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/lit/ - Literature

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6340317 No.6340317 [Reply] [Original]

How many books are you planning on reading this year, /lit/?

How many have you read so far?

And if you're currently reading something, what is it?

>> No.6340321
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Just finished reading Notes From Underground and starting The Double next.

I think I should update my target of books to read this year on my GoodReads profile because so far I've read 6 books this year and I initially set a target of 20 books to read.

>> No.6340336


I've read 19, hope to read around 80 although I'm considering Proust so that might reduce the number to around 50 or 60.

I'm currently reading a recent book called Find Me, a dystopian novel about a world in which an epidemic has ravaged the USA. Pretty good so far

>> No.6340350

i planned on 50, only done like 5 so far
i keep starting and not finishing things. so far i've got mason & dixon, storm of steel and some fuckhuge history of the atomic bomb sitting by my bed and all i'm actually reading is the occasional lovecraft story

>> No.6340407
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>> No.6340410

what are you doing here, you lazy baiter, you

>> No.6340419

I'd struggle to read that amount in a year, honestly. Are you guys also counting novellas, short stories and graphic novels into the equation too?

>> No.6340422

>How many books are you planning on reading this year, /lit/?
40, but might come to more.

>How many have you read so far?

>And if you're currently reading something, what is it?
Plato's complete works.

>> No.6340428

I admire you, I can't even reach 30 books per year

>> No.6340432

ive read 28 i dont have a goal

>> No.6340526

Try to read everyday. I usually aim for about 2 hours a day.

>> No.6340529

I plan on finishing 1 good sized book this year,minimum.
I hope that after finishing the first I'd pick up some momentum and read a second one faster.

>> No.6340538

Quality over quantity. Only little insecure posers need numbers to feel achievement.

>> No.6340545

So far I've only read 7. I don't really have a goal in mind, except to broaden my horizons. Usually I've always stuck with literary works and essays, but I've been dabbling in sci-fi lately since I've always avoided genre fiction. I also want to get into history, and get back into studying folk lore and folk music. No real number of books I want to finish though.

>> No.6340546

So let me guess... 3?

>> No.6340563

I finish a book every week

>> No.6340572

I've read 500 books so far this year. No, I'm not joking.

>> No.6340577

I never plan to read a number of books. That's the most plebian thing to do, talk about a number of books that you have read. Patricians will read, how many is not relevant, but the quality of them.

Pebians will dispute this.

>> No.6340585

Who says you can't read multiple pieces of quality literature through the year?

>> No.6340596

I've read 6 books in their entirety and am currently reading 4 others.

My goal is 26 books by the end of the year.

>> No.6340601

>How many books are you planning on reading this year, /lit/?
I dunno
>How many have you read so far?
>And if you're currently reading something, what is it?
Things Fall Apart

>> No.6340633

How many books are you planning on reading this year, /lit/?
>when I feel like reading I'll read I don't plan on reading a specific number.
How many have you read so far?
And if you're currently reading something, what is it?
>I've started Grifter's Game and Little Girl Lost and I just finished Witness to Myself, all from the Hard Case Crime collection.

>> No.6340640

I read 33 books in 2014, so I'm aiming to go over 40 this year.

I'm averaging about 5 books a month, so it's looking good so far.

Currently reading Yayha Hassan's poetry debut.

>> No.6340660

24 this year. Could be more if not for "Wind-up Bird Chronicle" which took me 3 weeks. It really reads like Coelho sometimes.
No plan, I read for pleasure. Why the hell would you plan a number of books you read?

>> No.6340664

> Why the hell would you plan a number of books you read?

If you thought you didn't read enough and wanted to get back into it/wanted to expand your tastes.

>> No.6340671

So why do you read if you have to force it upon yourself? To apear patrician on belarusian traktor manufacturing board? It's not like anybody in your environment cares.

>> No.6340680

I didn't read for pleasure at all from the end of high school all the way through college. I arbitrarily decided I'd read 50 books, and after a slow first 2 months, I'm really gunning for it. The number itself just forces me to read more and different material, so I'm glad I challenged myself. I'm 9 deep, although I just read Shantaram which took me 2-3 weeks.

>> No.6340681

I have finally broken myself of the harmful fixation on number of books read in a year. It's not a race to whip your eyes over as many words as possible.

>> No.6340684

Perhaps To Motivate Yourself.

>> No.6340704

So what are you gonna brag about on /lit/ anon? It's time to rethink your life.

>> No.6340709

If you have to motivate yourself you don't like reading. Do somethin else, shitpost on /b/ or go play football.

>> No.6340711

>that image

I'm still laughing

>> No.6340752

You're very cynical, anon. I don't plan on a number of books a year myself but I can understand why someone would if they wanted to read more and challenge themselves. Some books will be easier and more natural a reading experience than others, the other books could be something much more challenging to read. Nothing wrong with challenging yourself once in a while and reading is definitely one of the more productive pastimes.

>> No.6340964
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I've never understood people who set goals for their reading...

"This year I will read 52 books."
-Why? Reading isn't a race. Do you set goals for watching movies? Taking shits? Looking at paintings? 4chan posts?

Reading is pure entertainment, and should be treated as such. Goodreads and /lit/ are honestly a plague to young readers minds. These sites turn literature into a competition to see who can read the most books in a year. Or who can read the most complex books, or the most pages, or whatever.... It's silly.

Read for pleasure, read to learn, read to escape.

I read 100-150 pages a day, and have no clue how many books I've read this year, or any year, and honestly I don't give a damn. The only thing I know is I've enjoyed every minute of it. The second I am bored I put the book down and do something else.

>> No.6340976

Would you tell someone who watches TV 12 hours a day you admire the amount of soap operas, and reality tv shows they watch?


>> No.6341172

profile? would like to check other fellow goodreaders out :)

>> No.6341189

I'm on my sixth book this year. Some are short like novellas, and some are long and kind of anthropological. I read about 20-30 books in a year at this rate, depending on various factors.

>> No.6342082

Like three Death novels from Discworld, possibly four if Hogfather isn't first 3.

>> No.6342101
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I'm going for 200 books a year. I currently read about 5 hours a day, but work has made it more difficult. I most recently finished Flow my Tears, The Policeman Said by PKD and The Mad and The Bad by Jean-Patrick Manchette.

Most of my list has come from /lit/ and 99% of them so far have been amazing.