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>> No.6352797

Yeah charity shops in London / most places I've visited tend to stock mainly either genre fiction or YA, but I have found a few gems. I get most of my clothing from them though, they're usually fantastic.

>> No.6352798

I liked this book though. I'm surprised you're reading it in college english classes but it was enjoyable.

>> No.6352799
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>> No.6352805

nice. i'm stuck with the modern library paperback.

>> No.6352809

I also killed 12 porcupines by smashing their heads with big rocks. fucking scoundrels. get off my land.

>> No.6352810

Why'd you like it?

>> No.6352814

Just ordered Shakespeare's Sonnets (Vintage Classics), Light in August (Vintage Classics), and The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt. It cost £13 including delivery (I'm housebound so thrift stores are out of the question for me) and two of the books are new, the other Very Good condition.

>> No.6352815
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Recent finds

>> No.6352816

Mansfield Park is my least favorite Jane Austen novel I've read, but Persuasion is my favorite. Nice finds, though, OP. I'd have picked those up too.

>> No.6352830

I had a few chuckles. It was not demanding at all so it was a good leisure read. People will be flustered over
>muh cuckoldry
But beyond that it was a fun read.

>> No.6352836

My usual haunt mostly has modern paperbacks on their shelves but then, tucked underneath the bottom shelf, is a plastic container labelled "Antique Books". Judging by how often (within the same fortnight) I see the same books, I doubt many people take any notice of that container, so I get rich pickings for myself. Would that I could buy the lot!

>> No.6352839

I haven't finished it. I'll keep what you said in mind, anon.

>> No.6352844
File: 457 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got Samuel Pepys diary for $5 and Vicar of Wakefield for $3, too.

>> No.6352852

In what condition are the actual pages of the book? And do they smell funny?

>> No.6352856
File: 24 KB, 505x375, 1398143281832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy copy of The Book of Enoch from Amazon
>It's a print-on-demand open source pdf

>> No.6352868

the pages are all good except for Vicar, it has a folded corner on page 81. they smell pretty friggin' good.

>> No.6352870

that is the most boring pile of books in the world

>> No.6352876

Nah I disagree. Heidegger's works on Nietzsche are far from boring.

>> No.6352884

The pages of mine -- Carlyle's history of the French Revolution -- are crisp and clean and don't smell very much of anything except old paper. The "old book smell" is very minimal. They were obviously kept in good conditions, and if read, read carefully.

>> No.6352887
File: 45 KB, 600x455, 1392988670981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting poorfags and their second hand books...

>> No.6352889

You're just retarded.

>> No.6352895
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>Buying books by dead authors new

>> No.6352900

>the pleb thinks he's reading 'intelligent' literature

>> No.6352914
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>buying books that've been in print for years.
Lol. your mom probably holds your hand on the way to Chapters or some other predatory book retailer because she doesn't want you to get lost exploring your city for cool antiquarian book stores, you fucking loser.

>> No.6352960

disgusting bourgeoisie scum thinking possessions are what is important in life

>> No.6352987

better get of welfare and contribute to society, leeches.

>> No.6352992
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>> No.6353011
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150403_150134_622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related for a whopping $8.60 earlier today.

I'm currently rereading The Illiad and The Odyssey and I don't know what happened to my copy of The Aeneid so I purchased a new one. It kind of bothers me though to think I'll spend at least a few days, maybe a week or more on The Odyssey (two jobs and drinking myself stupid every night cuts into my reading time) before getting to The Aeneid since it is also a follow-up to The Illiad. Thoughts on reading The Odyssey and The Aeneid simultaneously? I generally read two or three books at a time anyway.

>> No.6353013

>not enjoying browsing second hand book stores
I bet you never explored as a kid.

>> No.6353025

I explored my grandfathers library. He once had Umberto Eco over who did the same.

>> No.6353079

Skip Heidegger's History of the Concept of Time, and just read Being and Time.

>> No.6353096

We read a Sherman alexie book in 4th year English lit. Easy as shit and quite enjoyable.

>> No.6353118

is that rik mayall

>> No.6353159

All around
Sometimes up
And sometimes down
But always around.
Pollution, are you coming to my town?
Or am I coming to yours?
We're on different buses, pollution
But we're both using petrol

>> No.6353172

»Kosakkerne« by Leo Tolstoj (the Cossacks) printed 1910
»Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man« by James Joyce
»Candide« by Voltaire
»Frygt og Bæven« by Kierkegaard (Fear and Trembling) 1943 facsimile of the first edition in blackletter

50 dollars, which is not very much in denmark

>> No.6353192
File: 59 KB, 610x509, ruse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>han læser Tolstoj på dansk.

>> No.6353199

Læser alt russisk litteratur på dansk; synes du ikke oversættelserne er tilstrækkelige?

