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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 268 KB, 1235x1536, lj5JrPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6335665 No.6335665 [Reply] [Original]

write something edgy.

if you get offended by something, reply to it.

>> No.6335666

i am offended

>> No.6335669

something edgy.

>> No.6335684

I'm in a room surrounded by dead heads and bodies when a screaming comes across the sky.
It's time.

>> No.6335686
File: 235 KB, 442x308, 1419726939809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marijuana is a creative aid
>/lit/ is subjectively shit when we consider avenues to intellectual growth
>shitposting aids in critical thinking skills when effort is placed into it
>the Nazi's were nowhere near as evil as portrayed
>postmodern literature/poetry is for those who have no concept of storytelling and are compiling word vomit to please the pseudo intellectual hipsters that read it so they feel superior to others
>vidya has the potential to be considered an art form but even the best examples fall short in comparison to film, lit, and music, because the nerds in the vidya industry just hire people to do their art for them
>the best of anime < the best of western animation
>anybody that refuses to work out (in any form) is wasting half of their potential as a brain within a body
>communist ideologies are interesting to mull over, but if you continue to promote them then you're a delusional idiot and deserve to be unemployed
>capitalism is just the next step in human evolution
>dying cultures don't need extensive saving efforts, though recording tradition and language is helpful for the academic sphere

>> No.6335691

>>postmodern literature/poetry is for those who have no concept of storytelling and are compiling word vomit to please the pseudo intellectual hipsters that read it so they feel superior to others

this is quite true

>> No.6335695

>anybody that refuses to work out (in any form) is wasting half of their potential as a brain within a body

im scared to look like a /fit/

also my uncle is a scary personal trainer who will bully me

>> No.6335697

90% of the "Christians" on this board are sonic tier roleplaying faggots who contradict their own savior with their posturing, condescending attitudes and arguments. I know you're out there and you're reading this, you are worse than bronies.

>> No.6335698

one cheek dampened by urine
shit drying beneath his back pockets

>> No.6335699
File: 412 KB, 474x500, 1379293136220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /fit/
>read the sticky and print it
>go to gym 3 times a week
>repeat for 2 months
>enjoy physical improvement, mood lifting, and compliments from all the honies

If it worked for a humble shitposter from /b/ then it can work for you. Just don't linger on /fit/, it's actually better for you to just go to a gym and ask people who know what they're doing for help.

>> No.6335702
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1427475514421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your OP is pointless but it does bring up an interesting question - is there anything left that people can actually get offended by? People in this context being anyone under 40

>> No.6335704

Yes, many people nowadays are latching on to ideology for identity, especially young adults. Just shit on whatever is popular and watch the butthurt and arguments swoop in. This is true outside of 4chan as well.

>> No.6335709

Most of this is kinda based. I'm sympathetic to a handful of postmodernist works, but other than that, I agree 100%.

>> No.6335712
File: 238 KB, 1600x1200, chandler1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism is just the next step in human evolution

Could that statement BE any more vague?

>> No.6335726
File: 36 KB, 540x376, 1425253600416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am legitimately a fat, bisexual atheist stoner who technically has a job but gets enough hours to pretty much be a NEET. Much to the rage of my fellow 4channers, I consider liberal feminism and SJW ideology to be basically correct, although I do absolutely nothing to further the movement and still tell racist and sexist jokes anyway because they're funny. I make no efforts to improve my life or body in any way, but I still love it. Guro gives me a pretty big boner. Mountain dew and doritos go well together. My favorite games of this generation are Starcraft 2, FTL and the Souls series. I'm also listen exclusively to technical death metal and act pretentious and condescending to fans of any other genre except classical and jazz.

>> No.6335727


>> No.6335734

Divisions of humans by sex, race, nationality, or religion should be valued differently.

Masturbating to a couple of lines in the form of a woman is borderline psychotic.

Return to Oz is a really good film.

There is a reason that all legendary writers are white males, and that their protagonists are white males. The only exception is sylvia plath.

it's good to be afraid

>> No.6335738
File: 8 KB, 472x325, impressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only exception is sylvia plath.
be careful not to cut yourself with that edge

>> No.6335740

ever heard of Hermione Granger?

>> No.6335741
File: 302 KB, 1024x1536, niggerfaith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6335743
File: 175 KB, 425x282, toddler[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rape a baby
flip it over and tongue it's asshole, really deep, ignore its cries
press the tip of my cock against the opening, i know it wont fit but ill try until there is blood on my cock
imagine the tears and the pain-distorted faces
after all is done i cum into its mouth and bury it alive
no one will know

>> No.6335745

it's okay to lie about the number of your previous sexual partners

>> No.6335749

who are you lying to?

>> No.6335750

you're right harry potter and twilight are obvious exceptions, they are literature

>> No.6335753

nearly all of this is good, not sure about this though

>/lit/ is subjectively shit when we consider avenues to intellectual growth

i know you said subjectively, whatever, but if people get book recs from here or find interesting writers, that aids their intellectual growth (assuming they read said stuff)

>> No.6335755

this doesn't really trigger me, i just would just absolutely hate for yours to be my life

>> No.6335758


>> No.6335772


>> No.6335775


>> No.6335778

Funny, my friends are like worse caricatures of me. Some of them have neckbears and actually wear fedoras.

>> No.6335784

it takes months before it shows, just hide your power level until you're no longer DYEL

>> No.6335785

Procreation should be a crime.

>> No.6335786

i'm 20 and have been deeply offended by people's stance on cromwell and the irish famine

>> No.6335804
File: 100 KB, 854x640, helloloverboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write something edgy to get replies.

that is every post on 4chan

>> No.6335863


>the Nazi's were nowhere near as evil as portrayed

You need to study more history if you believe this. Everyone is worse than they are portrayed.

>> No.6335901

>not saying something positive about the great man
>allowing nihilism to flourish
I am offended by that.

>> No.6335907

it's okay to lie or otherwise be dishonest about anything in order to get sex.

>> No.6335911

the pleb and even the most advanced philosophers cannot handle the solipsism.
Only the sage is able to

>> No.6335918

The stance on women being all whores comes from nobody but the frustrated permavirgins.

>> No.6335923

Sexual consent can't be revoked if ANY physical escalation was permitted or encouraged at the onset.

>> No.6335944

>postmodern literature/poetry is for those who have no concept of storytelling and are compiling word vomit to please the pseudo intellectual hipsters that read it so they feel superior to others
Fuck you, I just like post-modernism cause it's fun.

