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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.39 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG1224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6334756 No.6334756 [Reply] [Original]

bookshelf thread

>> No.6334766

that's fucking awesome man!

looks so put together and admirable!

>> No.6334767
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>> No.6334776
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left wing/right wing

>> No.6334785
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>Charles Bukowski
>Ayn Rand
>Kurt Vonnegut

You're triggering /lit/

>> No.6334796

it was hard to pull off but your taste in beer is actually worse than your taste in books.

>> No.6334797

>declaration of independence and constitution somehow right-wing
>bookshelf props/gimmickry

>> No.6334801

I didn't enjoy Ham on Rye or Anthem much for what it's worth, but some of the Vonnegut was fun in high school. I don't throw away books very often.

>> No.6334808
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG1226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extra science shit that didn't fit in the textbooks case

>> No.6334821

OP here
don't worry, the entire collection is gimmickry

>> No.6334837

i could tell by the collection of scientific books...everything real STEM people read is either in a textbook or a academic journal, it's not philosophy where something that's 2000 years old is just as "valid" as something from 20 years ago...that's how you can tell philosophy is a failed project, you have to start with 2500 year old writers...isn't it good physicists and doctors don't have to waste time starting with the greeks?

>> No.6334838
File: 1.27 MB, 2448x1812, not_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organize your books just to post them on lit

Fuck the police

>> No.6334848

it is good. The vast majority of my books are scientific text books and the vast majority of what I read on a day-to-day basis is academic journals. Just thought these small collections were more worth posting here. Literature and philosophy for me is mostly just a self indulgent escape.

>> No.6334850


>> No.6334856

actually wasn't

>> No.6334861

How is Of Human Bondage? I just received a collection today with that in it and I honestly haven't heard of it before. Is it worth the read?

>> No.6334872

read The Razor's Edge first. If you love it (as any decent human should) and you want to get to know Maugham better, read Of Human Bondage. I found it drags a bit but it's exemplary English prose.

>> No.6334876

I'll have to get it, thanks.

>> No.6334974

Possessions are for the bourgeoisie!

>> No.6335012

I don't actually know how people can have the likes of Burkowski and Vonnegut on their shelves and not feel the shame radiating off.

>The Simpsons and Philsophy

Thanks for sharing, I guess.

>> No.6335026

what do you expect from lit.

>> No.6335035

I've actually hardly read the Simpsons one, it was a gift. I guess I should throw out more of the books I don't absolutely adore to please youz guys

>> No.6335038

most are garbage.
not kidding.

>> No.6335048

>I guess I should throw out more of the books I don't absolutely adore to please youz guys

Or, you know, just not photodocument the shit on a /soc/-style thread in /lit/.

>> No.6335049

I'm not thrilled with my collection either, I just thought it might be a thread worth starting. I'm always interested in suggestions.

>> No.6335056

>being proud to own this trash

>> No.6335123
File: 1.38 MB, 2116x1920, 2.20.15 Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow bondage so edgy! But everyone should have FLP

I have a feeling you liked Walden a lot more than me. I'm not very philo strong

I'm glad you like this stuff because someone has to. Politics murders me

Why so Statistics based, OP?

I organize them because I'm not messy and like organization, not to show off.

The first post was CLEARLY mocking the OP.

Here's mine.

>> No.6335129

pleb shit

>> No.6335150

Is that a hologram projector on the top?

Those that I recognize seem pretty nice. I envy your space.

>> No.6335155

I honestly have a hard time believing people can read game of thrones and then put it on a shelf.

just throw it out and admit your mistake

>> No.6335158


What do you expect? that guy has some harry potter over there.

>> No.6335170

Thanks for your critique

It's one of those floating frog mirror illusions. I bet you have seen it before.
Also the space is an illusion, my room is cramped as fuck until I move.

I liked it, why would I throw it out? Not everything you read has to be the next literary classic. Besides, I'm not using my bookshelf to show off, only to store my books in a way people have been doing since books were a thing.

Those on the other hand yea, it's been almost 10 years since I read them, but who am I to deny my youth? I liked them then and it's not like they're AWFUL now.

