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6329924 No.6329924 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that capitalism and communism are really quite similar, given that both are built on self-interest.

>> No.6329927

They're not though.

>> No.6329933

Fuck off, religitard. Communism is built on virtue, capitalism on vice.

>> No.6329975

>two economic systems are economic
How insightful, OP! Can we get a Nobel Prize up in here!

>> No.6329980


>> No.6329990
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>> No.6329991

Communism is the only one that takes self-interest into account and provides the proper mechanisms for not allowing society to self-destruct under it

>> No.6330006

People will always have a investment in person possesion. economy and society will always need a mechenism for econkmic redistribution. Try and play to close to the Ideological absolutes of either and things will go very bad.

>> No.6330027

>No references, no citations
>No references, no citations
>No references, no citations
Wrong in fact, cf: Engel's Anti-Dühring.
Cogent, but lacks evidence of reading.

This is not niceboard.

>> No.6330807

Marx consided communism preferable to capitalism because it is supposedly more "advanced", not because it's the other side of a dichotomy. So it would be like saying rickshaws and automobiles are really quite similar, given that both are built on transportation.

>> No.6330812

Indeed, but it is the self-interest of different classes.

Also, all ideologies are built on self-interest.

>> No.6330820

>threads on /lit/ don't live up to the standards of academic discourse
no. fucking. shit. Sherlock.

>> No.6330822

There is no class in communism. There have been communists who thought this would be much better for people who are currently bourgeois, such as Oscar Wilde and H.G. Wells (although Stalin didn't agree with Wells that business owners and industrialists can be friends of the revolution).

>> No.6330825

>There is no class in communism.
That would explains why applying it to human beings doesn't work.

>> No.6330841

Economic class isn't natural. I'm not saying economic class is *bad* at all, it makes sense when you have the right regulations in place so that it serves the state and the people instead of vice versa. But it isn't "natural", as in inherent to our nature, we evolved to our state as a species long before economic class existed.

>> No.6330848

I know that, but communism as a revolutionary movement was supposed to be motivated by the *class interest*, that is, the pure, stripped-down economic instrumental reason, of the proletariat.

>> No.6330852

no, its both based on consumerism

>> No.6330856

Equality isn't natural.

>> No.6330858

Descriptively, but in fact there is no reason why it couldn't be in the self-interest of members of the bourgeoisie, as Oscar Wilde illustrates. Communist can claim both class interests long-term (and capitalism does this as well, of course, with communism presented as an ideology for those who don't work).

>> No.6330872

Yeah, obviously. I'd even go as far as stating that Marx was probably mistaken in having the movement rely on class interest at all, since the proletariat could eventually be appeased by nationalism and welfare.

>> No.6330873

Catholicism and Stalinism are like two sides of a single coin.

>> No.6330874

You should probably read Discourse on Inequality and learn the distinction between natural and social inequality, because what I said apparently went right over your head.

>> No.6330875

social inequalities can be derived from natural differences, which would still exist in a classless society.

>> No.6330876

Society isn't natural.

>> No.6330892

Marx was autistically disconnected with the working class, his work is replete with quotations in other languages, forced literary and philosophical references, and terms which he defines in an uncessarily complex manner (Engels definition of "labor-power", for instance, in the introduction to "Wage, Labor and Capital" was clearly designed to be comprehensible to workers, whereas Marx's in Capital looks like it's meant to impress academics and make the concept seem profound through complexity---I like Hegel, and he does that with a lot of his actually good ideas, but he wasn't trying to appeal to workers, he was strictly concerned with academics).

Are you saying someone can only own a certain amount of property if they are genetically predisposed to own a certain amount of property?

>> No.6330893

>from the working

>> No.6330908

Yeah, Capital was clearly a critique of economic theories, not propagada for the masses, but that is besides the point. I don't think the idea of a revolutionary proletariat ever involved them actually possessing a thorough understanding of capital, just an understading of their own predicament, which was easy enough to convey. The point is that even after having successfully conveyed this insight, they still could be, and were, appeased.

>> No.6330913

Capital could have easily been written in terms for the masses, especially with basic diagrams illustrating the concepts, and it were done so not only would workers who normally side with capitalism be affected, but would have been easy for anyone to diagnose flaws in USSR Marxism. Marx's ego was just too big to do that though, he wanted to be a show off and feel smart.