>> No.6335955

>atheists say they're more moral and overall better than religious people, but that's only partially true because of two reasons: 1) Most religious people don't understand neither follow their religion precepts correctly. And 2) We still don't live in a society where the majority is atheist. Give enough time to it and you're gonna see how shit it will become.

>In relation to this, here comes a list of shit things which will arise because of widespread atheism and other shitty trends:
>>Rise of movements fighting against inequality of sex (It is my right to be laid!)
>>Return of eugenics
>>Rates of abortions skyrocketing because sex with protection is not as pleasurable as without it, better treatments against STDs and the discovery that birth control pills are cancer inducing.
>>Human chimeras being artificially grown in laboratories to prepare new organs to rich people. Or just plainly The Island stuff. People will actually defend this saying that's no different of raise cattle.

>all relevant artwork today is either reduced to rhetoric, to entertainment, or to a combination of both. Current art either convinces you of something or amuses you. In this sense, even if we invented a lot of new buzzwords, we're not significantly better than Ancient Greece.

>> No.6335985

By pirating media of all kinds and letting artist go broke we are actually increasing the overall quality of art since hardship must be overcome to get to greatness.

>> No.6336022

Reality exists.

>> No.6336030

>the Nazi's were nowhere near as evil as portrayed
>postmodern literature/poetry is for those who have no concept of storytelling and are compiling word vomit to please the pseudo intellectual hipsters that read it so they feel superior to others
>anybody that refuses to work out (in any form) is wasting half of their potential as a brain within a body
>communist ideologies are interesting to mull over, but if you continue to promote them then you're a delusional idiot and deserve to be unemployed
But this is all true anon. That's why it'll most likely trigger some autists on this board.

>> No.6336035

You need to look into other information than what your uber liberal high school history teacher indoctrinated you into believing.

>> No.6336084

>capitalism is just the next step in human evolution

Disagree with that one, but only because we are living in corporatist world. Capitalism was over right after wwii.

>> No.6336087

All you need is calisthenics. Forget about /fit/.

>> No.6336089

How dare you.

>> No.6336095

>Masturbating to a couple of lines in the form of a woman is borderline psychotic.
What do you mean ?

>> No.6336098

Lying or not is completely irrelevant.
Feels voluntary egoist.

>> No.6336099

I think he means fapping to cartoons?

>> No.6336102


I'm actually researching Poland in the 20th century for my history senior seminar essay right now; just last night I was reading about Auschwitz in God's Playground: A History of Poland. The misunderstanding in western high schools and Nazi is the portrayal of them as ONLY focusing on Jews. Other than that the Nazis were that bad.

>> No.6336106


western high schools *about Nazis

>> No.6336117

I really like this pic cause the dog is so cute :3

>> No.6336118

reddit is a better site than 4chan

>> No.6336184

>postmodern literature/poetry is for those who have no concept of storytelling
As a pretty avid supporter of post-modernism, I'm not even mad. You're certainly wrong, but it isn't your fault

>> No.6336199

So, in your opinion, the artit that gets the most money is the most patrician? Is Justin Beiber the Beethoven of our century?

>> No.6336202

She had just finished licking the blood of the puppy she had killed off of her boyfriend's penis when she heard a knock on the door.
It was her mother.
"Hello, sweetie! I brought you something from our vacation!"
"I'm kind of busy here, mom!" she shouted.
"No, come out of your room. You'll really like it!"
She wasn't exactly in a position to leave the room, knowing that her mother would clearly see the blood and semen on her face, or might even catch a glimpse of the puppy's furry, blood-drenched corpse at the foot of the bed.

>> No.6336212

I don't find this edgy at all. Actually, I think it could work

>> No.6336216

then posting here makes you worse than the redditors

>> No.6336415

I'm not sure about hardship, but I think the current system of publishing results in worse art and should be abolished.

People make art because they think it will sell, not because they feel inspired. People who just want to make art for fun would also find a wider audience because they wouldn't have to compete with commercial crap.

Also like, Patronage would still exist. Nobody's going to let the world not have any creative works in it.

>> No.6336649
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, stewart-lee (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Hyde is an excuse for comedian and 4chinners circlejerk about him because he panders to their political beliefs and autistic concept of humour.

You are middlebrow philistine if you've never read a single book about aesthetics yet somehow feel that your uneducated nonsense needs to be expressed.

Early Hemingway > dungpile > Old Man And The Sea.

If you discuss literary movements instead of single works you are generalizing dumbfuck who is more interested in having pompously sounding opinions instead of actual insight.

Reddit is hugbox for people with zero self awareness, 4chan is hugbox for edgy for the sake of being edgy assfrustrated shut-ins.

If you constantly bitch about school of resentment you are the opposite side of the same coin.

>> No.6337333

Capitalism is really the only economic system that works. This is because it utilizes the laws of physics, specifically the second law of thermodymics. Economics is the human aspect of entropy: humans take resources from one area, move them somewhere else, and then consume them. Consumption is literally the conversion of energy into a more useless form. Capitalism uses a "price system" to value goods on the surface, but really the price system is an objective signal that directs resources where they are most needed.

Many detractors of capitalism decry the fact those resources don't end up in the bellies of the poor. But on an objective, cosmic level - its because the cosmos doesn't wan tthem alive. They cannot produce enough to justify their existance. The second law of thermodymics literally declares they are more useful 6 under the ground as food for maggots. Meanwhile, the producers, the socially adept and the intelligent are rewarded with all the fine things men enjoy.

>> No.6337364

Agreed, only pomo ive read is italo calvino but damn it's really fun

>> No.6337385

There is nothing inherently wrong with being homosexual but transsexualism is vile

>> No.6337394

yvette cooper's let herself go

>> No.6337407

Redditors are better than channers on every front except mindless edginess (i.e. muh anonymity).

>> No.6337427

>marijuana is a creative aid

I agree with everything except for this, you should have use a better drug as an example

>> No.6337430

please be in london.

