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/lit/ - Literature

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6320938 No.6320938 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6320949
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And I'm fucking mad about it. What's yer book about oppee?

>> No.6320957

I presume you mean the translation. Everyone and their mum read Seamus Heaney's a few years back

>> No.6320962

Yeah, maybe should have made it clear

>> No.6320968
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>> No.6320970

What's so special about this translation?
>What's yer book about oppee?
An absurdist dystopia novel, the sequel to Motorman (published 30 years earlier)

>> No.6320979

Modernist translation that does a lot of interesting stuff with word-building, field poetry, paragraphs and generally reads really well. Kinda like if Shakespeare, McCarthy and Eliot decided to have a threeway while doing uppers.

Since you're already talking about it, mind telling me what exactly absurdism is? Always see the word pinned on random stuff, can't really get a feel for it.

>> No.6320986
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>> No.6320997
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>> No.6321003
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>> No.6321012

My bad, it's not absurdist, it just has some absurdist elements but mostly absurd ones - society periodically forgetting almost everything, bizarre laws created and cancelled on a whim every day, regulations holding people accountable for others' breaches...

"Absurdism" proper I'd define as anything that concerns itself with existential meaninglessness, usually through a lack of reliable frames of reference, often involving absurd or surreal elements. (in fiction)

>> No.6321038

Are you joking? You are joking.

>> No.6321041

Have you read it?

>> No.6321046

Fair enough mate, thanks for making it clear. If back cover blurbs were kind enough to do the same, I would be happy.

>> No.6321051

Even non native speakers read it in their teens, fucking thing's a english-as-a-second-language high school class staple. Sod off.

>> No.6321055

Have *you* read it?

>> No.6321059
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>> No.6321060

Yes I did. I even liked it. Have you? Don't answer, fuck off.

>> No.6321062

Not him but I'm curious as to what kind of joke this is supposed to be leading to, so...

I've read it.

>> No.6321067

Autism is not a joke
Shame on you

>> No.6321068
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>> No.6321072

Oh, you have? Then you wouldn't mind telling me what happens at the end of the book...

>> No.6321074

I don't get it

>> No.6321076

Still waiting for an answer...

>> No.6321077 [DELETED] 

i'm not sure many people have read the books they discuss on this board. i think they buy them to show off and read 30 pg's at best.

>> No.6321081

You know I've just read about this kind of thing in Lyotard's Differand. We lack a proper meta-narrative framwork in which to have a dialogue.

Dorian kills painting, painting kills Dorian

>> No.6321089

What the fuck? kek

>> No.6321091

hurry up you asshole

he already gave you a full minute of his time

>> No.6321114


Kek, fuck off liar

>> No.6321116

you are a sad little man

>> No.6321120
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And it was great, too.

>> No.6321122
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There was one other anon who read The Process and claimed to have spammed it for a bit, but I never saw any of that. I'm convinced we're the only two on here who have read it.

A shame because it's the best book I've ever read by a long shot.

>> No.6321123

>not knowing a troll when you see one

>> No.6321125

Exactly what I was talking about you inbred, can't defend my claim because you can just say nope, you didn't. Lel. French philosophers think you're a cunt.

>> No.6321127

>thinking trolls are not sad little men

>> No.6321131

>not the highest of all arts

"I've read french philosophers, look at me, am I cool yet?"

>> No.6321132
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No one can even be arsed translating all of it, so I doubt anyone here has bothered reading ir

>> No.6321142
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Great contemporary poet

>> No.6321145

Four fifths of /lit/ despises post structuralism, I highly doubt that my claim will endear them to me. I shall revert to my previous statements, sod off ya knob

Uh shiny. What's it about?

>> No.6321156
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>> No.6321159

>Kinda like if Shakespeare, McCarthy and Eliot decided to have a threeway while doing uppers.

That sounds like a party to me.

>> No.6321178

I could post a lot of technical books....

Anyway, Anyone else read Edward Bellamy's 'Looking Backward'?

