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/lit/ - Literature

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6326452 No.6326452 [Reply] [Original]

>In a taxi to a party, forty minutes later, Paul imagined another him walking toward the library and, for a few seconds, visualizing the position and movement of two red dots through a silhouetted, aerial view of Manhattan, felt as imaginary, as mysterious and transitory and unfindable, as the other dot. He visualized the vibrating, squiggling, looping, arcing line representing the three-dimensional movement, plotted in a cubic grid, of the dot of himself, accounting for the different speed and direction of each vessel of which he was a passenger--taxi, Earth solar system, Milky Way, etc. Adding a fourth dimension, representing time, he visualized the patterned scribbling shooting off in one direction, with a slight wobble, miles from where it was seconds ago. He imagined his trajectory as a vacuum-sealed tube, into which he'd arrive--traveling alone in the vacuum-sealed tube of his own life--he'd be suctioned and from which he'd exit, as a successful delivery to some unimaginable recipient. Realizing this was only his concrete history, his public movement through space-time from birth to death, he briefly imagined being able to click on his trajectory to access his private experience, enlarging the dot of a coordinate until it could be explored like a planet.

remind me again why you don't like this book?

>> No.6326514

I do. I think it could do with probably 20 - 40 pages less though, near the end it just becomes one long monotone, which I guess is the point, but reading it becomes more of a chore at that point.

Go to bed Tao.

>> No.6326526
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>> No.6326529

This is shit. I can't wait until this talentless gook goes to jail.

>> No.6326587

extremely dank prose

>> No.6326597

This is terrible. I don't what it is exactly but that entire passage is just so tasteless and it's really just too much.

>> No.6327884

Fast food lit. Did read it.

>> No.6327891

Do you seriously think that's good prose?

>> No.6327948
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This book was mostly boring with only a decent narrating voice and you know it. Tao is lucky, gets his bitches, drugs, fruit, and money. Now is like 31 and seems like nobody cares.

Writes with xanax''d out twitter users, people buy it, because they do.

Either way I bet Tao has tons of much better and early versions of this little diary of a book though we will never see them because he sells shit on ebay and is autistic as fuck that he probably could never decided what was actually a 'better' version of X

>> No.6327970
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Hey guys he actually read Taipei! We could get this idiot to do anything!

Uh, hey OP, ever heard of Bukowski? Patrish tier author right there...

>> No.6327980

his style of writing is kind of bland I'd admit but it doesn't mean its not enjoyable. I feel you have more freedom to think up whatever you want with Tao's writing because he isn't telling you how to feel.

>> No.6328454

yes. i think it was a a very skillful way to handle the abstract metaphor. i especially enjoyed how each "layer" of the abstraction was made to follow logically from the last, and so by the time you reach the end of it, you can see the entire system laid out before you. when paul "enlarges" the dot you can walk yourself backward through the metaphor and it was all very satisfying for me to visualize.

>> No.6329869

I'm not OP but I read Taipei, the first book /lit/ wrote and a book of short stories by Bukowski.

>> No.6329891

Because there's nothing there. It's just words. Empty words.

>> No.6329896

Uh oh, everyone. Looks like these words need a refill.

>> No.6329901


what is empty about it?

>> No.6331280
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>be associated with tumblr tier "alt lit" scene and hang out with chicks covered in ironic tattoos and paid
>get accused of rape

Now that's what I call asking for it. I mean fuck dude, you don't have to be a spiritual medium to predict some things.

>> No.6331282



god dammit, my shitposts are ALWAYS ruined by typos


>> No.6331378

Is Taipei better than EEEE EE EEE? Because I've been reading the latter and I find it extremely boring and the prose is an absolute mess.

>> No.6331413

He probably wrote it when he was on some benzodiazapine.