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File: 381 KB, 1536x1114, George-RR-Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6340936 No.6340936 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the first person in history to have their magnum opus finished by other people in a different medium while still being alive?

>> No.6340942


>> No.6340948

All it proves is how bad a writer he is.

>> No.6340984

Shakespeare did it before.

>> No.6341000

Is he drowning in grool or sperm ?

>> No.6341005

while "Magnum Opus" is commonly used to refer to a artists best work, its supposed to mean "great work", which game-o'-shit is not.

>> No.6341197


>> No.6341301

>And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast."

>She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.

>He found a line and pulled on it, fighting toward the hatch to get himself below out of the storm, but a gust of wind knocked his feet from under him and a second slammed him into the rail and there he clung. Rain lashed at his face, blinding him. His mouth was full of blood again. The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit.

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

>> No.6341352

This has happened to a lot of Japanese people that have had tv shows made about their comics before they're done. But those aren't /lit/.

>> No.6341617


harry potter you fucker

also everything about game of thrones fucking blows, you people need to grow up

>> No.6341621


If you at all have any interest in Game of Thrones after early high school then you should probably consider growing up

>> No.6342205

are you retarded?

>> No.6342234

I don't think he's ever had sex, but I'd say he has a lifetime experience of being a fat man straining to take a shit, I mean he's been straining to finish the one shit for nineteen years now.

>> No.6342237
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>I don't think he's ever had sex

>> No.6342244

did he just ask every black girl to get near him?
did he personally tell white girls to wait for the next photo and never took it?
why are they dressed so differently?

>> No.6342256

I'd say even fangirl sluts have their limits, he literally looks like a mall santa who got extra cookies the past twenty years

>> No.6342260

For women, social status comes first before looks

>> No.6342278
File: 145 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does posting about GRRM help you pretentious cunts with your lack of meaningful accomplishments in life?

Jesus, he puts out a fantasy series superior to most in the genre, becomes popular initially almost entirely through word of mouth, and once it enters the mainstream, every second post is

> old man taking a shit

Pic related

And yeah having the tv show finish his work makes no fucking sense, but it doesn't diminish the quality of the series

>> No.6342290

Shame you have neither.

>> No.6342293

>Does posting about GRRM help you pretentious cunts with your lack of meaningful accomplishments in life?

>Implying writing trashy genre fic that gets popular with nerds and normies is the height of what we consider accomplishment
>Implying the majority of us don't read or write to satisfy our own burning desire for knowledge and self fulfilment, judged only by ourselves and those we consider our equal
>Implying you're not butthurt because you don't like feeling like a pleb for reading this trash and considering it anything more than low brow entertainment

>> No.6342295
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>> No.6342370


>> No.6342396


seriously the only difference between john green threads and GRRM threads is the latter bring the plebs out of the woodwork.

>> No.6342415
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Finish him.

>> No.6342416

>Implying writing trashy genre fic that gets popular with nerds and normies is the height of what we consider accomplishment

he didn't imply that. he implied however paltry you might consider GRRM's accomplishments, they're still greater than yours

which, if your chief motivation is knowledge and self-fulfilment, could be taken to mean that you're unlearned and unfulfilled, and/or, if you don't even consider personal success in these endeavours an accomplishment, that worse than having no ambition, you are a hobbyist, wilfully approaching enlightenment not as an ideal but as a raft to carry you on pleasantly through to the end

>> No.6342450
File: 12 KB, 400x224, stock-footage-internet-piracy-pirate-on-a-laptop-computer-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he literally looks like a mall santa who got extra cookies the past twenty years

did he just ask every black girl to get near him?

>> No.6342472

I cringe at remembering my reading the five books a few years ago and thinking they were great and going so far as to recommend them.

>> No.6342666


While I'm not trying to compare the literary merit of the two, one could just as easily cherry pick similar quotes like this from Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.6342839

It's his greatest work. Prove me wrong, what else could compare?

>> No.6342888

No, because the info, including the ending, which he gave to the show creators is entirely different to what he has planned for his novels. He fed them bullshit so the show can conclude and the books will take a completely unexpected path which will take everyone by surprise.

