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6329447 No.6329447 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on Pulitzer Prize winner Donna Tartt?

>> No.6329458
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>women in literature

>> No.6329459

4.5/10 for The Goldfinch.

Not impressed.

>> No.6329483

>Virginia Woolf
>Emily Dickinson
>Agatha Christie
>Louisa May Alcott
Those are just the ones sitting on my desk.

>> No.6329503

Of those only Agatha Christie is decent and it's not even good literature.

>> No.6329511

Huh... I would've said that of those Agatha Christie is the worst. I really enjoyed Mrs. Dalloway. Jane Austen and Mary Shelley are good too, now that I think about it.

>> No.6329519
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if you seriously think v. woolf isn't one of the greatest writers of all time you probably need a long hard look in the mirror

>> No.6329525

I could name about 45 authors that are better than her.

>> No.6329527

She looks cute in a suit. 8/10 would bang.

>> No.6329529

>Agatha Christie

>all the others
>not even decent

You reek of pleb.

>> No.6329546

And you reek of black nationalism.

>> No.6329553

I like her. She does have a tendency to write one really memorable character per book.
There is a part in The Goldfinch where a for the most part heterosexual narrator says of the surrogate father furniture store owner something like "I felt reassured by his shambling big man's gait". (I'm paraphrasing but when I came across that passage I thought, this is what happens when women try to write Herero male characters and don't let Herero make editors read it over before publishing it.

>> No.6329555

is this a joke on V. misprints?

>> No.6329560


>> No.6329561

What even is this insult? None of those women were black. You're just spouting shit.

>> No.6329567

this has to be bait

jesus fuck off /pol/ you guys are such cunts

>> No.6329568

It looks like autocorrect. Their phone probably doesn't have "hetero" in its dictionary and assumes they're talking about Bantus.

>> No.6329575

Only a nigger would hold such a fucking opinion.

You ascended beyond pleb; you went back in time, cucked your father so that you could retroactively become a nigger to make yourself a nigger by cucking your father.

>> No.6329576
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>> No.6329588

Whoops. Yep damn auto correct.

>> No.6329594

hetero males

>> No.6329602

>"how much will you give me to shovel your driveway?"
>"lel, k good luck with that"

>> No.6329605

I feel like The Secret History is a book I would have loved as a 16-18 year old. I just read it at 23 not too long ago and it was pretty gripping with enjoyable prose but I wish I read it earlier in life.

>> No.6329612

She writes for critics, not for readers.

>> No.6329628

u r so deep man

>> No.6329638

donna a tart

>> No.6329644

Critics are professional readers, so she is writing for the most skilled readers of all.

>> No.6329655

No, critics are professional critics. And that professional deformation doesn't make them a good standard to compare the actual audience to.

>> No.6329668

how the fuck do you know that?

fucking immature cunts on /lit/ are ruining this board

inb4 a really lame assertion about your juvenile experiences of reading

>> No.6329683

Nah. Compared to Joyce or Gaddis or Pynchon, she's pretty reader-friendly.

>> No.6329704
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>>The Secret History > GOAT

The goldfinch is overrated on ibooks store,

Went to Barnes and Noble and went to fiction section to find only "The Little Friend"

Mfw B&N regresses

>> No.6329722
File: 161 KB, 424x650, Tartt-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is american?

she's hot!

>> No.6329728

>thoughts on Pulitzer Prize winner Donna Tartt?
id obviously fuck her

>> No.6329740


I like her tie.

>> No.6329751
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implying that award committees aren't based on politics

>> No.6330055

I'm a huge fan. Loved all of her books. The Little Friend was okay but The Goldfinch and The Secret History are favorites of mine that I love rereading every now and again.

>> No.6330068

Things idiots complain about in Donna Tartt's books:

>elitist characters
>amoral characters
>"feminine" voices in the words of male narrators
>"purple prose"
>male homosexual experimentation among her male characters

Things people with taste and sense see in Donna Tartt's books:

>charming characters
>memorable, sweeping prose
>astute observations on human nature, both its beautiful and malignant aspects
>a rollercoaster of powerful emotions
>beautiful descriptions of young men exploring their sexuality

>> No.6330122

I don't read North American literature, thank you.

>> No.6330130

she was a bourgeois slut with too many rocks in her pockets

>> No.6330135


>dismissing an author's work simply because you perceive them as coming from a privileged background

And you wonder why no one likes you Marxist hacks

>> No.6330506

life is too short to spend my time reading 500+ contemporary books that MIGHT have literary merit, but maybe they're just the best of the bad bunch

ill stick to tolstoy, dostoevsky, dickens, joyce, proust etc when I want to read a big book

>> No.6330510

i feel exactly the same way. I try to venture outside of the canon but I'm often disappointed.

>> No.6330514

i think donna tartt has the ability to become a part of the canon, judging by her influences (Dickens, Eliot, Stevenson, Kipling, Waugh etc) but its way too early to decide if it will stand the test of time

>> No.6330950
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>big man'
This meme has gone too far

>> No.6330959

I've never heard people complain about dude on dude stuff in her books but basically. I think a lot of people soured on the Goldfinch bc oh hey Theo grows up to be a mess and kind of an asshole and then tried to gussy up their dislike in reasons that sounded more literary than "I didn't like the main character/ it wasn't relatable"
I love baby theo and baby boris and it's long but the books flies by and isn't very dense
grow up adults on the internet complaining about the goldfinch circa fall 2013-2014

>> No.6331007

>not being a black nationalist
I am lmaoing at your life.

>> No.6331351

I'd hit that fucking tart.

>> No.6331392

Things not a single person with taste and sense has ever uttered in the past twenty years:

>a rollercoaster