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/lit/ - Literature

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6325090 No.6325090 [Reply] [Original]

Is Ellen Kennedy browsing /lit/ right now?


I like your poetry and I like you

>> No.6325277
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This is now an alt-lit thread

Let's have an alt-lit discussion! Where the character is more important than the literature

>> No.6325285
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fap to the newest alt-lit phenom

>> No.6325297

Not sure if Ellen is here, but I, Thomas Pynchon, shitpost daily on /lit/

>> No.6325302

hi ruggles

>> No.6325314
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Mira Gonzalez

>> No.6325317
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>> No.6325319
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>tfw you will never lick her toes and cum on her feet

>> No.6325322

I'd fuck all of them except the one in the middle.
He was the rapist, right? Too bad the only one willing to fuck anything doesn't arouse me at all.

>> No.6325328
File: 74 KB, 186x193, Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 5.34.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out this sick new find...

Tao Lin & Ellen Kennedy Circa 2006

>> No.6325332 [DELETED] 

tao lin is the (statutory) rapist of Ellen Kennedy

>> No.6325350
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Marie Calloway.....

>> No.6325359
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>> No.6325366
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Whoever the fuck that is beside Tao Lin, a member of his harem

>> No.6325371
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>> No.6325378
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Bebe Zeva

>> No.6325385


>> No.6325387

What do u mean....

>> No.6325391

Every Asian will ask themselves how tao lin managed to acquaint with cute white girls, and perhaps even fuck them

>> No.6325392

nah man that was that Tully dude

>> No.6325396

love your work faggot

>> No.6325399

she's old news
her twitter/twitter book is less funny/interesting then your average 22 year old's

>> No.6325401
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Now I wanna lick her feet

>> No.6325403
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More Marie Calloway

>> No.6325411

>you missed being a 20-something DJ with low demand and high access to people who'd find you interesting
>if you do it now other 20-something DJs will consider you a poser

There was a small shitstorm over female writers being pressured into sex by the guy doing a big indie journal. Not even openly sex in exchange of print; nagging them, demanding and guilt tripping them. I think it's the guy in the middle, he looks older and more needy, but I might be wrong. A bit after that came the Tao Lin sex scandal (in which Tao behave incredibly correctly without being an asshole in any level even when it was clearly a moment of rage from a previous partner exploited by jezebel y other pseudo feminist fronts) and we all forgot.

>> No.6325419
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an endearing alt-lit moment in time

Ellen Kennedy at right

>> No.6325421


You could have aspergers blowing out your ears as long as you have status.

>> No.6325422

i think only linking a weird middle aged lady write a think piece that said she too was a child abuser but that no one did Any Wrong in either of those situations was a uh not great defense

and the person toa dated when she was a teen reached out to anyone on twitter, it took off on tumblr, and buzzfeed and jezebel picked it up after...you're getting you order of events wrong (they did say they didn't want to talk about it after though, very likely after hearing from tao's rich dad lawyers)

>> No.6325424

none of Tao Lin's white cute girlfriends have been attracted to him. They were waiting for the moment they could fuck a more sexually satisfying male

Tao Lin should date a nice asian girl

>> No.6325427

all of the main alt lit people are weird(er) looking and old now
has anything even happened (good or bad) since this fall's shitshow

>> No.6325430
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>> No.6325431

no one had ever told me that tao lin was so fuckable

>> No.6325432

so so creepy

>> No.6325437

Me or Tao?

>> No.6325443

him but maybe also you

>> No.6325450

Tao is an semi-attractive asian male by asian standards, if he is with a cute white girl how else can we view him

>> No.6325451
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>mfw every post itt is Tao

>> No.6325456


An endearing alt-lit moment:

A and B and C are looking at their macbooks

A: I saw a little person with his legs spread in his seat on the L train yesterday. i don't know whether or not to be offended

B: I feel like little people are entitled to dwarfspreading tbh

A: Hehe

C sips Kombucha

>> No.6325458

lol is that real and not a joke

>> No.6325461

I don't get your first sentence.
The Tao Lin issue was minimal and everyone retracted (except the article writers, of course). But as far as I've read the other thing was pretty direct and basic, the guy couldn't even defend himself.

>> No.6325463


It's called status.

>> No.6325471
File: 176 KB, 394x250, tao-lin-at-typo-books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New courting method 2015 be depressed creepy ass artist

>> No.6325472

tao repeatedly said he does heroin. idk if the photo is real or staged.

>> No.6325482



>> No.6325483

Sorry about this thread guys

I had been able to stay off /lit/ for almost a year but just had a withdrawal and had an epic alt lit orgasm for you all to enjoy, I will try to leave now forever, bye

>> No.6325486

the only thing tao posted on facebook/twitter after (besides saying to take the articles down? I forget his exact words) was a link to an article written by this sad nobody that was really disturbing

i knew he was a pill freak, but i figured he was rich enough to keep it to oxies
pretty sad (more for his young entourage then him, him who much cares)

>> No.6325490

no i meant he does H occasionally. he's not using it regular i don't think

>> No.6325504

Tao made a very long facebook post and then deleted it. The post was basically about how he didn't remember that time like that but if it had hurted her he was sorry, really the best middle ground you could get in those situations. He erased it and rewrote it two or three times before taking it out. You can find it if you search, I didn't save it because I don't really give any fucks about this.

