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/lit/ - Literature

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6325083 No.6325083 [Reply] [Original]


>The Road
>At the Mountains of Madness or Animal Farm
>Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart after AtMoM and Animal Farm

>> No.6325089

Pylon - Faulkner
White Jacket - Melville
Underworld - Delillo

>> No.6325092

>bleak house
>the master and margarita
>the gambler

>> No.6325101
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>The Road
>Don Quixote (it's going to last a while, 900+ pages D:)
>Fatu Hiva

>> No.6325109


>> No.6325113

>Breakfast of Champions
>The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
>a collection of texts by Democritus and Epicurus

>> No.6325118
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The Petty Demon (loved it)
The Name of the Rose
? I don't know

>> No.6325173

Through the Brazilian Wilderness- T. Roosevelt
The Bridge of San Luis Rey- Thornton Wilder
Under the Volcano- Malcolm Lowry

>> No.6325180

>King Leopold's Ghost
>Shake Hands With the Devil
>Africa: A Biography of the Continent

>> No.6325196

Pride and Prejudice
Mansfield Park

>> No.6325253
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>Death In Midsummer and Other Stories
>Rob Carlson Writes A Story and H.P. Lovecraft Letters to Robert Bloch
>The Mystery of Fu-Manchu and Weird Tales: 32 Unearthed Terrors

>> No.6325412

Dune, Frank Herbert
The Shadow of The Torturer, Gene Wolfe
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6325445
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A Personal Matter


Fuck if I know, maybe The Heike Story, maybe I'll reread The Sea of Fertility tetralogy again because I'm a fucking loser

>> No.6325453

Gravity's Rainbow

Confederacy of Dunces

Cien Años de Soledad, probably.

>> No.6325469

Name of the Rose might be my favorite book. I never get tired of it.

>> No.6325470
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De profundis - Oscar Wilde

Nausea - Sartre

Notes from Underground

>> No.6325492

> franny and zooey
>the new york trilogy
>as I lay dying

>> No.6325507

Gerard Reve - De Ondergang van Familie Boslowits/Werther Nieland
Robert M Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Ingmar Bergman - The Magic Lantern
Homer - Illiad
and/or Charles Chaplin - My Autobiography

>> No.6325520

Enjoy the rest of your 8th grade year.

>> No.6325562

I'm only about 30 pages in but I'm loving it so far.

>> No.6325566
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Awake in the Night
The Day of Battle
Bonfire of the Vanities

>> No.6325571

the colour of magic

light fantastic


>> No.6325578

Last: The sins of the fathers
Currently: The last man
Next: No fucking idea i cant decide.

>> No.6325624


>Discipline and Punish
>Naked Lunch


>The Concept of the Political
>finishing up Leibniz's Philosophical Writings
>The Theater and its Double


>Political Theology
>Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

>> No.6325731

Nothing wrong with short/easy books every once in a while

>> No.6325751

> The Hobbit
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.6325760

The Art of Fielding (waste of time)

Lit mags (waste of money)

DFW nonfiction

>> No.6325862

Little Prince
Fahrenheit 415

>> No.6325865

>Infinite Jest
>Infinite Jest
>Infinite Jest

>> No.6326305

Wuthering Heights
Heart of Darkness
The Pendragon Legend-Antal Szerb

>> No.6326628

>How the Page Matters


>Sophocles' Theban Plays

>> No.6326643

>Wuthering Heights
Would you recommend it?

>> No.6326651

Teilhard De Chardin - Man's Place in Nature
Sigmund Freud - About Humour
Erich Von Däniken - Odyssey of the Gods - The Alien History of Ancient Greece

>> No.6327020

Norwegian Wood - Murakami
Literally just finished it about ten minutes ago. Eh/10
>Current (technically Next)
CoL49 - Pinecone
Notes from Underground - Fyodor

>> No.6327213

> last
The old man and the sea - hemmingway
> current
Disgrace - Coetzee
> next - confederacy of dunces or the stranger

>> No.6327225


It wasn't bad, not good or great as everyone claims but I found it alright, I liked all the symbolism of the Gothic imagery and weather.

Heathcliff did nothing wrong but you'll end up hating every Earnshaw.

>> No.6327234
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flowers of algernon

open to suggestions

>> No.6327236

>DFW non fiction
Waste of life

>> No.6327252

Mythology - Edith Hamilton
(Though I read Paper Towns - John Green in a few hours cause my gf wanted me to)
Beyond Good and Evil - Nietzsche
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6327438

The Book of Sand by J.L. Borges (amazing, one of the best books I have ever read)

The Unbearable Lightness of Being, by Milan Kundera. Haven't quite started yet. Any thoughts?

I was thinking of maybe reading some Ishiguro, but I don't know, really.

