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6347225 No.6347225 [Reply] [Original]

i'm an absolute sperglord.
give me some books to learn about socialising.

>> No.6347229

No longer human :^)

>> No.6347230
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the stranger

>> No.6347238

Notes from Underground.

>> No.6347240

American Psycho

>> No.6347250

Of Mice and Men

>> No.6347255

120 Days of Sodom

>> No.6347270

My Twisted World

>> No.6347349
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It's also sort of about manipulating people, but whatever.

>> No.6347358

No Longer Human
Notes from Underground

>> No.6347368

More of a book about being a yesman and (seemingly) putting others before yourself if you want quick and easy superficial friends this would solve that particular problem.

>> No.6347372

I want to get strong, how can I read books to be stronger?

>> No.6347381

start with the greeks.

>> No.6347436
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My brother in law offered me this book and two others. He was giving away books and I picked this book, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, and "Marx's Theory of Alienation" by István Mészáros

>> No.6347589

Infinite Jest

Author of this meme book was also sperglord

>> No.6347592
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sperglords don't generally wear out their dicks from the sheer volume of audience pussy flying their foureyed way

don't kid yourself

>> No.6347595

Cities of the Red Night, WS Burroughs.

>> No.6347617

>It's on goodreads


>> No.6347626

OP half the suggestions in this thread won't teach you how to talk to people, but it will starkly reveal parallels to how you think and act, which will help motivate you to solve your problem. Just like Watamote So do read them.

Most importantly though, evaluate WHY you want to socialize well. Concrete reasons like, "I'm lonely because I can't talk to people" "I can't get a job because I'm a sperg"... Do that before you read any book.

>> No.6347639

fucking lol

>> No.6347657

Why are people recommending books full of socially retarded outcasts?

>> No.6347658

get memed on son

>> No.6348331

stop watching anime

>> No.6348402

Refrain from using big words; be pragmatic in your speech (you need to pick up whether the meaning of an uttered proposition is of the 'use' or 'truth conditions' ilk); say what you think without giving it much thought (in conversations that are flirty or amusing in nature, in particular); don't go overboard with sarcasm; be less observant---only react to stimuli addressed to you.

That's it.

>> No.6348456


Just gulp down your fears hehe gulp, and talk to people you retarded faggot nigger.

>> No.6348460
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>> No.6348471

You might just want to leave the basement and try socializing yourself. If you don't have the ability to adequately criticize yourself then you'll need to find a friend capable of providing some of that feedback. Socializing's hard but like dating or just talking to girls it's a matter of actually doing it fairly competently several times. After a while you'll usually feel a lot less nervous and anxious about it. It's tough but that's what I've done. Good luck OP.

>> No.6348492


Can we just have a thread about how awesome Notes from Underground and No Longer Human are?

>> No.6348751

I'll have to get No Longer Human. Notes From Underground is one of my favourite books and I keep seeing them listed together.

>> No.6348767

Sasha Gray has had her own reprint published, including an introduction, for Notes From Underground.

>> No.6348802
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You'll love this shit

>> No.6349130

>just b yourself ;)

>> No.6349157

Probably shitpost but I'll answer:
firstly you should visit a doctor, he will prescrive some drugs and after few months of meeting in local XYZ club you'll be ready to get rid of both and start socializing (probably having social skills of average shy high-schooler but it'll gradually change if you'll be trying to fix it). After few years you'll be quite ok and comfortable w/ other ppl.