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/lit/ - Literature

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6343820 No.6343820 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/

I was thinking of buying one of Aquinas' Summa Theologica books. Should I buy:

The 15000 page version of 2300$
The 6 volume version of 220$
Or newly translated version of 40$?

Also, what version did you read?

>> No.6344129


shameless self-bump

>> No.6344134

>15000 page

Isn't the summa some 3000 pages long?

>> No.6344162

I bought the Penguin Classics version of his Selected Writings, it was like $20

>> No.6345241


Thanks for the tip!


Yeah but they have a big version with all types of reviews and comments

>> No.6345245

You'd have a lot more luck with amazon reviews, that's what I use for deciding between editions of any given thing.

>> No.6345324

Why would you read that

>> No.6345455

So you can make fun of people who haven't.

>> No.6345676

Read parts of it online, buy a selected works or at the worst the 40$ translation before you make a massive investment on books you might not even fully read more than once.

>> No.6346343

I would also recommend the Oxford World Classics edition of Aquinas' Selected Works. Arranged thematically and has a rather intuitive way of presenting the questions and materials.

>> No.6346875


Ah the same reason we read most anything. How could that anon not know? Carry on.

>> No.6346890


>> No.6346900
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Saved you $2300
Thank me later

>> No.6348273

Where the fuck do you guys buy used books online? It's 99% scalpers/bookjackers unless you're buying new.

>> No.6348275


>> No.6348304

There's no point in reading it if it's not in latin

>> No.6348309
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Another guy here, I am about to buy "Aquinas's Shorter Summa" but haven't read it, does anyone have an idea if it's good or not?

>> No.6348325
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My god, people actually tried to theorize that ?

Why ?

>> No.6348490

Why would that be a God and not, say, some kind of immutable natural principle or law? And in that case, why worship it? Wouldn't worshipping part of the natural world be automatically paganism?

>> No.6348499

>Wouldn't worshipping part of the natural world be automatically paganism?

However, I have no idea about any of the implications of the idea of a "First Mover", I'm not an expert on Aquinas. I just thought the image did a good job of summarizing the idea

>> No.6348501

Well just seems to me that the jump to "God" is not really there.

>> No.6348528

There's a fuckload more worth reading by old Thomas than the Summa, he's brilliant.
Check out De Ente et Essentia and his commentaries on the Metaphysics at least, but there's a bunch of shorter Diputed Questions that should interest you.

Keep in mind that most people, even academics, don't know shit about Aquinas, let alone this board. He is much more than an aristotelian.

>> No.6348849

Yeah, a lot oof his arguments apply better to deism than theism, but that's still something.