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/lit/ - Literature

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6344751 No.6344751 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think we are experiencing a philosophy Boom? Seems like every movie, tv show, song, comic book are name dropping philosophers. Of course works of art with underlying philosophical themes have been present all through the 20th century, but i feel it's now more than ever, at least in mainstream entertainment. Don't know if it's because of the hipster movement or that more people are going to university than ever before. Thoughts?

Video related, lol.


>> No.6344758
File: 173 KB, 1024x682, daskldas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whops, 9:23

>> No.6344759

confirmation bias

>> No.6344762

Also she's just giving one random quote she googled

>> No.6344769

>fredrick nietzschy

>> No.6344771

Yeah, feel like she was just using a quote related to music.

>> No.6344772


>> No.6344774
File: 11 KB, 403x188, share this picture on your social media.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't pronounce his name the same way i do

why is nietzsche so popular

that facebook 'like' ranking of philosophers had him at the top

share if you agree thumbs up guys here is a clever image i googled today thanks guysy

>> No.6344775

Its always been like that, you just start recognizing it more when you know more about philosophy.

I have noticed a lot more pop philosophy channels on youtube in the past year though.

>> No.6344777


>> No.6344781


I rather she didn't

>> No.6344782

>Fredrick Neetchee
As you said, it's been happening for some time. I remember a sopranos episode where aj goes full teen angst and starts reading the stranger and quoting nietzsche.
there was even this baseball guy that recommended him kierkegaard and told him that sartre ripped off heidegger.

I'm glad works like True Detective are getting so popular. You have a basic core of drama/crime plot and some philophilosophical, not real philosophy ofc, ornaments.
I've found it makes small talk with other watchers more interesting.

>> No.6344788

links? i want a laugh right now

>> No.6344798

>name dropping philosophers

There's your answer.

>> No.6344800


Most think he's the guy who came up with relativism

>> No.6344803

I guess someone with Abrahamic trips would like that kind of nose on a girl.

>> No.6344816

''fredrick neetchee''

>> No.6344819
File: 141 KB, 720x960, 1427145417887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably, but i'm not even that in to philosophy tbh except basic mandatory introduction from UNI and hearing my basmentdweller roommate talk about it. Honestly i wouldn't be surprised if it's at more prominent now than in the 60s - 00s.

I think at least classic literature have become more popular than it's been in a while, you have all kinds of "normcore" youtube channels like the drunk critic doing videos about odyssey and what not. And i mean there are some empirical facts that could back this up: More people are going to uni than ever before, and vinyl sales for instance have definitely gone up since the "hipster era" started...

>> No.6344822



>> No.6344830


>Not "Neet-chuh"

>> No.6344836


>> No.6344845

Yea, wow Nietzsche was talking about participating in music not streaming it online.


On topic, I'm not so sure, that quote fell kinda flat and not just because she said KNEE-CHEE instead of KNEE-CHA

>> No.6344862

Pop culture only talks about the same few philosophers who talk about relatable themes. Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Plato...

Come to think of it, those are the only ones /lit/ ever discusses. Hmm...

>> No.6344869
File: 255 KB, 354x367, bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. The 8-bit one is making me cringe.

>Who knew 8-bits could have so much depth? A+ would reevaluate existence again.

Then the guy talks about flux and temporality, which is fucking Heraclitus, not Plato

And his voice, his fucking nasally voice

Yes I mad. I couldn't even laugh that was so painful. Video game nerds just went down fifteen notches for having the inability to like something without "lel game references"

>> No.6344888

The School of Life isn't as bad, but he still can't resist stupid fucking vocal theatrics and slideshow images and all that stupid shit. Also trying to summarize Heidegger in a five minute video is dumb.

>> No.6344893
File: 17 KB, 250x237, ogre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open 8-bit philosophy video
>he starts off in a pseudo-"intellectual" accent
>Consider, my dear viewers


>> No.6344902

>a pseudo-"intellectual" accent
is such a thing even possible?

>> No.6344909


Listen for yourself. Just listen to this fucker's voice. I bet he's holding a steampunk mug with craft beer and is wearing a monocle.

The fucking knight in the opening picture is wearing a monocle for fuck's sake.

>> No.6344920

>Kant, Hegel, Descartes, Spinoza, Wittgenstein

Pretty standard round these parts

>> No.6344926
File: 92 KB, 486x750, fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pronounces cogito ergo sum
>cawg-it-oh heir-go some
>can't even pronounce Latin


>> No.6344932


>> No.6344977

He's sounds like one of those people who hide behind humour to do what they truly want.

He'd probably say "lel but the exaggerated voice is meant to be that way" but secretly he really wants to talk like that sincerely.

>> No.6344989

oh definitely, all to cover up his self-loathing

>> No.6344999

he's annoying as fuck but the content itself is not bad

>> No.6345035
File: 5 KB, 298x169, žić.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, man. Good films have always had philosophical undertones but...I'm not sure whether that's because directors and audiences are interested in philosophy or because philosophers are interested in films (pic related because wtf, no Žižek in philosophy movie thread? It's like coming to /b/ and finding no lolis)

Let's just not get ahead of ourselves and start hyperdetecting philosophy. Most commercial films can be used as examples for philosophical issues (pic related), but they aren't necessarily "philosophical" in any way. Blurring these lines would kind of be detrimental rather than positive for philosophy.

And I hope to god that video is not actually related.

>> No.6345038


>> No.6345066

Ergo Proxy.

>> No.6345109

>being this colourist

>> No.6345118

1 has the best facial features.

>> No.6345213

Couldn't they introduce gamers to philosophy by talking philosophy into games since now exists pretentious shit like BioShock?

>> No.6345254

The genre is generally unfavorable because of the amount of text that actual philosophical discussion takes. You end up with simplifications. That being said there are games like Deus Ex and Metal Gear Solid that have quite a bit of philosophical concepts loaded into them.

Other stuff like Ergo Proxy and Waking Life are pretty much easily absorbed philosophy that non reading gamers might bump into since anime and movies have a lot of cross-pollination with gaming.

>> No.6345373

>Do you think we are experiencing a philosophy Boom? Seems like every movie, tv show, song, comic book are name dropping philosophers.
Nope, people are more retarded than ever, slaves to instant gratification and pressing the online levers in order to trigger their DA much like lab rats when offered opiates.

Name dropping philosophers just implies an embarrassing, beyond-pathetic (is there a word for that?) desire to "appear" intellectual, not an understanding or genuine interest in the philosophy, nor an desire to apply it to one's life