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/lit/ - Literature

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6341818 No.6341818 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW too scared to post stuff I've written on here for constructive criticism out of fear it'll be stolen

You're not like that, right /lit/?

>> No.6341823

It would have to be worth something to be stolen.

>> No.6341825

It's very likely no one gives enough of a shit about what you write to even read it, let alone steal it.

>> No.6341832

Not long ago some anon admitted to stealing ideas from here and making good money on flash fiction sites. It was probably bait though.

>> No.6341842
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I think it's better that you don't post anything on here because the 'constructive' criticism is extremely rare. 4chan is trolls trolling trolls, so unless you literally write out the whole of Ulysses they're going to call it shit and leave it at that.

>> No.6341845
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because the average 4chan story packs eleven times the content into one fifth the length. fucking "story concentrate" that might as well come in a little frozen cylinder

>> No.6341851

If you're going to post something online and risk being plagiarised or barring yourself from actually getting it published, at least do it somewhere that will actually give you useful, informed criticism.

As long as you're scared of being plagiarised, and not scared of being criticised, you're on the right track.

>> No.6341872

>he doesnt know about /lit/ writers on pastebin

>he wasnt around for the worst of /lit/ writers thread yeaterday

>> No.6341882

Do tell about the latter, anon. If not, got an archive link or something?

>> No.6341890
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>tfw some of your stuff was in the "Worst of /lit/" thread

But then again, I've also put stuff up on /lit/ that has been pretty heavily praised. It's all about riding the dragon.

>> No.6342003

You may post your ideas here >>6341967

>> No.6342018

Yeah me. Dont care if it's good or not. It's mine.

>> No.6342023

Post it in your blog or writerscafe account first. If your writing appears somewhere else first, and you can prove your ownership there (this is, of a website, online disk or an account on a website (yes, even that would be enough)) you shouldn't be worried about someone stealing what you post here, you could even sue whoever steal it if somehow managed to profit from it.

>> No.6342619

Thank you for the advice, anon.