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/lit/ - Literature

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6339084 No.6339084 [Reply] [Original]

We judge each other based on our top 3 p4p best authors.

>Ernest Hemingway, Yukio Mishima, and Virginia Woolf

>> No.6339117

nice list, fag. you gonna kill yourself just like your authors?

>> No.6339128

Combined with your image I'm guessing you're a >tfw no gf skinnyfat faggot, and probably 20 or younger.


>> No.6339134
File: 10 KB, 191x264, suddoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that list
rethink your life choices OP

My list:

>> No.6339135

You're a tryhard with one or no friends.

>> No.6339142

foster wallace

>> No.6339145

That's actually spot on.
>twain is tryhard
You're that guy who has a crush on one of his male friends.

>> No.6339148


>> No.6339219
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You got the age right. I'm actually ripped. Being fit wont make you happy; I still feel depressed and I feel like the authors I chose relate to me on an emotional level.
Fan of Twain myself.

>> No.6339235

Zing. Did you guess I was the other list of just off the cuff? Impressive either way.

>> No.6339239
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>> No.6339242

>cis white, early 30's? Probably angsty growing up.

>> No.6339253


>Cis white
>Early 30's
nope, 21
Maybe a little but I'm pretty normal fag on the outside

>> No.6339255
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Cool dude but thinks he's smarter than everyone
Honestly likes Twain but the others you pretend to like so you look sophisticated
you are a meme

Here's mine:

>> No.6339258

>muh end of western civilisation

>> No.6339262
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Do you actual read? Or just browse /lit/ and tell everyone you read?

>> No.6339264


>> No.6339267
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And you called me a teenager

>> No.6339270
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>> No.6339275
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talk shit get hit

>> No.6339282
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At least my authors speak from real emotion. When's the last time you felt sad, faggot?

>> No.6339286

>not speaking from real emotion
You know nothing.

Also u mad bro?

>> No.6339290

Don't kill yourself OP


Come at me

>> No.6339293

Is Borges depressing?

>> No.6339303

Does a bear shit in the woods?

>> No.6339305

Fanciful, bookish, fun.

>> No.6339308

Exactly, that's what I thought too.

>> No.6339312

How is HG treating you

>> No.6339313

Go fuck yourself

>> No.6339323

>Joseph Conrad
>Harlan Ellison
>WIlliam S. Burroughs

>> No.6339330

OP here
The only other one I liked

>> No.6339335
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>Cool dude but thinks he's smarter than everyone


>> No.6339366

I don't get why everyone says proust is tryhard. He's much easier for me than /lit/'s favorites like pynchon. Honestly some of the most smooth prose I've read

>> No.6339428


>> No.6339446


>> No.6339485


>> No.6339514
File: 109 KB, 250x186, 250px-Just_Crichton_and_King_Bookstore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who enjoys being the "weird" guy of the group, but is fairly well adjusted

humor and satire was your gateway into literature

Misanthrope, but sardonic enough to not be a bore

>G.K. Chesterton
>William Empson
>Kingsly Amis

>> No.6339522

You like explorations of human nature and can appreciate a good atmosphere as well.

>> No.6339524
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>Misanthrope, but sardonic enough to not be a bore
Not bad, anon.

>> No.6339532

The odds of accomplishing a link between personality and specific interests in authors is very low.

>> No.6339534

>The guy who enjoys being the "weird" guy of the group, but is fairly well adjusted
Correct. Nicely done.

>> No.6339544

>muh feels

no, you get out, retard

>> No.6339545

Karl Marx

More like pedantic, pretentious and boring.

>> No.6339559


100% pleb shit

>> No.6339563


>> No.6339570

>implying he's not the contemporary Tocqueville in literary form, with a more cynical nature towards humanity

>> No.6339571

You might make a case for pedantic, why I said bookish, but pretentious? They're short stories. Self consciously brief.

What do you read for fun, comrade?

