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/lit/ - Literature

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6329091 No.6329091 [Reply] [Original]

Ready? Go:
The Idiot is Dostoevsky's best novel.
Anna Karenina is a 6/10 at best.
"Serious" literature died in the 60's, pulp and genre fiction is our new god.
While we're on the subject of genre fiction; Tolkien is shit. George RR Martin objectively better.
Faulkner > Hemingway.

>> No.6329106
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>> No.6329125

Kafka's short stories are amazing, but all his full-length novels are incredibly dull.

>> No.6329136

You just don't get it.

>> No.6329169

Might as well not read translations because they lose too much of the rhythm of sentences.

>> No.6329184

>Faulkner > Hemingway.

Lol. That's not at all an unpopular opinion.

>> No.6329191

Hemingway is poorly written, masturbatory rubbish that would be mercilessly panned if published today.

>> No.6329196

I read translations of poems.
Bought a translation of a collection of poems from Georg Trakl last week in Dutch so maybe it's kind of okay

>> No.6329200

Hamlet's insanity springs from a suppressed homosexuality

The Odyssey takes place almost entirely in Penelope's head, having gone insane after the death of her husband in the Trojan War

Johnathan Swift was entirely sincere when he wrote A Modest Proposal, he just played it off as satire so people wouldn't recognize him for the reactionary idiot he was

>> No.6329215

these arent opinions

>> No.6329217

Maybe people like his books because they're influenced at least partly by actual experiences he had.

>> No.6329219
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The reason why people are overly vocal in condemning this book and its ideology is because completely rejecting and refusing to think about it is easier than it is to admit that their value to society is nil.

>> No.6329222

I don't feel obligated to give anything of value to society.

>> No.6329223

Why not?

>> No.6329225
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>The Odyssey takes place almost entirely in Penelope's head

You are THAT guy at lit seminars aren't you?

>> No.6329234

You didn't like the short happy life of francis macomber, anon?

>> No.6329238

Charles Dickens' wife wrote all of his novels for him

>> No.6329248

Please be b8.

>> No.6329249
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>The Idiot is Dostoevsky's best novel.
You could make the argument.
>Anna Karenina is a 6/10 at best.
In terms of Tolstoy's other works yea. in terms of lit in general its a 10
>"Serious" literature died in the 60's, pulp and genre fiction is our new god.
I will do you one better, nobody born since 1899 has done anything "serious".
>While we're on the subject of genre fiction; Tolkien is shit. George RR Martin objectively better.
Tolkien is timeless, RR is a soap opera, and a poorly written one.
>Faulkner > Hemingway.
A defend-able opinion.
I think Faulk's was the better writer, but Hemingway was a better story teller.

-Catcher is an existential novel when read correctly.
-Atlas Shrugged is a great novel and the type of people who read it and enjoy it are people who will "get things done" in life. Ayn Rand is still a retard.
-Nausea is the best play written in the last 500 years
-Slyvia Plath was the last living poet worth reading.
-Infinite Jest is as good a novel as a modern work can possibly be.

>> No.6329260

Nabokov sucks

>> No.6329265

But should others be obliged to give you anything?

>> No.6329268

>-Slyvia Plath

she literally wrote only one good poem

>> No.6329274

>RR is a soap opera, and a poorly written one.
le soap opera meme. Opinion irrelevent.

>> No.6329279





>> No.6329287

All fiction is garbage

>> No.6329300


Infinite Jest is one of the only contemporary novels (If you consider it a novel) worth reading seriously

>> No.6329306


>> No.6329307

What do you mean when you say writer and story teller? They're interchangeable when talking about books.

Have you read anything other than Lolita?

>> No.6329308

DFW farting on the charlie rose show made me lose interest in reading his book

>> No.6329311



Not saying I disagree with you absolutely Anon, but surely if the pretence is that they are unpopular OPINIONS then it would redundant for every post to be preceded by "In my opinion..."

>> No.6329319

why is the idiot dostoevskys best novel ?

>> No.6329327

>"Serious" literature died in the 60's, pulp and genre fiction is our new god

Good. I think it shows a good sociological dismissal of serious problems, which shows our advancement.

>Tolkien is shit. George R. R. Martin objectively better

I don't agree about the "objectively" part, but I do agree that I enjoy Martin far more than most fantasy authors. I've had a really hard time finding a genre fiction writer who matches his worldly tone and excellent exposition. He's my idol for pacing, as well, at least as far as the first three books of ASOIAF are concerned. But I think that where "serious" and "genre" meet, Frank Herbert is my current king.