>> No.6353256

>being this mad on an image board for mongolian pictionary
you guys should step away from the computer for a bit
hanging out here all day isn't good for you

>> No.6353272
File: 13 KB, 214x283, Stirner-kar1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about no

>> No.6353353


Austen thought Mansfield Park was her finest work and considered Fanny to be the heroine most like herself. It's not as cute as Emma or as romantic as Pride and Prejudice but it's fantastic.

>> No.6353381

Could you post a pic of the Kierkegaard?

>> No.6353428
File: 31 KB, 600x500, e5e2-7597-4d23-af11-e8a59c6ebc23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've only ordered it, but here's the title page

i expect to get it tuesday, will be exciting to see how hard it is to read an entire book in blackletter

>> No.6353444
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Doesn't exist.

>> No.6353466

>mfw Norwegian
>mfw can read Kierkegaard in original language because Danish imperialism destroyed my native language, and made it a dilute and provincial version of standard spoken Danish

I both hate you and think you're okay at the same time.

>> No.6353474
File: 229 KB, 726x419, fucksverige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw danish
>tfw read hamsun and ibsen etc. in the original because they basically wrote danish

>tfw no denmark-norway
>tfw the perfidious swedes tore us apart

>> No.6353488

>Dat pic

I lol'd.

Anyway, fuck Sverige.

>> No.6353504

I received around one and a half dozen books of the International Collectors Library for free. Granted, they're poorly made and obviously cheap, but I haven't read any of them and free physical books are always nice.

>> No.6353824

Do you think Odysseus intentionally crashed the ship with his crew in it?

>> No.6354333

underrated post

>> No.6354376

Candide is one of the only books that actually made me laugh out loud. Good stuff

>> No.6354468
File: 995 KB, 2592x1944, DSC_0396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a book sale, less than 2 usd for all, they even give me one for free.

>Can you guess winch one?

>> No.6354507

Do yourself a favor and throw Austen in the garbage where she belongs.

>> No.6354916
File: 3.03 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$12 at Half-Price

Child of God is pretty much brand new; Complete Stories is scuffed up but the pages are in good condition. I also like the page number format in Complete Stories: [XXX].

Not sure how I feel about the editions I ended up with though. Haven't been able to find much about the Kafka translator.

>> No.6355023

That typographic cover is a burn after reading definitely.

>> No.6355051

Its been several years since I've read it, I don't remember much about that part. What would support such an interpretation? Once I've
reread it maybe we can find each other on here and I'll have a good answer.

Gotta be the Zizek, nobody on /lit/ would have the balls to admit paying for his book. Everyone hear is afraid to go against the meme groupthink hatred for the man.

Have gone through several stories in the original German with someone who speaks fluent German. It was pretty awesome to hear him explain things about what Kafka is saying rather than just reading a translation.

Instead of just substituting one word for another, you get to hear "well this most closely translates to that, but it has these connotations", etc. Can change how you understand the stories.

>> No.6355068

>Gotta be the Zizek, nobody on /lit/ would have the balls to admit paying for his book. Everyone hear is afraid to go against the meme groupthink hatred for the man.
This was meant for:

>> No.6355078


I have that same Kafka. I've been trudging through it for months, and I dunno if it's the translator(s), but...jesus christ I've never read drier stories. I don't wanna knock Kafka himself too hard, but what I've read just isn't for me I don't think.

>> No.6355249

Ignore the haters, OP, and embrace the Dasein

>> No.6355324
File: 102 KB, 720x960, w2UN7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I accept donations at a thrift store for a living
>mfw I sometimes get people dumping hundreds, even thousands of dollars worth of books at a time
>mfw when it's not all harlequin romance and Dean Koontz
>mfw I see some bookish looking person lugging a huge box of philosophy and literature out of their car
>mfw I am "the book guy" at work so I get to sort through all of what comes in first
>mfw my store has no policy about employees buying stock before its been out in the store (I just can't price anything I buy)
>mfw no one but me has any concept of how much 90% of the books (and video games) are worth
>mfw all softcovers are 50 cents each or 25 cents each if you buy 5, all hardcovers are $2 unless they are clearly valuable
>mfw I get a 50% discount on top of that

I have worked there for 6 years and I easily have a thousand books, mostly in good condition and I doubt if I payed more than $500 total. The best is when the University semester are over and you get retiring professors and stressed phd's looking to de-clutter. .

>> No.6356210


mad jelly

>> No.6356272

damn I want that job

>> No.6356330

>Tomas Moro

>> No.6356428

I've never paid more that $0.50 for used paperback classics at thrift stores. You paid too much.

It's been a while since I've bought any actually, but the last ones I remember purchasing were J.K. Huysman's A rebours, Shakespeare's Montaigne, and MFK Fisher's The Gastronomical Me.

>> No.6356432

Why are you reading Jane Austen? Are you a loser?

>> No.6356437

You're a little bitch and I hate you and want your stupid romantic job

>> No.6356451

..., he said, to nobody in particular.

>> No.6356466

Ikke i forhold til de Engelske.

>> No.6356484

I found Candide really funny in a sort of lamely clever way. Can't really put my finger on it.

>> No.6356503

were you in One Flew Over?