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/lit/ - Literature

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6336733 No.6336733 [Reply] [Original]

Books about involuntary celibacy

How many /lit/izens are unlucky, involuntary celibates?

20 year old here

>> No.6336760

Most of /lit/ don't like you to talk about stuff like this. It's a miracle they haven't come in here to tell you that you're human shit for desiring anything from women.

My Twisted World by Elliot Rodger is a real masterpiece (no sarcasm).

>> No.6336771

It must be so nerve-wracking to be a virgin after high school.

>> No.6336773
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>My Twisted World by Elliot Rodger is a real masterpiece (no sarcasm).
This. You will laugh at first when reading some paragraphs, then you will cry a bit knowing that he was actually serious, then you will ponder over the existence of potentially thousands of Rodgers in becoming on /r9k/ and /pol/. His ramblings cover pretty much all the thought processes that goes on in many people's heads on 4chan, especially the parts about women and sexism.

>> No.6336797

Welp. I both do enjoy beeing a weebshit and reading fine pieces of literature from time to time, both are my hobbies, apart from dota. I was just curious if there are people on /lit/ who are also weebs. Well, I mostly just lurk in some threads if they are any good.

I've heard about E.Rodgers tho, haven't really put much attention. I'll try reading it. Then, I'll watch some random anime that involves romantic shits, and I'd cry myself to sleep. ;_;

It really is. Most times, I would just immense myself from things that remind of that.

>> No.6337000
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having an interest in jap culture has nothing to do with that stop lumping me in with you faggots

>> No.6337047

Literally gb2>>>/r9k/

>> No.6337051

20 is young. I only lost my virginity at 23 and now my sex life is probably better than average.

>> No.6337054

I saw a documentary on Vimeo about "incel" guys and it was so cringeworthy. The main guy talked really fast and kept tripping over his words but said he had to do it to sound intelligent. It reminded me a lot of 4chan.

>> No.6337056

source on pic?

>> No.6337057
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21 here

>> No.6337059

I have no pity for you fags.

I was about as big of a loser as is possible, and even I got laid a few times before I was 20.

>> No.6337066

Well then obviously you weren't such a big looser then.

>> No.6337070

>His ramblings cover pretty much all the thought processes that goes on in many people's heads on 4chan, especially the parts about women and sexism.

I'm pretty sure the people on /pol/ and /r9k/ are just trolling.

>> No.6337074


You're supposing that an individual's behavior, which is by itself making him unappealing to women, is not controlled by its own self (or that he has no knowledge of such consequences). It makes no sense.

>> No.6337081

Holy shit, I'd been wondering which documentary that was for weeks now. Thanks.

>> No.6337086

Why are you in a hurry? Enjoy the mystique of le sexual relations while it lasts. Plus you won't regret wasting your seed with ugly and stupid hoes later in life.

>> No.6337121

yea, "involuntary celibacy" is like someone saying "involuntary loser". like LOL nigga you're just a loser.

Stop pretending you were dealt a hand in life that is literally un-winnable.

Its so fucking cringeworthy this defeatism. It seeps into peoples personality, for fuck sake; there are people who have been born with nothing, manlet and small dick who make more of their lives than some whingy cunts.

There are people with microdick who still get laid

If you put 1/80th the effort into actually getting pussy that you put into making excuses you would have it by now.


>> No.6337145

24, I'm not that ugly I just don't get outside. The main reason I read that much.

>> No.6337153

Speaking of, what is a wraith?

Someone said that MTW is American Psycho without self insight.

>> No.6337154
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>most unnecessary

>> No.6337157

I don't want to be mean, but if by age 24 you haven't really tried having sex with a woman you might be trying to cover up for something else. Are you sure you don't like men? or maybe you're trans

>> No.6337164

I don't have any sexual problems, it's something social/psychological. I don't have any friends either.

>> No.6337166
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Just think, all those times you've came you're supposed to be jizzing into girls. What does that do to your mind?

That's how out of whack everyone here is, no wonder you're fucked up posting feel guy and sad frogs and trolling every day.

You're pumping your jizz into your hand then its going down the drain and you don't even talk to girls.