>/lit/ still feels the need to shitpost in martin threads
top kek guys, top kek. That obsession must be torture.

>> No.6342910

>implying A Song of Ice and Fire is his true magnus opus.

>> No.6342918
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> GRRM's accomplishments, they're still greater than yours

that's such stupid reasoning though, and i've noticed it is often the ultima ratio of plebs around here. an appeal to popularity combined with a personal attack, as if you have to be a rich popular author to judge books, what a load of shit. martins' books are so shitty. i read a fairly large proportion of genre "pleb" books and I found ASoIAF to be boring, uncompelling, and trite. Wow knights and ladies, sex and violence, sure haven't seen that a million times before. how is it different than all those 1980s/1990s tv adaptations of Robin Hood or King Arthur? Speaking of which the tv show sucked too.

>> No.6342924

A better question:

Is he the only author alive to unintentionally buttfluster so many internet posters to the point that they don't recognize their shitposting is in fact an insatiable desperation?

What do you call it when someone is unaware that their jest/mockery is an addiction? Is there even a term for this?

It's like a case of the trolls unconsciously being trolled.

>> No.6342940
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>and I found ASoIAF to be boring, uncompelling, and trite. Wow knights and ladies, sex and violence

admitting a 'pleb' work went over your head

good thing you're anonymous

>> No.6342985

GRRM is a great writer when looked at with a really broad lens. I mean this literally in that he has very detailed overarching plots and worldbuilding, which is great to think about after the fact and appreciate. But if you look at him with a very focused lens, as in trying to glean any sophistication out of his actual prose and diction, then you're gonna have a bad time. In other words he's great when you're not reading him but he's awful during the act of reading.

>> No.6343023

Just for fun, can anyone look up for quotes that are impressive?
I can't remember such a thing because I dropped a long time ago but someone might still be keeping up.

Even if it is his greatest work, can it really deserve the status of magnum opus if it's that bad?
Not even counting the topics, tone, or subject; GoT goes nowhere and everywhere for any and no reason.

>> No.6343040

Are you trying to imply that GURM is getting anywhere near to enlightenment for writing trash that wouldn't pass through a pulp magazine's editor?
Having standards defined by shock-value and sales, and being ambitious are different things.

>> No.6343048

>that chart

>most read
>goes by number of copies sold

>implying most people who have a bible actually read it

>> No.6343053

>Even if it is his greatest work, can it really deserve the status of magnum opus if it's that bad?
It isn't bad though. The only genuinely bad things are the prose of certain passages (which are downright awful at times). There is too much that the series as a whole does well to be simply written off as 'bad'.

>GoT goes nowhere and everywhere for any and no reason.
I don't even know what this is supposed to mean but it sounds like a pretty simplistic reading of the books.

>> No.6343065

>>And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast."
>The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit.

Is /lit/ the only place on the internet that honestly believes the author wrote this without genuine humour in mind? Are you people that daft?

>> No.6343073

>all these regurgitated stock 'criticisms' and memes
>trying this hard

>> No.6343091


>> No.6343094

GRRM has no depth of any kind.

>> No.6343106


You managed to put three into a single tiny post. That aint a bad effort.

However you mother would probably be disappointed with just
>GRRM has no depth of any kind.
Step your game up nigga

>> No.6343120

Have you read him or are just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.6343372

>reading for any reason other than enjoyment and escapism

Wow the NEET on the Turkmenistani Cave Art imageboard is so enlightened because he forces himself to read boring tomes

>> No.6343419
File: 152 KB, 467x700, 1347590153747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well enlighten me fagtron what did I miss out on? I doubt the legions of fans who lap that shit up are really digging into the subtext

>> No.6343434

>implying there is anything more than soap opera inconsequential drama

hurrr le meme criticism that is entirely true.

>> No.6344044

>soap opera
nice meme

>inconsequential drama
but that's wrong. now you're just pulling any old random thing from your ass.

>> No.6344065

Its not a "meme" if its true.

And no, hes not wrong. In fact the entire series of GoT is shit.

You can palpably experience the corners he writes himself into. When whos dagger the assassin had was supposed to be a mystery, oh hurr durr its the little shits dagger.
whole books are skippable with cliff notes and nothing is missed because the story is not even worth taking.