>> No.6330918

>I don't think the idea of a revolutionary proletariat ever involved them actually possessing a thorough understanding of capital,
You don't think much about much.

The working class is permuted through all the forms of capital both in productive and consumptive life, its comprehension of capital is complete and praxical. (Obviously the formation of the universal class is partial and mixed in history).

You're acting as if the IIeme International was the proletariat. It was largely smoking societies for rapidly declining petits bourgeois and state professionals.

Compare the (practical, material) critique of the IIeme international to that of the KAPD.

>> No.6330925

I wouldn't say that Marx was necessarily so detached from the working class. He did after all make it a point to lecture publicly in a rather clear manner on his basic political economy concepts.

>The point is that even after having successfully conveyed this insight, they still could be, and were, appeased.

Marx wasn't acutely aware of the superstructure's effect on the production of the specific modality of the proletariat (and in that modality, a generation of their desires and structures for understanding). Marx succumbs to the same problem most ethical programs succumb to--human actions, though swayed in some cases by rational ordering, are driven on the whole by unknown desires and concealed external motives.

>> No.6330927

The flaws of the USSR were quite obvious to those responsible, as those were people who had read and understood Marx.
Marx was first and foremost an intellectual, not a politician, all that stuff about changing the world aside.
Also, he did write easy explanations for the mases, e.g. Wage Labour and Capital.
Apart from that, if the revoluton is conditional on workers reading this or that book, then Marx was wrong to begin with.

>> No.6330930

>its comprehension of capital is complete and praxical
[citation severely needed]

>> No.6330940

>human actions, though swayed in some cases by rational ordering, are driven on the whole by unknown desires and concealed external motives.
True, and this is also the reason the whole concept of basis-superstructure is pretty outdated and vulgar.

>> No.6330941

Marx was wrong on a lot of things, that doesn't mean he was wrong on everything. Materialist dialectics are largely shit (although useful from a certain perspective in some contexts), that doesn't mean everything in Capital is inaccurate, because most of it has nothing to do with materialist dialectic.

>> No.6330946

>Materialist dialectics are largely shit
Okay, now I'm triggered, why would you say that? It is the necessary dialectical consequence of hegelian absolute idealism.

>> No.6330952

I don't subscribe to absolute idealism, I subscribe to actual idealism.

Materialist dialectics are shit because propaganda and marketing have been shown to be enormously effective in shaping public opinion and praxis.

>> No.6330963

>I subscribe to actual idealism.
Well since we're already doing the least dialectical thing possible in declaring standpoints, I subscribe to negative dialectics. Actual idealism is subjectivist delusion and a symptom of the self-destruction of reason.
>Materialist dialectics are shit because propaganda and marketing have been shown to be enormously effective in shaping public opinion and praxis.
But those have been analized by materialists, particularly the Frankfurt School.

>> No.6330967

what makes you think marx was trying to appeal to the general worker with capital? he wasn't. sure some workers read it, but he didn't write it with the idea that it would be pitched to the level of the average worker

it was a book that was meant to appeal to intellectuals

>> No.6330970

Try a marx's contribution to critique and cleaver's reading capital politically.

The proletariat is the undesired by product of producing wage labour to reproduce capital in an expanded form. The totalisation of actual living labour into socially necessary average labour (see volume 1) provides a total, and in this material sense (the only one I'm admitting) complete critique. The proletariat quite literally masters capital in order to keep it functioning on a daily basis, including all of the many betrayals like labourism—its abolition of itself is only possible through its awareness.

>> No.6330974

>But those have been analized by materialists, particularly the Frankfurt School.
Yeah, and? The big forerunner of the Frankfurt School was Gramsci, and his "war of position" is definitely not a concept in line with materialist dialectic. Critical theory was a product of cognitive dissonance. I'm not dismissing it as worthless, but it's not in line with materialism, and Marx would probably say it was about the symptom rather than the disease.

>> No.6330976

So marx didn't say that, some interpreters have said that. It isn't canon, if you will.

>> No.6330977
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Fuck off. Communism is the ideology that claims to represent the self-interests of the proletariat as a class.

>> No.6330978

I don't think he was, but I think he could have. The work could have provided every one of its arguments without the complexity (which, admittedly, isn't much compared to shit like German idealism). Marx chose to make it more academic than necessary to convey his critique.

