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/lit/ - Literature

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633872 No.633872 [Reply] [Original]

When I listen to techno, it makes me want to write a cyberpunk novel.

What are good examples of cyberpunk? What makes something good cyberpunk in the first place?


Some background music.

>> No.633878

There is no such thing

>> No.633880
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>> No.633881

That is not Techno.

Fucking rage.

It's Trance.

Also Tiesto is shit.

>> No.633890

And Eiffel is Eurodance.

>> No.633898

Take it to /mu/, you guys.

>> No.633899

im an avid cyberpunk reader, and i couldn't tell you what makes it good besides the almost absurd grittiness

>> No.633894

/lit/ - music.

>> No.633902


Can you recommend me some stuff?

>> No.633907
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Ok, sorry, electronic trance house eurofiddle whatever. Anything that sounds, like THAT, is techno to me.

>> No.633909

Lain features an allusion to Proust

>> No.633940



>> No.633945

Whenever the wikipedia article says because I haven't seen that show in years

>> No.633957

Sure is /mu/ in here.

>> No.633956

Jesus Hussein Christ, that music is terrible. GTFO and get yourself some Kraftwerk and Gary Numan. Joy Division for extra credit.

>> No.633971

The cyberpunk musical genre exists in a very small timeframe (94 - 98) and is embarrassingly juvenile. That said, good memories mang.

>> No.633973

> When I listen to techno, it makes me want to write a cyberpunk novel.
That's a good sign that you shouldn't be writing cyberpunk. Or listening to techno, for that matter.

Now, if you'd said Blues, I'd have given you no end of encouragement.

>> No.633976

Cyberpunk novels are basically noirish detective stories with technology. That said, you do have rather horrible music taste. Listen to some Neon Indian, or Toro y Moi.

>> No.633981

Don't worry, it is techno. Just terrible terrible techno. I don't blame the others for being exclusive about it.

>> No.633983


>Your music is terrible
>Namedrops popular bands he thinks are obscure

Typical hipster.

>> No.633987

Also, Snow Crash is pretty good, but that's technically post-cyberpunk. Neuromancer is really all I can recommend, but that's mostly because William Gibson make me so wet.

>> No.633991

> obscure
Are you serious?

>> No.634008


Only Kraftwerk is relevant, the rest are him masturbating over his vinyl copy of In The Aeroplane Over The Sea.

>> No.634010

Bloody hell. I don't mind you discussing cyberpunk but is this conversation about technological music still going on?

>> No.634009


> Kraftwerk
> obscure


>> No.634026

Nothing makes good cyberpunk anymore. The genre is wedded to projections of the future that did not bear out. It has informed our culture, but the genre itself is a dead end.

All future sci-fi has this problem, which is why you see guys like Gibson writing contemporary sci-fi these days. Hell, Neal Stephenson writes historicals.

>> No.634033

No, those are just three groups from near the time period cyberpunk started, which I think are good, and which deal with technological themes.

> obscure
Seriously? They're all really obvious. I was mainly trying to correct OP's TEEERRRRIBBLLEE listening choices. Supply your own superior choices.

As far as /lit/ goes, OP: did you try reading the wiki article on cyberpunk? Plenty of fine choices there. Read some Gibson, Sterling, and Stephenson. If you still like cyberpunk after that, come back and ask for some less well-known choices.

>> No.634036

None of them are obscure.
Joy Division were a CHART TOPPING band in the UK.
Gary Numan is incredibly famous as well. Heard of the song Cars?
Kraftwerk are fucking Kraftwerk.

None of these bands are obscure whatsoever.

>> No.634040

Also try listening to actual Techno OP.

Just find a Chris Liebing essential mix or something. He's great.

>> No.634043

Charlie Stross, Accellerando. Thats good modern Cyberpunk bitches.

Also, try some Industrial Techno, that Testio shit is not nearly abrasive enough.

>> No.634048

I guess I'd agree that it's got a lot in common with cyberpunk, and I thought Accelerando was pretty mind-blowing, but unfortunately Stross is a pretty bad writer.

>> No.634054

"Hipster" here. I didn't even know what that Aeroplane shit was until I looked it up. Now I have to look up who the fuck "Neutral Milk Hotel" is, but I won't, because I'm already too annoyed.

>> No.634055
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Cyberpunk and Dystopia Sci-fi general thread

fuck yea


Common motifs:
-Multinational corporations
-80's-era technology (subject to change)
-Some noir elements (detective)
-Opressive and authoritarian regimes as the norm
-Misuse of technology
-"High tech and low life"

Primarily divided into Gibsonian (multinational corprates, hackers. Thriller-style) and Blade-runner (noir, oppression, transhumanism) styles.

There has yet to be a definative Cyberpunk novel for the 2000's -era

>> No.634062

ITT: Anime and /mu/ losers all somehow lost in the wrong board

>> No.634065

I personally prefer trance over 5 minute long drumbeats. Where's the tune?

I don't like Cyberpunk as a genre because it usually ends up being some stupid dystopian crap about computers becoming self-aware and taking over the world, or alien invasions.

>> No.634068


It's what you get for mentioning Joy Division.

>> No.634072
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shove it, I doubt you've read an enjoyable book in your life

>> No.634074


I dispute your divisions, it's all the same stuff.

