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6345688 No.6345688 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to discussion last night with Slavoj Zizek and Stephen Kotkin.

>Line afterwards to get book signed.

>Kotkin dips out; only Slav is left.

>Kid in front of me has purchased Kotkin's Stalin biography book to get signed.

>Kid walks up to Zizek, hands over the Kotkin book.

>Zizek: "Um, uh, you know I am not that guy."

>*Imperceptible muttering*

>Zizek grabs book; signs it.

Pure ideology.

>> No.6345708

Und by, by signgnigng ze book, Slavoj is not, he eez naht purporting to BEE Stefan Kodkeen, but rather he eez acksheptigng she roll uv Steevin Koodking vich hast been PLAYSHED UPON HEEM, grabbigngk eet inshu heesh handsh, shaying, "I, I am a part of zish." He bekamsh an aktiff player in ze game uff eedayolojee.

>> No.6345710

Did you ask any meaningful questions to zizek?

>> No.6345718


>> No.6345728

If that ever happened to me, I wouldn't even think twice, I'd grab the book and sign "I'm not Kotkin, signed: Slavoj Zizek" in big letters. The kid asks for it.

In fact, this whole thing of signing books and meeting with famous people, whether they are intellectuals or movie stars or whatever, it is all very shitty. What does it mean to have your book signed? Nothing, it's just to show that you've met the person, but you haven't really talked to the person, that person doesn't know your name or anything, you had to wait in line. But okay, if that's all there is to it, let them wait in line for it. But then this kid comes to the wrong person and suddenly, what does this mean? The kid doesn't know either speakers but still want an evidence to show others that he met the guy. If he goes to Zizek, what of it? Give the kid what he want, sign the goddamn book and make it so that you remind him that he was stupid. At least later he will google Zizek and know whose signature is there in his book.

>> No.6345739

Not really. Didn't want to hold up the line for half an hour while I got my answer.

>> No.6345767

>If that ever happened to me, I wouldn't even think twice, I'd grab the book and sign "I'm not Kotkin, signed: Slavoj Zizek"

But you aren't Slavoj Zizek

>> No.6345797

But I am. OP is false.

>> No.6345804
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He bekamsh, an aktiff player, (double hand shake) in ze game (shake), uff (shake), eedayolojee.

>drinks coke

>> No.6345895
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daily reminder

>> No.6346811

will you do an ama for us soon?

>> No.6347021

No comrade I am shorry.

>> No.6347033

This is well written.

>> No.6347039

I didn't think this was very funny when it was written and I still don't think so today.

>> No.6347043

I got a family member to get a copy of a book signed for me.

>> No.6347050

That's what keeps it from happening to me.

>> No.6347052

Did you guys meet with the two faggots dressed in black with flour shows or whatever? DId the girlfriend boy go alone in the end? Did you gusy eat a pizza and discussed ideology adn DFW?

he hates pussies who ask after the Q&A ends, he has said so in multiple presentations

>I'd grab the book and sign "I'm not Kotkin, signed: Slavoj Zizek" in big letters.
That would be a great sign.

>> No.6347057

It's meta.

>> No.6347061

I love the idea that Zizek writes that way because it implies that he also chooses to talk that way when he could do it differently.

>> No.6347081
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"In thish moment *sniff*, by means of pershonal feelings and sho on *swish*, I am in what Lacan would call the jouissance. But not becauje, you know, of any phony liberalism and totalitarian ideology. Political, buddhism materialism and sho on. No, no *snort*...But becauje, you see, *swallows fly* of marxshist dialectic in the sense of the foucauldian genealogical method, *tugs shirt* there is this *sniff* enlightened shuffering that comes with tolerance, genocide, *unintentional voiced linguolabial trill* anti antisemitism, analogous to *wipes nose* some religious prophecy *sweats profusely* and sho on! *snort*"

>> No.6347093

Boyfriend went with girlfriend in the end; got book signed; was satisfied that Slav's handwriting looks like a maniac's; was annoyed Kotkin talked the majority of the time instead of Slav.