>> No.6339573


>> No.6339580

Spot on.

>> No.6339583

>implying I would want to read anybody with that matches that description

>look guys! here's an ugly middle aged man that hates society! look at his ugly ass hair and face and body! he's like Bukowski but he's French so he's probably cooler!

>> No.6339589

Whatever I may find. I enjoy silly poetry and philosophy stuff. I'm not very organized.

>> No.6339594

>basically just ad hominems to justify your hatred of an author you've probably never even read
If we're going to go that far, then I suppose its best we stop replying to each other. Or at least I will cease.

>> No.6339598

Once more, into the breach. As of late:

>Hunter Thompson

>> No.6339600

you were the first person to ad hominem him buddy

>> No.6339603
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pic related, it's me btw.

>> No.6339618
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H.P. Lovecraft
Orson Scott Card
Timothy Zahn

>> No.6339623

>H.P. Lovecraft
At least you have the sack to admit it. I love him, but I never admit it because of the number of fans he has that so completely miss the fucking point.

In fact, fuck any reference to Cthulhu all together.

>> No.6339627

I see you also posted

>> No.6339630

You wot m8, I'm >>6339598 and I've never even read any of the authors the other guy posted. Don't throw me in with that lot

>> No.6339637

GOD's Holy Spirit
Lewis Carroll
JRR Tolkien

>> No.6339640

JG Ballard
Cormac McCarthy

>> No.6339651

Anne Frank
Allen Ginsberg
Karl Marx

>> No.6339655



nice taste son

>> No.6339656

Louise Glück, Helene Cixous, Emil Cioran

>> No.6339692

>J.G. Ballard
>Thomas Pynchon
>Franz Kafka

>> No.6339698

You like disgusting imagery

>> No.6339702

Yeah, but I hate William S. Burroughs though.

>> No.6339733

Marcus Aurelius

>> No.6339791

>Hunter. S

>> No.6339817
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Destroy me, I beg you.

>> No.6339828


>Destroy me, I beg you.

I hope you really liked those reads I hope you go on to enjoy many more.

>> No.6339830

If you're an American, you think about It and attribute a mythology to it, being frustrated and astounded by the nation you inhabit. You also like recreational doses of speed and alcohol.


>> No.6339846


Bradbury? Babby's firdt favorite author!!! :^)

>> No.6339850



>> No.6339873

You are a cool magyar guy

>> No.6340017

You enjoy somewhat antiquated prose that has held up well. As for the stories, the more allegorical, the better. You have an interest in governmental systems. Your sign: Scorpius.

You enjoy a certain flippant attitude towards life. You also enjoy a flippant attitude towards prose, even when it appears well-constructed. No matter how deep the story, it'd better be fucking entertaining. Your sign: Capricorn.

You enjoy a mixture of great prose and great story. Unfortunately, few authors possess a talent for both. You don't enjoy contemporary literature much, but you are dedicated to the classics. You want to become a college professor, or once wanted to. Your sign: Aries.

>> No.6340019


You're about 21, not college educated, and you feel a little bit bad about your lack of education, but not very.

Do me, do me!

John Berryman
Terry Pratchett
Iain Banks

>> No.6340020

TC Boyle

Carl Hiaasen

Norman Maclean (yeah he only wrote two books, who gives a fuck, they were both great)

>> No.6340056


>> No.6340097


>> No.6340139

C.S. Lewis

>> No.6340803


>> No.6340807


>> No.6340823


>> No.6340834


>> No.6340885
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Bruno Schulz
Donald Barthelme
Philip K. Dick

>> No.6340902

Hermann Broch
J.K. Huysman
Erich Kästner

Please tell me how much of a pleb I am Anons.

