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/lit/ - Literature

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6325345 No.6325345 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about graphic novel masterpiece ?

What's your opinion about this one : BLACK HOLE by Charles Burns ?

>> No.6325365 [DELETED] 
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Yes yes! Keep calling the comic books which idealize sleaze masterpieces! Good, good!

>> No.6325367

Pretty good. I also like Big Baby and El Borbah.

>> No.6325370

Does she have a tail?

>> No.6325380
File: 50 KB, 700x570, Jimmy_Corrigan_Hardback_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this recently. That was pretty good too.

>> No.6325423

Get off the internet, grandpa.

>> No.6325429

The only comic worth your time is Preacher.


>> No.6325441

looks like garbage

>> No.6325442

>graphic novel
>muh length
its a fucking comic book
graphic novel was a term made up by Will Eisner to sell publishers on producing his comic

>> No.6325466
File: 291 KB, 1000x1124, DC AND Marvel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always the same. Burns, Clowes, Ware. Oyasumi Pun Pun, Blankets, Asterios Polyp. Tatsumi might get mentioend. MAYBE someone mentions Eisner.
Those are all great pics but you should broaden yourselves. I'm sure Michael deFroge gets read here, but does anyone else read Sam Alden? Evan Dahm, Emily Carroll, or any other great webcomics? My regular webcomics I'm following are Blindsprings, Vattu, Johnny Wander/Lucky Penny, Octopus Pie, and Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo (waiting for Shi Long Pang to return). Of those I definitely recommend the first two, the first of which is still pretty new but has nice art and could be interesting.

>> No.6325485

I don't think Eisner invented the term. He called comics Sequential Art, however, and is credited with the first attempt at making a Graphic Novel. Actually Milt Gross was the first to do an American graphic novel with He Done Her Wrong. (I think the term itself is meaningful if we limit it to the idea of a comic book novel, eg: A Contract with God, Black Hole, etc.)

>> No.6325519

I actually read this one and enjoyed it. I've also read Watchmen of course. I don't read many other comics, aside from the million Archie comics digests I've got in a box. I prefer those.

>> No.6325551
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Whenever I mention Sam Alden I get a "well, duh" reaction and no one wants to discuss his various uses of tools to generate motion and ambient ;__;

Recently I read Homuculus and found a lot of reaciton images for the next Derrida thread I can find.

>> No.6325588
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I haven't read that, I'll have to add it to my list.

I'm on the last volume of Shigeru Mizuki's Showa series, it's a great history read as well as an irreverent autobiography. Eventually I'm planning on reading his Onward Toward Our Honorable Deaths as well.

>> No.6325600

Mixing a bit of autobiography with illustrations you have this great thing about being a WW2 prisoner in Russia:

>> No.6325608
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This one is good, from the disturbing coming of age comic genre

>> No.6325637 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 900x1344, 1381528328313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job you fat faggot connoisseur of kitsch

>> No.6325651

>naming your book 'black hole' unironically

nice anal plexus, pleb

>> No.6325653


David B. right ?

>> No.6325667
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Neat! Thanks for sharing. It's too bad there aren't really any Soviet comics even though they had a strong illustration tradition, even preceding the USSR with the lubok.
>you could be reading Suprematist/Constructivist/Socialist Realist comics from the Cold War RIGHT NOW

>> No.6325675 [DELETED] 
File: 517 KB, 1632x1088, A.Goy.s.Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goy.

>> No.6325676
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I only read the superior medium, thank you.

>> No.6325683

Yes. Epileptic.

>> No.6325685

good taste

>> No.6325722
File: 115 KB, 679x960, Number 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never see anything by Matsumoto excepted sometimes Tekkonkinkreet, but Number Five is his true masterpiece.

>> No.6325738

Both Ellis and Ennis are immediate trash-tier.

Enjoyed the hell out of it. Great art style, and the character/story/themes were all woven together really well. Wish there'd been more to the serial killer subplot, but you can't win them all.

>> No.6325745

>Ghost in the Shell
>she is literally in a robotic shell

Bravo, Japan. So deep.

>> No.6325753

>i am the enlightened resistance against the jewlluminati globalist new world order

Put the bong down, man.

>> No.6325758


>anime or manga

cartoons for little boys and girls aren't meant to be 'deep'

they're only seen as such by weebs and virulent autists

>> No.6325764




>> No.6325779

cartoons are an american cheap entrainment for kids, manga in the other hand is the nippon superior version for well real adults like myself.

>> No.6325786

>I don't read comics I only read comics

>> No.6325789


>actually believing this

I'd feel bad if I could stop laughing

>> No.6325791
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>> No.6325847

Wow, you're gullible.

>> No.6325981


Nothing being put out by any big comic publisher is any good. If you're really interested in comics as a medium look into self-published, indie comics. There are lots of really amazing underground artists who post their work online on sites like Tumblr. Check out Frank Santoro's comic workshop to get an idea of some people who actually care to innovate with sequential art.