Asoiaf is the literal embodiment of everything wrong with genre fiction.

>> No.6344068

So this is how you fantasy-reading manchildren rationalize your poor reading choices.

>> No.6344074


Arthur C. Clarke/Kubrick/2001

>> No.6344082

>When whos dagger the assassin had was supposed to be a mystery, oh hurr durr its the little shits dagger

This is one of the weakest efforts I've ever seen at explaining why something is shit. Even just formally, it's poor:

>when [plot point] was supposed to be a mystery, oh hurr durr [resolution]

You can see how lacking in persuasive power that is, right?

GoT is enjoyable trash, why people get super worked up about it - for or against - is puzzling to me.

>> No.6344084

It is a meme, you'd have to be brand new not to know that it's one of /lit/'s favourites when shitposting about these books. You couldn't begin to describe why it is a soap opera without relegating a host of well regarded works as soap operas too.

The series is A Song of Ice and Fire, not Game of Thrones.

>When whos dagger the assassin had was supposed to be a mystery, oh hurr durr its the little shits dagger.
It wasn't a mystery. The story plays with the readers presumptions and convinces them the dagger belonged to one character, then eventually reveals it belonged to another, thereby altering and revealing those character's motivations. This isn't what a mystery means, nor does it have anything to do with supposed corners Martin writes himself into. You're all over the place bud.

>whole books are skippable with cliff notes
Everything is skippable with cliffnotes

>and nothing is missed because the story is not even worth taking.
You've just demonstrated you missed something which is explicitly explained to the reader, you're not going to have much luck if you're that daft.

>> No.6344093


Novels about real people aren't boring to non-pedophiles.

>> No.6344189

read on anon, I'm not judging you. They are easy reads but it is kinda a laugh when people argue they are something special.

>It is a meme, you'd have to be brand new not to know that it's one of /lit/'s favourites when shitposting about these books.

>implying posting Asoiaf is not itself the shitposting.
>implying even though its a common criticism its not true

>Everything is skippable with cliffnotes
not when the book is actually about the reading experience and not just the "plot".

Hurr durr fat retard stabs anchunt evul with obsidian dagger with his eyes closed and kills it.
Hurr durr wandering through desert starving ??? suddenly city with food, wander more ??? suddenly city that opens its doors to us and give us stuff we need to advance plot for free. walk along ??? come to mercenary city, buy mercenaries and use them to kill their sellers i wonder how nobody ever did this before
character is killed so epic, oops we needed her okay shes a zombie now XD
kill all characters come back zmbiz. comic book teir writing. Soap opera writing OOOPS BUT THATS A MEME SO IT DUN COUNT

XDDD cant wait for this fat chode dick hack to make 3 more books full of bullshit before some dragons breath fire on the ANCHUNT EVUL and some stark has a kid or some bullshit.


>> No.6344204


I can't escape the feeling that greentexting

>hurr durr grrm is shit

is the only appropriate response. It's the only level you seem capable of communicating on.

>> No.6344217

Holy hell, this was painful.

You don't mid if I screen cap it?

>> No.6344218


In order to talk to children you must get on their level.

>> No.6344221

Underrated post.

>> No.6344223
File: 22 KB, 260x390, da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that you memed ASOIAF, can you do this book

>> No.6344227

>Are you trying to imply that GURM is getting anywhere near to enlightenment for writing trash that wouldn't pass through a pulp magazine's editor?

nothing I said implies that. if you're the person I replied to, you're not very good at inference.

>> No.6344246


>hurr durr grrm apologists are children

>> No.6344248

>an appeal to popularity combined with a personal attack, as if you have to be a rich popular author to judge books, what a load of shit.

but that wasn't the point. the point was that the sort of judgment of GRRM's work passed on /lit/ usually and evidently aren't motivated by, for example, a desire to define and understand literary methods and merits (like a substantiated criticism would), but are purely psychological/emotional exercises in self-pity and -satisfaction

>> No.6344272


No they are most certainly full grown adults, and that is why its a tragedy.