>> No.6340915


bring the hate

>> No.6340925
File: 148 KB, 651x960, RobertoCalassoBeingAQTandThinkingAboutHorseSex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ confirmed for all reading the same 5 authors

Here's mine, come at me.
Roberto Calasso,
Vladimir Nabokov,
Joris-Karl Huysmans

Depressing to be around

Pq si inquiet mon pote?
Is an atheist, prefers Lucky Strikes to Pall Malls, and spends a lot of time on trains staring out the window with a melancholy feeling while trying to drown out the sound the of the Muslim teenagers goofing around in the isle.

Typical American hipsters

Emotionally well adjusted

>> No.6340938

Ezra Pound
Virginia Woolf
Robert Musil

>> No.6341180

>Emotionally well adjusted

Hey Thanks
>Roberto Calasso
>Vladimir Nabokov
>Joris-Karl Huysmans

Well travelled, likes to debate A LOT!

>> No.6341209

James Joyce
Thomas Pynchon
Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.6341237


You have read the Apology, part of the Symposium, and like a book and a half of the Republic. But that's okay, because you're still in high school.

>> No.6341257


20-22 range, Faulkner/Dost though are ageless

































>> No.6341300


Ça fait plaisir de voir qu'il y a encore des gens qui lisent Huysmans.

>> No.6341315

>the most mainstream literature taught in high school is hipster

>> No.6341322


At this time

>> No.6341342

>Vladimir Nabokov
>Thomas Hardy
>John Ford

>> No.6341348

are you 15?

>> No.6341351

Ça fait plaisir de voir qu'il y a encore des gens qui lisent Jarry.

>> No.6341354

kafka is utter shit
how boring do you have to be for him to be your favourite author? he writes like he's describing a court case at all times in the most strict, athletic legalistic prose, and the stories are all simply 'muh oppression'

>> No.6341363

what's the problem with Wilde?

>> No.6341365
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I agree.
Pic is my reaction at seeing Kafka's name popping up a lot.

>> No.6341370

his works are basically the precursor to pg Wodehouse and douglas adams
simply witty and with no substance
I did like dorian gray, however, but his plays are shit
also I hate the fact that he reuses lines in different works

>> No.6341379


i'm sure he loves being agreed with by a young kid who posts dungeons & dragons type reaction pics, lol.

>> No.6341383

>not recognising dark souls
lol sure is normie in here

>> No.6341386

It's Dank Souls, you weaboo
Christ on a fried stick

>> No.6341390

This might be off topic but are you guys depressed all the time? I don't think I can continue the /lit/ lifestyle.

>> No.6341396


you're both too underage to be posting here

>> No.6341421

'too underage'
it's binary friend

>> No.6341424

>proving his point

>> No.6341426

no I am pretty happy with my life I play lots of golf and read lots of books :)
how are you holding up friend?

>> No.6341431

>complaining about video games on a Japanese anime website

>> No.6341432

>20-22 range, Faulkner/Dost though are ageless
I'm 18. Nice try though.

>> No.6341437


no one cares about your dweeby pleb shit try to come to terms with this.

>> No.6341439

butthurt kafka fan detected

>> No.6341442

kek this
>goes to an animu website
>hehe you guys r nerds xD

>> No.6341447

I'm OP. I'm really depressed.

>> No.6341450

do you think it is simply mental or caused by the circumstances of you life?

>> No.6341460


>teens being teens

>> No.6341466

>complaining about teens on a website that is populated predominantly by 15-20 year olds
at some point you need to either get over it or get better company

>> No.6341469

old fart detected

>> No.6341597
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I'm surprised by the lack of Shakespeare ITT, I'm sure we can at least agree that he's everyone's unequivocal fourth favorite

I have trouble imagining someone loving Proust and Marcus Aurelius and not being pretty mellow.

Not nearly as traveled as I'd like to be, but you got the debate part right.

18 actually, but I'm proud.

Ah bon? J'ai trouvé qu'en France y'a pas mal les gens que lisent. En tout cas, Huysmans c'est un vrai génie.
T'as lu Michel Houellebecq's Submission? J'ai entendu que c'est inspire par Huysmans.

