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6336143 No.6336143 [Reply] [Original]

So we can all agree that communism is just an epic maymay right? No one here is dumb enough to actually believe this shit will work?

>> No.6336146

fuck off

>> No.6336145

Anti-Communism is the actual /lit/-maymay

>> No.6336150
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Serious posters only plesae

>> No.6336156
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>> No.6336163

Communism has never been tried.

>> No.6336167

Someone reshoop a Kissinger cartoon over Marx.

And erase the "Sorry" balloon.
And replace "theory" with "real-politic"

Stupid may may thread, OP.

>> No.6336172

If we see things in a short-sighted, narrow-viewed way, then it's easy to come to the conclusion that "communism will never work." But if we try seeing the bigger picture and looking at the totality of human history, we come to 3 conclusions.

>1. Human production relations have changed before. Our current capitalist system was once a new innovation. Just as we changed from feudalism to capitalism, we might one day go from capitalism to socialism.

>2. Our current culture has not lasted forever. We must understand the tendency for things to change. People living in the 1950s don't have the same culture we do now. Multiply this by more time. MUCH more time. 500 years. 1000 years. 7 million years. Do you really think our particular culture will last this long? Things stop where we stop?

>3. Technology keeps improving and innovation keeps happening. With this change in technology and production, there might very well come a time when our current system of wage-labor becomes outdated. We'll probably still have to work, but just as the amount of work decreased when we developed agriculture and later, machinery to help with agriculture, our leisure time will increase.

>> No.6336283

It is a maymay OP. All the communist from /pol/ made this place a sanctuary. It is just like the fascist maymay, both are edgy for different types of faggots.

Communism lost most relevance once labor theory was largely disproved. Which is used as the ethical justification for the elimination for private property(means of production). Once people get jobs, start making good money, assuming they are not a state employee like a professor, they stop being communist.

>> No.6336294

This is very true.

>> No.6336322

Yes. Communism only sets out to kill people, we have seen it in every example. They have also made everyone poor while only the revolution leaders lived in luxury.

>> No.6336485

Is it just a coincidence that most murderers believe in the theory of math?

>> No.6336526

If every institution that tried the theory of math wound up killing several million people we could say no it is not just a coincidence

>> No.6336654
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I tried black math once. I ended up losing two of my limbs. Never again.

>> No.6336663

But every institution that 'tried' the theory of Marxism hasn't killed millions of people. If so there would've been mass graves in universities in the 70's or whatever.

>> No.6336691

Are you going to compare governments to universities my friend? :^)

That's just silly :^)

Don't be silly


>> No.6336701

>implying anything works
>not knowing what the point of theories is

yeah youre so smart for not believing in illusions

>> No.6336705

yeah but you know what's essential and what there always has been? a hierarchy, and that's what marx said communism could do away with

reminder than he also believed primitive communism existed and on that basis should never be paid any attention

>> No.6336710

Should've specified we're talking about governments instead of 'institutions', anon.

>> No.6336723

>Find ancient tome of Black Math in my high school library
>haha now I will be the bully Chad!
>Spend days learning off the dark and dangerous theorems
>Finally return to class, my time has come, I am the professor now and class is in session
>Chad knocks my book over
>Look him dead in the eye
>Begin reciting Aspygorahts Theorem
>Feel the power of the ancient evil mathematicians welling up inside me, long forgotten by history and now mine alone
>Finish theorem, everyone is staring at me now, awed by the darkness I have unleashed
>Except nothing happened
>Chad starts to laugh "What the fuck gayboi?"
>Everyone else begins to laugh
>My eye explodes
>Pass out from the pain
>Wake up in the hospital, smell like urine I hope is my own
>My right eye is completely gone and I have two fingers

Thanks Maths

>> No.6336729

Talking with communists is the fucking worst. Bring up something Marx said and it's always "LOL NO SERIOUS COMMUNIST THINKS THAT ANYMORE, READ MARCUSE" etc.

They got nothing. It seems mostly like a retroactive justification of the resentment they have toward what they think represents "capitalism."

>> No.6336731

>tfw you work for a co-op and get to go to other stores and laugh at plebs who don't

/lit/ at what point did you graduate from socialism to distributism?

>> No.6336748

>Implying cooperatives aren't an essential part of any Socialist economic system

Market Socialism master race.

>> No.6336749

I apologize, I will never count on the intelligence of socialists again

>> No.6336751

came home, checked /lit/, had me a kek

>> No.6336755
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>> No.6336764
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>implying any communist government is a legitimate government

>> No.6336767

>his shirt isn't red

>> No.6336772
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Capitalism, not capitalists. Capitalists are not idealogues, they are a class. A worker who advocates for a so-called capitalist ideology doesn't make him a capitalist.

>> No.6336782

Makes no sense, since communists always blame capitalists and "traitors to the working class" when their projects never get off the ground. Capitalism at least gets off the ground

Your counter-memes are grave digging the revolution

>> No.6336783

Nobody would blame communism for anything these days because it isn't the fucking McCarthy era. Everybody knows that communism is completely unactionable and therefore not worth the blame.

>> No.6336785

>primitive communism
hows this not true? At least pretty close to it, faggot. Also
>man in 300 AD
>slavery has always existed bro lol

>> No.6336794

Communist thought is still viable, but more as a disposition or inclination.

