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/lit/ - Literature

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6332612 No.6332612 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that /lit/'s favourite novels belong to the postmodern, metafiction and avant-garden genre subcategorisations yet everything posted in feedback critique threads is some science-fiction or literary fiction knock-off? Perhaps you should consider this the next time you decide to debate about your favourite books.

>> No.6332735
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The reason you see what you see in the critique threads is probably due in part to /lit/ having a reputation for thoughtful discussions (which is not unfounded), but this reputation is unfortunately assumed by--and I hope this doesn't sound insulting here--young, green writers to be omniscience worth heeding or at the very least some sound advice for everything involving pages.

Most of these young, green writers don't have the opportunity to have a thoughtful critique on their writing so they come to /lit/ for guidance, for our "omniscience", for critiques on their vampire stories and their zombie stories and their meticulous-cataloging-of-everything-in-a-room stories.

The talented writers on /lit/ have enough sense and confidence in their writing that they don't wish to throw it away (lose one's claim to ownership) by posting it on the internet, on /lit/.

And understand this, I'm not saying /lit/ is full of wise sagely boys, Buddy Glass sorts, but to the idiot the average man IS a wise tutor.

>> No.6333945


>> No.6333960

Nobody actually trying to get pushed on lit posts in feedback threads retard.

>> No.6334030

OP here, neither of you really answered my question. I understand that people trying to get published won't post their material on /lit/ and that new writers are more inclined too look for feedback than old ones. What I'm getting at is why pomo/mm/a-g is prescribed reading here but it never seems to drop down to the lowest common denominator ie the material posted in feedback threads.

I feel they shouldn't be mutually exclusive. It just doesn't make sense when you look at the hive mind mentality which pervades throughout every 4chan board.

>> No.6334040

Because no one on /lit/ can back up their constant shit talk.

>> No.6334053

Well-croaked, gentle vagrant artist frog.

>> No.6335373