>> No.6329334

Franzen is one of the best writers living.
Narrative history has been done to death.
There are no good books between the 1500 to 1700.

>> No.6329353


bait? read their works - Faulkner's use of language, in this instance southern drawl, is essential to his book while in no way forwarding the plot. From the point of language he further shifts narratives and obfuscates character motivations in each dialect. Hemingway wrote a great minimal prose that wove well with his stories, but anyone can see the worth in pure writing that Faulkner projects, though his stories will be a tad simple because he layers upon seemingly simple scenes.

I've only read "As I Lay Dying" and bits of Sound, so I may not be an expert here.

>> No.6329358

Aristotle understanding of reality and science are all wrong and is a waste of one's time to read him.

>> No.6329359

>muh obfuscation

Yes, the point of fiction is obtaining as much information about a fictional reality as possible.

>> No.6329365

Agree with this. Anna Karennina is terrible. Dostoevsky is a better writer. Also agree with the Tolkein thing.

>> No.6329370

I pan it because it's a terrible book. Also, the ideology is flawed and Rand is a hypocrite who used welfare.

>> No.6329377

>Yes, the point of fiction is obtaining as much information about a fictional reality as possible.

Pure retard.

Your denial of language in delivery is basically implying spin and delivery do not matter.
"plot" "information" and "story" are not even the focus of many works, i.e. Finnegans wake

>> No.6329383


The Idiot is just maddening to me. 3rd Dostoevsky I've read, and while certain scenes and exaggerated characters still with me, its that muddling darkness of D's that ruins it for me. That the Prince only engages in abstracts, that he worsens situations, that his morality is exploited and used against him in well meaning embraces, its so cynical. I'm not even touching the ending - I loved the portrait of Nastasya Filipovna (both figuratively and literally) but that ending, with all its halts and goes, jumps and brooding, was a long thick curtain on everything I'd read up until that point.

is this to be continued in Karamazov? I recognise the insights and philosophical issues that all his characters grapple with according to their own God and class, but this sheet of cynicism (though could this be that a majority of the late book is Ippolit's insufferable grasps at meaning, defeating himself before even beginning the question..

>> No.6329384

>not understanding sarcasm


>> No.6329389

Nothing in her ideology implies welfare is a bad thing to use in a system its available to you in. That still does not mean it is necessarily good, in fact you could make the argument against it based on that.

Its really not a bad book, the "ideology" is not flawed in the context of the book, your inability to separate the work from exterior things only compounds your stance as retarded and reactionary.

>> No.6329391

I qualify this with the word astute. Franzen's observations and criticism of middle America in the corrections are extremely relevant and poignant.

>> No.6329395

>Sarcasm on 4chan.

yea, my bad. But its really easy to miss on here.

>> No.6329400

Literary scholarship is most likely a waste of your time.

>> No.6329409
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>using reactionary in this context

what the fuck are you trying to do

>> No.6329420

Luckily for me, my time is valueless

>> No.6329425

She literally despised any form of government. The worst type of people in the novel are the ones who ask for handouts. The book was written as vehicle for her ideology, and the book wasn't well written at all. There is literally a speech that goes on for thirty or so pages. You cannot separate both because it is merely vehicle for her political thoughts. It serves as nothing else than that.

>> No.6329432

I indulge you to read Sound and The Fury completely and catiously. I´m pretty sure your opinion on Faulkner´s characters and the relation between plot and language will change.

>> No.6329436

Also, the point of the work was to make a point about exterior things. It's obvious she never wrote it to entertain, but as a sort reminder of what could happen, albeit in a very dumbed down way.

>> No.6329440

Correction. Any form of government that is interventionist.

>> No.6329443

OP here
Tolkien characterization is shit and the Lord of the Rings has god awful pacing. Martin, on the other hand, is horrifyingly efficient at cranking out realistic and provoking characters and the first three books of ASoIaF showcase move a plot forward like a goddamn train engine.
Martin's and Tolkien's actual prose rank rather equally in my mind, something like a 6/10 for the both of them.

>> No.6329444


It's a fucking manifesto; obody judges Mein Kampf on its literary qualities, it literally has none.
How this turd could be made into a movie is beyond my comprehension.

>> No.6329450

I got up to grab a beer somewhere in the middle of writing that. I bet you can guess where.

>> No.6329456

My point exactly.

