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/lit/ - Literature

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6350530 No.6350530 [Reply] [Original]

Is poetry dead /lit/? I feel like poetry and serious literature are completely different unread outside if academia these days

>> No.6350536
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just read pomo and forget about everything

>> No.6350540
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>TFW my publisher said they love my work but there is no money in publishing it

>> No.6350541

I write poetry. I show it to people when I get fucked up sometime. I have moleskines to keep them. Usually people say I have a sensitive soul and I'm very intelligent but they're probably just say it cause they're fucked up to.

>> No.6350549

You've got to get famous some other way and then use that as an avenue to get your writing out.

>> No.6350551

Do lots of drugs and have gay sex. That's how Ginsberg got published

>> No.6350552

But then you'd be accused of ghostwriting by a chinese cartoon imageboard

>> No.6350558

Better publish it for free on a blog then

>> No.6350569

But that would make me look like a pretentious faggot and I would be judged mostly in relation to my previous achievements