>> No.6325984


>Nothing being put out by any big comic publisher is any good.

*This is what it's like in the U.S. at least

>> No.6325992

Does anyone read more lighthearted and simpler stuff as well?

I read Anya's Ghost a while back and really enjoyed that.

>> No.6326004


using /pol/ memes on /lit/ should get you a ten day ban

>> No.6326695

Matsumoto is a genius, Ping pong and Tekkonkinkreet are fantastic

>> No.6326701
File: 118 KB, 529x800, V for Vendetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does V count? Or is it shit tier?

>> No.6326709

it's pretty bad.

>> No.6326712

damn it, I was hoping I had taste. Any advice to set me on the right track, Anon?

>> No.6326719
File: 47 KB, 400x536, nikopolcouint03_01012004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know, try enki bilal and his nikopol trilogy.

>> No.6326721

any place where I could find it for free as an ePub file?

>> No.6326726

it's a pdf though.

>> No.6326734

shit... is it in Cyrillic? I can't read Russian

>> No.6326738

just press the green button that says (pdf, 89.99 mb). bookfi.org is a bit slow though, it may take some time to download.

>> No.6326911
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I don't know about Ping Pong, but I assume it's even better than the anime, which itself was awesome.
>Ping Pong t3 and t4 out of stock for ages, no reprint planned
Life truly is suffering, as a scan-hater.

Forgot about Sergio Toppi, he's a monster.

>> No.6326957

there's a torrent, it doesn't look great though.

>> No.6327171

For cape shit The Killing Joke and Arkham Asylum are two of my favs.

>> No.6327205

Thanks for providing your opinion on the two most well known and widely read batman books, very enlightening for the crowd in this thread.

>> No.6327222

Do I need to be more contrarian like everyone else in this thread? Which is weird because none of it is unheard of stuff as well :/

>> No.6327332

Back to /pol/

110% agree.

Currently reading this just because my library has it. It's not too bad, but it's definitely pretty edgy for the sake of being edgy at times. I think I would have enjoyed it more when I was a high school atheist who listened to grunge.

Was just going to ask if anyone else read Anya's Ghost. Short and sweet, not too bad. I'm not a big fan of digital art, though.

Does anyone get raped in that book (only seen the movie)? I'm only asking because I haven't read an Alan Moore book yet where someone wasn't raped. It doesn't bother me, but the guy seems to have a thing for it.

My library has a lot of Guy Delisle, Harvey Pekar, and Joe Sacco so I've been trying to read some of that.

I have read Marjane Satrapi, Rutu Modan, Art Spiegelman, Jeff Lemire... any other recommendations?

>> No.6327358
File: 318 KB, 670x343, BPRD_Plague_of_Frogs_Trade_Collections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemire is gold, his stuff is always great.

My recommendations:
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck is great.
I enjoyed titles like Hellboy (and BPRD and other connected stories) and The Goon.
Also Bone is really interesting.
I currently am reading The Massive which is an interesting take on eco-terrorism and post-natural disaster world so I recommend it too.

Also anyone feel free to call me a pleb.

>> No.6327359

Pinocchio by Winshluss
The Incal by Jodorowsky
City of Glass by Paul Karasik
Signal to Noise by Gaiman
Richard Stark's Parker by Darwyn Cooke

>> No.6327385

>graphic novel

Why people call them that?

They are comics! Good comics, with good art and great story, but comics!

Are adults with fear to read comics?

>> No.6327411
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>graphic novels

Is there anything more pathetic than 30 year old men who think they can get away with reading comics because they're violent? If you're over the age of 12, you should not be reading picture books.

>> No.6327421

Black Hole has nothing going on for it except maybe the art which is obviously fantastic
It was like reading a novelisation of a B-movie

>muh aids analogy

>> No.6327778
File: 8 KB, 250x203, 1427507259715s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i see graphic novels i just flip through to see if there any boobs

>> No.6328547

>Dismissing an entire medium because the majority of it is pleb-tier twaddle

I take it you don't enjoy any art at all then?

>> No.6328552
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Preacher has literally one good character, the rest is the autistic protagonist arguing with his shit girlfriend

>> No.6328762

Tfw i grew up reading his comics

minchia se sto bene

>> No.6328775

The legend says that Ennis couldn't even use e-mail, so he had to ask his friend Warren Ellis to be his connection with DC and it stayed like that until he got fed up.

>> No.6329709

If we are going for obligatory: Junji Ito. Or Joe Hill's Locke and Key. "Too scary for TV"

I adore Steve Ditko. God tier compasition and massive Ayn Rand fan. Hawkworld is more scifi than cape at the start and is decent political philosophy with watercolour colouring.

Thing is I like capeshit. Because it is fun and I like fun and muh fetish.

Guy Delisle has style and a funny way of looking at things. He just stands there and looks at them.

comraderecs.tumblr.com is mostly cape.