This is the other thing, it's the most desperate sex scene in history

>> No.6325536
File: 335 KB, 1280x1853, tumblr_nfb9z9l4Oj1rn2peqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr teens post these height of banal and meaningless quotes from tao and tag their really bad poetry/ drug stories with his name and make pictures like these

>> No.6325543

The only thing worse than alt lit is Gawker reporting on alt lit.

>> No.6325549

>article states false rape accusations can potentially destroy someone's life and you should be careful to imply rape has happened when that's not the case
>really disturbing

even the "victim" herself has later partially retracted her statements on twitter iirc. she / he has a history of mental illness and has had a sex change somewhat recently. juding by intuition i'd say s/he's a basket case

>> No.6325558

>it could had been you

>> No.6325568
File: 400 KB, 640x480, STOP!! Hibari kun! 09 (DVD 640x480 DivX5.11) 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all basket cases now and then, the problem is a big magazine choosing to spread your voice only when you're being one.

>> No.6325574

disturbing was about the author's own actions and how she brushed them off and minimized them, but I don't really want to get into an abuse debate or reread her dumb article

but with what you said, being a "basketcase" doesn't mean that tao wasn't, at best and as he admitted, emotionally abusive to er when they were a teen

>> No.6325659

>doesn't mean that tao wasn't
ofc not, but calling someone a "rapist" can pretty much one-hit his career and social life. p much everyone has at some point been an asshole in a relationship. we get hurt, we hurt people back. it's not good and it can get ugly but there's a BIG difference between being a complete and utter prick by verbally mocking someone and actually forcing yourself on a person physically; it's pretty much the largest intrusion into someone's personal space possible, physically and psychologically heavily traumatising and allover grossly violent and disgusting. i know someone who's been through this. verbal abuse doesn't even come fucking close.

put aside how you feel about lin or alt lit and just consider how fucked it is to accuse someone of RAPE, arguably the most repulsive thing a person could do short of murder, and to do so over a social media site designed to make things go viral.

>> No.6325811

Too bad Ellen Kennedy had a sex change... She was really cute. I feel like I could have been with her and shown her it's ok to be straight and cis.

>> No.6325920

I just read the little story "Probably going to die alone."

She captured the stupidness and floating triviality of modern bourgeouis young adult life really nicely.

But I also think that this kind of lifestyle is exactly why I read and exactly what I want to get away from and that's why I'm on 4chan and now I'm typing like her except without punctuation. Before I was typing in nice lengthy clauses, with careful thought and polysyllabics pointing carefully at some extremely important conclusion regarding modernity and secularity, because I was reading Reinhold Niebuhr.

And then I read Ellen Kennedy. And her little story reminded me of being in college and being depressed. Then sometimes I would come home, and also be depressed.

I don't want to die and I'm not depressed anymore, but I would like to get out of this mess, someday.

>> No.6326083

She has those far apart droopy eyes that ever so slightly suggest passivity, submissiveness, and slight stupidity. Combined with a dirty, carefree style, she is very sexy.

>> No.6326121
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>> No.6326131


people who only look semi-decent and non freakish on macbook cameras: the literary movement

>> No.6326137


>> No.6326165

Whatever happened to the Tao Lin rape charges? What is E.R. Kennedy up to?

>> No.6326196

christ these alt lit guys are lame as shit

>> No.6326210

Is that a joke picture or are they tying to look autistic?

>> No.6326219

>tfw you want to marry this off-beat minimalist style with the illustrious, southern style of McCarthy and the elegance of Dumas

can't be done :'(

>> No.6326463

>all of the main alt lit people are weird(er) looking and old now
>has anything even happened (good or bad) since this fall's shitshow
It's never been good. Alt lit is a community of hundreds of writers, the most "famous" are the most self-important, self-promoting narcissists. About 3 of them can actually write very well and Tao Lin is not included, and about 5 actually are hilarious at twitter, mira gonzales definitely not included

>> No.6326465

ha ha , nope

>> No.6326492

You should see their writing

>> No.6326502

>just consider how fucked it is to accuse someone of RAPE
blame our retarded legal system for having the term 'statuatory rape', which is by definition, not rape

>> No.6326506

Did they become a cute boy??

>> No.6326507

Alt lit is also unironically grotesquely associated with retard-wave feminism
>hurrrrrrr muh patriarchy is why I'm a loser, not because I'm an ugly uninteresting talentless cunt
There's a whole niche of twitter dedicated to denigrating men, they're literally the retarded cousins of the MRA movement

>> No.6326520

Yeah, I'd do stuff to her.

