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6321201 No.6321201 [Reply] [Original]

How did you come to accept death? What were some of the books that helped you?

>> No.6321667

>accepting death
>not living forever through sheer force of will
Fucking beta.

If you accept Death, it means you lose.

A real man never loses.

>> No.6321688

that's actually a great idea anon

>> No.6321705

I was dead for 14 billion years and didn't much mind.

Plus, I was dead for 14 billion years, and now I'm alive. I'm open to the idea that maybe that will happen again.

I'm also holding out hope for the singularity in my lifetime so that I can just upload my brain to the internet and live forever.

In any case, that top one is how I deal with it. If there's nothing, I dealt with it for 14 billion years already and did fine.

>> No.6321707

>implying accepting death is losing and not actually the finish line at the end of a marathon, aka the good life.

>> No.6321719

>Seeing life as something to finish and not something to continue on forever.
Life is fucking amazing and its for that reason that I will never lose to Death.

If that faggot wants my life, he better get ready to take it from me because I ain't giving it up.

>> No.6321725


>> No.6321734

>loving life
You know, anon, you don't have to use buzzwords to look cool.

I already think you're plenty cool.

>> No.6321745

I hope /lit/ of all places will allow me to quote shitty genre fiction, but this quote honestly made me a bit less afraid of dying:

The universe is just there; that's the only way a Fedaykin can view it and remain the master of his senses. The universe neither threatens nor promises. It holds things beyond our sway: the fall of a meteor, the eruption of a spiceblow, growing old and dying. These are the realities of this universe and they must be faced regardless of how you feel about them. You cannot fend off such realities with words. They will come at you in their own wordless way and then, then you will understand what is meant by "life and death." Understanding this, you will be filled with joy.
-Muad'Dib to his Fedaykin [death commandos]

>> No.6321761

i know this is kind of funny but there's some truth in it
who are some philosophers/what are some books that are against accepting death

>> No.6321765
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How pic related has not been mentioned is beyond me. Also 1 Corinthians 15:55.

>> No.6322526

What the fuck are you talking about you fucking cunt? The Earth was only made 6,000 years ago you stupid whore.

>> No.6322538

someone I loved died when I was very young. I was scared of dying for a while and then it went away.

>> No.6322544
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read pic related and why zebras don't get ulcers

>> No.6322553

Mein Kampf

>> No.6322556

I realized it's just a pointless vale of tears to struggle through before better things. I'm learning to stop being jealous about all the things destructive people experience in life. I'm attempting to live more virtuously.

>> No.6322559


>> No.6322592

Still haven't gotten laid, have you?

>> No.6322607
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>> No.6322608

When I realized that when the time comes that I know it's approaching I can do what the Germanwings pilot did, and take a few fucking crablice with me. You'll know the discipline - the fire of cock

>> No.6322701

Why do you refuse to reply? I'm sick of this, five threads in a row dying after I post. Don't fucking stalk me you Jew. I have you in my eye, I know what your fucking game is.

You think to persecute me. Maybe you will win but I will show character until the last, I assure you. I'll cut your kids fucking eyelids off you kike vomit.

>> No.6322709

You're tripping or what?

>> No.6322745

On the Shortness of Life by Seneca

>> No.6322746


Five threads ended after I post.

I wish I was tripping. I miss drugs so much. I need an altered state to function.

>> No.6322750

Death is a huge relief, man. Embrace it is as such. No matter how badly you fuck everything up, eventually it won't matter and no one will even remember it.

>> No.6322753

You disgusting schizo.

>> No.6322759

my faux buddhism helps. believing death is the goal helps

>> No.6322880


Judge not.

I am not a schizo.

>> No.6323065


Twilight of the idols, obviously

>> No.6323104

I think this is compelling:

>> No.6323109

God-tier book.

>> No.6323116

>believing death is the goal
>my faux buddhism

Here is a fool

>> No.6323143

The stranger by camus.

>> No.6323211

I haven't and I don't think I will.. There are still so many things I want to see and do. I'm probably projecting but I don't buy it when other people say they have. I'd feel sorry for them if they did.

>> No.6323621

>be 4
>relative dies
>wonder how much it hurts
>realize it doesn't matter because you'll be dead and not feel pain
>spend rest of life either indifferent to or desiring death

>> No.6323645

>needing a book for this

kill yourself. (also it helps accepting death)

>> No.6323662

Has anyone else ever considered suicide out of lazyness? It'll ususally be on a sunday morning, still in bed, just woke up. I think about all I have to do today and this week and how to get a good situation and money and make people proud and get a family and it makes me feel so small. Death seems as simple as not waking up on a sunday morning.
captcha: rienn

>> No.6323671

You sure? >>6322701

>> No.6323679

I think'mjust going to kill myself ctonight /lit/? It's been fun shitpoting with you

>> No.6323702

well, let's prepare a speech which has deeply shocking truths about the human nature, the society, meaninglessness of life and so on...

do it online, something something etc.

is that ok?