>> No.6329471

>The Idiot is Dostoevsky's best novel.
Yeah...nah. Too uneven. When it's good it's Dostoevsky's best, but the structure of the novel is a bit of a dog's dinner.
>Faulkner > Hemingway.
Isn't that what everyone thinks?

>> No.6329485


Not these guys, but yeah, I didn't read it as sarcasm either.

>> No.6329496

When fiction is literally defined as a type of obfuscation, how could you not?

>> No.6329507


I'm not trying to take this discussion there, but honestly how old are you?

asoiaf characters are realistic and provoking? the "plot" moves forward like a train?
>also implying plot

What books are you reading.

Its dumb retard support characters who all seem to be totally unaware of the obvious intentions of a bunch of marry sues who are sometimes killed at random and to no consequence.

The "plot" is fucking retarded, full of dues ex bullshit (danaries or w/e comes across several cities that basically just give her what her arc needs in steps).


you can literally skip entire books and maybe just get 4 lines of a greentext teir summation and have lost nothing of value.
At least Tolkien only had the eagles as dues ex.
The characterizations are in line with the type of myth and folklore that Tolkien was trying to recreate.

god damn.

>> No.6329509


Surprisingly no. I'm at in a community college introduction to writing course in TX, and everyone except me loves Hem WAY more than Faulk. So maybe everyone but plebs thinks that?

>> No.6329514


Heh, yeah, I agree with you, but people have some weird ideas on this board.

>> No.6329548

>dumb retard support characters who all seem to be totally unaware of the obvious intentions of a bunch of marry sues who are sometimes killed at random and to no consequence

>Brings as much justice as he feebly can to King's Landing before he flees at the time of being pinned with Joffrey's murder

So he was rather shrewd.

>Serves his king loyally except at times that he recognizes spiritual corruption and attempts to intervene. Nonetheless serves his king thereafter when asserted to, is primarily loyal and trustworthy.

So he overlooked those intentions.

>Serves his family loyally while becoming disenfranchised with the war and disillusioned with his family, but nonetheless serves his family as well as those who truly helped him in his time of need, even enemies to the Lannister state

So he's a well-nuanced character.

>Becomes heartbroken with the death of her king and serves Lady Catelyn to fill the hole of loyalty and love in her life. When that loyalty and love is conspired upon by pure hatred, she has no choice but to continue to serve or die.

So she has her back up against a wall.

Wait, should I continue? Because I can show you in every way possible how these characters are not as you perceive them. Did you even read the books?

>danaries or w/e


Yeah, you didn't, did you? If you had read the books you'd not only be able to spell her name correctly but you'd also know that she is following a prophecy which has so far proven correct. And until that prophecy is proven as a plot convenience you have no ground here. She took Slaver's Bay because of her experience in Astapor marking her for life as a liberator.


Which? The only one I can think of is perhaps the smoking ruins of Valyria, but I'd like to see your scholarly opinion all the same.

>god damn.

What does this mean?

>> No.6329557

It's not perfect by any means and started getting dull by book 4 or 5, somewhere between there probably, but the first three books were pretty entertaining. They were also the best written. The later two are ok as far as the plot goes. Either way, still gonna finish it.

>> No.6329860


mah nigga. I am not going to argue that the Idiot is FMD's best, but I do love it. The middle section of the book fucking drags like crazy but the highlights are some of his best work. .

>dat Nastasya Filipovna's birthday party
>dat Myshkin talking about the execution
>dat Ippolit's monologue

Dostoevsky himself used to say that anyone who liked the Idiot was a true patrician, but that was probably to counteract all the negative reviews it got at the time it came out

>> No.6329864

Yeah, this.

I remember reading Myshkin asked Nastasya to marry him. My jaw dropped onto the floor. I just kept repeating WOW for the last five minutes. That whole scene was brilliantly constructed.

>> No.6329875


>yfw she takes Rogozhin's wad of money and throws it in the fire

>> No.6329881

The Idiot has always been my absolute favorite book OP

>> No.6329886

Garbage writing garbage economics garbage philosophy

>> No.6329899

I think the study of the progression of philisophical thought is far more valuable than any actual philosophy. you will along find immortal gems of thought in any great thinkers writing.

>> No.6329913

Yes, I think anyone who has taken a philosophy 101 course already knows he was wrong about basically everything. I think the one principle that came from my general credits course that proved he was at all intelligent was the assertion that "Like types breed exclusively."