>> No.6347099

Did she enjoyed or was she a bitch?
Pic of the signature? Did you ask for something, get a generic one or was he cool and made some cool improvisation?

>> No.6347122


>> No.6347133
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>> No.6347135
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She's a statistics/math person, so I don't think she was that into it. The discussion was probably good for people not familiar with Zizek, at least compared to most of his usual talks, since it was less philosophical than normal (was mostly a historical talk about Stalin) and involved a lot of talking on Kotkin's part, who has an American accent and didn't really talk about philosophical abstractions.

As for the book signing: I'm OP, so after I saw that exchange take place, I realized that someone had previously gone through the line giving people sticky notes to put their first names on (so the author knows what your name is and how to spell it), I didn't get one though, which confused Slav when he took my book, but thankfully I have an easy name. (Pic related.) I also assume Kotkin's left because most everyone was trying to get Zizek to sign their books and not him.

>> No.6347147

>I also assume Kotkin's left because most everyone was trying to get Zizek to sign their books and not him.
poor guy

I like to imagine Zizek as a funny and emotive man; but I'm sure in person he was bored, avoided eye contact and did his best to pretend he wasn't even there, right?

>> No.6347171

You should have asked him to sign as both Zizek and Kotkin.

>> No.6347173

I wouldn't characterize the few moments I interacted with him while getting the book signed as particularly interesting; after the confusion about my name and him signing the book I thanked him for coming out to talk but don't recall him responding to what I said. I don't know if you can reasonably expect an author who's signing the books of a few hundred random people to be witty and interesting for each one of them. At any rate, he did fine on stage but I had been hoping he'd talk more. It was mostly a historical discussion, not a philosophical one, and the other fellow spoke with greater frequency.

>> No.6347177

You should had winked and told them to he's to Kotkin what dildos are to dicks. The you record him trying to understand all the implications.

>> No.6347181

He says he hates all social situations, especially those that draw attention to himself physically.

>> No.6347186

It looks like he is having a stroke. Does he still tic when he has to do something controlled with his hands? All those snorts and shirt grabbings have to find an outlet.

>> No.6347189

I meant to write
and told him that he's

>> No.6347198

They recorded the discussion so maybe check it out once NYPL puts it online. Kotkin is obviously a great historian, but the auditorium wasnt packed because he was on stage. The dynamic of the discussion was interesting, since the focus of it was Kotkin's book, but everyone was clearly there to see Zizek. And there was this kind of awkward moment at the end when Kotkin stopped the Q&A (which ended up preventing anyone else from being able to ask questions) in order to narrate each of the slides depicting the USSR which had been flashing up on two projection screens during the talk. He also did this in a rather manic fashion as the time between slides was too swift for him to speak slowly.

>> No.6347214


I'm not sure. He may do fine onstage because he is performing rather than interacting. I didn't see that many shirt grabbings or nose touches at the signing table. If he actually has nasal trouble it might be exacerbated by lots of loud conversational talking (air moving through the mouth and nose) and he wasn't exactly orating to people while signing books.

>> No.6347215

I told him to go easy on the crushed amphetamine...

>> No.6347242

Should have had him sign your ballsack and ask him to hang out later with an offer of greygoose

>> No.6347531

i wrote that :'(

>> No.6347539
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>> No.6348375


>> No.6348593



>> No.6348661

It's a joke, not a meme, you retard.

>> No.6348668

>implying that meme hasn't been done fifty times on /lit/

Just watch Zizek threads, every hack cunt like you thinks it's fucking hilarious, and it's always dumb as shit

>> No.6348669

He's just upset someone cleverer than him is having fun

>> No.6349481

Pure ideology.

>> No.6349494
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>> No.6350339

>zizek memes on 4chan

lol good one