>> No.6335189

>I'm not using my bookshelf to show off, only to store my books in a way people have been doing since books were a thing.

What part of storing them includes the photo op and uploading the droppings to 4chan?

>> No.6335191

I can't afford a bookshelf and currently stack my books on top of one another in large piles around my bedroom. What's a cheap way to make a good bookshelf?

>> No.6335195

some wood and bricks.

>> No.6335197

I personally find book stacks more aesthetic. Why do you need a shelf?

>> No.6335216

The thread was there? I like looking at threads like this to see how people organize their things and for ideas for what to read. You probably only view it as a materialism/power level sort of thing. Difference of opinion and values I suppose.

>> No.6335237

It's anonymous. Just admit you're a fraud and move on.

>> No.6335273

>annotated Flatland

i have that same edition. it's awesome

>> No.6335281

how can that copy of I am Legend be so thick? is it large print or something? that's a good book but it's not particularly long

>> No.6335284

it include other short stories, but not as good as i am legend.

>> No.6335292
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>> No.6335297
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>> No.6335304
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>> No.6335309
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Please ignore the weeb.

>> No.6335311
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>> No.6335315
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>> No.6335316

cute pig, shitty penguin.

>> No.6335423
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>Malcolm X

>> No.6335433
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R8 plz m8

>> No.6335453

>all those pristine spines

>> No.6336217

The short stories included are:
- Buried Talents
- The Near Departed
- Prey
- Witch War
- Dance of the Dead
- Dress of White Silk
- Mad House
- The Funeral
- From Shadowed Places
- Person To Person

>> No.6336256

>mfw poor so have 4 books and an ebook
does everyone here really own physic collections?

hey spanish bro, how's el aleph?

>> No.6336257

mirin' the philosophy, although I can't really make out the titles

>> No.6336274

It's entirely possible to read the books without breaking the spines

>> No.6336291
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Ham on Rye is GOAT, stop trying to fit in, you faggot.

>> No.6336299

Well, might be the case for stuff like Vintage or sturdiest paperbacks, but definitely not the case with Penguins

>> No.6336314
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>> No.6336320
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>> No.6336323
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>> No.6336327
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>> No.6336328


Vintage classics <3 so fuckin jelly of the Pynchon, Williams, and Yates.

>> No.6336329
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>> No.6336333
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>> No.6336341
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New stuff that's not in the other pictures. Sabato, Soseki and Simenon were completely free~

>> No.6336362


>> No.6336373

Yeah, I study Japanese literature. Academic weebing.

>> No.6336617

how come? library exchange or what
the only second hand books i can pick up are always shit :(

>> No.6336624

Have you read DJ Pancake?

>> No.6337437

Where is the good literature at.

>> No.6337484

>The Simpsons and Philosophy
>Russel's history of western phil


>Wealth of Nations
>right wing
>gimmicky beers
>Only the Communist Manifesto and not any of the other much more important works from M&E

even more disgusting. You get 2/10

I love De Bolsillo, wish I could find them more easily.

Rest of stuff is either OK but not my favs or stuff I don't know / don't plan to read, 7/10

I absolutely hate those B&N (or whatever they are) hard covers with the fucking drawings in them, kitsch as fuck (and not in a good way)

Dude, I'm sorry, but it's very hard to believe you read a lot of those books. Even if you don't crack the spine, stuff like Penguin Modern Classics or Vintage classics tend to get grimy when handled.

Good books though, you'll have fun when you read them;

Can't r8 what I can't read. Nice legos tho, wish I had the money to buy me some

Why do you have two Ulysses?

>> No.6337526

Yea, only Dracula, Monte Cristo and Holmes are from the B&N sets but I don't think I'll get any more. I thought they would be fine since they are cheap but aside from how the book binding feels after a read, they are SATURATED in typos. Would not recommend, even ignoring your aesthetic dislike with them.

>> No.6337538
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nice penguins you fucking fag

>> No.6337552
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>> No.6337620
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Wow I didn't get a good look at those science textbooks the first twelve times you posted this, good job.

