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/lit/ - Literature

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6344697 No.6344697 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't plagiarize to get through uni

Not cheating your ass off is basically the dumbest thing you can do. I'm graduating this year and I've been plagiarizing the whole time. If you haven't been I just assume you're shitty at it smh

>> No.6344717

I enjoy writing essays

>> No.6344726

I see it as some sort of practice for the day I'll end up writing for a living, and I realised how stupid and naive this sounds in the middle of writing that sentence

>> No.6344735

All great writers plagiarize
The trick is to be good at hiding it

>> No.6344745

but they plagiarize shit writers then. This mean shitty writers are useful.
rejoice, /lit/

>> No.6344749

>things should be done this way
>I have no justification
>I can't expand the idea in any way
>I can't present evidence

seems like all that cheating left you a bit slow to present arguments.

>> No.6344761

All that time I spent researching my essays I could have spent trolling on 4chan.
>I wasted my youth

>> No.6344765


what do you guys mean when you say plagiarizing?

when I was getting my BA I would read a ton of secondary sources, get ideas from them about understanding a certain novel, incorporate those ideas into my own conception of the book, and then write my paper with those ideas. Is that what you guys mean by plagiarism or do you actually just use the words of other people?

>> No.6344768

Its hard to plagiarize and keep a consistent view at times. Everyone rewrites things in their own words which doesn't take much longer

>> No.6344778


>mfw people see university as some sort of hurdle to be cleared or something endured or a drugs'n'booze'vakay, and not as a 4yr stay of real life provided for mental development that's supposed to help guide you for the rest of your life

This is why people should be forced to summers work in highschool.

>> No.6344792

Yeah I think there's a bit of semantic confusion here. Like with >>6344735 I think he just meant inspiration rather than plagiarism, though I'm sure plagiarism exists in writing too. I don't think you have to plagiarize to be inspired.

>> No.6344794


it's true. I ashamedly had that attitude for the first 2 years of university but thankfully I woke up and spent the last 3 years realizing the opportunity I was being given to learn.

It boggles my mind that people can stomach going through a 4 year program mindlessly, graduating with a degree, and retaining absolutely none of the work they barely even attempted to do. What a damn waste.

>> No.6344808

I started school the opposite way, and now I've wound up in the mindless progression attitude. It just works better for me. I learn what I like, and I do enough to get by otherwise.

>> No.6344824


I guess I basically did enough to do well (which didn't require a whole lot) but I still tried to nurture a passion for my field. It kind of hurts me to see people who I graduated from English beside who now read maybe a book every couple of months that is usually bestseller-tier. I mean it's fine if they want to spend their time doing that of course but I just can't imagine how someone can be okay with studying something for 4 years without gaining any knowledge about what they actually studied. It seems terrifying.

>> No.6344873

Plagiarizing? Please. Some of my professors were so scatterbrained I could convince them to give me As on papers I never even wrote.

>> No.6344879

>implying it isn't a hurdle designed to mask high unemployment

Don't pretend otherwise. Everyone there knows that's what it's there for.

>> No.6344896

Large class sizes are the problem. If you were looking at classes of 10 - 20 instead of 30+ teachers would be able to detect how bullshit some students are. There's also a weird lack of generalized planning aid, and what aid there is is usually un-compulsory and possibly wildly overtaxed.

It is now that it's become "good job permission slip factory" in the public mind and essentially made into a financial hobble by loan structuring and drastically cut funding, so it has to be, or it has to pretend it is.

>> No.6344925

Most people view it as something they have to complete in order to get a job or believe the advice of "having an education to fall back on" so don't really care what it is as long as they get a certificate at the end.

>> No.6344949


The irony is that the people I knew from my program who didn't care at all about what they were studying have now gone on to acquire jobs that would in social circles be considered "successes." It goes to show you that caring a lot about your field of study is completely irrelevant in a modern culture in which your field of study is considered irrelevant. Logical I guess

>> No.6345097
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>don't understand complex book
>read 6 paragraph review that summarises it
>act like I read entire book

>> No.6345264

I plagiarize 4chan posts, top that faggot,

>> No.6345300

You're only harming yourself.
If you don't cite the source of your ideas, that too is plagiarism.
20 is too large. 15 is the max. 4 is the most desirable class size.

>> No.6345328

I plagiarize 4chan posts, top that faggot

>> No.6347220

I support op

>> No.6347222

>don't understand complex book
>read 6 paragraph review that summarises it
>act like I read entire book
Stop reading my journal anon

>> No.6347223

Would never dream of plagiarizing in my writing courses, but I did cheat in just about every other course

>> No.6347235

im almost certain everyone reads about the material from some other source or a graduate paper and then proceeds to reformat the ideas

is this what you mean by cheating off your ass? i doubt people pay others to write material for them or straight up submit work that is nearly identical to the one being plagiarized

>> No.6347236

This. Whenever I have to write something, I'll write it legitimately. But I can't think of the last time I took a test and didn't at least try to look at someone else's paper.

Anything that I am "learning" in college will be retaught to me by whatever organization I end up working for. The only use I get from it is writing practice.

>> No.6347456

Any tips op?

>> No.6347465

What if you've been reading the classics and other stuff and philosophy obsessively since you were 12? Then is it okay to see it as a drugs and booz vakay, hand in easy A papers and bang sluts, like that movie easy A?

>> No.6347497

>being a hack
>not creating something of your own
>not willingly expanding your minds potential

...you people weren't joking when you said /lit/ doesn't read.