>> No.6330207

The idiot is honestly his best novel imo. None of his other work has pulled me in as completely as that book. He managed to make me care about not only one Russian aristocrat, buta whole cast of then, their flaws and struggles. I can forgive him the author tracts, they are the ground work for his beautiful architecture.

>> No.6330960

Not the person you're replying too but youre discounting LOTR characterisation

>> No.6331048

>I skip sentences in languages I dont understand
>when struggling to pronounce russian protag / antags I call them 'the good guy' or 'the bad one'

>> No.6331072
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The Idiot was the last of his novels that I've read and, to be completely honest, I was left somewhat disappointed. A lot of it felt like a poor rehash of ideas I've seen beautifully displayed in The Brothers Karamazov.

But upon learning that The Idiot was published more than 10 years before TBK, it all became clear to me.

I now see The Idiot as one of his first attempts at tackling the Big Questions, a jumping-off point for him, and the Brothers as his final, most mature work as a writer and a thinker.

Nastasya Filipovna < Grushenka
Prince Myshkin < Alyosha
Ippolit < Vanya
Rogozhin < Mitya

Although this comparison is not entirely accurate (they are not identical copies of each other), it gets the point across.

I prefer Aglaya Ivanonva to Liza, tho.

>> No.6331089

>I skip sentences in languages I dont understand

Same. Skipped over every French passage in Lolita.

>when struggling to pronounce russian protag / antags I call them 'the good guy' or 'the bad one'

That's awful and won't even apply to most russian lit characters.

>> No.6331292

- Oscar Wilde is overrated
- Murakami's first works are great but the stuff he's releasing now is crap
- Pedro Páramo and One hundred years of solitude are two overrated pieces of shit
- Poetry is for pretentious twats.

>> No.6331670


I agree with The Idiot, lots of people applaud The Brothers Karamazov but I think The Idiot is Dostoyevsky's most spiritual.

Anyway, here's mine:
The Castle is Franz Kafka's best novella, The Metamorphosis is his worst short story but I like In the Penal Colony most.
David Foster Wallace is a good writer despite the memes surrounding his works.
Tolkein is good at world building and stuff but you feel fuck all for his characters.
Vonnegut is science fiction NOT post modernism.
Cormac McCarthy is a modern William Faulkner.
Journey to the End of the Night and Celine's works in general need more recognition from the public.

>> No.6331927


I could see it being a maturation thing, TBK is going to be a summer project or something for me I suppose. Is it as funny as The Idiot and The Gambler? Much of the Idiot's memorable moments were the beautifully set up comedic scenes (Rogozhin bursting into rooms again and again only to find Myshkin smiling at him). Myshkin himself is a comedic protagonist, if looked at in the Chekov sense that Russian comedies are benighted fools, victims of their own circumstance yet never aware of that tragic fact. The ending for me is too long and drawling a tragedy for that kind of protagonist, which is probably why Dostoevsky ended it the way he did.

I really liked Gavril Ardalionovitch's moments in the novel, when Aglaya tells him to burn his finger to prove his love and he just freezes in contemplation of risk/reward. Or when Nastasya Filipovna throws the money in the fire, and tells him to grab it and keep it. I can only hope this expands in TBK.

>> No.6331941
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I was with you until Faulkner being good

and what do you mean serious lit died in the 60s

>> No.6331967

>I was with you until Faulkner being good

Can you please fucking log off now? This is an 18+ board.

>> No.6332017


Except for The Metamorphosis and your partitioning of Vonnegut outside of po-mo, couldnt agree more.

>> No.6332739

> English speaking literature from the 20th century is no way near Spanish speaking literature.
> Most novels and long works have quite a lot of unnecessary pages and makes one waste much more time
> Gabriel García Márquez is by far not one of the best writers from Latin America.
> One should know his own literature before venturing in other cultures/languages literature's.
> Individualists and libertarians are naive to say the least and people who follow such ideologies are superficial thinkers..
> Dostoievsky is a mediocre writer and should be read only when you are beginning to read literature.

>> No.6332755

I read Borges' Aleph and Other Tales and thought it was crap.

>> No.6332789

I'm scared of reading The Brother's Karamazov because it looks so dense.

>> No.6333021



I don't think you understood the point of his work.

>> No.6333025


It's true, though.

>> No.6333049
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>yfw Rogozhin tries to shank Myshkin

>> No.6333082


Lots of people on here will disagree with you (myself included), but it's understandable. He seems like a very polarizing writer.
Although, I will say, look and see if you can find any Giovanni translations and give him one more chance, since Hurley's are supposedly not very good (he translated Aleph, didn't he?).

