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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 272 KB, 584x415, 1427749995258[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6337607 No.6337607 [Reply] [Original]

Will you be doing it /lit/?

>> No.6337608

LOL at Neil Gaiman as the example. I know what kind of shit these greasy landwhales will be reading

>> No.6337611


I fucking hate these people, whatever happened to 'content of their character'?

>> No.6337613
File: 50 KB, 423x607, UGLY NIGGER WHORE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that bell hooks wannabe. Lynch all obese nigger sluts.

>> No.6337614

Was already unconsciously doing it for US authors, actually.
In light of this I'll make an effort and go out of my way not to do it.

>> No.6337630

As retarded as that "challenge" is for most people it would probably do some good for anons to broaden their horizons a little bit.

>> No.6337636 [DELETED] 
File: 523 KB, 843x1600, fsjs1413087857932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America

Erich Fromm, Judaism and the Frankfurt School

Freud, The Frankfurt School, and the Kabbalah

Frankfurt School

Frankfurt School of Social Research

The Frankfurt School & Cultural Marxism

The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances

Frankfurt School - Satanic Judaism in Action

The History of Political Correctness

How a Handfull of Marxist Jews Turned Western and U.S. Culture Upside Down

The Jewish Frankfurt School and the End of Western Civilization

The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and "Political Correctness"

Who Stole Our Culture?

Sabbatean-Frankish Roots of the Frankfurt School

>> No.6337638
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>> No.6337642
File: 967 KB, 4621x2914, fsflochart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankfurt School Cultural Marxism is Based in Jewish Mysticism

The Frankfurt School and Its Legacy

Critical Theory (Cultural Marxism) and Jewish Thought

Fallen Jews, Critical Theory, and Cultural Marxism

Bill Whittle on the Narrative: Political Correctness

>> No.6337643

no problem i'll just read russians

>but, anon, aren't russians white?

cyka blyat

>> No.6337646


How so?

>> No.6337648

Tumblr and /pol/ tend to agree on which groups of people count as "white".

>> No.6337656

Tumblr thinks Jews in Nazi Germany had white privilege.

>> No.6337661

>Cultural Marxism
Doesn't exist.
>Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances
Frankfurt School never targeted white people specifically.
>"Political Correctness"
Has more to do with the increased diversity in schools and workplaces since the 1970s.
>Satanic Judaism
>Jewish Mysticism
Walter Benjamin was indeed into that stuff but it does absolutely nothing to prove a Jewish conspiracy by the Frankfurt School.

>back to /pol/

>> No.6337663
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>uncle /pol/
Go home and take your crazy pills, Uncle /pol/!

>> No.6337666
File: 371 KB, 640x896, 2D-Girl-drawing7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However, tumblr does have nice porn. I therefore propose that we hang /pol/ as a warning to tumblr.

>> No.6337670

Yet they think Sami people are "PoC" because they used to be brown or some shit.

>> No.6337672

Have they already forgot that "PoC" is an euphemism for


>> No.6337678

don't you dare try to oppress the russians with your labels, cis-scum. white is not a skin-colour. white is a mind-set. and whom, historically, has been more beaten by institutional structures than the noble slavic peoples?

>> No.6337682
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What if I'm interested in the book's content and not the author? I'm sure there's a fallacy somewhere in this person's argument.

I don't understand. It seems as if these so-called "SJWs" are angry at "CIS" people for focusing on gender/race/whatever and to help fix this they focus on gender/race/whatever. I do not understand. I just like reading things I find interesting.

>> No.6337683
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>forgot 2D girl
Forgive me!

>> No.6337684

Excuse you but racism = privilege + power and therefore only cumskins can be racist. It's math shitlord.

>> No.6337686


Picker of Cotton.

>> No.6337690

I wish the people who made posts like this were less lame and unfunny

>> No.6337693

>and whom, historically, has been more beaten by institutional structures than the noble slavic peoples
Tell that to the ukrainians...

It could be that the are too unimpressable to just let it go. When I'm reading a book, I'm more concerned with the language (and maybe the translation). I'm not stopping every other paragraph to think that ZOWIE A NIGGER WROTE THIS!

>> No.6337694

True, but the groups they label as "white" and "PoC" make no sense.

One day the Sami are PoC. Once that controversy surrounding Frozen died the Sami became white again.

Arab Jews are PoC in France but are "white" in the Middle East, because something something Zionism.