I am to read Angles of the Universe by Einar Már Guðmundsson for studies, so that too.

>> No.6327453

You can skip some of part 1, if you want. Part 2 is where it really gets amazing. You are seeing the author mature while reading.

I hate Jane Austen with great prejudice. Bait?

I read Cien Años recently for the first time, it's one of the best novels I have ever read. Get hype.

>> No.6327918

The Violent Bear It Away by Flannery O'Connor
Infinite Meme by Bandanna Guy
Pastorilia by George Saunders

>> No.6327927

Yeah, but so's his fiction.

>> No.6327932


The Confessions (Augustine)

The Sound & The Fury

>> No.6327975


Under the Skin - Faber (really liked the movie, wanted to check the source material. Was 5/10 at best, felt like PETA wrote the middle part)

Cure in the Code - Huber (so dry, lots of idealistic reasoning regarding off-label drug prescriptions; some interesting nuggets of info)

Haven't decided. Either Momo to stretch my German limits, or Memories of the Future by Krzhizhanovsky.

>> No.6327976

>The Rings of Saturn
>The Sound of the Mountain
>Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter

>> No.6327986

>war and peace
>either portrait of the artist, gravity's memebow, or brothers Karamazov

>> No.6327997

>Gödel's Proof
>Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized
>Modal Logic as Metaphysics
Maybe some Husserl, Kripke, Hintikka and Feyerabend afterwards.

>> No.6328009

How's Solaris?

>> No.6328014

We could be friends

>> No.6328016

Lolita - Nabokov
1Q84 - Murakami
The Plague - Camus, or maybe something by Foucault

>> No.6328042

>The Ego and His Own

>> No.6328138
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Does /lit/ have an opinion on Ed Abbey? I read Desert Solitaire a few months ago and loved it, especially his descriptions of the land and his general life views. I'm also thinking of reading Fool's Progress next.

I am from the UK so I am interested in hearing views from actual 'Muricans who have read him, since most of the issues he brings up, although universal, are related particular to the USA.

>> No.6328146

shit, ignore this, didn't realise I was still in the thread :D ;-;

>> No.6328148

Brave New World
A Scanner Darkly
Probably A Handmaid's Tale, but it's between that The Dispossessed and Speaker for the Dead

>> No.6328223


Not that anon, but I loved it. One of my favorite SF books actually; really cool um...idk, world building ideas, with some psychological stuff thrown in. I'd rec it

>> No.6328236
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>The Blind Owl
>Fear and Loathing/All Quiet on the Western Front
>Adventures in the Screen Trade

>> No.6328252


How'd you like Blind Owl? I saw it mentioned in another thread a few weeks ago and it sounded interesting

>> No.6328266

I really enjoyed it. It's a fairly short read, and I'm not too sure whether it being translated into English takes away from it, but if you read into the cultural/lingual footnotes that some editions have then you really get the full experience.

Even better; read it twice.

>> No.6328971
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>> No.6328989

>Martin Fierro, José Hernandez
>Canto General, Neruda
>The Count of Monte Cristo, Dumas

>> No.6329047
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Den Allvarsamma Leken - Hjalmar Söderberg

Situations - Jean-Paul Sartre
A History of Western Philosophy - Bertrand Russel
The Old Testament

Min Kamp 2 - Karl-Ove Knausgård

>> No.6329179

>Anna Karenina
>The Corrections

>> No.6329798

I'll post a Jane Austen trigger warning next time.

I'm a big Patrick O'Brian fan and he's always being compared to her, so I thought I'd give her a try.

So far I was mixed on Sense and Sensibility, loved Pride and Prejudice and hated Mansfield Park. Today I read various MP apologia which basically insisted she was only pretending to be retarded and lol i troll u. Not buying it. But the way she writes in counterpoint to her true meaning so easily elsewhere forces me to admit I could be wrong.

So far Emma is PnP tier so I'm hoping the last one was just an outlier, either in her execution or in my understanding.

>> No.6329816

Last: A Farewell to Arms - Hemingway
Current: The Iliad - Homer (Fagles translation)
Next: Undecided, recommendations welcome

>> No.6329823

"Paradise Lost"
"Schild's Ladder"
Probably "Stories of the Modern South"

>> No.6329859

The Man Who was Thursday
Probably invisible cities

>> No.6329862

The Waves
David Copperfield
Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable

>> No.6329898

>Memoirs of a Geisha
>Fire Sea

>> No.6329951

>Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart

HoD is goat but Achebe is such a fucking faggot

>> No.6330127

Phyl-Undhu: Abstract Horror, Exterminator
Lá-Bas: Down There
Lands of Memory

>> No.6330171

>Let the Great World Spin
>A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
>Broom of the System