>> No.6337671

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here they are

>> No.6337721

Original and translation

I could overlook their tacky looks if they were at least careful printings, but I guess i'll just drop them altogether and hope the Real is ever worth anything again to buy Folio's

>> No.6337880
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Not my whole bookshelf, just stuff I want to read next.

What do you recommend?

>> No.6337899
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i recommend replaces your books with non shitty editions, cunt whore.

>> No.6337906

11 of these I got for 1-4 dollars at local thrift stores. I'm not an edition snob.

>> No.6337917

Whe did you decided to start with this relentless shitposting? Do you have some sort of browser script that warns you whenever aquisitions / shelf threads are started or do you just hang around /li/ all day waiting to post those shitty paperbacks like they're some hot shit along with your Whitehouse vinyl?

>> No.6337946
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>> No.6337949
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>> No.6337956

Catch 22

>> No.6337958
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b-but my "shitty paperpacks" really are hot shit though...

>> No.6337964

Not really, besides, having 60 fucking editions of the Stranger is retarded, that's a pretty sophomore book

>> No.6337965
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cute little tits

>> No.6337971
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you're just jealous of my dope-ass Stranger collection, son.
>pic related
you can see her pussy hair.

>> No.6337982
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older books don't look like literal fucking garbage though.

>> No.6337988

not really.

I do am somehow amazed by you and Dolan, and how much you guys are devoted to shitting up completely inane and inoffensive threads like these.

They look exactly like paperbacks today, most of the time.

>> No.6337990

why the fuck do you care about how the outside of the book looks?

>> No.6338023
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because it looks fuckin' dope, thats why.

>> No.6338028

> it looks fuckin' dope
this tbh

>> No.6338038
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>> No.6338039

post more pls

>> No.6338047
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>> No.6338071
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>> No.6338079
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This is now a vintage paperbacks thread

>> No.6338081
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This is the only Penguin Classics 1st edition I've got.


L111 - 1961 for $6

>> No.6338087
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My Kafka

>> No.6338093

>My Kafka
Half my text got cut off, anyway that Kafka was still in its original wrapping when I bought it last year

>> No.6338103
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that's dope af :^)

>> No.6338109

:^) my favourite novel lmao

>> No.6338128

I'm all for buying used (almost all of my collection is bought secondhand), but for translated works it's definitely worth it to shell out some extra money for the best translation.

It's not the biggest deal with Kafka, but there are certainly better and worse.

>> No.6338130
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I got this mint condition #48 for $3, they had 2 more Forester modern classics but they were fuck ugly.

>> No.6338151

The Muir translations are the best for Kafka. My Ivan Denisovich is the weakest translation though.

>> No.6338190
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got these not to long ago, they were $6 each.

>> No.6338327
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>> No.6338350

>can't see a damn thing.txt

>> No.6339454
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philo 1

>> No.6339456
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philo 2

>> No.6339644

cool stuff

>> No.6339777
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Posted these at Christmas, updated pics as I’ve acquired a few since then. Plenty of these are unread, I buy about 3 times faster than I read.

In some cases I also buy books I’ve already read from the library (if I see them very cheap in charity shops). E.g., I’ve read Middlemarch, but my copy looks unread, whereas I’ve never read Felix Holt but the book has a broken spine. Sorry /lit/ spine detectives.

>> No.6339780
File: 349 KB, 1700x1129, classics2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bedside penguin classics. I collect these are well as read them.

currently reading the sophocles

>> No.6339786
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… more classics

>> No.6339787
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poetry (that isn't penguin classic or OUP) and war

>> No.6339792
File: 294 KB, 1600x974, oxford classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old oxford classics, got the whole lot cheap (~£10) after a book sale. Only read a couple of them.

>> No.6339799
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misc old stuff and the oxford Trollope

>> No.6339802
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military history with a few others mixed in. Don't use these much now, mostly from my teens.

>> No.6339805
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mixed overflow paperbacks as i've run out of space and am too lazy to sort things properly …

>> No.6339807
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more misc stuff with extra philosophy and 'theory'

>> No.6339809
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typography and printing history

>> No.6339812
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more type and print history.

>> No.6339834

Can we see your lego collection too?

Great library btw.