>> No.6337172

>talks about real girls
>posts pics of olama's amazonian son

>> No.6337178

it does the job meng,

>> No.6337189
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>be this summer
>get gf for the first time
>holy shit i've been missing out
>this is beyond awesome
>get dumped two weeks after
>half year later still no gf

It was like taking a peek over the wall but then falling straight back.

>> No.6337193

>I both do enjoy beeing a weebshit and reading fine pieces of literature from time to time
>mfw evening of christmas Eve 2013
>reading Goethe's The Elective Affinities while listening to the Kill La Kill soundtrack which had just been released
good times

>> No.6337195

The point of jerking off is not to avoid girls, is the consummation of a desire of the self with an idealized self, which in the act of masturbation is having sex with an (again) fetishised version of a girl.

Even when such a guy manages to bed a real woman, would still be masturbation nonetheless, where he sees an tit, and thigh and an ass floating in his mind but never and actual person as a whole.

>> No.6337203

...a virgin explains. Thanks for clearing that up, just think what brilliance you could manifest if you had sex one day.

>> No.6337205

maybe they can't understand what behavior repels or attracts women, so they don't know what to change

or they could just be fucking ugly

>> No.6337215
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You know what? You virgins should feel ashamed. You're betraying your body, mind, entire spirit by being a tosser, a wanker, a masturbator, a total embarrassment.

>> No.6337216

20 isn't that bad anon. Try to buckle down and get laid within the next 2 years though (uni/college age) because after that it only gets harder. If your still a virgin after 24 just hire a hooker to get it off your shoulders. 20 isn't that bad though anon, don't let it define you. I lost mine at 21.

>> No.6337217
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You'll become gay wayyyyyy before you ever become a wizard. Even if you're not "naturally" gay, vaginas and women in general will become this strange, alien thing to you. You won't be able to fap to vagina anymore because you can't imagine what one would be like in real life. The sexual imagery of it fades, kinda like the meaning of a word fades if you repeat it to yourself too many times. Women become ghosts, vaginas because mere gametes.

But gay and trap porn? They'll become the bread and butter of your fap sessions because you can feel what the actors are feeling. Penis and prostate stimulation becomes the sole sexual truth for you. At this point, you'll either start dressing like a girl and whoring yourself on webcames with varying degrees of success, or become a jaded loser ashamed at himself.

>> No.6337228

>2 week fling

I know what your problem is, anon.

>> No.6337229

>the still a virgin because my dick is too big and my gf says it hurts when I try to stick it in
So close yet so far ;_;

>> No.6337232

I'm 26 now and haven't even kissed a girl. I was a hermit NEET until a few years ago when I got a part time job and went back to community college. Then I dropped out of CC. Still have the job though, for whatever that's worth.

A lot of shit happened at once, but a major factor was that in one of my classes, which I missed the first couple of weeks, we were supposed to be in groups the whole time and give presentations in front of the class. I'm too scared. I don't know how to act around people. I just can't stop imagining them all staring at me and looking at me and laughing at me. My ego is big and I'm a coward. Also I was an alcoholic at the time, but I've since stopped drinking.

I'm still trying to get out of this place I'm in. I really don't understand myself. You know why I do this to myself? Because I want pity. I don't fucking get it. I so desperately want someone, preferably a girl, to pity me and hold my hand through this shit. It will never happen, and it probably should never happen, but I feel compelled to get pity. I play up the shitty aspects of my life, I openly admit them in the hopes that a girl will smile warmly at me, take me in her arms, and show me the world I've been missing out on. What is this? Do I have mommy issues? I wish I could slake this mindset off.

>> No.6337244

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6337255

Did you even put your dick in her?

>> No.6337259

I don't get how it's so difficult for some of you guys to get girls. I'm broke as hell and not even that good looking and I've got consistent long-term relationship pussy for over a decade.

>> No.6337263

This can be solved with lube, a dildo and patience.

>> No.6337267

It's not a physical problem, it's an inability to cope with an woman and the decisions that entail it, pure and simple.

>> No.6337280
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>tfw fucked in the head 20 y/o virgin

And there have been girls who showed intetest in me.

