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6325623 No.6325623 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best international newspaper?

A paper that is quick with breaking news whilst having integrity.
I'm a fan of Euronews, but they're too selective.

>> No.6325625

The Guardian obviously.

Only plebs read other news

>> No.6325654

le monde is pretty damn good if you can speak french

>> No.6325687

>speaking a dead language

>> No.6325703

youtube comments
local pop radio stations

>> No.6325711

lol you realize french is one of the most spoken languages in the world, right?

>> No.6325724

The one that is the subject of your photo, pleb.

>> No.6325742
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Gawker (>'')>

>> No.6325756

it comes after english, mandarin, spanish, hindi and arabic. it's right between towelheadspeak and some language called "malay". spoken by roughly 6% of the world population

it's a beautiful language but it's international relevance is going dowwwnnnn

europe is a museum and france is the vaguely suggestive, existentially angsty experimental exhibit.

>> No.6325781

always right

>> No.6325844

africa's population is expected to explode during this century, and quite a few african countries speak french, so you're wrong. french isn't going anywhere anytime soon

>> No.6325878

they're probably going to start to learn english over french as soon as they need it for business. and it really isn't certain where africa is going yet

>> No.6325970

Jacobin, The Baffler, The Intercept, truthdig

>> No.6325989

you're a total idiot.

neither the jacobin nor the baffler are international newspapers you fucking idiot. never heard of intercept. truth dig is just a news aggregate for dumb shit

jacobin is a ragtag piece of shit put together by failed graduate students. the articles are a hodge podge of total shit. it's not a newspaper

bafflier is a mostly literary journal, irregularly published, and itself is a re-incarnation of a previous cultural journal of the same name

stop recommending this garbage

>> No.6325993

new york times and financial times are what i read every day
>not going to your local library to read the daily papers for free

the guardian is what a lot of people read because it's all free online, but it's a shit paper. you'd get more news of out reading the daily mail

>> No.6325995

yeah and that's why the french government has a whole ministry devoted towards propping it up and inventing new words


>> No.6326000


I agree- sorry for listing off a few non-newspapers...Don't you think your post was a bit of an overreaction?

>> No.6326013

no i don't, not really. I just really can't stand the jacobin. I used to know bhaskar sunkara. He was a smart kid, but fell victim to his own ambitions. How he runs a shitty little magazine that he sells to aging old liberals in manhattan. Good for him, I suppose? But that doesn't stop his editorial team from letting in all the shit it can. By now all it pretends to be is the left-wing of the democratic party.
I'd rather be the left-wing of the republican party tbh

>> No.6326020

i also new a few editors of the baffler, they were trying hard, but they couldn't do anything. some irrelevant academics trying to make a dent in the world. the journal went out of publication in the first place for a reason...