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6347744 No.6347744 [Reply] [Original]

write a poem.

>> No.6347748

>Yo I'm MC Hoffy and I'm here to say: [jump to chorus]

>> No.6347750

sometimes i start writing a poem, then as im worrying about parameters, and rhyming, i realise all these concepts are doing is restraining me, and i'd prefer just to write normal prose. I guess this means I haven't 'got' poetry. I am still trying /lit/ believe me

>> No.6347754

There once was an earnest man
Who made a shitpost on 4chan
He ask for a poem
But nobody knows 'em
My, what a terrible plan.

>> No.6347756

lone she lay in further water
driftwood, peckered, sotted low
a lass alone in broad and heather
bound together, sated, naked
far before the father and the wimple
from the faggot and the blow

she lay alone in satin knickers
bloody ends and naked legs and
all before forever, crawled again
say no more mercy, said she,
bitter, from the bawl
sent high in tethers
dizzy ugly
nude in bed and bleeding

then a wirewax of hanger steel
a buck inside a narrow
then a clinching, belching
holding fast forever
dead before the dawn in patent leather
sainted, shitting from the pressure
in a ditch some ugly where

>> No.6347763 [DELETED] 

What if I fucked your cat in the ass
What if I fucked her out in the tall grass

What if I told you that I'd loved her better?
That I'd made her happy?
That I'd made her wetter?

What if I told you your cat wants my dick,
as long as her tail, and three times as thick?

She's my cat now brah, but please don't be sad
that your cat thinks my wang's so incredibly rad

>> No.6347767

Weird, only my verse is good. My prose lacks all of the music of my poetry.

>> No.6347785

Folding foil under corners,
lifting splatter sheltered burnt.
Its the toil of the women that's the toil never learnt.

Fathers further after service,
because of something behind scenes.
For me ladies come by lately, I'm like something from their dreams.

And the growing now tremendous,
but a learning is all my own.
Bother brother, trouble sister,
wait and terrorize my home.

For what becomes of things so bitter,
I'm not over living yet.
Now the something that was promised,
remembered treasured cased and get.

Modern mother, failure father.
What a bastard you begot.
In my life I trample people,
turn me into a despot.

>> No.6347791


>> No.6347809

No, but I'll repost one I found on a Freenet forum earlier tonight.

Somewhere east of Suez
where the Bashi-Bazouks play,
There'a a brand of smoke that Buddha
tokes, and it's not what you'd call tay.
For it's sticks, Thailand sticks,
each five inches long or six,
The same the wily Pathan puffs
to play his bloomin' tricks.
Three thousand for a pound of 'em,
or two bills for an ounce,
One stick serves two and will see you
through if the fuzzy-wuzzies pounce.
For it's sticks, Thailand sticks,
better than Jamaican bricks,
When the frogs and wogs and nig-nogs
and the mutineerin' Sikhs
And the golliwogs transfix you
on their cannibal toothpicks-
Only Thai, bloomin' Thai,
will keep you flyin' high,
When you're signed up for the menu
of the anthropophagi.

All flesh is grass, the Good Book tells,
and who's to say it's not?
When the regiment's surrounded
and you've fired your last shot,
And you're pleadin' not to be eaten
by the bleedin' Hottentot,
And he chops you up with relish
and he pops you in his pot!
Then he slices you from stem to stern
with his cannibal spear-point,
And says, "Give some head
while i polish off this joint!"
For it's sticks, Thailand sticks,
tied with twine the way you fix
Your bayonet when it's time to puncture
dervishes' stummicks;
The only shit to smoke while shootin'
tigers, grouse or Bolshie-viks.

When the dope comes up from Asia,
care of Tommy Atkins Bey,
You'll find those lovely little sticks
that'll bomb you more than Huns or Micks
in their blimps and I.R.A.
For it's sticks, Thailand sticks,
grown by Hindoo lunatics,
They won't give you Paddy's hangover
when he's had his Papist kicks.
You'll smell geisha smells, hear temple bells,
and when you reach to feel 'em,
You'll touch hasheesh glue upon the stem,
More prcious than the perfumed gem
in Kali's ivory diadem...
So if the Thaisticks....Deal'em...

>> No.6347814

Behold a king is crowned by jester's court,
A jester king and proclaimed lord of all.
A kingdom that is nothing of import,
For jester's all is rarely all of all.

See now such conjured splendour and such awe;
The royal scepter and the golden crown,
There shining like the sun to all that saw,
But rarely if it shines have gold you found.