I just don't feel attracted to them anymore, after they have shown me that they share my feelings I don't feel it anymore.

The closest to sex I've been was when I got a bj at 14.

After that only flirts which end as the girl starts showing attraction and affection towards me.

Now I just want pussy but I am not as hot as I was in my prime 15-17 and hardly get the female attention as I used to.

>> No.6337289

teens are really ugly, man. the face is all fucked up and doesn't show any personality until well into your 20s. both for men and women but mostly for men.

a dildo or, you know, your fingers. nature's dildo.

>> No.6337295


I'm like this too only I'm 26. I don't know what it is though I read about a thing called Learned Helplessness a few months ago and I think that may be what I have.

>> No.6337297

S-stop it anon.
>try not to be clingy or anything
>get dumped
>'anon i felt as if you didn't even care about me'

>> No.6337301

You must have been an ugly teen; I had no acne and good face features. Now I'm fat with chubby cheeks.

>> No.6337309

>peeking at 15

Beyond pathetic.

>> No.6337314

how can you get a fatter face as you grow up? all the baby fat should go away unless you're wrecking your body.
I wasn't openly ugly, but when I see pictures or even meet again with old friends it's pretty clear the jump from teen boy to something at least vaguely masculine. Puberty ends around age 25.

>> No.6337318

>peeking at 15 year olds

Beyond pedophilic.

>> No.6337335

>horrible tier Zizek tier tier

>> No.6337439

Find something you enjoy (be it collecting, trains, mathematics, sports, whatever), become good, passionate at it but without shutting yourself in. Derive confidence and strength from that. Meet other people that share that hobby. Learn to socialize through the hobby. Learn to stop talking about the hobby after sometimes and to veer into personal territory, not for muh date me but out of curiosity for your fellow hobbyist, female or male.

Also do this with more than one hobby, but only with hobbies you like and that aren't creepy/borderline illegal.

And stop with the pity. You live in one of the richest countries in the world, anon, you've access to an education some people would kill (and some have been killed) for. I all likelihood you're still young and healthy. You're a fine person. I don't love you, but that's only because I'm not homosex.

This. Most of you guys are doing it to yourself. No need to blame or flagellate, just find out what you don't do right and work to progressively change it.

Lost my virginity at 22 btw. Years 20-22 were difficult, for various reasons, but you overplay the harshness of +20 virginity.

>> No.6337460


>> No.6337509

Sex isn't everything. Blame Freud for the obsession. You can be happy and solitary.

>> No.6337516
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Don't be dumb, anon. You don't become gay or trans because you can't get laid. You can't get laid because you are gay or trans in denial.

>> No.6337523

Since I started posting on 4chan in early 2012 I must have made tens of topics asking for advice on how to get friends / dates / gf. I've received no good advice. I'm now in my last few months of uni and I've fucked nothing but prostitutes. checkmate, /lit/erati, how do I get a girl to have sex with me without me paying her 60-80 pounds per hour?

I also have no friends or acquaintances and I've never been to a pub or bar and I live at home for uni.

>> No.6337545

even if it's entirely your fault you get fired it's still called "involuntary turnover"

>> No.6337574

i've never even tried getting laid.

after years stranded on an uninhabited island, turning over rocks for bugs to eat (and eventually making a rock garden specifically to farm these bugs), digging up worms, eating strange plants and mushrooms, dead fish and the occasional crab, clam, or bird's egg... i was able to eat onions when i returned home. never could touch the stuff before.

i'm going to pretend it will work the same way for boypussy, and when i finally get some i'll throw myself a celebration and buy some new socks or something to feel better about my life.

what a fucking loser i am.

>> No.6337594

>I also have no friends or acquaintances

well, i can tell you right now that is probably plainly evident to anyone who deals with you

>> No.6337600

it just doesn't work that way, if you're straight you'll have to do such mental gymnastics to get aroused that you won't even cum. same thing happens in the opposite case (gay people trying to have straight sex).
your analogy would work if you could only have sex with women above 80y/o and suddenly you can do it with incredibly ugly young women. it's all still digestible food.

>> No.6337619


Where can I find it?