>le muh secret highschool anime club face
Go away

>> No.6341611


>Likes Jodorowsky

>> No.6341624


good taste for your age then. Congrats

>> No.6341629

>18 actually, but I'm proud.

congrats to you as well then, great taste

>> No.6341634

Il me semble que les gens le connaissent de nom sans jamais vraiment le lire, ils en parlent d'un air supérieur, persuadés d'être des parangons de culture. Laissons les vautrés dans leur vomi pédant.
J'ai pas encore lu Soumission, je suis en train de dévorer toute la Comédie Humaine et ça me prend pas mal de temps.

>> No.6341656
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Hjalmar Söderberg
Albert Camus
Nikolai Gogol

>> No.6341742
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>> No.6342109

le bandana man

>> No.6342123


my list changes all the time but right now I guess my favourites would be DeLillo, Ballard, Faulkner

>> No.6342291

18, smokes cigarettes, talks about "society and shit, man" with friends, can appreciate good prose, will grow out of this phase. Should read Walser or No Longer Human.

23, Likes witty stuff, probably a little too full of his own intelligence. Should read John Barth.

Rusemaster, as old as the id itself. Should sudoku.

22, finds humanity alienating and the universe really big and weird and empty. Should read Enrique Vila-Matas.

23, thinks people are pretty weird, but doesn't hate them, laughs a lot. Should read Krasznahorkai (though you very well might have already).

19, hypocrite/10. Wittgenstein, genius aside, was the most pedantic person this side of Russell and the most pretentious this side of Nabokov. Should read an encyclopedia if he wants rock-solid declarations in utilitarian language.

25, really likes allegory and human sin. Should read Under the Volcano.
It's because Lost Time is four thousand pages long and is seen as extremely high-art-like by most people.

Mine recently:
Enrique Vila-Matas
William H. Gass
Hermann Broch

>> No.6342339


I read In the Heart of the Heart of the Country recently. While I really loved the opening story and 2 of the other stories, the other couple left me cold. Could you recommend one of his novels as a starting place?

Also you guys should stop assigning an age to someone's taste in literature. It's silly and I don't really understand what it's based on. The average person who comes in to the book store I work in is probably 40-50 and they mostly read flavour of the month bestseller stuff

>> No.6342343
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>> No.6342381

James Joyce
Marianne Moore
Thomas Wolfe

>> No.6342447

> It's silly and I don't really understand what it's based on
This entire thread is judging strangers on the internet based on the names of three authors they like. It's silly from the start. My ages are basically "What type of attitude might lead a person to like and name these authors? Who generally has that attitude/at what stage of life do people have that attitude?" I wouldn't bet more than a nickel on them, though.

> Could you recommend one of his novels as a starting point
Well, he only has three, and I'd suggest Middle C as a first. I'd also suggest searching up some essays of his, because they give a really good sense of his literary attitudes/agenda.

>> No.6342458

Juan Rulfo
Calderon de la barca

>> No.6342459


full disclosure i like reading heidegger now because i took a class with a pretty famous heidegger scholar and he complimented me on my understanding/interpretation a lot and reading his work became a lot like masturbation for me. i dont even find it particularly interesting or poignant anymore but it makes me feel like such hot shit. god damn. i genuinely enjoy pynchon and nabokov though.

>> No.6342474

>I like reading Heidegger because a guy who liked Heidegger complimented me
I really want to call you all sorts of names, but you're being pretty honest with yourself about it, so I won't. You should still curb that, though.

>> No.6342498


>> No.6342500 [DELETED] 

e.e cummings
w.g. sebald

>> No.6342522

James Joyce
Pleb asf

>> No.6342532


>> No.6342537


>> No.6342587


>> No.6342605

i wasn't very popular in high school and now i get off on people misinterpreting difficult writers that i understand pretty well. it's totally childish but fuck it. once i grow up i'll probably look back on this phase and be embarrassed.