Euro Jews are "PoC" when they are attacked by Neo-Nazis but become "white" again as soon as they are attacked by Muslims.


>> No.6337695

can you name someone who does not fall into these categories?

>> No.6337699
File: 252 KB, 640x905, 2D-Girl-drawing2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! Here is 2D.

>> No.6337702



>> No.6337706

i want to read something by a black gay tranny woman but i don't don't know who

>> No.6337708

You are basically saying that being a nigger is being possessed by the spirit of niggerdom?

>> No.6337711
File: 17 KB, 500x314, facepalm computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it amusing how conspiracy theories about the Frankfurt School have gone from laughable:
>"They want to destroy all white people."
To completely absurd:
>"They're all devil-worshiping Illuminati."

>> No.6337713

your mom

>> No.6337732
File: 66 KB, 720x694, CIS scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's 'cis' not 'CIS'

>> No.6337745

I must capitalize acronyms. It's a rule for me.

>> No.6337746

Not reading people cause they are white? Thats racist anon!

>> No.6337748

it's not an acronym

>> No.6337752

>It seems as if
>persecution complex
>because people somewhere in the internet tell something to other people that agree with them

>> No.6337754

It's not an acronym. It comes from some latin(?) root meaning "separate". Referring to "separate" genders. Originally a legitimate term used by a psychologist in the 20th century, a (now dead) straight white guy.
No, those who use it probably don't know that.

>> No.6337755

It's not surprising. A whole group of largely untalented but incredibly affluent middle class (predominantly white) people are waking up in a world where their way of life has been destroyed.

If these people were firmly grounded in reality, they might unionize and fight back as was once the standard class solidarity. But they are a fragmented and alienated mass-media-addicted bunch, and their only bearings on the world come handed to them by the ultra-rich who are depriving them.

>> No.6337762

it's a word borrowed from chemistry specifically: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cis%E2%80%93trans_isomerism

>> No.6337767

Conspiracy theories must grow or die. I have an interesting article in swedish, but google translate is drunk.

archive today/5nolJ

>The first years of private investigation was characterized by a zealous and unbiased investigation of forensic details [rather than] convince the world of a certain type of killer. But as time went on, the emphasis was for the most of them shifted to speculations about who may have had interest in killing Palme.

>The private investigators from this group tends to have most perseverance, and there's a pretty logical explanation for that. How does a conspiracy theory live on? By expansion. A conspiracy theory must constantly gather more clues, engage other developments in the logic, conquer new domains. Not unlike Lenin's theory of imperialism, if the breakneck metaphor is allowed.

Sorry for the shitty translation, but he writes kinda shit.

>> No.6337790
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>> No.6337797

>posting Hitler
He was THE identity politics nigger of Europe.

>> No.6337798

Sure. We should make a decent list of non-whites though.

>> No.6337804

I'll start:

>> No.6337811

Good idea for a shitstorm thread dude I commend you for trolling so good.

>> No.6337823

Shit. I've already read Sirens of Titan, The Road, and Animal Farm. I guess I get points for reading Things Fall Apart.

>> No.6337829

4 books this year? Do you want to make this a pleb board or what?

>> No.6337830


I'm so desperate for reading material that's neither dumb genre slime or dull, edgy litfic that I'm not willing to exclude anyone, never mind the largest group of authors on the market.

But if you're willing to just read any old trash, sure, why not.

>> No.6337836

I started reading again like a month ago

>> No.6337840

Isn't this kind of a troll image?

I've actually read the article this dumb bitch wrote, and all she said is she's a terrible writer, so in a effort to get more in touch with what she believed she should be writing she decided to not read books by any male cis authors.

It wasn't like she was saying that nobody at all should do it, it was just her dumbfuck idea to become a more in touch black douchebag feminist writer.

>> No.6337846

you'll notice that people here rarely check the sources of things they don't like

>> No.6337865

4 books a month? If you were trying to excuse yourself you failed miserably anon.

>> No.6337866

Does this lady, or whatever she identifies herself as, have a reading list to help someone along this ridiculous 'challenge'

>> No.6337869

Shhhhhhh, don't poop in /pol/'s panties.

>> No.6337873

>not reading everything you possibly can

>> No.6337885


>> No.6337896

>explain it wrong
>say that others don't get it
>everyone with a bare memory of HS chemistry could know it

>> No.6337901

It's not zir job to educate you, shitlord.