The children just watch the TV show version.

god damn, I guess they miss all those simply epic descriptions of food:

"The servants brought out the second course: Bacon wrapped eel, stuffed with butter and mushrooms; fried onions drowning in butter; great horns of spicewine. Tyrion's chalice was filled by a buxom wench so that her super big breasts were right in his face, and she winked at him and giggled out a simple: 'anything else m'lord?'; Tyrion felt his twisted disfigured prick which curved right like a fishing hook make his leather trousers quite tight indeed! 'my dear girl, what your lord would like further from you, im afraid, would not be appreciated in a public place' Tyrion said with a sly smirk that indicated his coolness to the reader. The buxom wench giggled, and Tyrion pinched her ass as she made her way off down the table. But he was left to think, over the butter and onions and butter-stuffed onions, that he was ugly as fuck and she probably didnt just want the dick; but instead she would only want the dick in order to get his gold. 'sluts and butter and onions' Tyrion said under his breath before he brought his horn of spice wine to his face in order to take a deep alcoholic gulp"

>> No.6344404

I submit to the gentlemen of the jury that a good chunk of the GRRM hate here is solely due to the fact that the TV show made him very popular among the general public, and many pretentious hipsters here simply cannot stand that, after all something popular can't also be good, right?

If there was no tv show and GRRM was just a normal fantasy writer like say, Le Guin or Wolfe you could talk about him all you want without all these people getting buttmad.

>> No.6344407

No wonder he's fat

>> No.6344432

Fevre Dreams >>> Lame of thrones.

Fevre Dreams I actually the only work I liked from RR M

>> No.6344457


Cliched as the judgement may be, it's hard to think otherwise.

>> No.6344466
File: 33 KB, 170x169, 1427902623622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love game of thrones, david foster wallace could learn from this faggot.

>> No.6344468

>If there was no tv show and GRRM was just a normal fantasy writer
It wouldn't make his books less boring.

>like say, Le Guin or Wolfe
I love Aprils fools

>> No.6344472

Well meme'd... Well meme'd indeed

>> No.6344502
File: 1.44 MB, 1984x1950, IMayNeedToDeployMyTruncheon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It wouldn't make his books less boring.

It would probably make you less apt to moan incessantly about them, no?

>> No.6344541

>It would probably make you less apt to moan incessantly about them, no?
I'd moan about it every time there would be a thread about it.
Just like now.

>> No.6344547

of course anon

>> No.6344550

>I'd moan about it every time there would be a thread about it.

No, you wouldn't.

>> No.6344557

>dat shoulder to hip ratio
that's a very good lucking transgirl.

>> No.6344560

>Does posting about GRRM help you pretentious cunts with your lack of meaningful accomplishments in life?

But Anon, aren't you doing that right now?


>> No.6344565

Yes I would.

I also have a very strong dislike for Wheel of Time.
I whine less about Malazan but still dislike it

>> No.6344576


I don't think that jazz is locked in until puberty's complete. She's like 12 in the picture, which is what makes it amusing.

>Yes I would.
>I whine less

See? Even you knew I was right.

>> No.6344602

>See? Even you knew I was right.
Because I think Malazan has better writing than Game of Thrones.

If they make a series about Malazan I would still whine as much about it as I do now.
Also I've always been critical of Game of Thrones.

Every long fantasy series is shit, no exception.

>> No.6344624

>If they make a series about Malazan I would still whine as much about it as I do now.

Even you don't believe this, though. You just resent other people knowing it's false. You resent what it implies about you.

And so you struggle - in vain, I assure you - to retain control over the image your actions present to the world around you. None of us gets to choose, unfortunately.

>> No.6344632

Why would I dislike a series more if there is a tv show about it?

Whatever you must be trolling since it's april fools.

>> No.6344642

>Why would I dislike a series more if there is a tv show about it?

Because the show's popularity provides a starker contrast between its devotees and the self-image you want to project like, duh.

>> No.6344670

This thread is trash.

>> No.6344935
File: 7 KB, 259x194, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit.

Holy shit, is this actually a line from one of his novels? I'm not even mad, that's fucking hilarious.