>> No.6337452
File: 131 KB, 793x645, iVQDu5L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anybody that refuses to work out (in any form) is wasting half of their potential as a brain within a body


>> No.6337457

edgiest post itt

>> No.6337464

SJWs are pretty much the worst

>> No.6337478
File: 63 KB, 550x448, 1427684878023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded/defective children should be aborted or terminated upon birth
>eugenics is a natural consequence of Darwinism–without it we're just going to bifurcate into two or more species, or worse, deteriorate into an idiocracy
>philosophy discovers the blueprints; scientists perform the construction; engineers work in the building
>being smarter than somebody necessarily implies superiority, unless constrained by authoritative or institutionalized restrictions; just look at most friend groups
>nationalism is just tribalism at a global level
>sexism exists because men have been historically stronger than women physically
>black people are on average stupider than white people; there is no argument between nature and nurture
>rape is objectively more unethical than murder, from both a Kantian and utilitarian standpoint
>you mother could have swallowed you, you were probably a mistake, and alcohol is indirectly responsible for the majority of births throughout modern civilization

>> No.6337480

The term 'SJW' is a misnomer because it gives credence to the notion that what they believe in and fight for is just.

>> No.6337485

>nationalism is just tribalism at a global level

To add to this, there is also nothing wrong with tribalism.

>> No.6337497

It's the other way around actually. By adding the completely fake "warrior" you make "social justice" sound just as false. That way people trying to get some social justice (equality under the law, better protection for workers, banks not destroying lives, etc) is quickly grouped with silly teens that can't find a proper cause and much less fight for it (tumblr posters, avatar changers, retwitters, etc)

>> No.6337500
File: 220 KB, 680x301, obsidian razor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6337505


No, I completely disagree. Tribalism impedes man's advancement in the same way that ghettos stifle economic growth of black individuals. It means man is at odds with himself.

>> No.6337507

avatar changers?

>> No.6337517

I guess uh you're referring to your body as your "physical avatar" and people who try to change it IE get SRS are silly teens..?

>> No.6337518

That's both edgy and very interesting.

>> No.6337529

what? no! people who change their avatar because they're raping girls in south africa and that shit

>> No.6337533

Think locally; fuck globally.

>> No.6337536

I have no idea what your'e talking about.

>> No.6337539
File: 328 KB, 1280x836, 1427633716004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal TV is for people who are absolutely brain dead. Its basically CUCKING for your actual life.
Even shitty slice of life anime that is pure pandering is better than any HBO or other shitty TV show. Time spent watching TV, and movies for that matter, is wasted time PERIOD.
jerking off on 4chan all day is more soul enriching than TV.

Anyone under 25 years old is mentally retarded and should not be able to make any choices for themselves; you are not even capable of being a full egoist. You should literally be state property until 25.

Moral Atheism is the most retarded position anyone can take intellectually. Its not a meme, moral atheists really are just kids trying to play edgy.
"dads not home! but don't leave the house or wreck anything"

Women are inferior to maybe 5% of actual real men.
Those 5% of men should lead, then every woman is under them, then every other man that is unexceptional.
all the
>hurr durr women are retarded
is, while being correct, hilarious because a none-exceptional man is literally worthless. (this does not mean they are expendable per se)
Women are more pleasant to be around. Patriarchs should be found in the population and then be absolute rulers.
Not "alphas" actual fatherly patriarchs who know what your life should be composed of better than you do.

People who cannot find the value of Poetry are probably not capable of true human experience.

The flute really should be banned; or more correctly in modern day, any shitty trend music that is meaningless: i.e. country, hiphop/rap, dubstep, house, trance, rock, basically any none heavily classical influenced genre.

Stirner is actually a good philosopher, but i've never seen anyone on this sight even correctly use the term "spook" let alone understand how his 'egoism' is nothing like normal egoism or hedonism. Most "stirnerists" are actually just denying spirits and reverting themselves back to the 'realism' phase of development. They actually hamstring themselves and revert to a more simplistic state. Its absolutely hilarious, and i think Stirner himself might get a good laugh about it.

>> No.6337541

okay, I see I'm not being clear: facebook/twitter/etc avatars.

saging because this doesn't deserve three bumps

>> No.6337548

So much nonsense

>> No.6337554

people change their avatars on facebook and twitter because they're south african rapists.?

>> No.6337559

>>the Nazi's were nowhere near as evil as portrayed

>> No.6337563

Doesn't matter how many books you've read, you're not acting on it.

>> No.6337566

>ghettos stifle economic growth of black individuals

The idea that blacks, with their childish anti-intellectual "urban culture," aren't responsible for their own failures always makes me chuckle.

>> No.6337569

>the best of anime < the best of western animation
I think they're on par

>> No.6337588

>it's okay to lie about the number of your previous sexual partners
slut. I don't mind sluts, I would instantly drop that bitch if we were going out and found out thru another source that she fucked more guys than she said

>> No.6337601

ghettos allow blacks to protect themselves of depredatorial companies and mafias, slowly creating their own organizations and mafias. if anything it's better for their growth.

>> No.6337604

>>/lit/ is subjectively shit when we consider avenues to intellectual growth
name one thing? sure there are other avenues, if you want to become happy and social, knowing language will you aid you like science cannot

>> No.6337612

the human race will only stabilize if most of the population dies or leaves the planet

>> No.6337615

I was seven when I lost my virginity. I only vaguely remember my babysitter giving me a soda that I realize now was roofied. I'm not sure I still vividly remember waking up in that dark, cold room that reeked with the stench of mold. I don't even vividly remember the crossdressing man in the miniskirt and Krusty the Clown mask who pulled down his skirt and took my virginity when he held me down on the cold, wet cement of his basement. I've been told since by psychiatrists I've confessed the incident to that the event was traumatizing to me and shaped how I feel about women and sexuality today. I wouldn't know. I've never had sex since, but I doubt being raped by a man in a skirt and a clown mask had anything to do with it. In fact, sometimes I feel bad for thinking that I wasn't traumatized by it, or that the event didn't shape me at all.

>> No.6337617

>4chan is hugbox for edgy for the sake of being edgy assfrustrated shut-ins.
stay stereotyped

>> No.6337641

please tell me why you think im wrong

See: historical handicaps

>their growth
I was using urbanized blacks as an analogy. There is no 'their' or 'our,' we all belong to the same community of people that only think we're separate

>> No.6337660

>>sexism exists because men have been historically stronger than women physically
what about the fact that men also lead the fields of science and populate the majority of people on the extremely high end of intelligence

>> No.6337664

1. There is a fundamental wisdom to the blissful existence of a stupid person that should be respected and allowed to continue. All breaches of manners and impropriety are fundamentally intrusions into the blissful peace of the average fool's existence. The only truly intelligent men are those who realize this, accept it, and keep the ears of the average man shielded from higher discourse. This is why it is wrong to disdain people for possessing so called "plebeian" tastes--they can't help themselves, and it would only cause them pain to enjoy anything on a higher level. It is best to leave them be and pursue higher interests without them.