>> No.6330984

>The big forerunner of the Frankfurt School was Gramsci
This is simply not true, and therefore the rest of your post can be disregarded. Gramsci couldn't into dialectics, but the Frankfurt people actually could. If there's a forerunner to the Frankfurt School, it's Lukacs.

>> No.6330985

>is/isn't natural
Define natural. Humans are part of the nature, thus everything they do are an extension of it.

>> No.6331347

You just made literally everything 'natural.'

>> No.6331355

Two things that are "both built on self-interest" are necessarily similar?

Capitalism, communism and my eating some ice cream are really quite similar.

>> No.6331376

Yes. Metaphysical materialism / secular religion / Freemasonry / Judaism. These are the modern scourges.

>> No.6331390

The modern view of economics and the old view are essentially different.

Before the modern age economics was viewed as a subbranch of Ethics and not just a materialistic game of how to accumulate wealth.
Knowing about economics meant knowing a certain kind of ethical conduct and fairness.
For example, it was considered unethical to lower your prices if it meant putting your fellow craftsmen out of business, but in Capitalism that's the ENTIRE point.
Capitalism is ethics taken out of economics, just as Newtonian mechanics took teleology/purpose out of the natural world.

>> No.6331399

That's what Marx praises about Capitalism, btw, it's taking Ethics out of economics and thus "unleashing" the powers of production. His typical Jewish mentality saw nothing harmful being done by the destruction of the old religion, social order, and environment if it meant that more wealth was being piled up.

Capitalism was born in the Renaissance with the rise of the bankers/usurers.
Communism is literally the direct rule of the Bankers who control the State's central bank. Communism's ultimate aim is a classless society, i.e. everyone is reduced to the level of slavery beneath the great central bank/bureaucracy. It's the Jewish wet dream.

>> No.6331408

Communism is Capitalism only instead of having many soulless, slave-driving corporations whose only values are material gain and company loyalty, you have one soulless, slave-driving corporation whose only values are material gain and company loyalty.

>> No.6331417

Although the Communists and Capitalists alike are trying to introduce New Age religion and pseudo-Buddhism and kumbahyah "World Peace" bullshit into their companies to give them a human face. Soulless greed with a human face is the "postmodern condition". So now not only do you have to slave for the great World State of the United People's, you also have to believe that it is the will of the World Spirit, the Oversoul, Brahman.
In a word, Antichrist's second Tower of Babel and you have to choose between the trascendent God of heaven or the god of this world who will promise you peace and security in exchange for your adoring worship.

>> No.6331425

And make no mistake, the rulers of this world are not after money primarily, what they want above all is to be worshipped as gods, because to be worshipped as god is the greatest power.
In ancient times the priesthoods would commune with their ancient serpent gods and offer human sacrifices to them and worship them.
The old gods are coming back and you will have to choose between them and the Creator. In fact, you do choose between them and the Creator every day of your life. But in the future the formal worship of these spirits will return, as it was in antiquity, and as it is today (albeit it is private and not yet public).

>> No.6331426

Reminder that OP and a heap of feces are quite similar, given that both are warm volumes of organic matter.

>> No.6331439

>For example, it was considered unethical to lower your prices if it meant putting your fellow craftsmen out of business, but in Capitalism that's the ENTIRE point.

It was considered unethical and UNECONOMICAL to put your fellow craftsmen out of business.
But the modern economists say that putting your "competitors" out of business is healthy and the economical thing.

>> No.6331442

>It was considered unethical and UNECONOMICAL to put your fellow craftsmen out of business.
>But the modern economists say that putting your "competitors" out of business is healthy and the economical thing.

And this reflects the old view of nature and the modern one.
In the old view of nature, nature is something with an inherent order that must respected, and things are made to compliment one and other.
In the modern view nature is in a state of war or chaos were only "the fittest" shall survive. Hence, it is OK to put your neighbour out of business because you are only following the natural law of survival of the strongest/fittest.

>> No.6331449

This isn't all that modern though, ever heard of Heraclitus?

>> No.6331569

>this is what kids who haven't read Das Kapital really believe

>> No.6331617
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>paganism is da devil bobby!
>believing in 80's tier moral panic bullshit

>> No.6331623

Yeah never understood how monopolies could be a good thing.
>we will never have a based trust-buster president like Teddy ever again

>> No.6333154

>Marx, contribution to a critique
Are you fucking illiterate or part-blind?