>> No.6342672


>the bigger the book the s-s-smarter i'll s-seem

>> No.6342679


I do like staying a long time with the same books.

>> No.6342681


>> No.6342684

If you're like the average 4chan user, in five years you'll have matured out of "look how smart I am!" and will instead have stopped playing that game altogether, abandoning books and employment and subsisting solely off of food stamps, torrents, and /jp/.

>> No.6342733

Why is it so hard to go through puberty without becoming a massive fucking faggot? I remember being like you and now I just can't imagine what I was thinking.

>> No.6342737
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Nice meme taste friend

>> No.6342753

Not him, but I'm pretty sure until you reach your thirties, you spend your life looking back at yourself two years ago and realizing what a massive faggot you were.

>> No.6342795
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Philip K. Dick
Honestly, never been too big a fan of Shakespeare

>> No.6342802

Haruki Murakami
James Joyce
Aldous Huxley
really warming up to Hemingway lately though and have a soft spot for Wilde.

>> No.6342833
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>two years ago I was reading Gide and Mishima and drinking beers and smoking cigarettes with cool ppl
>today I read Ishiguro and García Márquez and smoke pot and go to the gym by myself mostly
>I've wasted the vast majority of my teenage years relaxing by myself on the beach with a bottle of wine and the warmth of the sun
>tfw no regrets so far

>> No.6342844

>giving a shit what an author looks like

Are we in the middle of a "who can be the biggest pleb" contest?

>> No.6342846

You'll probably be pretty cool to hang out with once you graduate from high school.

>> No.6342850

The time you spent reading Mishima was wasted.

>> No.6342861

>Time enjoyed

>> No.6342872

Why did you greentext those unironic full sentences?

>Time not committing sudoku for glorious Nippon
>Not time wasted

>> No.6342874

Time not used to improving your self/reality is time wasted.

>> No.6342903

>read Pynchon and IJ and act like a smug fuck on /lit/
>all my friends think I'm smart
>going to work hard in college and learn all this stuff about writing and philosophy and ideas and...

>don't do any work
>completely disillusioned with liberal arts students
>talk to no one
>spend all my time watching cute grills and calling you're waifu a shit on /a/

It actually feels sort of cathartic to be such a failure.

>> No.6342914

What does "p4p" in OP's context mean?

>> No.6342920

I just assume it meant either "pound for pound", or perhaps in context, "page for page"

>> No.6342922

I'm assuming it's "pound for pound" (or maybe "page by page" by analogy?), so just taking into account quality, not output.

>> No.6342928

To build up for the >tfw part, although I guess it would have worked better as regular sentences.

I'm usually getting plastered on the beach alone in between working out at the gym and studying. It relives stress and gives me time to reflect.

All I want is an easy job that pays well enough for me to feed my habits and gives me plenty of free time to exercise and read, to live in a warm city with a decent amount of classical concerts, and to have an average gf who keeps me entertained but mostly leaves me alone.
I figure as long as I always keep my priorities straight I can't go wrong with life. Maybe I'm setting myself up for failure, but I can't imagine being 60 and wanting much more either.

>> No.6342929

We are become brothers.

>> No.6342941
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>> No.6342956

>improving reality
If you're a utilitarian or something similar, you could say that having positive happiness improves reality relative to the moment before.

I just want to be left alone and do nothing.

>> No.6344591
File: 132 KB, 1170x1422, 1420605807481s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a phoenix, you must rise from your ashes and make a choice. Here's a video by UFC fighter Chael Sonnen talking about choosing a path. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj_h5-V6L0g Maybe the /lit/ life is still for you but not a /lit/ profession? Don't worry about lifestyles, everyone mostly changes their degree plans anyways. It's just up to you whether you choose to advance in your path.

>> No.6344596

Me again
Motivation < Habit
You can have all the fucking motivation in the world but if you don't form a habit that can accelerate your path, then you're only hurting yourself.