2. Cultural change cannot actually be enacted by activism or by the actions of any individual or group. It emerges organically by the steady evolution of public thought, independent of the efforts of any one man. Simply pursue your desires without trying to change anything and you will find positive change occurring effortlessly.

>> No.6337665

>Anyone under 25 years old is mentally retarded and should not be able to make any choices for themselves; you are not even capable of being a full egoist. You should literally be state property until 25.
except for the fact there's people more accomplished than you at 18 years old

>> No.6337674

>movies are bad
>new music should be banned if I don't like it
>hurrrrrrrr durr
agree about non exceptional men being literally worthless though. betas complaining online don't seem to have self-awareness that they are useless to women and therefore society, they think they still deserve to have a quality woman in their life

>> No.6337726

yes. or because girls are kidnapped in Nigeria, or because someone died, or because cancer exists. somehow they feel great about fixing those issues that way.

>> No.6337782

Wow.. I'm just surprised so many rapists in South Africa are using Twitter and Facebook to prey on children, changing their avatars to hide their identities.

>> No.6337815

I know this is an edgy thread but you obviously believe some of this,

>if you dont like poetry you are subhuman
>If you do like rap you are subhuman

Fuck man, why can't people appreciate BIG and Beethoven, is it that hard to not be a complete fucking philistine?

>> No.6337825

oh, you're playing with me, sorry, I wasn't paying enough attention and assumed you were retarded.

>> No.6337833

I might have been playing wiht you but that doesn't mean I'm not retarded

>> No.6337867

I might not have payed attention to what you were doing but that doesn't mean I'm not retarded either.
Glad we had this conversation.

>> No.6337871

thats just a consequence of de facto oppression

>> No.6337926
File: 30 KB, 342x236, hedgehog (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate fat people.

I really do. They anger me; are ugly and often smell terrible. Of course ; if they took care of themselves, they wouldn't be in this state. When I'm in the street or in public transportation, and that it is required that I come close to a fat person, I am always extremely close to losing control of myself. They clog up the sidewalk or take two seats. When they try to express themselves in our tongue, their facial anus stretches and distorts itself horribly, and if you gaze long enough into the abyss, you can catch a glimpse of the deepest pits of hell where sweat, juice and blood mix up to form the parangon of everything that's disgusting.

I have never seen an attractive fat man or fat woman, never seen them to be useful. They do not work, do not study, or study dumb shit like psychology or political science, rotting on the benches of their shitty college between two revendicative actions for fat acceptance or for the local McDonalds to close a bit later, so they have the time to waddle there after they've finished packing their dozens of rolls post-class.

The worst are those who do not accept their condition, like the vulgar feminist cunts (not the tumblr type, the anarchist punk type) who still try a desperate effort when their own skin is so close to be ripped and torn apart and to spill their vital organs on the ground. Their faces more covered in make-up than a prostitute in semen, haircuts defying the most elemental laws of gravity; sometimes half of the scalp shaved because they are lesbians. Not by nature : by choice, because nobody wants them

So then the fat have sex with each other, copulate, die fast but reproduce, driven by the very strenght of their despair to leave a skid mark on history. Sometimes pop a child they will rot and corrupt to the bone with shit food and television. Sometimes the women if too fat to give birth and dies in labor, despite the best advices of her doctor whose sole reward for a life of hard word and sacrifice is to see organic waste to come die in his hospital.

Sometimes the man is too fat to see his own penis, needs a handle to clean his asscheeks, and reprocuding is an impossible task. Then only, when he dies alone under the weight of his own greese, when he chokes in his own puke, forgotten by everyone, only then humanity has won

>> No.6337970

Most racism in America is just culturalism either disguised or, more often, unknowingly muddled by the speaker. So hating black people in america usually amounts to hating black culture. and in this sense most racism is actually very reasonable since, regardless of your thoughts on who's to blame for the culture being that way, no one can seriously maintain that what is generally meant by black culture is in any way healthy for either those inside or those outside it.

>> No.6338029

I never said subhuman.

I'm not even saying that BIG would not have been a good musician if he picked a real genre.
Rap skill qua poetry, + classical might be a good form of art.

but currently rap is basic, pandering, and draws people away from a real life.
(also i would caveat my statement saying most fedora tipping classical+jazz listeners who listen just because they think the genres are 'intellectual' are also missing the entire point; furthermore i always laugh when i bring this up because nobody ever defends country, but always someone will comment about how not liking hiphop is close-minded/racist.)

People are already basically incapable of managing themselves already, and "I FUCKED YO BITCH NIGGA I FUCKED YO BITCH NIGGA" is not helping. If its 'harmless' its still not helping, and still that time would be better spent cultivating a real taste in music. Something most people die never achieving.

bass, and rhythm are the salt and fat of the musical taste buds. Its not really a "personal preference" its something you are born into; and never moving past that should be considered a sign of shame, not 'personal preference'

>> No.6338114


I dont agree completely but I do really like the way you think.

>> No.6338180
File: 8 KB, 259x194, tip4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I don't like country
>implying I implied you were racist and not just an autistic snob
>implying music is objectively good
>implying that this objective standard can be used to compare and dismiss entire genres of music
> implying liking the music other people tell you to like is something worth dedicating your life too.

This is certainly bait, gj on wasting 2 minutes of my time asshole.

>> No.6338200

I honestly can't see anything wrong with furries and furry culture. It's healthy and good for your development to indulge your imagination. Some of the women are pretty hot too, and the idea of cuddling up next to a hot chick in a wolf costime is quite appealing sometimes. Most of the anti-furries are actually interested in the scene themselves but lack the courage that furries have to join a sub-culture they know is reviled.

>> No.6338210
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, 1427671227489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you identify as a conservative or a liberal you are a retard
Nationalism is stupid as fuck.
This board is actually pretty good for discussing literature, especially compared with the alternatives.
I still find memes funny even though I know they're stupid/autistic
Most people have no business going to college.
The possession of CP should be legal. Distribution and production not so much.
Organized religion is retarded.

>> No.6338262

I don't need to imply any of that I'm stating it outright.

Anything "good" in rap/country could be incorporated into real music. The useless elements would be dropped and no value lost.

You are giving me the typical "its suuubjective XD" bullshit; the same argument people who read game of thrones and hunger games give to excuse their shit taste.