>> No.6333111

There is nothing inherently wrong with science fiction, there has just been no great sci fi writers.
Tolkein is virtually the only great fantasy writer.
Faulkner is overrated.
People who say drama is better when read than seen on the stage are idiots.
I don't find flame wars, cringe, or any kind of internet drama amusing to me. It deeply saddens me that these are all real people caught up in toxic petty conflicts and empty lives.

>> No.6333231


>> No.6333307
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>The Odyssey takes place almost entirely in Penelope's head, having gone insane after the death of her husband in the Trojan War

>> No.6333322

More like Hamlet's madness springs from Shakespeare's repressed sexuality.

>> No.6333393

Fiction as a general rule is shit (with some very notable exceptions)

Biography is the best genre from a pure-enjoyment perspective.

Stephen King is better than most 'serious' authors.

Nietzsche is the only philosopher worth reading.

You can count the number of good poems on two hands.

Most philosophical books could be condensed to 20 pages, they just make them long to make them seem more impressive.

Film is a stagnant medium, TV has been better for much of the past two decades.

Ayn Rand, while certainly simplistic, is nowhere near as bad as people make her out to be and the intense mockery that she receives is out of proportion to the demerits of her work.

>> No.6333418


Kerouac a shit.

Ken Kesey, Chuck Palahniuk, Douglas Coupland, Joseph Heller and Irvine Welsh each wrote exactly one good novel.

Finnegans Wake isn't worth the effort this opinion is likely the majority globally, but the opposing view obtains local maxima in some circles, /lit/ presumably being one of them.

Less opinion than speculation: Gravity's Rainbow is a meta-textual rebuttal to the concept of 'following up' V. No surprise that the protagonist spends his days plotting the likely trajectory of 'V2' rockets (and yes, I know they were real, but that's how Pinecone rolls).

>> No.6333429

Dostojevski wrote nothing but trash and Oswald Sprengler was full of shit.

Ernst Junger was an idiot as well

>> No.6333458

I've heard the same thing about the Hurley translations, but I didn't have much of a problem with the prose. It was pretty good, nothing amazing, but still. It was moreso the gimmicky things that repelled me; all the obscure fake details thrown in, just the vaguely annoying way each story is narrated, the "AND IN THE END THEY WERE THE SAAAME MAAAAN!!!" theme repeated so blatantly over and over again despite having little actual profundity in the first place. I just don't think he's for me. I can appreciate his imagination, however, and the fact that he's able to weave a lot into these short story formats. But I think he hits a lot lower for what I was expecting from all the praise I've heard. Maybe I'm just pleb.

>> No.6334853

Quads check'd. And a lot of Ayn Rand's criticism may be in part because of her average reader. Generally the whole militant atheist, "social progressive" type, which most certainly makes for a polarizing fan base.

>> No.6334858

I read Project Gutenberg's translation of The Trial it was the worst decision I couldnhabe possibly made

>> No.6334863

There is no good female writer, not one.

>> No.6334864

Camus is shit

>> No.6334873

Even William Buckley hated this

>> No.6334888

It's so sad there's that part in the Water speech where he says "If you worship your intellect you will always feel stupid, a fraud waiting to be found out" and when you watch the Charlie Rose interview it's obvious he's describing himself

>> No.6334923

I haven't read The Idiot yet but from what I know of the character it seems pretty spot on. People that are genuinely nice but also meek, shy or perhaps anxious are called "idiots" all the time and often much worse words, and are almost always used and exploited and then mocked as soon as they leave the room.

>> No.6334926

it should be

>> No.6334930

>her average reader. Generally the whole militant atheist, "social progressive" type


>> No.6334934

You're at a freshman writing course at a community college and all of the students are familiar with Faulkner?

>> No.6335057

People overlook poor writing if there's something else offered. If it offers an interesting story or visuals or even just an idea that's appealing to them, they will look over the syntax or diction.

>> No.6335075

Blood Meridian is uninspired SJW refuse, and is only propagated and championed by the likes of Harold Bloom due to it's inherent white guilt/colonial apologist tropes. >But dat prose

>> No.6335081

Aside from prose, Lolita is a shit novel

>> No.6335093

It's not, though.

>> No.6335098

I liked it because Indians got slaughtered

>> No.6335105

You've got a child's grasp of those books, mate. Dues ex, mary sues, killed at random and to no consequence...just how daft are you?

>> No.6335110
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I choose to believe many of these are bait for my sanity. The fact that many of you are allowed vote and drive would depress me to no end otherwise.