>> No.6337905

How do you KNOW she identifies as a niiger slut?

>> No.6337914


Why are you scared to say "nigger?" It's just a fucking word.

>> No.6337922

i think it's just poor spelling, conspirator-kun

>> No.6337948

Do you scarf books down as fast as you scarf your food down? How do you ever taste either?

>> No.6337985


>> No.6338014

Is this really what SJWs have sunk to?

>> No.6338025

Yukio Mishima.

>> No.6338060

Did Roland Barthes die in vain?

Has K. Trumpet Bratwurst never heard of "The Death of the Author"?

For shame!

>> No.6338075
File: 131 KB, 640x608, tumblr racist literature class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6338105

'Bratwurst' is funny, but Barthes doesn't apply here.

>> No.6338132


underrated post right here.

>> No.6338133

I read Nigger of the Narcissus a few weeks ago, so I did my bit for diversity.

>> No.6338274

That post gave me cancer.

>> No.6338282

nothing you can tell me will convince me that isnt a fat man in drag

>> No.6338289

You're a Nigger of the Narcissus.

>> No.6338291

>insanity the post

>> No.6338319

I read it just to be edgy but I wound up liking it. Conrad knew how to tell a good sea story. His racism was just a nice added bonus.

>> No.6338322

kek yeah thats one of his better novels

>> No.6338323

Fallout called. They want their shitty conspiratard memes back.
>go talk about how fire can't melt steel beams pls

>> No.6338324

no, i dont think so...

>> No.6338332
File: 2.73 MB, 2944x3316, Israel 9:11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're flailing.

>> No.6338335

Looks like I'm starting with Greeks this year.

>> No.6338339

looking back at the 16 books ive read this year, all of them are from straight white males

>> No.6338341


>whatever happened to 'content of their character'?

Martin Luther King Jr. was a straight cis male and therefore part of the problem, obviously.

>> No.6338342

I found this person's blog, and it's clearly satire.

>> No.6338344

>Frankfurt School Cultural Marxism is Based in Jewish Mysticism
Wrong again retard. Real Marxists who actually care about communism are atheists and materialists.

>> No.6338347

Does this have the reptilians in them? I like it when the conspiritards bring up the reptiles.

>> No.6338351

its a parody, don't worry.

>> No.6338354

>what is liberation theology

>> No.6338407

No, and don't ask me again.

>> No.6338429


I'm trying to think of the last book I read that wasn't from a white male.

I guess Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi.

>> No.6338434


After looking him up, he seems like a white male too, though with some sort of ethnic-y heritage.

>> No.6338436

I'll be reading plenty of Latin American and Japanese authors this year, but a lot of the history books I've been planning on reading for online lectures are written by white men.

Should I deprive myself of knowledge for the sake of "social justice?" Might as well just be a social justice warrior at that point because clearly white men will have biased knowledge about things like the inheritance of Rome and the Vikings.

Heck, reading about my own cultural history might make me inadvertently oppress Others even though I'll be reading plenty of non-European history too.

>> No.6338438

So, can we get a list of ethnic groups/cultures who count as "white"?

>> No.6338442

>implying Barthes wasn't a PoC himself

>> No.6338501

Is there even a full years worth of good books written by non white straight CIS males?
Or are we talking tumblr "I love books!!" 1 every 5 months reading?

>> No.6338506

Le baiting /pol/tards thread :^)

>> No.6338507
File: 4 KB, 149x250, 1427658124502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I Challenge You To Stop Reading White, Straight, Cis Male Authors
>Neil Gaiman
>gai man

>> No.6338515


These people are embarrassing the Left and it's tradition and are turning it into a joke. Maybe not OP's pic (as >>6337840 pointed out), but there are plenty of "SJW"s that won't understand that combating a majority must go beyond whatever is occupying it at a present time (patriarchal, cis, white, etc.) as some sort of evil figure to be replaced by its opposite.


>> No.6338517
File: 19 KB, 350x219, s_middle-finger-Morshu_4587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I challenge you to gargle my nuts, lady.
I read whatever I want, whatever sparks my interest.
If it happens to be written by a minority, great. If not, also okay. I just want a good story.

>> No.6338520

Straight is the loophole. Lots of faggot writers.

>> No.6338546

which authors define what she is trying to get away from?

>> No.6338555
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 1356900202040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know that she's talking about a challenge for herself, right? I mean, it has been brought up in the thread already and you can check the source pretty easily...