Funny, again, people only seem to think this applies to music. Every other aspect of your life, every important choice would be better guided by a patriarch that could make you a better, deeper, and all around more intricate and valuable(to your own self, and others) human being.
>implying music is not part of this

Music is one of the most important parts of life, and people like you who apologize never advancing your own taste are absolutely suspended in a juvenile state.

>> No.6338277

ASAP Ferg is a lyrical genius

>> No.6338283

None of this is edgy.
I think he meant that he would lie about having sex with a person instead of saying he never did. Kind of the opposite of what you're getting at.

It should be limited.

>> No.6338292


I love you. This is awesome and made me happy in an otherwise shit day.

>> No.6338303


/lit/ - literature

>> No.6338364
File: 52 KB, 700x419, lefunnyghostbuster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


someone please respond I won't sleep if no one validates me

I'm delicate ;_;

picture totally the opposite of me

>> No.6338371
File: 18 KB, 250x239, 1427672566238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sure this is b8 now, you sure got me good bud.

>> No.6338380

keep being delusional then.

>> No.6338393

Ayn Rand is a good author.

This the first chapter in your new book?

>> No.6338395

If god doesnt exist then I must not

or I dream of both?

>> No.6338409


>> No.6338422


>> No.6338431
File: 51 KB, 416x416, 1414175467132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catcher in the Rye has some deep meaning tied somewhere into it that has yet to be discovered
>Post-modernism, whether or not you like it, is an important step of helping the arts evolve
>literature, music, and the visual arts are all on equal levels concerning their expressive capabilities

>> No.6338453

>>See: historical handicaps

For example: the blacks of equatorial Africa statistically have the lowest IQs of any group in the world.

>> No.6338457

>Feminism is bullshit and men and women in the first world are equal. Feminists only continue their crusade to one-up themselves over men and make us their slaves.


>> No.6338469

So in other words you are the typical 4chan poster?

>> No.6338472

There is no morality. If you were to be raped for eternity, it wouldn't matter. Humans will stop existing and there's no tragedy. Reproduction is overrated and there are too many humans on the planet. Racism is a good thing, and only faggots care about unity.

>> No.6338483

>literature, music, and the visual arts are all on equal levels concerning their expressive capabilities

other two are fine, but this one is pure retard; but its a fairly common pleb opinion and not really edgy.

>> No.6338492

Hey faggot, I was the one that posted that William Blake to /r/Art which I can see by the title you downloaded. Just thought you should know.

>> No.6338509

I like all of them but
>>communist ideologies are interesting to mull over, but if you continue to promote them then you're a delusional idiot and deserve to be unemployed
>capitalism is just the next step in human evolution

>> No.6338511

Wow. Of the three I was sure that the Catcher in the Rye one would be the first to clonk some bonkers.

Why do you think the arts aren't on equal footing in terms of people being able to express themselves through them.

>> No.6338536

I think Hitler was a good man. Mein Kampf is 95% the inane ramblings of an incredibly bored prisoner but that last 5% paints a picture of a man who cared more for his countrymen than his own life. I think the gassing of Jews was part of a massive smear campaign against Germany by the victors of WW2.

>> No.6338545


It's been a while since I saw a post this fucking gay.

>> No.6338547
File: 4 KB, 212x218, 1415110660115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6338551


Used to speak
Sweet with sympathy, tease to mimic me
Sunshine every line you ever sent to me
Heaven sent, heavenly scent that later crippled me, shit
Simple men don't learn, where was your empathy
Couldn't see the fork in the road
Kept straight forward, straight towards a humble abode we both hate more
Now that I fumbled and folded that open letter said, dead men walkin' don't dream
You taped yours, and you told me I could rent it
Thought it was invented for my viewing pleasure
Human error, the apprentice turned teacher, preacher turned God
Couldn't reach ya, just a façade, the main feature
Modified for blogs, podcast the past
Hi-definition, she laughed, pass the message
Now I'm guessin' that the jokes on me cause I'm the only one threatened
The wretched by the windows sketchin'
Pencil mural of the method, don't sweat it
Techniques turnin', burnin' incense
Listening to Billy burn my intent, definitive days that turn my nights to fiction
Friction-less, just a pen tryna pimp this stress
Cause I couldn't keep a lid on my life
Naïve as the dry leaves on the ground
Lookin' past the tree to the blue sky askin' "Why me?"

>rap isn't poetry.

You obviously do have a close mind lol...

>> No.6338553

All forms of government, absolutely all of them, are just layers of abstraction over the same tribal hunting party structure.

A chief rules by the consent of his warriors, and everyone else follows him because they don't have sharp rocks. All governments since that have had those three features, a charismatic leader, a bunch of thugs, and the rest.

In a monarchy the chief is called a king, the warriors are called lords, and the peasants don't really have a say. Even absolute monarchs were just guys who were really good at controlling their courts, and often had less real power than neoreactonaries imagine.

In a democracy, the chief is called a president, and the warriors are called lobbyists. The citizens think they can vote, but they are ultimately manipulated by the lobbyists into voting for a candidate that they approve of. As before the chief is just the tribesman with the most friends.

In a Fascism, the chief is called a dictator and the warriors are called generals. As before, the people have no power, but follow the chief in his warriors, either by coercive force, or manufactured consent.

Most examples of "Communism" attempted in history have been either fascism (state capitalism) with Marxist rhetoric, or democracy with lots of social programs to keep the plebs happy. Typically there is a party following a charismatic leader, and then a much larger group of people with no say whatsoever.

Some people think it's possible to have a government without a leader. This is foolish because people are most comfortable thinking of things in terms of figureheads. Most of our intellectual capacity seems to based on social interaction, thus we cant help but anthropomorphize everything and work intent into each event. A chief is necessary to accept praise when things are good, and take blame when things go bad.

Progressives want to turn all the slaves into warriors by giving them political power. This however does not work. People can't be bothered to educate themselves. This isn't to say that the common man is stupid, but rather that everyone paying attention to every political issue would be so inefficient as to prevent society from functioning entirely. People inevitability just give up and vote for whatever the chief's warriors tell them.

Reactionaries think a single omnipotent dictator is the ideal because he can focus all his attention to rulership and won't have to worry about ordinary matters. Unfortunately this is just as idealistic as democracy. In reality, every chief has to make sure his warriors like him more than they like each other, or at least trick them into thinking everyone else does. If the warriors decide that they don't like the chief, and realize that they outnumber him, they can easily replace him with one of their own.