>> No.6347502

I look forward to writing all my essays while drunk when I take literature classes next semester

>> No.6347544

If you aren't doing the writing for uni then why the fuck are you wasting your time at uni go to trade school you fucking posers

>> No.6347546


this thread is full of people in their late teens doing what they were 'supposed' to do from day one

aka willing whores and slaves

don't expect basic thought

>> No.6347561

The thing is, what else is there to do apart from what you're supposed to do?

I don't particularly want to go to uni. I don't want my life to be a wage slave, having to take part in the capitalist model of society just so I can live. Large amounts of money won't make me particularly happy. I don't want to be a part of society. But there's nothing else that my limited mind can think of - I'm sure there are things, but I'm so sheltered I can't think of any.

>> No.6347566

>Anything that I am "learning" in college will be retaught to me by whatever organization I end up working for.


Also given "labour mobility" ie: "being sacked a lot" because "workers aren't powerful" you'll work for about 8. And be unemployed twice as often.

You have a moral responsibility to your own capacities.

>> No.6347570


you can make a shit ton of money or do whatever else you want without going to a university

I don't know why state-sponsored education is seen as such an important thing

>> No.6347577


>moral responsibility

is it 1860?

>> No.6347614

Which just reinforces the fact that whatever I do in school is essentially meaningless since my life will be spent trying to bounce around following rules made by different people, none of which will be consistent with what I learn in class.

>> No.6347647

No it's 2015 and you're a worker letting down your class.

>> No.6347653

You don't go to class to learn, you go to class to compare your own learning with that of your academic.

Fucksake, do none of you little cunts know how to use University to become yourselves?

>> No.6347659

Teach me senpai

>> No.6349552
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I know plenty of fuckers just like you who spend way more time and effort in trying to get around having to do something than just sitting the fuck down and actually doing it.

You'll fall through the cracks eventually.

>> No.6349561
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OP is of African descent.

>> No.6349645

The optional reading list and the required reading lists are the most essential parts of the course. On top of that you should read more for the essays.

This is how you learn: by working for yourself.

Being in class is a chance to see how the Lecturer or Tutor is wrong, and to test your arguments in conversation in tutorials.

>> No.6349682

>Fucksake, do none of you little cunts know how to use University to become yourselves?
Unlikely. That whole aspect of university is played down a lot these days. I don't know anybody who didn't treat it like a continuation of school.

>> No.6349712

>I don't know anybody who didn't treat it like a continuation of school.

That's why, in the end, I had to stop teaching in university - the handholding was too much to bear. I actually had someone put their hand up and ask to go to the toilet during a seminar and I pretty much decided that was my last year in academia.

Also the dean was after me regarding some unpleasantness regarding my research but that's tangential.

>> No.6349745
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>unpleasantness regarding my research
w-what kind of freaky shit did you do?

>> No.6349763


Ran up enormous bills and expenses. Deans hate that kind of shit.

Sorry to disappoint with the lack of freakiness, but academia is more about dough than doing unpspeakable things in dark rooms.

>> No.6349768

I got all my answers to the abstract algebra homework using google. I only changed the name of the shit in it.
Original: "Let M be a module over a ring R and to this and that"
Me: "Let A be a ring, then consider a module B and do this and that"
Never had to put a foot in the classroom.
I'm late as fuck compared to my second major. Hoping to finish the degree some day...

>> No.6349772

>some unpleasantness regarding my research
You were destructively testing white babies genitals weren't you?

>> No.6349815

>Ran up enormous bills and expenses. Deans hate that kind of shit.
In my system academics don't have financial sign off. Solved that problem instantly.

>> No.6349884

Damn. I was hoping for something greasy.

>> No.6349968

>In my system academics don't have financial sign off.

Neither did I. It's a long and boring story that I'll call The Case of the Symposium That Got Out of Hand and Became Expensive when I write it in my memoirs.

The main bone of contention with me and the dean came down to the fact that I was constantly going off-piste and publishing things that didn't impact our Research Assesments which determined how much funding we got. The arguements largely boiled down to me saying "whatever, I do what I want" and the evil dean yelling "WE OWN YOU YOU WILL PUBLISH THINGS TO OUR BENEFIT UNTIL WE HAVE WRUNG YOU DRY AND THEY YOU MAY DIE".

There may be some editorialisation in my recollections, but that's basically how it went.

>> No.6349996

>he didn't align his publications to the department's requirements


>> No.6350007


Nah, I published loads for them too, it was just they got all fascistic about me researching things I was interested in that they wouldn't let me teach.

I also went to a conference and never showed up to give my paper and went fishing in Sweden instead. That really pissed her off. With good reason, I'll hold my hands up to that one.

>> No.6350229

If you don't mind my asking, what do you do now? And what field were you in?

>> No.6350556
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What a strange, sad thread. I teach literature courses to undergraduates, and the content will almost certainly never be of specific use to most of them in their careers. However, those who actually do their own work over a few years greatly improve their ability to articulate their thoughts, write or speak persuasively and coherently, do research and consider multiple opposing viewpoints, and gain a great deal of general cultural, societal, and historical knowledge. The job opportunities that (for instance) Medieval Lit directly leads to are essentially non-existent, but that doesn't make the experience useless. Plagiarizing gets you nothing but a grade that you could easily accomplish fairly with a little effort, and the fair approach gives you the personal benefits. You're not beating the system, you're just spending a lot of money and time to get one small fraction of what university has to offer you (the diploma).
Also, this idea:
>Anything that I am "learning" in college will be retaught to me by whatever organization I end up working for
is hilarious. Do you think you can fake any career around until you pick it up on the fly? I doubt you've ever seen a serious job interview process.