>> No.6344790

Late to the party

>> No.6344981

Thomas Mann
Leo Tolstoy
Hermann Broch

>> No.6344988


>> No.6345052

>flann o'brien
>joseph conrad
>philip k dick

>> No.6345677


dude weed lmao

>> No.6345716

Im probably going to study english in college, can you talk more about why liberal arts students are awful? Ive probably heard it before but id love to be persuaded to study something useful.

>> No.6345736


>> No.6346222

tai "the memelord" pei

>> No.6346229


>> No.6346448

Fernando Pessoa
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Herman Hesse

>> No.6346547

Well, I'm at a classical liberal arts school, so this doesn't necessarily apply to a humanities major at every school. For me, though, the issue is that the liberal arts stereotype (non-religious spiritualists with immense respect for Buddhism smoking pot and talking about "SOCIETY, MAN") is very real, and so socially I can't abide that, and then academically everything becomes about message and feelings and shit, and it's all nebulous and about the discussion rather than the answer, and there's no rigor. I feel like the art-school anons who go looking for technical training in classical painting or something and instead find a bunch of people throwing stuff together and claiming it's social commentary. The emperor has no clothes, STEMfags are right, and I should have found a specifically analytic-biased program to enter.

>> No.6346969
File: 5 KB, 200x210, rpyLu4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, at this point Im thinking of just applying to Oxford and doing a STEM degree if I dont get in. The nebulous feels without any academic rigor is something I expect to find at most universities.

I wish liberal arts didn't attract the people who are just incapable of doing STEM.

>tfw you will probably never study English at Oxford or do anything with your life.

>> No.6346982


If you think the situation at top-tier schools will be any better, you haven't been paying attention. Yeah, there won't be fags like in >>6346547, but they got these new, radical kind of fags. You just can't deal with the fuckers, they're delusional.

The only way is the faulkner route, imo

>> No.6346992


What's the Faulkner route?

>> No.6346998

You go steady with Faulkner. Have you never read a VN before, anon?

>> No.6347116



someone in the social sciences here.

my advisor was a math major as an undergradn, then got a masters in math, and then decided to switch to social science for his PhD.

not to mention most sociology is based around running regressions

>> No.6347126

i'm just doing stats all day

>> No.6347143

>he went and manually click on that many replies
quite passionate about memes

>> No.6347146

Daily reminder that Pynchon started a math PhD and Wittgenstein was an engineer.

>> No.6347150

Well, you could always try anti-depressants

Never read Gaddis, but you're probably a 20 something, unsure about your convictions yet funny guy who wants a qt hipster gf

Insufferable academicist who loves to complain at people who read degenerate postmodern prose

ebin :^)

Yeah, life will never be as whimsical and ethereal as you want, but LSD helps

Edgy teen

Never read Walser, but you're probably depressed at post-modernity's ennui, yet you see things getting better one time or another

Eeeh...sorry, nothing

Skipping to the last ones 'cause thread is bigger than I thought and I'm kinda drunk

babby's first life makes no sense

You wish your life was more thrilling than it is, so you spend your weekends getting wasted on whatever you get while complaining about the modern world with your friends, but deep down you're a nice guy


Mine are Pinecone, Cortázar and Georges Perec

>> No.6347154

I guess some of their readers might think so, but only if they're brain-dead idiots.

Why does no one do mine?

>> No.6347164

I guess whimsical is not the world, but you know, surreal in a hazy way? (Also, I've pretty much skimmed through Kundera, not that he's a bad writer, it's just that I didn't had the time, patience or liked the person who recommended it, and ended reading Lightness more on obligation.

I plan to come back to it someday though)

>> No.6347165

Kafka is whimsical, but in a really cynical morbid way.

>> No.6347178

Kafka based a lot of his writing on Eastern European folk tales and parables -- you could definitely make the argument that there's whimsy in his stories.