>> No.6323722

My life fucking sucks and is constantly full of impending doom, and as soon as I get rid of the cumrags and empty cough syrup bottles in my closet I'm killing myself.

>> No.6323748

laziness is actually a really common behavior when one is depressed, so yeah I'm sure lots of people think of that.

>> No.6323772

You don't need to accept death to live, you need to accept the nothingness of life to live. What I mean by the nothingness is the daily routine you've gotten yourself into without being able to do something exciting.

Read Learning to live finally - Derrida
The Sense of an Ending - Julian Barnes

>> No.6323776

I don't really understand what you mean by "accept death". This has never been an issue.

>> No.6323884

There's still time to improve. Death is the end, Life is the cure.

>> No.6323931

I think dying is a good way to accept death

>> No.6323940

Even after a Marathon it's encouraged to keep going a little further at a slower pace to reduce the risk of heart problems and muscle pain.

>> No.6323971

When all my loved ones died I was forced to accept death as the constant friend of life. You cannot escape him and he always waits for us. Embrace him so that when your time comes you don't go alone, but in the comforting presence of an old friend.

>> No.6324014

That is just denial, which is possibly worse than acceptance in dealing with death as you most likely lack the awareness of how little time you have and will end up wasting time, living a sub-optimal life and possibly dying earlier than you would otherwise.

>> No.6324021

I not only accept death, I actively seek it. My goal is the final death. The release from samsara and maya.

>> No.6324055

>accepting death

>> No.6324065

>Not accepting death

>> No.6324077

I was having what later turned out to just be stomach ulcers but such severe abdominal pain I felt there was a genuine chance it might be something life-threatening recently. I remember looking at my bookshelves and thinking "I don't want to die yet, I've got so much reading to do".

>> No.6324084

you can't accept death, categorically. the best you can do is accept that you're going to die

>> No.6324126

It's hard to ask young people, because we are so far away from dying that it does seem terrifying. My grandma is almost 80 but is completely content with the idea she could go any minute. Granted, she is very Catholic and believes in the afterlife. I'm scared of death now, I'll admit it. But I think it will become less scary as I get older and realize life would be boring were I to live 1,000 years. White Noise was a pretty interesting read about the fear of death.

>> No.6324142

>Splitting those two things
You are being needlessly divisive

>> No.6324250

Nobody? ok, i'll say it ... Death is a spook.

>> No.6324419
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>> No.6324448
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I've decided that I'm killing myself at 60, when my mind starts to go and my body has officially degraded past the point of usefulness.

I'll take a winter vacation to someplace mountainous and snowy. Ideally the Andes or the Alps, someplace with a lot of nooks and crannies where they won't find me. I'll bring a bottle of hard liquor, as well as enough supplies to hike/drive a considerable distance into the least hospitable areas. Lots of snow and a biting cold is required.

This is my last pilgrimage.

I'll drink the fifth and strip to nothing. I will wander the glaciers and the snow beds. Hypothermia will take me, the warmth of my dying body and the illusion of the alcohol will give me comfort as I say goodby to a world that never loved me.

My will shall dictate that all of my possessions are to be burned, or given to my brother at his discretion. Nothing is to be given to or used by anyone else.

I'll have an unpublished memoir in my desk, to be read by my brother. It contains many secrets and horrible, inhuman things I've done. For people to read it would be to sign away any chance of being remembered favorably by anyone. He'll read that it may be better to not read the memoir at all, and maybe it'll go into the fire. At his discretion.

>> No.6324450

The Death of Techandrio

>> No.6324532

you won't do it though. you're a pussy.

>> No.6324543

To atone for the sins of man.

>> No.6324549

You're going to die before then.

>> No.6324557
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I hope so. It'd be a lot easier than planning a fucking Alpine vacation.

>> No.6324569

No one man can bear the full burden of sin

>> No.6324574


He can if he doesn't recognize any sin.

>> No.6324593


To not recognize sin is to deny God.

>> No.6324604


I deny God as it has no utility for me.

>> No.6324611

I deny God.

>> No.6324625

Read that book then convert to catholicism.

>> No.6324678

>be in pain for small time then dead
Wow so difficult.
>but the implications of death anon!
Yeah while I'm dying it might be scary thinking about that for a few minutes before I lose consciousness. If it happens to be slow and painful I can just off myself, would be Whittier but it's not going to last long enough to be worrying

>> No.6324685

Meant shittier

>> No.6324699


Then go in peace brothers, and live in sin.

>> No.6324731
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By living to serve the advancement of the Revolution and the People.

>> No.6325217

Tomorrow isn't guraunteed anon. Find peace with death now or you may never have the chance