This is the real reason _your_favorite_government_ failed. The sooner we all realize this, the sooner we can make a government that takes this into account and minimizes the negative consequences.

>> No.6338600

Most of what you say I agree with. I would like to add that monarchies and republics are the only sustainable forms of government. Any other system is doomed to fail within a century or two at the very most because they are artificial and don't develop naturally in human society. Republics occur when the monarchy gains too much power and is overthrown, and monarchies occur when the republic becomes too bloated with red tape and inefficiency. This is a universal truth that applies to all cultures.

>> No.6338607

>How educated people feel about rap is exactly how people felt about rock.

>> No.6338609

You obviously cant read.

I said rap qua poetry is not bad; then to argue against this you post rap lyrics, which is exactly to the extent rap is poetry.

Good job. Gold star.

>> No.6338612

>they were both right. And both are shit.

>> No.6338623

>rap qua

>being this pretentious

Ironically, people like you won't actually be recognized for the talent you may have. Ego holds you back :)

keep reading!

>> No.6338633

>implying this person has talent
This is /lit/ and even if it wasnt that would be way too generous.

>> No.6338639

A monarchy is a tribe with a stronger chief and weaker warriors.
A republic is a tribe with a weaker chief and stronger warriors.

I should mention, that "warrior" is a generic term and does not necessarily imply martial ability. The warriors are people with individual power. Either through political connections, or an actual monopoly of violence.

In modern society, actual warriors are part of the slave caste, but are directly controlled by politicians and corporations. All governments larger than a single village will inevitably fractalize into layers of abstraction. Companies and politicians are the president's warriors, while the actual millitary and police force form another layer of warriors.
A worker is the warrior of his or her boss, and the worker's family are the warriors of the head of household.

Communists are right in identifying social structures as being pyramid shaped. Their mistake is wrongly assuming that any other shape is possible. A pyramid is naturally stable. Some are steeper than others (and the steeper ones are less stable) but any other shape will eventually either collapse into a pyramid, or slowly start to stack layers on top of itself until it resembles one.

This is the closest thing that exists to "MAH HUMAN NATURE" that reactionaries like to scream about, even as they fail to realize the same nature is the reason their precious social order is collapsing.

>> No.6338657

>>>Human chimeras being artificially grown in laboratories to prepare new organs to rich people. Or just plainly The Island stuff. People will actually defend this saying that's no different of raise cattle.

object to this one. stem cell tech will enable organs to be grown in vitro

>> No.6338664

qua means "in the capacity of"
as in: rap "in the capacity of" . . .
good luck reading anything harder than YA friend, you might have to learn 'pretentious' words.

also to be entirely condescending (you know what condescending means right?), you should not use the word 'pretentious' when there are no 'pretense'; a totally fabricated statement with no support cant be a 'pretense' and so can't be 'pretensions'. This is because a 'pretense' is an attempt to make something appear true by giving bad evidence.
And still the point stands you misread like a tard. CUm @ me bro

>> No.6338675

Not gonna lie, that sounds like a bright future to me. Lots of kinky sex and bio-technology curing all diseases. The only people who are disadvantaged in any way are life forms lacking a central nervous system.
The only thing that's holding us back are iron age moral codes.

Remember, one man's slippery slope is another man's awesome waterside.

>TFW conservatives say legalizing gay marriage will lead to acceptance of pedophilia.
>TFW pedophiles hope that's true.

>> No.6338677

>failing to recognize that pretentious has a different definition than what it "shoould" mean based on its root
>being this much of a prescriptivist about language even though you know it is constantly changing

>> No.6338703

>implying that retard even used it in the way its being currently missuses.
>implying using one word common word used in analysis is "pretentious"
>implying that words whose primary use is clarity of thought should not be treated with more prescriptivism than other words.

In all reality, I know what he meant to say. But that use of "pretentious" is "literally" meaningless. If you cant actually point to the part of a statement that is being treated with undo importance then you are excusing the word as a synonym for "i don't like your tone".

>> No.6338711

voluntary egoism is literally the end-game philosophy.

you don't need to read anymore.

>> No.6339008

Some of are you fat fucks and need to introduce fitness into your lives. I'm not perfect either but god damn it I want you to instill good habits into your lifestyle.

>> No.6339039

here you go friend

>> No.6339082

Her big butt swayed, hip-cock to hip-cock, maneuvering through the crowd.
"Ouch! Your big butt hit me on my hip." An old timey man cried, writhing on the ground.
"I did it for the Devil; I did it so the Devil will marry me."
Trying to right himself the old timey man had gotten knotted up in his big governors beard. "No!" he cried, "not the Devil,"
"MMhmm, that's right," she said, "I'm going to be the woman married to the Devil." And she kicked some pills away that had fallen out of his trouser pocket."
"Not my camporated laudanum salts."
"Ha! You should be taking those pills yourself instead of putting them in your pocket like a crazy. I don't feel bad; I feel nothing at all but lust for the Devil!"
"No," cried the old man again, "no, it's not right the way you want to live."
"Ring, ring, ba-rrring, ba-rinng," pulling out a Nokia Sidekick the woman begins to talk, "What's that Devil, you want me to sit on this old cabin man. Oh yeah baby, you know I will. Mmmmhm, gonna sit right down on him here in the street like the Queen of Mt. Everest. Yeah baby see you later." She flips and slips the sidekick into her pocket. "That was the Devil right there. And I'm going to sit on you like a hen, hatch a new president baby right out of you,"
"Gasp!- no you mustn't, you can't. Leave me be you slugabed, you jenny, little chicken strut. If you hatch me into a president, oh I'll... oh, oh I'll... make you pay. You'll pay."
"Haw, Haw, my little old fellow, Big Bird is coming in to roost." She turned and her large butt blotted the sun so the man couldn't see it directly. "Kaw Kaw, I'm the Alcatraz Jail Bird, Squaw, Squaw" and flapped her arms furiously.
The ample meated butt kissed the desolate plains of his body soft as a lunar rover making a touchdown. Then continued, resting on him like a big blanket, then five blankets, thirty blankets, a hundred blankets all at once. He tried to scream but his lungs could fetch no air to scream with, all he could do was pound, pound, pound upon the sidewalk, and kick his legs madly.
It was easily two hundred blankets now, and slowly he felt his arms and legs growing faint, slips of small pins and needles dying, dying and then suffocating completely. "I must surely die, I must surely..." And as he began to grow frenzied from lack of breath till a heady surge overstole him, taking his consciousness safely, wave by wave into... where was he... why was it so pleasant to have his mind washed away to... where was it going? And after that no words rose to him, only sweeps of stomach butterflies and pulses of Adrenalin, cozied each among what must have been the largest dopamine reuptake inhibition he had ever known. And like that he lingered a weft of sensations through a weave of euphoria.