>> No.6326540
File: 29 KB, 500x335, cvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never date a 6/10 alt lit nu-hipster chick who only ever got noticed for her work because she's a girl and decently cute, and her noticing wasn't even that big a deal and she's way too sure of herself for someone who has been published to middling acclaim in some pissant short fiction journal that could be sokal'ed a thousand times over and would have no metric of peer review if it weren't for the reviewers' ability to gauge the hipster chic cred of the submission authors by looking them up on social media, tolerating her shallow and increasingly overbearing deadpan "aubrey plaza: grunge edition" knockoff persona while she and her equally unbearable friends think you are a subdued and stoic bukowski-lite but in reality you just want to limit your conversation with them as much as possible and you need alcohol to survive their parties, all because she does that one really weird kinky thing in sex you really like and you're unsure how to get an equally hot girl if you bail now

>> No.6326546

>you will never voluntarily go stay at some babyfaced talentless losers house who has rosacea while he rapes you in order for your work to get published and instead of seeking help you go home with him every night and let him rape you and then your goddawful poem gets published in his literary journal in which he literally just solicits submissions from his cute female acquaintances

>> No.6326551

>Tao Lin
I just read some of his online stuff. Nigga needs to lay off the commas.

>> No.6326557

6/10, huh? You and I have very different scales, sir. I give her a 4, maybe a 5. Not that that's particularly important to me, so long as she's hygienic.

>> No.6326785

OP girl is objectively a 3.

>> No.6326802

Yeah, maybe I was being generous calling her a 4 or 5. I just know that she's not a 6/10.

>> No.6327101
File: 26 KB, 431x300, solid_snake1-5-actors-who-could-play-solid-snake-in-a-metal-gear-solid-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6/10, huh?

>> No.6327116

nah that's Noah Cicero, great novelist imo, probably the best in the whole alt lit crowd

>> No.6327152

it could be worse, it could be like sweden

sort of, yeah. in part he already was a boy, not in a spiritual sense but in a facial one.

>> No.6327154


yeah guy's amazing

>> No.6327160

it's too early to get this sad

>> No.6327224
File: 493 KB, 457x464, Elvis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a new find faggot. You got that image from Tao Lin's flickr account or whatever. I can do it too.

>> No.6327232

mary is the only good mccarthy writer, sorry m8

>> No.6327235
File: 337 KB, 960x1280, The_Hills_Have_SJWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Ellen Kennedy in 2015 btw

Truly white women age like milk

>> No.6327246

let's have an alt-lit thread
>spend half of it ranking how hot you think pictures of a teen looks
>like 5 posts about lit at all

>> No.6327249


>not tom

>> No.6327397

Your imitation is quite good 7.5/10

>> No.6327454

>occasionally. he's not using it regular i don't think

who does h occasionally? everyone who does it does it regularly. it's sad. I wish anyone caught up in that fight to find help immediately.

>> No.6327732

More like rape-lit :^)

>> No.6327745

Thanks I collect them
More rare ones?

>> No.6328160

i could write alt lit, whats the profit margin? Can i live off of shit tweets?

>"yesterday i was a tree and i grew."

>> No.6328164

wait isn't kennedy a transsexual now? how'd that work out for her

>> No.6328328

where did you find that?

Is she taking hormones to change her gender?

>> No.6328356
File: 35 KB, 284x322, 1332961504046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alt Lit:
>guys look at this photoshopped picture of me and pizza
>guys here's this piece of sub-literature that's just bad erotic fiction about the people I've fucked, except I'm sad in it and I take xanax
>guys here's my story about a woman who gets sexually abused, spoiler the events all happened irl
>hey everyone check out my tumblr acc feminism privilege xDDD
>here's a poem about how I hate my self, but I'm actually a pretty huge narcissist since I think people actually want to read this shit
>hey guys I put line breaks into some platitutdes, if I couldn't call that poetry I'd just be working a shit job and taking a lot of drugs
>My work? it's got themes of self-destruction, death, alienation, sadness, you know
>read my book that got published by my friends publishing company! Hurrrrr I'm a published author now!


>> No.6328378

does anyone know xtx or frank hinton? two great writers. Metazen was literally my favorite website on the internet for years. and it was Canadian, making it even more awesome. sad af it's gone and the archive is shitty

>> No.6328388

jezebel said so in the article where they slam lin for being a rapist

>> No.6328391

who is this 8 yo prodigy

>> No.6328597

>reading it

>> No.6328736

they were going by e.r. not ellen and requesting male pronouns when this blew up, I think he deleted his twitter after it got piced up (likely after lawyers were called-speculation here) I haven't read or seen anything from e.r. since and I don't think you have any business knowing what medical treatments people are taking or not taking who cares

>> No.6328740

very good, plz add this to the alternative literature wiki page