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6334236 No.6334236 [Reply] [Original]

i'm hopelessly in love /lit/. what do i read to distract myself?

>> No.6334241

sorrows of young werther

Also tell us about her and you :3

>> No.6334243

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

>> No.6334246

i thought i was getting in love for like a week but then i fucked it up and now i'm not, still feels shit but feels significantly less shit than if it had gone on longer

>> No.6334248

You realize this is shit, right ?

>> No.6334249

Swann's Way

>> No.6334265

i live with her, so i see her everyday. she has a boyfriend. i actually like the dude a lot which makes the situation a lot worse.

>> No.6334271

Gone Girl.

>> No.6334273
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Explain your love to me, anon. I want to know what it is.

>> No.6334275

>falling in love with some chick that's not interested in or available to you

stay beta, faggot

>> No.6334277

Ah sorry mate, you're fucked.

Seriously though, read Sorrows of Young Werther.

>> No.6334281

thanks man. i'll give it a try.. ironically she has a copy.

>> No.6334287

every time i see her i get incredibly excited. it warms my heart when she smiles and it's always the highlight of my day when we sit in the kitchen and just talk about every day shit.

>> No.6334292

White Nights

>> No.6334293

how did you fuck it up?

>> No.6334295

It's when you start staring at a girl for uncomfortably long periods of time, and she even points you out to your friend and says something like "who's that creepy guy?" but you mistake it for her noticing you and think that's a sign she feels the same way.

So you start following her around, hoping she'll strike up a conversation for you. Then you find out what kind of car she drives and find that she left it unlocked one day, so you go through her things, to find out what she's into. So you start walking by her and playing the music she likes on your headphones, and you start wearing the makeup that she wears and start eating the foods that she eats.

Then one day when you're following her home, a police car pulls over and they get out and start asking you what you're doing, why you're wearing women's makeup, why you keep following this girl. You tell them it's a free country, you can do what you want. Then it turns out these cops are her brothers, and they beat the living shit out of you. Then you never leave your house again.

>> No.6334296

1) You're not in "love" with her, since love can only mean something if it is displayed via behavior rather than fantasy.

2) I'm sorry your parents did such a terrible job of raising you that you think your fantasies equate to reality. Don't worry, though, that happened to a lot of us. Now that you know you're a sucker, you can only move up. Or stagnate. Fuck. Please, don't stagnate.

Anyway, when you learn what love really is, you won't ever ask to be distracted from it.

>> No.6334328

>Anyway, when you learn what love really is, you won't ever ask to be distracted from it.
I'm with you man; there is no greater feeling in the world than to love and be loved.

but love without reciprocation, though i've never felt it, is something i'd want to be distracted from. it can only cause harm to dwell on

>> No.6334331

bro that's literally the Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.6334364

i read through your comment a few times man. don't really know what to say. even if it doesn't mean anything, it's still the way i feel and i really can't do much about it. thanks for the advice though.

>> No.6334373

i think this whole thing was a ruse

>> No.6334375

Yeah this, OP. I went through something rather similar (and just as pathetic). In the end it's not love, it's infatuation. You can't confuse the two, the former is much more profound.

>> No.6334393

how did you move on, if i may ask?

>> No.6334396

everything was going so well, we were increasing the level of intimacy, and one day she texted me just wanting to talk about random shit to pass the time when she was bored, and she was fair to expect this as we had just become closer, but i was too tired and went to bed instead of staying up keeping her company via text...then next time we met up...everything was weird, like the chemistry fizzled out, until we just got up and went our seperate ways, promising to call/text whatever, but it's clear neither of us intend to contact each other again...i knew her for like 6 months but things only got semi-romantic like that for a few weeks, a month tops, and no sex or physical things, just mental you know...so that makes it easier as there will be no sexual jealousy, but i still feel sad about it, she was very sweet and poetic, meh.

>> No.6334401

I just stopped talking to her altogether. But I know that's not really possible if you're living with her.

>> No.6334414

the lamest part is i wouldn't stay up to text a beautiful girl but i'll shitpost on this dump all night tonight to take my mind off it

>> No.6334421
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This came from a place.

>> No.6334424

ah man. would it be too weird to contact her again?

>> No.6334426

The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

>> No.6334432

This, and learn to stop pussyfooting.

>> No.6334456

>it's still the way i feel and i really can't do much about it.

Yeah, except that there's plenty you could do, like realizing it's an unrealizable fantasy and moving on. I get that the mere idea of "being in love" gives you hope that you're something that you aren't, but that's the trick. The best part of you will realize the trick and move on to something tangible.

If you truly, madly, fagly want to express how you feel, in a scenario like yours you get one chance. Express interest (don't use the word love) and move on. Either she'll reciprocate right then and there (a sign that she's not a good girlfriend, btw, considering that she's in a relationship) or she'll politely reject you. And from there, you move on and FIRMLY move on. Aka, don't drunkenly revisit that conversation (and groping counts as revisiting, you pervert), you go out and talk to other girls and maybe in some distant future she'll reconsider that little seed you planted in her head about your interest, but only if it remains a seed and only if you demonstrate that you're a worthwhile person.

Good luck. I have a feeling you won't listen to any advice on the off chance that your fantasy is reality (wake up, bro), but I hope at the very least you find some kind of love some day, even if it's eternal love. :)

>> No.6334487

i could contact her again, but i'm not going to. the sooner this crappy feeling heals up, the sooner i can get back to doing something productive. no point in dragging it out, it's over.

>> No.6334531

>but I hope at the very least you find some kind of love some day
thanks man, hope you already found your share :)

>> No.6334533

Don't distract yourself. Embrace it fully and go where it takes you.

>> No.6334550

Honestly it's really nothing..getting to bed early once. You could have made up for that by apologizing explicitly for it and then being funny.

But I won't blame you, I have a ten years history of being exactly that kind of faux-sperg.

>> No.6334556


>> No.6334571

yeah, but apologizing just felt bogus since I really didn't want to text all night when i was tired as hell and i'm not funny and chicks know that from the beginning with me, i don't do jokes, so that would have been bogus too. it just didn't work out, if i try to force it now it will just become some inauthentic charade until it crashes and burns later. i'm not trying to fix it, just having a little requiem for a romance is all.

>> No.6334583
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>unrequited love