Now look and see no bearings of a king;
No kingly wisdom nor a kingly gait.
The empty title of nobility,
Bestowed for want of better candidate.

His crown could be grown out upon a bough,
And true kings laugh at such an empty show.

>> No.6348002

cucky cok cuko kuk
ukoky cuky kuko
kokuk cok kock

>> No.6348145

My cunt is wet with fear

>> No.6348200

It's a party
Come early if ya lonely
Say hey kid say hey don't you OD

>> No.6348217

All these poems flowing free
Critique is nowhere to be found
This lack saddens me
Mozambique guidance inbound

>> No.6348223
File: 33 KB, 600x214, everyman95grpage73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond the river and through the trees lies a clearing
The last man is standing, a tarnished silver-gray
Nothing more than an assembly of shadows
His make of smoke, faint wisps rolling, uncertain, altered
An unceasing wind billows through and past the trees
Shattered, scattered, plumes of smoke rise
The endless river
The swirling sun
Forever and ever

>> No.6348254
File: 387 KB, 1000x1505, 13b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chairy swivel,
gnashing lips,
spout drivel,
swaying hips.
head rest,
scrolling text,
infinite jest!
the book next
that i won't read
but i'll shitpost:
"yes, indeed,
i love it most."
that david guy
(something wallace?)
makes me cry
alone sans solace.

>> No.6348260
File: 168 KB, 1280x800, spiritedHouseWater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two haikus about the beach:

we see the girl there
naked, bathing, and alone
we leave satisfied

gull versus pigeon
an inter-species conflict
over my sandwich

>> No.6349947

mark, a match, a spin and curl
deftly shot along the outer
lilted in a syrup whirl
the whore in brogue and gilded shower
crooning for a nightcap in a howl

>> No.6349955

needy texts
empty sex

>> No.6350584


oh my god
let me take a selfie

>> No.6350610
File: 20 KB, 500x281, 1424997183012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There once was a man from Peru
Who dreamt he was eating his shoe
He woke with a fright in the middle of the night
To find that his dream had come true

>> No.6350628

Empty premise, needs a rhyme
Keep it simple, AA Time

Meta humor is a shit
i know you agree with it

still it seems to fill a role;
a real abstract kind of troll

>> No.6350638

I love memes. They dank as hell.
Fuck yo bitch if you had one.
So I fuck you mom instead.
Make yo whiteboi ass suck yo moms shit off my dick afta.

>> No.6350876


>> No.6350905

you're my
you're my
in my

>> No.6350914

whirl around in your spit until
something makes sense

sad little man
sucking on mold

catch a cold
and die

>> No.6350951

hitler was a dirty jew
a fact he did not like
he murdered the six million
but still he was a kike

>> No.6350974

penis and a
hairy ballsack,
in your face

your tongue reaches out,
to lick it

it's fuzzy

>> No.6350992

With love I urge
With politics I think
With books I splurge
With time I sink

I wait in this world
For change to arrive at my door
Whilst with madness I am twirled
Across life's floor

But still I sit thinking
When I must act within the hour
It is the world that is waiting
For a man who seeks sheer power

>> No.6351040

ayyy bitch why don't let me come fuck dat ass
pls bitch why dont let me fuck that ass
fuck that ass pls bitch why dont
let me come
fuck dat ass

wrote this for the wife 3 years and 4 months ago. happily married for the last year and a half. every day is a blessing

>> No.6351043

I love you so
Want you to know
Each hour I'm not with you is a blue interlude

You're part of me
So can't you see
Each time I talk with you stops my blue interlude

I never realized I needed you so badly
Craved your love so madly
But now I do

Whatever I posses dear I would offer gladly to you
Do grant me this request to

Before we part
Leave me your heart
To guide me on my way through each blue interlude

>> No.6351065

le epic stream of consciousness
I am typing random bullshit as it comes to me
I am not very clever though, so it is unlikely to be insightful
there is a word for this: "modern art"

art more like shart amirite xd
wow that was really cool
I'm thirteen, I'm a big kid now
moar liek a big fat cow
heil hitler

I don't really have anything to write here
there is literally no reason to post this comment
when you see it you will lament
the declining post quality of the board

lol jk faggot /b/ was never good
elliot was just misunderstood
did he even die or was he arrested
I guess we would have heard of him again if he didn't die
lol an hero

