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/lit/ - Literature

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6337114 No.6337114 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6337119

what does buying have to do with literature. This isn't the show and tell board

>> No.6337125


The Corrections-Jonathan Franzen
Mere Christianity-CS Lewis
Cloud Atlas-David Mitchell

>> No.6337134
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nobody cares, fag.

pleb cunt, fucking get raped up your ass.

>> No.6337256
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>> No.6337377

Don't care to fetch them and take a picture, but my latest purchases were:

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (first edition) - le Carré
The Moonlit Road and Other Ghost and Horror Stories - Bierce
The Wizard of Oz - Baum

>> No.6337388

Check 'em

Also so far I've read several of the Bierce stories and begun The Wizard of Oz. The Bierce stories aren't really doing anything for me and I'm pretty disappointed. The Wizard of Oz has been more interesting than I thought as I've seen the film dozens of times. I didn't realize how much the film deviates from the book.

>> No.6337389
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>> No.6337398
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>> No.6337403

Invincible Ultimate Edition 1-9
Dark Tower omnibus (marvel comics)
Princes of Apocalypse (D&D adventure)
The Art of War
John Carter of Mars (the first five volumes in a leather bound edition)
Stranger in a Strange Land and Starship Troopers (together in a leather bound volume)
H.P. Lovecraft's complete fiction
Dante's Divine Comedy (god damned fanfic bullshit)

>> No.6337420

Holy shit, you're one of the dullest, most annoying posters in /lit/.

You don't even lack the self-awareness like the Dolan guy

>> No.6337444
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thanks fag

>> No.6337462
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fuck off, cunt lips.

>> No.6337513
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>> No.6337521
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stop triggering me!


>> No.6337528
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fucking asshole...


>> No.6337542

Cloud Atlas was terrible.
I hate it.

>> No.6338691
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>> No.6338710
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nice penguin classics, dork.

>> No.6338722
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Thanks. Nice Hardy Boys.

>> No.6338727

>piers plowman
I will burn every copy of that I see IRL

seriously, fuck william langland

>> No.6338732

I tend to agree, but it's unavoidably important to the late middle ages literature in England. I hate Kafka too, but what can one do?

>> No.6338746

Are you retarded and trying to act like each post was a different person? Or are you retarded and decided to post 5 comments in a row instead of just putting it all in one...

>> No.6338758

you're a fuckin' dumb stupid retard, cunt.

>> No.6339055

misdirected hostility, the post

>> No.6339077

Going tomorrow to a supposed massive sale of books.
wish me luck.

>> No.6339354

you bought those all, op? you know how i know you're not going to read these? you would have checked them out from the library, one after another, if you were going to.

no, they're just going to sit on your shelf. they're going to be used to impress your simple friends when they come over, as they're being used to impress the simpletons here because that's what these shit threads always amount to. nothing more than a dickwaving contest.

>> No.6340481

I burn everything by Chaucer I see.

>> No.6340627

you better have a son

>> No.6340691
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are you getting triggered? sorry i have cooler books than you, faggot.

>> No.6340693

To be fair, I will buy three to five books and read them in a month or two on the train or between classes. Buying books is more satisfying because then I can put them on my shelf and see the books I have read. If they haven't been read they sit in on a shelf in my closet until I'm ready to move on to a new book.