>> No.6344956


well satan, the thing is: when you read the quotes from GR you are actually disgusted by the description of something that is supposed to be disgusting, its not just talk of poop, it gets your skin crawling; GRRM on the other hand just sounds like an goofy fat guy who uses shit and cunt for no reason and to no effect.

>> No.6345288

There's not a single popular thing that is /lit approved, not because what's popular is automatically bad, but because its all pretentious cunts on here.

>> No.6345292

no, you're just a faggot

>> No.6345532

cherrypicking the post

>> No.6345549

>GRRM has no depth of any kind.

He's good with foreshadowings.

>> No.6347139

At least I find interesting that he writes his novels on an old DOS computer.

>> No.6347161


>> No.6347185
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>20 years and 1.7 million words later the series still isn't finished

are you serious

>> No.6347770

The tenth circle of hell is reserved for samefags. Take care.

>> No.6347777

>This thread is trash.
ASOIAF fans are the dumbest people on this board. What did you expect?

>> No.6348422


There is no hell, nor was that samefagging.

>> No.6348439
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> tfw my friends love his books

>> No.6348502

I think asoiaf is low culture, but very good low culture. it's entertaining and imaginative with plenty of world building. the first 3 books at least are well put together. the problem with books 4 and 5 is that they're too bloated and slow paced. with proper editing, feast and dance could've been a single book no longer than aSoS imo.

I respect this series, especially the first 3, although I think calling GRRM the American Tolkien is hilarious.

I'm sure I'm going to get backlash for this, but I'm honestly not sure why /lit/ hates asoiaf so much.

>> No.6348540

It has annoying fans and /lit/ (publicly) hates genre fiction, but whatever.

The first three were good, but then he lost the plot and has just been treading water.

V4 & 5 were supposed to be one volume. The first "half" was released in 2005, already three years off the two year pace established by the first three.

Volume 5 appeared six years after that, five after it was promised.

You could combined the books and cut for a better read (I'll take your word for it -- I gave up), but that would have meant releasing it 11 years after volume 3. Not practical commercially, and not a sign of a writer in command of his story.

At this point he just needs to step aside and let HBO ghost write it for him, if that's not happening already.

>> No.6348546

>I respect this series, especially the first 3, although I think calling GRRM the American Tolkien is hilarious.

I agree with your assessment of Martin. But I also think Tolkein is overrated. "Not another fucking elf" more or less sums up my attitude to LOTR, for example. And I think it shares the need for an editor's attention (the books should be intercut by chapter, rather than just separated). I'm not on board with calling Marting 'the American Tolkien' largely because I resent the tendency to dub someone 'the [adjective] [proper noun]' generally.

>> No.6348554

GoT makes for excellent TV

Shitty book series though

>> No.6348557


this was a reasonable post. I agree that GRRM has lost the thread of this story. HBO is doing a fine job.

you should take my word for it, feast and dance had a decent installment in the midst of them. but as it stands, asoiaf has lost its direction and is bursting at the seams. he needed editors more than anything, but it's too late now.

I also think the fame and success had a very negative effect on GRRM as a writer.

>> No.6348563


the elves were kind of overdone. I think Tolkien got really sucked into his creation and elaborated for the sake of doing so. this was compounded by his linguistic studies.

LOTR is among my favorites, though. it's impossible to deny its massive influence on pretty much all nerd fag fantasy of the past 50 years.

>> No.6348615


Oh yeah, no denying its influence.

>> No.6349248


I don't know how, but he got himself a wife. I don't know what she looks like, mind you.

>> No.6349278
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If I remember correctly, the film and the novel were written simultaneously, and Kubrick and Clarke agreed to release the novel after the film.
But yeah, it's a good example.

>> No.6349332


>> No.6349347

I hate GRRM so goddamn much

Gene Wolfe and Kentaro Miura are the superior edgelords of fantasy.

>> No.6349433

>Top two books are ideological pieces bought in droves and thrown at people in hopes they read them.

>> No.6349444
File: 53 KB, 325x560, vc_andrews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think there are more VC Andrews novels published since she died than she actually wrote herself.

>> No.6349491

Just female

>> No.6349716

>GoT makes for excellent TV

>Shitty book series though
top lel for both

>> No.6349762

Mark Millar.