>> No.6339855

Seconding this.

holy fuck anon that's a cute frog

>> No.6339861

Do you work in the business? Big thumbs up for Tschihold

>> No.6339874
File: 127 KB, 629x476, canthaveboth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frog isn't lego, the blocks are about 1/4 the size. Waterstones UK were selling them near Christmas.

Most of my lego is boxed away, don't have space for books and lego. Pic related – tfw having to choose between lego star destroyer and more bookshelf space

>Do you work in the business?
'work' is a lose term, phd student. Got a few more books on graphic communication, visual language, etc scattered about as i'm using them for research.

>> No.6339880

AND you have jigsaw puzzles.

Anon I like you.

>> No.6339884


>> No.6339897


>> No.6340186

>ignore the weeb
>implying I will
You have okay taste in animu

>> No.6340697


>> No.6340824
File: 765 KB, 1047x1887, books1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wondercabinet of pretensions

some sentimental faves:
-1st ed. Hemingway
-gilded 1881 ed. of Poe's "Bells"
-signed complet set of Ken Kesey's Merry Prankster "Spit in the Ocean"
-1890-something Tennyson collection given as a wedding gift with pressed wedding flowers

>> No.6340926

Here is some of my library. I'm into religion, both mainstream, esoteric, and eastern.


>> No.6340946
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File's are too big. Rats. Well here's my Aleister Crowley library at least.

>> No.6340949
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More Crowley

>> No.6340958
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Couple more crowley

>> No.6340959
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>> No.6340961

I hope you stole these. Actually paying money for Crowley's books is embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.6340965
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I would have happily shown my other pictures but the file sizes are too big. So much for variety.

>> No.6340968

out of focus, painful to look at

>> No.6340981

Sorry unfortunately my better pictures were above 4mb. If you want to know what any of them are specifically I will answer.

It took many years to find these books for prices I was willing to pay.

>> No.6341399

At a literature conference. They have discounts/sales the last day of the meeting from the publisher exhibitors. Penguin's table was totally free.

I read it several years ago, but I can't remember many of the stories anymore.

>> No.6341520
File: 1.02 MB, 4000x1552, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, that is an entire row of harry potter books

the really awful shit is in a second row behind the books on the front

>> No.6341569

Only legitimately cool thing in this thread (including my pic).

How often do you actually touch any of them? I'd be terrified to even open that cabinet.

>> No.6342962

Jesus Christ, some of you guys read a lot of books.

Or do you just buy stuff that sounds intellectual and put them on a bookshelf to get the vaginas wet?

>> No.6343143


Pretty often actually. A few are reference books, some are things I like to re-read, others I just like to look at. I enjoy them for intellectual, tactile and aesthetic reasons, not because of what they're worth (which, to be honest, isn't very much.).

>> No.6344651

Tons and tons and tons of people do this.

I've spoken to many people when the conversations come up about reading, they'll have huge bookshelves covered in books they've never read and only pull out one or two to mention them.

Ask them about any others and they're "getting" to those.

On the internet, no one can call you on bullshit, hence why these threads work where they really wouldn't irl

>> No.6344974
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A few I took from my grandfathers house after he died.

>> No.6345062


>> No.6345128

Nice trips and pringles

>> No.6346094

That's cool. I like that a lot more than hoarding for bragging rights. Books were meant to be read.

>> No.6346142

>that lovecraft


>> No.6346153

>hating Lovecraft
God forbid the man like cosmic horror.

>> No.6346156

What's wrong with Bukowski and Vonnegut?

>> No.6346174

>einstein's dreams


>> No.6346191

>local thrift store has shit loads of books
>most of them have yellow pages and when you touch them there's dust or something stuck on your fingers
>most of them look like ass
>some of them are taped up
>there's nothing fucking decent
>it's all "New York Best Sellers!"
>no poetry
The only thing i got was a Discworld novel and that's because it was free.

>> No.6346194

>Taylor's Classical Mechanics
>Blanchard Devaney & Hall

my nig. used both of those in my mathematical physics class in undergrad. taylor was especially good (dat cover)

i also used Knight's Physics on your bottom shelf. I'd assume we went to the same school except you have Thomas' calculus. David "MacDaddy" McAvity ring a bell?