>> No.634076


What would blues inspire me to write? Another white guilt novel? Please, that crap is so played-out it's ridiculous those novels still get published.

Half-breed here, and yes, it IS crap.

>> No.634077


Hipsters tend to share interests, you are most definitely mad.

>> No.634081

That's a bizarre insult. "I doubt you've ever listened to music you've liked! You've probably never watched an anime and had fun while doing it!"

>> No.634085


That second one can apply to a fuckton of people, you know.

>> No.634082


And the lack of taste continues. Goddamn son, you should have crossposted this to /mu/.

>> No.634089

>I don't like your opinion, here's mine
Thanks for the insight, quintessential internet poster.

Thanks for this, glad not ALL of /lit/ is angsty and pretentious teens.

>> No.634087
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meh. Gibson liked outragous plots that read like 2 gigbytes of hot ram and packed a shitload of drugs in them to boot. Dystopian style is probably not even cyberpunk (although it has been grouped together with it). Deals with philosophical questions usually, and rarely features world-hoping excitment of that style.

but then again, very few writers ever did cyberpunk.. So we only have two very limited takes on it.

>> No.634101
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no problem bro, Cyberpunk is my favorite sci-fi genre right now. Shits so virtual.

>> No.634106

>plots that read like 2 gigbytes of hot ram


>> No.634110


You want to write a book based on shitty music, and you didn't look this shit up a Wikipedia. You, sir, are inexcusably stupid.

And who the fuck said I gave you my opinion?

>> No.634113


Infamous Gibson line, shows how tech advances. And I think it was originally megabytes, and was treated like really hot shit. That's what you get for writing in the eighties.

In fact, cyberpunk is essentially the eighties.

>> No.634119

>cyberpunk thread

>crtl+f, Richard Morgan

>0 results

Really, /lit/?

>> No.634125
File: 97 KB, 340x326, blade_runner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acually, it was 4

but what the fuck. Dumping moar cyberpunkish art BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT GODDAMN IT

>> No.634127


Well, I meant, what does it mean to "read like ram"?

>> No.634131
File: 402 KB, 1032x700, city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberpunk almost always features gigantic towers and megacomplexes. A great deal of the tone just comes from the urban setting, usually the imfamous "sprawl", or in the form of gigantic towers.

>> No.634139
File: 298 KB, 504x504, blade runner concept art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


some blade runner. This was basically the start of cyberpunkish sci-fi, even if Neuromancer takes all the credit

>> No.634145
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one moar, industrial smog. And now I must go to work. Sorry lads, I'll post the rest later on prehaps

>> No.634157


I think is was "read like: 'blah blah blah'".

>> No.634208

"Techno" = electronic music, as far as the layman is concerned.

>> No.634608
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>based on shitty music
>And the lack of taste continues.

>And who the fuck said I gave you my opinion?


>> No.634621
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seeing as how this thread is back up

>> No.634640

If you think blues is about white guilt you've got some serious problems man.

>> No.634659

You are the cancer killing electronic music.

>> No.634674


You idiot, I said another white guilt NOVEL. Eric Clapton, BB, Muddy waters aren't about white guilt, any novel with a black protagonist is most likely white guilt though. "Boo hoo no one likes dark people", get over it is what I say.

>> No.634685

>this thread

y'know, as much as I like /lit.... nothing ever gets done around here

>> No.634691
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close the world, enter the next.

>> No.634699


>There has yet to be a definative Cyberpunk novel for the 2000's -era

You sir, have just given me the inspiration I needed. Wherever you are, thank you sir.

>> No.634713


And thus the epic saga of "Twipunk" began!

>> No.634718
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>> No.634729

Altered Carbon came out in 2002.
Maybe best in 201X?

>> No.634765
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Bang, name for my novel. 201X, some technological feat is accomplished in the second decade of the new millennium, and it changes everything...

What do you think /lit/?

>> No.634776

Seems like your plot is pretty vague, bro.

>> No.634795


Infant stages my friend.

>> No.634836

source on .gif?

>> No.634954

Look like serial experiments lain.
It's been in the whole thread, man.

>> No.634966

well I sure as fuck don't know what it is, but alright.

>> No.634994


I love you.

>> No.635011

Being contemplating doing a cyberpunk book my self.

Would it be too much of a cop out if I made it a alt-reality book, all the old predictions and tropes played up. Probably a slider visiting it (not from our world though, I'll think of a different one for him/her)

>> No.635022

>he thinks

>> No.635044

lol for a literature board they sure are illiterate

>> No.635253

I would say people probably don't really look for anything specific in their cyberpunk. So if you write a good story, and it is cyberpunk by some definition, then it is good cyberpunk. It is a small genre. Just be creative. Think of "high-tech lowlifes" and make those your characters.

Don't worry too much about your setting not being "accurate", as long as it's "realistic." Meaning, the technology in your world doesn't have to be what you think will be made, just what COULD be made, and then the story is about what happens in a world with that sort of technology. So your story is basically "What if people could back up their brains in computers," "What if people could have their brains interface directly," "What if we were all in some digital simulation and didn't know it because THE MATRIX," or whatever you come up with.

Also, badasses, hot chicks, badass hot chicks, old things mixed with new things, battles of wits, gunfights, fights with fancyass futyure weapons and badass cyborgs and robots make good cyberpunk.