>> No.6335114

b8 :^0

>> No.6335133

> asoiaf fans, ladies and gentlemen
Read the books GRRM ripped off from instead.

>> No.6335138

Those first three opinions are terrible and shamful

>> No.6335164

Which translation of The Brothers Karamazov should I read? I want to get into it, and I keep hearing that Pevear is best, but other say that it's too soft and misses some of the punch of D's writing. McDuff and MacAndrew are constantly referenced as well.

I was thinking of going with Garnett, since my unpopular opinion is that I liked her translations of Anna Karenina and The Idiot, but apparently she's gutter trash in comparison.

>> No.6335176

He's called an idiot because, at the time, an idiot referred to someone with a physical or mental disability (similar to how retard was used). Myshkin would suffer severe epileptic shocks and people would mock him and take advantage of that.

>> No.6335182

>'Serious Fiction' is still best
>Hemmingway > Faulkner

>> No.6335219


>> No.6335274

>inherent white guilt/colonial apologist tropes

You uh, you haven't read it, have you?

>> No.6335317

i like the way you type out your posts with commas and interjections as though you were actually talking in real life, it makes an otherwise shitpost quirky and humorous

>> No.6335325


Yeah, I like it. It's sort of... expressive. Conveys tone and, y'know, mood.

>> No.6335492

I love ya, you glorious son of'a bitch.

>> No.6335497

Constance Garnett gets more flak then she deserves.
There is in fact a lot of good science fiction, Its just popular to hate.

>> No.6335605

Steinbeck is a horrible writer

>> No.6335627

useless opinion
useless opinion
useless opinion
14 year old detected
useless opinion
useless opinion
useless opinion
useless opinions
im sure you cannot expand on that
useless opinion
useless opinion
useless opinion
cèline is trash edgy ramblings, the rest are useless opinions
useless opinions
useless opinions
useless opinions
baseless opinion
useless opinion

>> No.6335634

useless opinions

>> No.6335636

not an opinion, actually

>> No.6335642

His novels are his best work. You're just some edgy fag who likes muh kafkaesque

>> No.6335647
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how can one anon be so dank lol killin shit brah gw stay strong

>> No.6336108

>and the first three books of ASoIaF showcase move a plot forward like a goddamn train engine.
Unfortunately the story doesn't end there.

>> No.6336505


How do you quantify the utility of an opinion?

>> No.6336547

>Vonnegut is science fiction NOT post modernism.
>being this much of a dissapointment for your parents

>> No.6336817

>implying the dismissal of our problems and a refusal to address them maturely isn't a horrible malady in our age

>> No.6336885


I just call them something that kinda sounds like their name or force myself to learn to pronounce it.

>Alexey Fyodorovitch? I think you mean Alley Foo foo.

>> No.6336891
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Yfw Cormac McCarthy for his first novel submitted it to Faulkner's publisher, and that publisher set him up specifically to become the next Faulkner (Read: Great Heartland Writer).

>> No.6336894


Subjectively of course!

>> No.6336905

Let's go.
>there is nothing inherently bad about genre fiction nor is there anything inherently good about literary fiction, it all depends on the book
>99% of rhyming poetry is poorly-constructed shit that either neglects meter or completely cheats to hamfist in rhyming words; free-verse is a much better form of poetry
>Tao Lin can be a fantastic writer at times
>There is nothing wrong with Cormac McCarthy's writing style and more writers should experiment with how their prose compliments the stories they're telling and vice versa
>Nietzsche is a fedora-tier philosopher and Kant surpasses him in every way
>fantasy is complete shit as a genre since it's pretty much all a ripoff of Tolkien, who wasn't that good in the first place
>people who think Hemingway-esque minimalism is the end-all, be-all of prose and that anything vaguely poetic is purple prose need to be lobotomized

>> No.6336913

>>fantasy is complete shit as a genre since it's pretty much all a ripoff of Tolkien
I dare you to name five fantasy books that are Tolkien ripoffs.

>> No.6336916

Which books do you mean?

>> No.6337192

Dostoevsky was a delusional man gripped by religious euphoria triggered by migraines. He had serious brain issues and was a very antisocial man. He had a very immersing perspective but above all he was delusional. His work is art but his ideas cannot always be applied to reality.

>> No.6337404

>99% of rhyming poetry is poorly-constructed shit that either neglects meter or completely cheats to hamfist in rhyming words; free-verse is a much better form of poetry

Mah nigga!