We live in a world where the focus is so much on the atomised individual that it necessitates some kind of counterweight of people who can re-emphasise the importance of the 'common' as a political subject. Zizek said something along these ligns I believe.

>> No.6336803

Is there an actual difference or is this a meme?
i would think distributionism is a form of socialism

>> No.6336834

>taking Žižek seriously
First mistake

>> No.6336901


Sizes is the greatest philosopher of our time. Stfu

>> No.6336910

Maybe at least learn to spell his name correctly then?

>greatest philosopher of our time
Heh, if it floats your boat

>> No.6336915

Zizek is an ideologue who promotes his own insidious ideology to subvert the masses

>> No.6336936

As an Anarchist I see many of the flaws in communism.
However I believe as we share a common cause with Left Communists and Marxists we should have solidarity with them.

They both use similar methodology through unionism, communal democracy and federalism, even municipalism.

Revisionism is necessary upon realising domination takes more forms than economic, and as such is the only hope for the gommies :'D

>> No.6336952

except before money/wealth/possession

>> No.6336955

He is a lazy Anarchist.

He has expressed that while the world would theoretically want to have Anarcho-Socialism BUT, he does not want to spend his life engaging in local politics or the community.

Zizek wants to read books and watch films while the State takes care of things. Something made theoretically possible by modern mechanisation and information technology.

He is a leftist who knows how he wants to live

>> No.6336969

>things that never were

>> No.6336995

He's a lazy fag who wants to do nothing. He's autistic too

>> No.6337027

>what are prehistoric times

>> No.6337034
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There is literally nothing wrong with capitalism.

>> No.6337039

>implying man did not own tools, weapons and jewelry in prehistoric times
>implying they didn't have a powerstructure

I'm looking forward to you proving your theory.

>> No.6337046
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How jelly are you right now?

>> No.6337048

meant for >>6336995

>> No.6337053


if you are a cuck who loves working for other people

>> No.6337075

>Embracing the ideological notion of marriage propagated by the bourgeoisie

My god, pure ideology :^)

>> No.6337142

You're only working for other people under capitalism if you're a fucking pussy.

You're always gonna have to serve somebody, sure, but you can make whatever you want to.

>> No.6337209

>if you are a cuck who loves working for other people
but thats communism

>> No.6337220

there are some kibutzim in israel.

>> No.6337286

>capitalism invented labour division.

>> No.6337296

>labor theory was disproved

confirmed retard

>> No.6337316

Not him, but it was.

>> No.6337323

by whom? hayek? mises? RAND?

top fucking kek

>> No.6337330

How about modern economics?

>> No.6337331


i'm not even a commie, but that's some dumb shit right there. some libtard wrote an essay saying labour theory of value couldn't work because resources need a specific value, wages need a specific value, blah blah and money accomplishes this. but that only makes sense within a capitalist or market framework, which commies don't even believe in (except for market socialists, but they would probably use money anyway so it doesn't even matter).

>> No.6337337

modern economics isn't socialist/communist and doesn't employ labour vouchers or gift economics or any of the other shit lefties talk about. what's your point? how does it disprove labour theory of value?

>> No.6337340

Is the best /r9k/ has to offer?

>> No.6337344

i guess my point is that labour theory makes sense within a communist framework, assuming your society is ACTUALLY communist. "to each according to their need" i guess

>> No.6337354

>...there might very well come a time when our current system of wage-labor becomes outdated. We'll probably still have to work, but just as the amount of work decreased when we developed agriculture and later, machinery to help with agriculture, our leisure time will increase
Doesn't capitalism suffer an antagonism against this process? Tendency of the rate of profit to fall, and all that. That capitalism is incompatible with a fully-automated economy, and the "closer" it gets the more it will finds way to resist and keep wage-labor maximally exploited. But it has to always be improving technical productivity, if competition exists, so it slowly strangles itself. I mean isn't this why globalization is exploiting cheap third world labor, and de-industrialization has happened, because at a certain point it's not in capital's interest to drive the technical productive forces at full-speed anymore. Despite people like Keynes envisioning capitalism naturally coming to bestow 8-hour work weeks to everybody.

>> No.6337356

There are other theories on value out there, better ones, and there are a lot of economic criticisms on Marx's theory.

>> No.6337363

>being an anti-communist
>any year ever

Go watch TV faggot.

>> No.6337410

Also, technology has a tendency to force the conglomeration of larger and larger businesses, trending towards a fully planned economy. Technology reduces the costs inherently encountered by planning (i.e. the calculation problem) below the cost of exchange, therefore resulting in larger and larger "non-market" economies.

In other words, technology will destroy capitalism, and already is. The question then becomes whether or not the new planned government will be made to answer to its constituents. In other words, employee ownership or not?

>> No.6337411

>being a communist
>on the internet

>> No.6337488

I don't really like Communism, but commies are the best at explaining why Capitalism sucks.

>> No.6337514

I agree with this.

I'm an anti-capitalist more than a communist. I feel strongly that modern capitalism is an extremely dangerous and dehumanzing system for a number of reasons. However, I fear communists do not have the answers.

>> No.6337573

The Labour Theory of Value applies to Capitalist Society, what else do you think Marx is talking about?

>> No.6337585

Yeah, that doesn't mean communist theorists such as Marx and the later crypto-idealists haven't produced very important insights about the mechanisms of society.

>> No.6337595

How's that computer working out for you?

>> No.6337605

>implying the internet is as degenerate as television

Go watch Two and a Half Men.