I took a break from typing there to pour another cup of tea
maybe I'll be struck by inspiration now and write something great
nah, doesn't look like it

if I insert,
more newlines
and punctuation -
will this become a poem?

nigger penis

Daily reminder that if a famous name wrote this it would be a masterpiece

>> No.6352331
File: 69 KB, 500x464, 1428019114942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he wear the mask

>> No.6352343

only good one so far

>> No.6352355

exterior like fish eggs
interior like suicide wrist rags
i could exercize you, this could be your phys ed
cheat on your man homie
door's stuck

>> No.6353507
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slight Zephyr

blown becoming
merged were
Laura's Locks

Thought Adventure
meandering Yonder
Resting pulled
toward Lust

Spill Epiphanies
elucidating why
Desires remain
after dreaming
thrown nonchalantly
forgotten infinitely
In Prayer
Mind Spaziergang
drifting unconsciously
erecting Colours
defining autistically
said Gestalt

Leave Secrets
illustrating how
Addiction occurs
left thoughtlessly
obliterated unendlessly
In Prayer
seeking Illustration
outlining Plans
defining Desire
Will prevails
Unasked approaching
Property remains
Thieves Spoil
Flesh occuring
around Souls
specifically belonging
unquestionably at
said Gestalt

Unquestionably taken
Universal Bodies
which prevail
upon Arrival

Desire ceases
following Action
promulgated purposefully
levered I

Flesh disturbed
following Action
promulgated purposefully
levered I
Said Gestalt
remains ignoble

>> No.6354771

anger; unbounded in the way that it strikes
hounds it's way into his veins
blinding everything in his path, a scourge of ignorance
forgetting the basis of argument or inherent just.
letting your words out, maybe a cuss
something so splendor about it's power and aftermath repentance
motivated by what? envy? fatigue? or just pure hate at its core.
it left a hole in the others heart, so that feelings could enter no more.

but i'm not a writer

>> No.6354821

I'll shimmer inside of you
like a burdened flame
eating away
every last bit
that you never knew could speak

You are a mystery
unsolved and curious about itself
Serving in troubles that ache those brittle
little bones of yours
that I still feel with
a callased fingertip

I will involve myself again
If your breathing will let me
Your cold wind seductively soothing
could only wake me from this
and remind me of forgetting

>> No.6354878

Why? Because it appeals to your fetish? Because it's graphic? Because it is more about image than whatever it's trying to convey? Just spitballing some assumptions about your character here. Help me out.

>> No.6354946


you sound egregiously asspained over an opinion

just spitballing some opinions about your character

>help me out

the door's over there

>> No.6354952

>the door's over there

Think you can pick out which poem is mine?

>> No.6354958


I don't care

it's clear you only piped up to defend your shitty scribble

go away

>> No.6354980

Bang bang writing some kind of book
whole time on the beach
spending my allowance
let's go to italy
persuade me to come home
pay me a thousand dollars
I've always wanted to go to europe -
slap a clappa whappa jazz
duke ellington, I don't know.
Bill Evans.
My funny Valentine. Sweet -
I don't even know if you're a man or a woman.

>> No.6355195

Your hollow gorge can never fill,
Gourmand! Gulfing motes and worlds
Alike – no preference do you take
With cold and even strokes you cleave,
A slow bi-section, stellar-scoped
Turning loves to chaff

>> No.6355229

Little Diggy Dickenspan
came 'round for Easter din
he popped a squat
and took a shot (of 45% alcohol whiskey)
and boy he fit right in

he grinned from fuckin'
ear to ear
when he heard a joke
and little Diggy Dickenspan
asked my mom if she would suck his cock and we told him to leave.

>> No.6355491

straight up icky, good job

>> No.6355513

>won't you cooommmeeee
>won't you cooommmeeee
>won't you cooommmeeee

>> No.6357494


>> No.6357519

It seems overly sentimental or just uninteresting.
Not that mine was any better,
nor do I understand the formalist approach to poetry.

>> No.6357613

That shouldn't be such a heartwarming story.

>> No.6357628


>> No.6357923
File: 49 KB, 470x706, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mercenary, the masketta man
He's a big guy for you
Crashing this plane
Was part of his plan

>> No.6358017

on the fields grew;
tears and sweat,
sun so harsh,
blown; white flowers

many songs were
voices from the last
see, closed eye
cannot hide

all the pain
not in vain
fail to see
all that is

no game
no fault game
no guilty game
no, just no

what is in the past
the future
can not even see my on feet
swallow, and keep to yourself