>> No.6346215

Why is a person a faggot for enjoying really well written stories?

>> No.6346217


very nice collection. i'm jealous. only have a few of the titles on your shelf.

>> No.6346226

Not him, but I'll take a crack at why.

Bukowski is easy; he's often adored by teenagers and tends to be liked by teenagers exiting their edgy phase and entering their more philosophical yet angsty "independent" phase.

Vonnegut, if I had to guess, is bad because of his incessant "wit" in his writing. He's also popular amongst high schoolers.

>> No.6346322


Nice Eames if it's real.

>> No.6346967

The cover of Taylor is excellent, but I found myself often needing to supplement the book content out of Marion, which a professor was nice enough to give me after I graduated.

Not sure who McAvity is but if my quick Google search was correct, you live in the same state as me. Could have something to do with it. (PNACP?)

>> No.6347373

I'm an academic and so I necessarily have to read a lot to do anything.

My spouse isn't that into books.

>> No.6347488

Webster Dictionary? Are you american?

>> No.6347644

>Actually paying money for Crowley's books is embarrassing as fuck

Am I the only one on this board that's missing something about Crowley?

>> No.6347670


>> No.6347672

kill yourself

>> No.6347701


Jealous of your collection. I like those old penguins, kind of a nice aesthetic.

>> No.6347720

Is it the same autist posting in each thread or is this some shit copypasta

>> No.6347920

that's pretty fucking gay

>> No.6347986

You could say that. I'm not a fundamentalist Thelemite but I see lots of value in Crowley's work, as you can see.

Thanks. I wondered if anybody here would appreciate it. Crowley's work seems perpetually under-appreciated by all but a very few. It took years and persistence to put it together. Some of them are still expensive even when you find a steep discount.

Some people have the capacity for the type of thought that is needed to appreciate Crowley, others lack that capacity. I can always find something new in Crowley that I previously hadn't seen. His work is much like a fractal; his corpus becomes deeper and more complicated but also more rewarding the deeper you go because its all interconnected.

Crowley was not a hand-holder as a writer. You either get it or you don't and Crowley could care less. He is indulgent, but in an interesting way because he was such a fascinating person.

If you're not into English and Philosophy as subjects then I would say avoid Crowley. If you enjoy these subjects, and are patient, and haven't been completely brainwashed by monolithic academia, give Crowley a chance.

Crowley's reputation is hurt by his most serious fans; if you have met a few you know what I mean. I have found that many of these types who claim to love Crowley have actually read very little. They are like the Goth kids in South Park; they follow their little flock, small and silly.

>> No.6347992
File: 35 KB, 552x464, my nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arthur C. Clarke

>> No.6348004

stop posting your ugly piles of translation. Everyone's seen them and nobody cares

>> No.6348032

amazing shelf.
Probably get the corrections out of there though, it was kinda shit, don't you agree?

>> No.6348148

Come at me faggots
protip: you can't

>> No.6348149
File: 518 KB, 3072x4451, 00199BIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the photograph

>> No.6348321
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, 138530816489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organizing your bookshelf like an exhibition

Are you mentally impaired?

>> No.6348387

Kindle, anyone?

>> No.6348709

I have a completely full Kindle and over a thousand physical books. There's no reason not to have both.

>> No.6349023

Not American Gods it's not. I have the same print. Shit cracked the first time I opened it.

>> No.6349207

>what is personal property?

>> No.6349216

No it's not faggot

>> No.6349297

>Look at me, consuming consuming consuming! I buy everything I can as soon as I can! I sure love buying things I don't need! Thank god for capital!

>> No.6349313

Yep. Stay eternally buttflustered commie scum I know you will

Also you're probably some NEET retard so enjoy your coming decades of soul crushing depression.

>> No.6350421

I tend to only buy those that have to do with research I'm doing at that moment. While that does mean most of them were published the past decade, I buy lots of older works relevant to whatever subject I'm looking into too.

Not that I've even bought them all. I work in a literature field and receive a lot of books through other means.

>> No.6351647
File: 3.87 MB, 4608x3456, Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my focus shelf for this year.

>> No.6351652