>> No.6339083

Then he realized suddenly that he was breathing again, that he must have been for a while. "I am.." his mind palpated a moist residue and sensed upon it familiar glyphs, worn to obscurity, a palimpsest holding illegibly legible what he had forgot he had wanted to say. I moment of hot convulsion his tongue tried to lift a word lingering on the cusp from him, but the sound came then as an aqueous "buk" reverberating in a small chamber.
He opened his eyes and through a mucus thick and hot saw only glow, low and cast as faint upon its casting surface as an oven in the mid-night. He stuck a form forming from him to it. It braced. He stuck again harder and fissure let upon the wall, molten yellow, perceptibly cool. Again he struck it with form, again it branched into the cool melt. Again, and again, and then a large portion fell away, a rapid heat exchange from which he withdrew, shielding his eyes and matted body. The mucus and water cooled and hardened, dried from him so he no longer felt submerged. He moved and everything around him cracked and squished. With a great blow he batted down a large portion of the surface, opening to a differentiated molest of colors.
His head drew through, and erupting sudden and uncomfortable as a burp issued from him a "buk." He tumbled from his gutter onto a sunned mud nest. His form lay fallen before him, and it was familiar yet alien. Svelte primate limbs, though bound by great webs between his legs, arms and chest, mottled with a slight down, though looking much at the moment like meat of chicken breast. Just then a large ca-cawing came from the sky, and settling before him a large raptor bird, as he was, but large and busy with feather and molt. It cocked it's head sun-ward and pulsed its breast chucking. Then vomited forth before him a mound of bit size snickers. The man immediately drew down and began to gorge upon them, guzzling them by numbers at a time. Others came along beside him, like him. pink and downy, part primate part predatory avian. He sensed then that he should become as this species a tyrant over the lesser fowl and mammal of this place, that he should be a terror.

>> No.6339138

*clap*...*clap*. *clap* *clap clap* clap*clapclapclapclapclapclapclap

>> No.6339143

Technical death metal is fucking garbage dude. Punk influenced dirty and sloppy death metal has so much more soul.
Slaughter from Canada, Autopsy, Dismember, etc > any chugga chugga cookie monster band or "wow look how well I can play it totally covers up my mediocre songwriting skills right guise" band
You trigger me

>> No.6339170

Children will die, no matter what you do. Children have always died, and they always will die. That is how the world works. Because if children did not die, and there was some magical kind of effect whereby homo sapiens under the age of 18 were invulnerable and invincible, the world would not be so immersive, and those children would think themselves gods. Not to mention what would happen if a bunch of these invincible children decided to attack, say, the US's nuclear installations as a prank, to see what happens "when you press all those red buttons". So it's a good thing that young homo sapiens are not invincible, and a direct consequence of this is that they can, and often do, die. Let us therefore, for once, be glad that children die! Let us thank the gods that we live in a universe where children are not invulnerable! For God help us if they were...

By the way, it is totally natural that women, by and large, are horrified by children's deaths. What is not natural is that men have been feminized to a degree that they effectively feel the same way, and that they have allowed women's narrowmindedness, which in itself, and for the purpose for which women have been shaped by evolution, is praiseworthy, to lay hold of the whole of society and tyrannize it with the values of small and petty creatures.

>> No.6339181

To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities - I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not - that one endures.

>> No.6339193

Fucking triggered.

15 year olds trying to write philosophy is always the cringiest shit. It's like you read some Nieztche excerpts and watched some Dawkins on Youtube and now you think you're some huge badass Nihilist that knows it all. Come back in a few years, kiddo.

>> No.6339283

Then how the fuck would you feel about someone who grows their own food and is self sufficient? You do realize that the government and capitalism actively discourage self sufficiency? America literally has laws designed to make it difficult for the lower class to grow tale care of themselves.

>> No.6339294

I swear this is an actual Nietzsche quote

>> No.6339299

No. Being against tribalism is being against yourself. You yourself are acting upon your tribalistic instinct right now by posting on 4chan. Youre acting like its impossible to be nationalistic and not participate in world trade and whatnot.

>> No.6339383

Infanticide of children up to 3 months after birth should be legal, and encouraged in the case of birth defects. There is nothing wrong with infanticide for the same reason there is nothing wrong with abortion. If a mother cannot care for her child, the humane solution is to kill it.

Humans don't become people until you give them a name. An infant has no individuality to speak of and has no value whatsoever as a person. If properly raised it will gain value, but if it's mother is unable or unwilling to support it, letting it live would be inhumane.

People who claim to have empathy for the mentally disabled are actually selfishly objectifying people who they view as permanent children, if they were suddenly made aware of their circumstances, most retards would feel horribly betrayed by the people who care for them and probably chose to die.

>> No.6339412

Everywhere I go, people puke their own life as a mean to endure their ineluctable mortality. Life is fatal, and so is this epoch full of agony we were thrown into.

>> No.6339430

>might really does make right
>democracy is less and less viable
>comfort is evil, one should constantly eliminate it in their life wherever viable
>politicizing literature is symptomatic of dogmatism
>the rate at which adult women consume young adult fiction and soft core pornographic novels proves that women are whores with childlike IQs

>> No.6339435

>music is just noise that morons use to fill the silence in their heads because they're idiotic to come up with a productive of interesting thought process to engage

>> No.6339439

He was my lover, my confidant, my retreat. We spent months together, exploring one another's bodies. Never a phrase was spoken between us, for they were not necessary. Still, despite my efforts to keep him from being corrupted by the world at large, he finally said his first words. Overheard from some damnable neighbor, I'm sure. But then, it's to be expected once they reach the age of seven or so, regardless of whatever precautions you may take. I put him in the boiler with the others. Room is becoming scarce.

>> No.6339482

>Also, everyone is at least a little bit bisexual.
In all fairness, anyone who doesn't admit this is lying to themselves. It's all about thresholds, man.

