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/lit/ - Literature

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6335538 No.6335538 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you incorporate 'other media' into your works?

There's a part in my story in which the protagonist records a suicide note and uploads it to the internet.

I'm thinking about acting this out, uploading it to voocaroo, and placing a link in the story.

If it's well acted, I think it could impact the reader a lot more.

Have any of you tried something simmilar?
How'd it go?

>> No.6335541

This internet thing is a fad, twenty years from now it will be laughable.

I'm still bitter about my masterpiece: an 11 part series based around beta max.

>> No.6335544

The Internet is just a shit version of what virtual reality will become. It's just a place where we can good around before we're allowed to escape into our own private virtual realities.

>> No.6335545

>Being able to instantly communicate with anyone
>A fad

>> No.6335548

Wow, thanks for that insightful insight to what was obviously a joke. A bet your the life of any party you go to.

>> No.6335552

If you do that then it stops being literature and becomes some multi-media hybrid. Personally I dont like it and as a reader id rather imagine it in my head instead of being forced to actually listen to it. Also you're taking for granted that your reader has:
a) a computer device of any kind
b) internet connection

>> No.6335553

I mail packets of my own shit to people who buy my book.

>> No.6335561

That's a fair point.
It'd be jarring if the voice actor doesn't sound like what the reader imagined.

>> No.6335573

i include a diskette in a collection of short stories about 90s post modern ninjas.

>> No.6335952

I've been wondering why authors don't do online book signings. Or do they? Maybe I missed it.

You'd log in with card details and shipping address, wait in "line" for your turn, then be face to face via webcam, have a little chat and watch your guy sign the book. Then he (or one of his elves) mails it off to you.

Wouldn't that be easier on everyone? Nobody has to fuck about with booking venues, travel expenses, waiting in line next to a smelly neckbeard etc.

If I was negotiating a book deal contract I'd insist all (or most of) my book signings were online. I don't need to get my spaghetti all over my fans.

>> No.6335956

I had a dream once where a book I was reading turned into a choose your own adventure thing, then a video game.

I had to read a bit, then start playing the game, and then the game would tell me which page to turn to, I'd read on and discover something about the game that allowed me to continue.

It was actually a lot of fun.

>> No.6335961

Actually doing a thing like that with /x/, a couple forums and a horror story I'm writing.

>> No.6335962


What a shitty dream life you have.

I had a dream the other night Scarlett Johanssen was sucking my cock. That's proper fucking dreaming that it, not some nebbishy "ooh look at my magic book" dream.

You need to get out more m8, leave the vidya alone.

>> No.6335965


I think the whole point of the thing is to meet an author you like in the actual flesh. Maybe meet some other people who like the same author, maybe get laid, who knows?

Your idea would appear to shut-ins on both side of the screen, but not to the populace at large.

Take a shower and go for a walk you fat smelly pig.

>> No.6335966

I dreamed that God was a cheeky cunt who crushed buildings and then gave them to me as a gift. He called them his "estate", and said I was to take care of it. I think God is Pynchon.

>> No.6335981

I like how you act as though dreaming about Scarlet Johanssen is some kind of conquest.

I actually have a fine dream life, I've been studying lucid dreaming on /x/ and other sites for a couple of years and occasionally get to fuck whoever I want in my dreams.

But you're right about me needing to get out more, that's the understatement of the century.

>> No.6336011

Sure, I see the appeal of meeting an author in the flesh, but if you live 5,000 miles from his book tour then it's just not practical.

Another plus is that you could potentially see the author in his home. Maybe not in his underwear but you know, smoking a cigar and having a drink by the fire or in the garden of his French villa. In that informal setting you might get a more relaxed conversation.

And some authors have a really shitty fanbase that I'd rather not associate with.

I just had a shower and I can't go out because Tesco are bringing my grocieries soon, then I've got housework to do. I am getting a bit chubby though so thanks for reminding me about that.

>> No.6336014

Got a good laugh out of this post. Thanks for that, OP.

>> No.6336073

In my book a virtual girl sings a song. I listen to a lot of music so the melody lyrics and chorus came easily. A friend of mine is in several rock and metal bands. He just agreed to help me produce the song. Feels good, man.