>> No.6338559

Ive been reading mostly Japanese authors so far this year.
Will Tumblr accept me or am i still a terrible person since they have all been males?

>> No.6338572

>this shit again

>> No.6338599

Right. She gets annoyed reading white males. So she doesn't read them. I get annoyed reading anybody but white males (and the occasional Japanese or South American and a couple dead white lesbians) so I just read whomever I damn well please, same as her.

>> No.6338628
File: 24 KB, 192x182, 1356844036158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she dislikes writing with an influence of males instead of females when she's a female, so she'll try to read more women to find an identity. She doesn't want you to read her or stop reading something you want, if anything she's saying it's extra cool for you to keep reading male authors to find your identity.
Already posted in this thread, are you really so lazy?

>> No.6339076


Pick one.

>> No.6339098
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You have my support, killer.

>> No.6339102
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>> No.6339115


Here's the choice; be gently, softly, and naturally cucked by the tremendous Frankfurt BBC cucking apparatus which is everywhere and nowhere or have have Maoists leave you dead on the shitter with jumper cables on your nipples.

>> No.6339196

Holy shit.

>> No.6339236


>> No.6339324

Look at it this way: NO ONE would read Adorno or Benjamin today without the conspiracy theories. No one. The insane ramblings of the right-wing in America are literally the only reason these hacks get any credit.

>> No.6339334

Sure, Benjamin is too popular, but Adorno remains wildly read and discussed.

>> No.6339338


Time for bed, I guess.

>> No.6339340

>thinking that an hero'd commie jew mystic is worthwhile
My god hipsters are idiots.

>> No.6339344

He was a decent writer.

>> No.6339345

underrated post

>> No.6339355

>implying maoism is still relevant

>> No.6339364

According to /pol/, the Japanese are honorary aryans, so no dice

>> No.6339380


Read Barthes.

The author is dead.

>> No.6339384

I find it hilarious how PoMos will shout "muh DotA, muh deconstructionism" up until such techniques are used to reinforce the existing power structure (i.e. white students overriding the original intent of a PoC author).

>> No.6339387

Benjamin's important to read more for the purpose of understanding his influences in later, better works. Large segments of "Der Himmel über Berlin" would be hard to place without being somewhat familiar with him, for a popular example.

>> No.6339403

Because DoA is a minor element that you take in consideration, not an absolute truth that you invoke to end an argument. People who use it like that are retards, it's like when /pol/ got really into fallacies and didn't understand that just because you declare it one you aren't proving it wrong.

>> No.6339411



>> No.6339425

A Latin American Catholic movement.

>> No.6339487

>people are waking up in a world where their way of life has been destroyed.
Systematic racism, is what its called

>If these people were firmly grounded in reality, they might unionize and fight back as was once the standard class solidarity
But any such attempt is branded as racist and blocked by other interest groups.

Just look at the white student union which was formed and the controversy surrounding it.

>> No.6339496

At this point it's hard to tell

>> No.6339512
File: 103 KB, 196x211, 1422924091940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I challenge you to incredibly limit your intake of knowledge for a year

in all duh name of progress

>> No.6339660


The idea is that class transcends race or creed.

Fucking retarded /pol/lacks.

>> No.6339663

Someone at my university tried to start a club dedicated to celebrating German culture, and everyone started a shitfit about how racist that was. The whole controversy must've been drawn out for months. The guy who wanted to start it has to take his classes during office hours because all the other students kept leaving when he came to class, out of protest.

See, not only did what I just said not happen, it has never fucking happened. Furthermore, anyone who hates their heritage enough to say they're proud of being boring, bland, homogenized "white" instead of celebrating their specific ancestry (German, Irish, Dutch, etc.) has zero right to be complaining about multiculturalism.

>> No.6339685


>> No.6339725

You're a massive faggot which completely missed the point. I was talking about race, not class. Do you deny the systematic racism of whites and asians in the US? The White student union, for example, was aimed at people with european heritage.

Fucking reatarded commiefucks

>Furthermore, anyone who hates their heritage enough to say they're proud of being boring, bland, homogenized "white" instead of celebrating their specific ancestry (German, Irish, Dutch, etc.)
I'm sure you say the same about afro-americans, right? Furthermore, I don't give a fuck what you think regarding it being "boring and bland" they still have the right to indulge in it and congregate with others who feel the same way.