>> No.6329718

I'd like to talk about graphic novels OP.
Here are my favorites:
The alcoholic
Watchmen (like everyone else)
100 Bullets

>> No.6329748
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No those are all patrician picks, anon. Mignola is based as fuck

>> No.6329749
File: 204 KB, 595x842, 10671243_375108012666188_8173814494079476369_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Officina Infernale is a great author, arguably one of the finest graphic novelists active in Italy/Europe today. Shame he isn't (and won't be, unless I do it myself) translated anywhere else. Damn fine po-mo stuff.

I'd also say Transmetropolitan because HST in the future is the best thing to ever happen to mankind.

>> No.6329769

Can one 'get' a deconstruction of a genre without being very familiar with the genre?

It kinda peeves me when watchmen is put into literature list as the one comic book. Just as a nod to the medium to be like 'we know about these, too'

Must not think about big rock dick inside me

>> No.6329813


100 bullets is amazing.

>dat art style
>dat dark atmosphere
>dat Megan Dietrich booty

>> No.6329912

i bet /lit/ would like fables, shits pretty entertaining and creative and its ongoing with like 150 issues or so out mow

>> No.6329926
File: 41 KB, 474x600, guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read Cerebus? Thoughts?

I'm doing a read through for the first time and am currently on "Guys." Between the interesting narrative and as documentation of Dave Sim's mental illness, its been a wild ride. Together, "High Society" and "Church and State", I found, to be pretty great. Now I'm mostly riding on inertia.

>> No.6330188
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Paul Chadwick's Concrete is a must read, as is Gary Spencer Millidge's Strangehaven.
I just hope the later will be finished some day.

>> No.6330234
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Has anybody here ever read Mort Cinder?
It's fucking GOAT

>> No.6330465
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Black Hole is fucking amazing. Great art great story.

I like Johnny Ryan lol

>> No.6330472
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>> No.6330475
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>> No.6330484
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>> No.6330489


>> No.6330493

pick one

>> No.6330503

>It's too bad there aren't really any Soviet comics
As a Russian, let me explain. Mixing prose with visual art just turns the prose and the art into shit, these things aren't meant to be mixed.

(The Soviets had animation instead of comics, a much better medium for what you're trying to achieve.)

>> No.6330505

>using /pol/ memes on /lit/ should get you a ten day ban
Yes, thoughtcrime should be punished. (Even if it is ironic thoughtcrime.)

>> No.6330508


>> No.6330523

Everyone you mentioned gets mentioned all the time in comics crowds as well. You're not saying anything you're just name dropping an older and younger generation of comic book artists.

>> No.6330525

lol, this thread proves lit is mostly posturing and name dropping

>> No.6330535
File: 283 KB, 990x1543, BEE DEE BEE DEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can funny shit count?

>> No.6330539
File: 282 KB, 670x886, johnny ryan_vice1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johnny Ryan does comics for Vice magazine. Also his "magnum opus" is prison pit, which I guess counts as a graphic novel.

>> No.6330554
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How about a webcomic masterpiece?

>> No.6330566
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>> No.6330570

Mignola is, and always will be, my favorite

>> No.6330576

hey sam,

the thing that pisses me off is that I both love biking and WANT nice hips but it turns out biking may actually reduce hip size

>> No.6331212
File: 920 KB, 1500x2340, Sandman-Overture-CV1_SOLICIT_sxvqsdoynu_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate.

100 Bullets stated out so good. It was wonderous. But I felt it slipping halfway through.

I second Concrete. Great art, great story. Chadwick did really well with that series.
Strangeheaven? What is it about?

This. Is. Shit.
Still I would read more.

In threads like these Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, Morrison's Animal Man and Gaiman's Sandman are often mentioned. I have to say they indeed are really damn good.

>> No.6331263
File: 116 KB, 728x1092, pingpong_v02c19p144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely brilliant guy.

There's also another great Matsumoto - Jiro.

>> No.6331273
File: 92 KB, 728x1072, pingpong_v02c22p192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one from Ping Pong.

>> No.6331298

black hole is alright. the ending is what does it for me. but really, i dont see much in comics, except for maybe stray bullets. that shit is fucking tight.

>> No.6331310

Agreed. And League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is surely the most patrician comic, surely. There's a reading companion online, obligatory.

>> No.6331385

Stop acting like shitposting is some heroic act of free speech. You are not entitled to a platform. Interracial and gay porn are banworthy on /pol/, yet the global rule to "keep /pol/ in /pol/" is NEVER enforced. This has already been done for bronies, which for the most part has pushed them to their containment board. Radical nationalists complaining about oppression is just manchild babbling.

>> No.6331441

>Stray bullets

god i love that comic, it's overlooked as fuck

>> No.6331443

>it's overlooked as fuck
yes, and the only reason i heard about it was because my friend who is huge on comics thought it was down to earth and thought i would like it

>> No.6331457
File: 17 KB, 257x346, the pushman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should check out The Pushman, it has the same vibe