>> No.6339483

>believing in the binary

>> No.6339492

for what its worth if you're in a position in life where you are seeing psychiatrists then you probably WERE traumatised by it. Your issues came from SOMEWHERE and that event seems like a real likely candidate.

>> No.6339494

Lincoln should have allowed the south to succeed. The CSA would have further fractured into smaller states, and the Union would be a much better country without the red states holding it down.

Northern cities would also be much nicer because white flight would have never happened. The south would have eventually abolished slavery, but maintained an appertained state up until the late 20th century before allowing a black majority to vote. Either way it would be an utter shithole, and the north would be the most advanced country in the world.

At least until WWIII between the USSR and the empire of Japan destroys the world or something.

>> No.6339495

>The distinction between "cute" and "sexy" is largely artificial, hugging and cuddles are inherently erotic.

Do you want to fuck kittens?

I agree that it's natural to be attracted to children after they've hit puberty, though. If they haven't, I don't see how it could be

>> No.6339504

And not the fact that every authority figure you've ever looked up to is now treating you like a pariah for reasons that don't make sense? Alternately, when the so called abuser forces the kid that they will get in trouble if they tell anybody. (kids suck at keeping secrets)

Having sex doesn't fuck a kid up. It's an orgasm, kids give themselves orgasms through masturbation all the time. Not to mention the kinds of touching that are somehow considered non sexual. It's the shame that adults place on them that makes it harmful.

Western society's ideas of sexuality being based on taboos, violation, and purity are fucked up in general though.

>> No.6339511

I'm not even mad at you. I can't blame you for taking advantage of such a lucrative situation and acting in your own self interest. Your husband is literally a cuck though and he disgusts me. The men who pay for the shit you put out are beta fucks and they also disgust me. I hope your husband leaves you, not out of spite to you, but because I genuinely hate men like him and get depressed just thinking about how one can stoop so low as to become a metaphorical eunuch.

>> No.6339517

A humanoid kitten would be very fuckable. Why do you think catgirls are a thing in porn?

The same traits that make kittens and children "cute" is what makes an adult woman attractive. It's called Neotony, and it's what separates humans from animals. The retention of childlike traits in adulthood. This isn't the only thing that humans find attractive, but it's a major part of it. Even in adults, men tend to find women more attractive the more child-like they act.

Adults having penetrative sex with children probably shouldn't be normal, but there should be nothing wrong with children being exposed to adult sexuality, or playing sexually with each other. The idea they need to be sheltered from it only makes them vulnerable to abuse.

>> No.6339541

>Some of are you fat fucks and need to introduce fitness into your lives. I'm not perfect either but god damn it I want you to instill good habits into your lifestyle.
How on earth would you know this? It's so tiresome and just plain turboidiotcy thinking that out of the 22 million daily 4chan users are mostly obese, neckbeard, fedora'd, autists.
The reason that the fedora fallacy or "reductio ad neckbeard [1]" exist is dated and foolishness that would not be rendered 'likely' to anyone with a thinking full functional mind

>> No.6339543

[1]all non-identifiable internet users have neckbeards or person attributes befitting this sterotype

>> No.6339546

>>the rate at which adult women consume young adult fiction and soft core pornographic novels proves that women are whores with childlike IQs
you mean proving the ones who unironically consume those simply aren't into good literature

>> No.6339565

Hitler was actually a civil rights pioneer; there would be no more racism if there weren't anymore non-white people (or ethnic minorities in general)

>> No.6339596
File: 16 KB, 691x597, 1411088348455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing in this thread is edgy. In order for something the be considered edgy, it must go against established norms and ideologies that occupy a certain environment. Even then, edgy is more so synonymous with the avant-garde.

The constant spouting of "blacks are inherently unintelligent" and "Nazis weren't all that evil" are all familiar statements on this website. In real-life social circumstances, these statements would certainly raise eyebrows and perhaps incite anger, but within this environment it is inappropriate to purport them as "edgy" in any way.

>> No.6339601

that makes no sense. so many logical fallacies holy smokes

>> No.6339612

Don't worry; only morons take the word "edgy" seriously in the first place

>> No.6339632

Good taste friendo>>6339193

The Finnish also have a great history of 80s/90s DM

>> No.6339657

Consentual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

>> No.6339666

>it is inappropriate to purport them as "edgy" in any way
Exactly. Most posters here are trying for second-layer edge. Keep up.

>> No.6340126

Do those "cute" traits also make grown men attractive to women?

>> No.6340320

>communist detected

>> No.6340340

>sex is for plebs

>> No.6340608

No because there is more than one kind of sexual attraction. Some people are also attracted to signs of sexual maturity such as body hair and roughness.

That said, women are also attracted to childlike traits. And even men have a level of neotony, not as much as women, but still more than any other primate.

>> No.6340646

> anonymous message boards aren't suited for actual discussion
> everyone is just here for the low-level social interaction with the amorphous hugbox that is the respective 4chan board
> /r9k/ is probably the board most typical and showing of what the motivation to post on 4chan, any board, really is

> inb4 but muh reading lists and suggestions and debate
you could get the information much quicker doing your own research. the beauty of 4chan is that it feels like you're having a lively debate with your virtual pals that you realistically don't know shit about

>> No.6340654
File: 52 KB, 357x556, 1427521775915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to tl;dr that
> 4chan is facebook even further removed from real life; the abstraction between your RL persona and whatever you are online is complete. it's constant no-risk low level social interaction in lieu of real social interaction, which can be chaotic and painful

>> No.6340683

Even this is not edgy, most of us have figured that out by now, and just keep cynically shitposting because we can't imagine life without 4chan.

>> No.6340685

people wonder about free will, when there is not even a will beforehand

>> No.6340947
File: 70 KB, 550x552, play me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any medium is valid as a form of art, Period.

>> No.6341200
File: 6 KB, 513x138, 1427494081372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks, I did sleep but woke up today incredibly tired

>> No.6341622


>They have not yet reached the post-ironic meme-fusion of neo-sincerity.

>> No.6341630
File: 98 KB, 778x1070, 1385126462189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6341807

>Divisions of humans by sex, race, nationality, or religion should be valued differently.

Do you mean some are more or less social constructs than others? If so, not exactly an edgy much less new idea...

>> No.6342360


Partly. The literature sub is fucking boring though.

>> No.6342386


*Partly agree,

>> No.6342433
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, 1374876352876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you believe this stuff, you are a faggot with shit opinions.

If not, 8/10, made me angrily reply.

>> No.6342493

you know the rest