There are arab societies, asian societies, black societies, etc, that are not specific to one nationality or ethnicity, you two face cunt.

And where do you see me complaining about multiculturalism? Nice straw man you made there, you hypocritical faggot

>> No.6339753

>I'm sure you say the same about afro-americans, right?
Yup, because when black people were being brought to America, they had the benefit of proper genealogical records.

>There are arab societies
Nope. There are Palestinian student unions, groups celebrating Persian culture, Turkish clubs...

>asian societies
Again, Japanese clubs, Filipino clubs, Chinese clubs...

>black societies
I'll give you that.

>> No.6339759
File: 55 KB, 500x500, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one.

>> No.6339785

>Yup, because when black people were being brought to America, they had the benefit of proper genealogical records.
Factually incorrect, not all black people are descendant of slaves. Will you forbid those black people from participating based on that fact?. Neither do all white people know of their genealogical records or when/how their ancestors arrived to America.

>Nope. There are Palestinian student unions, groups celebrating Persian culture, Turkish clubs...
>Again, Japanese clubs, Filipino clubs, Chinese clubs...

etc, etc, etc

>I'll give you that.
You're a fucking hypocrit with cognitive dissonance

>> No.6339813

It is actually quite an interesting thing to try
Might do it

Except for all muh textbooks though

>> No.6339858

i won't specifically exclude them but i've been reading mostly women writers for awhile now anway

>> No.6339886

Yeah, this tends to be what sets them off.

>> No.6339945

far åt helvete herr lindholm

>> No.6339973

You mean the "it's what's on the inside that matters" ideology?

>> No.6339977
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>> No.6339981
File: 330 KB, 1600x1050, harold-bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'I challenge you to read only white straight "cis" male authors for 1 year' - Harold Kumar Jr..

>> No.6339982

Also it should be noted that communism is christian heresy. And so is national socialism.

>> No.6340022

The world would actually be better place if people actually read Gramsci and the Frankfurt School, instead of just pointing out them in their conspiracy theories. It's not like they are a super-secret evil jew club, the books are out there to anyone read them.

At least, we would not have these hysterical strawman-ish right-wing interpretatition of them.

>> No.6340052

This is why I still come to /lit/.

>> No.6340072


Benjamin's "The Work of Art In The Age of Mechanical Reproduction" is one of the most important essays for art related humanities departments around. He was probably the most discussed theory-related figure in my department, more than Foucault, Derrida or Barthes. Adorno only ever got mentioned in passing.

>> No.6340076



>> No.6340567

Not the same thing.

Will do! :3

>> No.6340641


>> No.6340675

Me and some friends from different humanity courses (and colleges) have a running bet, whoever finishes college havin read The Work of Art less times shall win a pack of beer by each one.

I'm currently losing, having it assigned to 7 classes (plus two more in the extended bibliography)

>> No.6340703

Alright so real talk, what are some of the best books by female, black, or transgendered authors? Almost everything I've read this year has been by a white dude. Most of my to-read list is by male authors or white chicks.

>> No.6340713

>transgendered authors
What a bunch of whiny, self serving, "look at me" yelling, gender snowflakes
Good luck never amounting to anything because you can't look past your genitals, fruitcake.

>> No.6340754

Seriously, just look into Japanese literature.

>> No.6340773

i will eat my fedora if a transsexual ever produces a work of any worth.

>> No.6340776

If it's really all about anti-privilege brownie points then he might as well start with the black authors.

>> No.6340778

not all japanese writers are female, black or transgendered

>> No.6340787


No problem




Literally impossible, there are no good trannie authors

>> No.6340806
File: 370 KB, 640x480, STOP!! Hibari kun! 09 (DVD 640x480 DivX5.11) 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you wanna repeat Herzog's shoe bet with me?

>> No.6340838
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>> No.6340839

haha, watch some of the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism vids, they're hilarious in a sad, cringey way. I wonder what happened in these poor schlubs' lives to fuck them up so bad. I'd totally read a novel or short story that includes them as characters.

>> No.6340851

Sure, but they're not white.

Or did she mean you should only read author that aren't white, straight AND cis? I can't even think of a single one to be honest.

>> No.6340937

>reading is a race

>> No.6340944

It's not a race, but with 1 book per month you bsicly don't read at all.