>> No.6347180

Flannery o'connor
Raymond carver
Kenzaburo oe

>> No.6347379


(I'm not as edgy as I sound)

>> No.6347390

go the fuck back to tumblr

>> No.6347391

Kafka is more neurotic than cynical

>> No.6347421


Dafuq is a VN? What does "go steady" mean?

>> No.6348333
File: 1.27 MB, 2560x1536, 1398573796743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert Graves
George Orwell

>> No.6348815

Yeah im not saying all liberal arts students are fucking retards, just that most of them are :^)

>> No.6349166




Person pretty much like myself.


Fanatical humanist.


You are in love with "the lost generation" and their followers.


Hipster with a good sense of humor.




You love reading history as much as prose, and hate all post 70s literature.



>> No.6349193


>> No.6349202

Let's say that my cousin is 15 yo.
His favorites are Dosto, then Burgess and Douglas Adams. Is he in the right way, /lit/?

>> No.6349217

Oh, and Kafka, you can also put Hemmingway on the count also.

>> No.6349229

*you can also put Hemmingway on the count.

>> No.6349244


>> No.6349258


>> No.6349287


well meme'd

>> No.6349292

sure bro
If you're 15 and still haven't read and understood Finnegan's Wake you really shouldn't be posting on this board. You might be more at home in r/books.

>> No.6349387 [DELETED] 

"Hipster" is a trendy label, and its application here reflects that you seem to have very little genuine interest in literature but read "far out" authors like Pynchon to appear "hip". Really, he may as well have called you a "Phony".

But regardless, it is unlikely anyone whose favorite two artists are simplistic as Camus and Beckett is able to show any real insight into Pynchon's literature or derive much at all out of it.

>> No.6349392 [DELETED] 

Or in short; go back to /mu/ :)

>> No.6349397


>comparing pinecone to Beckett.

Have I slipped into some kind of retard world or something?

>> No.6351256

>Adolf Hitler
>Ayn Rand
>Ron Paul

>> No.6351259
File: 100 KB, 960x656, 3M3UR9w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6351262

STEM students are even worse. At least liberal arts students are literate..

>> No.6351272

Henry Miller
TS Eliot
Yukio Mishima
(Joyce if Eliot doesn't count)

>> No.6351296

Asturias, Gass & O'Brien.

>> No.6351349


>> No.6351377

Easton Ellis

>> No.6351378


>> No.6351460


>> No.6351486

John Edward Williams
Tie between Lem/PKD

>> No.6351487

It's turbo-autism taking a normal pastime by reading unverifiable, meaningless garbage into literature. Books people read as a hobby. It destroys the joy in just curling down with a book and getting lost in it.

But autism is a stupid buzzword isn't it? It's mostly just sad. Not sure why the field exists.

>> No.6351506

You've definitely enjoyed psychedelics.

>> No.6351544

The people are all living stereotypes of obnoxious, unnecessarily wordy morons who think that applying elements of "symbolism" makes them sound more intelligent while analyzing really simple art and literature. There's no logic used in nearly any aspect, it's all based on emotion and feelings.

I took several liberal arts courses and the other students completely ruined the experience for me. Every question was brought back to emotion and the misguided opinions were so off the wall that it even stopped being fun to laugh at them.

Think about the types of people who want to be liberal arts majors. They tend to be lazy, brain dead, liberal idiots who wanted to go to college but didn't want to do math. The actual coursework teaches you nothing of any real value and most employers will trash any resume they see for liberal arts majors. Even if you don't fit that stereotype, there are so many people who do that grouping yourself in with those people will only be harming yourself. You can always read on your own time, and that way you don't have to waste time in class listening to people claim that sex in literature is always an analogy for power.

>> No.6351571

>tfw no one here likes Milton

>> No.6351682

László Krasznahorkai
Thomas Bernhard
Julio Cortázar

>> No.6351688


>> No.6351689

de Sade

>> No.6351697

Ben Lerner
Ben Lerner
Ben Lerner

>> No.6352363
