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/lit/ - Literature

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6330786 No.6330786 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that lifting weights, playing sports, extroversion and engaging in social activity are not part of the literary lifestyle.

Thank you and good day.

>> No.6330790

My god, the literary lifestyle is pure ideology

>> No.6330801

Mishima lifted weights and he was plenty literary

Suck my butt dude

>> No.6330824


>playing sports

but op shitposting is the most noble sport one can engage in

i'm sure you play it every day

>> No.6330830

are you implying anyone here does any of those things

>> No.6330857


no, it's just a reminder for stray normies thinking about cracking open some Stephen King

>> No.6330896
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u w0t m8

>> No.6330899

What is the "literary lifestyle"?

>> No.6330981

>His speech was intended to inspire a coup d'état to restore the power of the emperor. He succeeded only in irritating the soldiers, and was mocked and jeered. He finished his planned speech after a few minutes, returned to the commandant's office and committed seppuku.

OP is right, literary lifestyle or seppuku from the disappointment.

>> No.6330992

"Daily reminder that lifting weights, playing sports, extroversion and engaging in social activity are not part of the literary lifestyle."

--Ignatius J. Reilly

>> No.6330995

i have a bunch of other literary buddies that i socialize, binge drink, and play sports with

>> No.6330999


it differs slightly based on whether or not you're employed, but it involves a lot of casual substance abuse and lying around in bed with books, indoors, with the door locked.

>> No.6331002

> i read a book

>> No.6331043

>tfw most of my friends are fucking pleb STEM people

>> No.6331047

hate to break it to you and your friends are stupid plebs who think they're literary.

>> No.6331087
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>> No.6331097

Its /mu/ crossboarders trying to force board culture shitposting that lit never had. Basically theyre teenagers who define themselves by the media they consume like every other subhuman.
In a better world anyone who spoke or typed the words literary lifestyle in anyway that is unironic would be fucking executed after slow medieval torture.

>> No.6331103
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>> No.6331108


>> No.6331114

And every day I praise the universe for allowing me to enjoy books without having to be associated with "the literary lifestyle".

>> No.6331118


go away

>> No.6331121

>What is the "literary lifestyle"?
You tell a psychologist that you are depressed and suffer from social anxiety. He gives you 10mg of Valium to take a day, and fills out a form to present to the surely woman behind the DHS counter. The DHS woman agrees to give you a bi-weekly disability allowance, and you move back in to your parents house. You give the bi-weekly allowance to your mother (through standing order, you don't want to have to leave the house every two weeks, do you?) in exchange for meals brought to your room, and you now spend all day, every day in your bed, scratching yourself and talking to other misfits on a bulletin board for Chinese comic books.

Once or twice a day you glance up at the unopened copy of Ulysses, sandwiched between the unopened copy of Infinite Jest and the unopened copy of 1Q84, which you are slightly ashamed to own, and you now lead the literary lifestyle.

>> No.6331142

damn. reddit is hitting this thread hard

>> No.6331151

muh strawmen. you're just as stupid as the second poster

>> No.6332043

>extroversion and engaging in social activity

Unless you want your work to deal with this one weird thing called "social issues" and unless you sometimes want to use this ridiculous new style of writing called "realism" when describing your characters and their interactions.

But about physical activity- yea, it's like a class build- you can't allocate points to physical attributes if you wanna focus on the mental ones.

>> No.6332049

Is being a manlet also a part of the literary lifestyle?

>> No.6332051
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>> No.6332054


That's a kind of servitude I don't intend to put upon myself

>> No.6332058

literary lifestyle is for sheltered crackers

now this:


is more like it

>> No.6332059


>> No.6332066


>> No.6332084

>tfw home gym

I-it isn't literary lifestyle?

>> No.6332086

>I use the buzzword of living the "literary lifestyle" to justify my useless NEET existence even though I've never actually written anything and spend most of my time shitposting on /lit/


>> No.6332154

If you touched my rock hard ass you'd change your mind.

>> No.6332156


>> No.6332174


/fit/ go home. We cuckholding is also not a part of the literary lifestyle

>> No.6332668

Shit yeah I have that too. Rocks to get sexy not having to be lift among other people.

Seeing fit women would be nice, though.

>> No.6332683

op every published author of any literary success was a pussy magnet, prove me otherwise

u just sound like an angsty beta bitch, maybe you should get into analytic philosophy or something, if you can't get a chick to swallow ur jizzle u def. wont be able to get a publisher to publisher you scribbles

>> No.6332691

>too beta to lift weights at a gym

just more proof that you can't cure being a beta bitch with "gains", enjoy being a "muscle bottom", faggot

>> No.6332700
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When aesthetic deception occurs in the modern world, it is because of the reluctance of the aesthete to admit that that is what he is. So great can the burden of enjoying oneself become, so clearly can the emptiness and boredom of pleasure appear as a threat, that the aesthete sometimes has to resort to even more elaborate devices. He may even make of that despair which Kierkegaard saw as the aesthete's fate a new form of self-indulgence. And if over-indulgence in despair seems to be injuring his capacities for enjoyment, he will take himself to the therapist, just as he would for over-indulgence in alcohol, and make of his therapy one more aesthetic experience.

>> No.6332938



>> No.6332958


>swallow ur jizzle
>publish ur scribbles


>> No.6333069

No. The LL is simply being obsessed with books, reading and writing in at least 80% of your spare time because that's what you find most joy in, if casual drug use helps you accomplish it than so be it. It's about the dedication, no one just shits out masterpieces. Also if you make a show about being a "writer", to anyone w/out being widely known and published by a real printing press, like you're one of the alt lit faggots and their social media insufferability, you are immediately disqualified as serious. Less than 1% of my acquaintances know that I "write" anything, and it will likely remain that way. There is nothing worse than telling other people you're a writer when you haven't mastered the craft

>> No.6333101
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this so much !

>> No.6334395

engaging in social activity is definitely

>> No.6334477


Does Houellebecq actually get laid?

>> No.6334619
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the literary lifestyle is just a spook enforced by people posting on /lit/

>> No.6334628
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