>> No.6341307

Daily reminder:

Kabbalah Embraces Evil

Barry Chamish - The Sabbatean-Frankists

Sabbatai Sevi: the Satanic Messiah

Kabbalah, Marranos, Templars, and Sabbateans

The Satanic Cult That Rules the World

The Satanic Law of Reversal: Sabbatai Sevi and Jacob Frank

Kabbalah and Satanic Possession

Why Kabbalists Want to do Evil

The Sabbatean-Frankist Roots of Communism, Nazism and Cultural Marxism

Satanists, Sabbateans and the Illuminati

The Kabbalah is Satanic

Evil Kabbalah

>> No.6341309

already posted dumbass

>> No.6341319

what disturbs me about systems of oppression and the activists which oppose them is it all seems like a really vulgar conflict over wealth. like the activists become the same in function that those who react against them do. the activist seeks to remove power, which can only flow from wealth, from the control of people determined to control wealth, and make up or rely on any number of prejudices to hoard power and wealth for themselves

it's just so depressing that this conflict is dominating our lives

>> No.6341328

i wanted to add that the bourgeois activists against these systems of oppression are the worst. for them, it's all about gaining an equitable share of political power, which of course can only be enabled by capital. strengthening the oppressed minority by imbuing it with enough capital to thwart its oppression is a generations long struggle, with very little gain, and practically no hope that it can ever be said to be complete. it offers no hope that oppression can ever end

i loathe these professional bourgeois activists as much as i loathe the people who participate in the oppression of minorities

>> No.6341372

>predominantly white
I am a white Costa Rican, an I find that super racist.

>> No.6341423

There are plenty of books written by people who aren't male and white, it's just that they're mostly identity politics garbage, and when given the choice, even diversity advocates would rather read something that is actually informative or entertaining instead. So they actively run away from women and minority authors and into the arms of white men and then feel guilty about it.

>> No.6341434
File: 34 KB, 640x400, 1422880565471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Tony Soprano's sister?

>> No.6341514


>> No.6341561

Broaden their horizons by reading books written by peoples in diverse times and cultures, sure, not by gay black trannies.

>> No.6341618


Shit I couldn't get through that Lovecraft collection in less than 4 weeks and I usually read 1-2 books per week.

>> No.6341625


It must be hard to live such a paranoid life

>> No.6341940

Who the fuck would be left then? White is doable but non-male?

>> No.6343173



>> No.6343413
File: 96 KB, 480x479, bing-o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6343430

How can people even watch TV? They must be braindead. American TV is the worst, though, they have the most annoying accents.

>> No.6343441

It's an excuse to not read any books at all but still fight for a "cause".

>> No.6343478
File: 1.56 MB, 2763x4500, WOMEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes that's roughly what I meant. I'm not saying the Western Canon is bad, I just think anons should read some more minor works and take some chances. There are obviously good female writers just because people are embittered about neo-feminism and SJW's doesn't mean that we shouldn't read books produced by the gender that makes up 50% of the human population. Anons get all butthurt and then trot out some justification about how women are "inherently bad writers, because they're too emotional and don't have to do anything in life like die in war" then they challenge you to name a "good female writer or philosopher" as if they're not already ready to discard any suggestions out of hand. Where do all these fags come from anyway? How alienated are these people that they hate women so much? It gets to crazy homeless man or white trash drunk levels around this shithole sometimes. And these morons wonder why they have no gf and are such a sad frog ffs.

>> No.6343555

Martin Luther King was a plagiarist of the straight cis male, therefore xe gets a pass for fighting the power

>> No.6343563

Sorry, I just can't get past the fact that that says BoIoNoGoO

>> No.6343637

Interesting list, but what about their male equivalents? Because if a woman is the female equivalent of Garrison Kellior or P.J. O'Rourke, then I'm not going to waste time on her.

>> No.6344498

It's not an "or" list, it's an "and" list

>> No.6344516

obvious shitpost, but i had a laugh recently reading an article that equated the academic ~left~ (including "cultural marxists")... with anti-semitism! it goes without saying that anything that wasn't economically liberal was "anti-semitic".

>> No.6344542

Has SJW politics infected SFF?

>> No.6344543

>DotA is an EXTREME infringement on the authors' message
kek. I'm assuming this is a joke.

>> No.6344698


Can't. I'd fail both my majors.
If the SJWs insist I'll enroll in a "native Australian culture and literature" seminar. They say it's a breeze.

>> No.6344992

LOL can you please refrain from making baseless claims. Please, you're on /lit/....make like the board and read

Ignorance knows no bounds.