>> No.6321195

Dude travels across the Ottoman empire for 40 years. It's quite ornate and full of earlier arabic topoi, but it's a great source for the period. It's a traveloge based more around his personal feelings and adventures (a few are complete BS) that you didn't get much of in the islamic world until him

>> No.6321210
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Couldn't even find a decent picture in google.

>> No.6321216

That sounds really cool actually, would love to read it. Alas, it is not to be. Would you mind writing the name of the author, anyway? A few of my friends are studying the language, I believe, and it may be of interest to them.

>> No.6321231

Evliya Çelebi

I doubt your friends would be particularly interested as it's in Turkish.

>> No.6321236
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anyone else read this? It was ok.

>> No.6321241

Not him but Evilya Celebi isn't part of the title, it's the name of the author

(don't look at me like that, I saw it referred to somewhere once and it stuck because there's a pokemon with that name)

>> No.6321248

They are actually studying Turkish, believe it or not, along with Arabic. Thanks!

That's actually quite funny,

>> No.6321269

sell me on reading Meyer over Heaney

>> No.6321273

It has more explosions

>> No.6321284

Referring you to my previous post. Can't really say that one is better than the other, I believe they have different aims and you'd be better off reading both, maybe even the same evening, and then find out which one you like more, if you really want to prolaim one a winner. Give it a chance though, you can find Meyer's online for free.

>> No.6321290
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>> No.6321294

>you can find Meyer's online for free
Specifically here:

>> No.6321327
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kinda surprised it's never mentioned here, what with Farina being totes BFFs with Pinecone and all.

I read it in my Electric Kool Aid Acid Test/Brautigan phase, i.e. long enough ago that I don't really remember it, but it was good. I actually listen to the LP he recorded with his wife fairly regularly, though.

thanks, bro

>> No.6321345

I actually began this and had to put it down for some reason, so I never had the opportunity to get back to it. After reading this, I think I will once I return home for the summer.

>> No.6321556

A bunch of books about drumming and jazz, my roommate's diary, Mediterranean Cooking by Paula Wolfert.

>> No.6322676
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>> No.6322692

Hitler Moves East. I have it and I didn't even opened it once. To be fair, it's truly an old edition.

>> No.6322736

infinite jest

>> No.6322911

damn, nice cover

>> No.6323481


Took me ages to notice the tiger and the man. I am a mongo.

It's a good book tbh. I recommend it.

>> No.6323504

finnegans wake :^)

>> No.6323517
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>> No.6323539


>> No.6323552
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>> No.6323659

It's been mentioned here on /lit/ before, exactly for the reason you mention. Lurk more, faggot.

>> No.6323914
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The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H.

>> No.6323934

Hey OP, I read Motorman and really liked it. Do you think the sequel is on the same level?

>> No.6323969
File: 17 KB, 300x300, goldfoyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fifteen shorty stories by controversial English astrophysicist Fred Hoyle. Most of the stories are pretty mediocre, but on the whole they're well-written (enough) and contain a consistently droll hum throughout the course of their telling. The man is dry. As for particulars, I quite liked 'Zoomen.'

>> No.6323973


Charles Manson or Marx?

>> No.6323980


This looks interesting. Would you recommend it? And if so, why?

>> No.6324309

"It's different" (sorry) - I really liked it. It's a bit more expansive and focused than Motorman, and not as formally experimental (both compared to Motorman at the time and in context now). Only somewhat follows from Motorman, you mostly just get Moldenke back as a protagonist. So, not quite more of the same, even if the style and idiosyncratic weirdness are still there.

>> No.6325038

yeah, by me, faggot

>> No.6325059
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>> No.6325158
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A lot of insight on this one.

I would recommend for anyone who wants to learn about the soviet union, failing states, and about statist politics.

>> No.6325182
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>"insider's life"

Lol, pass.

>> No.6325185
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A good explanation of why things that were discussed in the book happened.

>> No.6325190
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>> No.6325225

are those erotic programming books?

>> No.6325252
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>> No.6325257
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Honk Honk

>> No.6325341
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This book had a tiny following on /lit/ several years ago, around the time when the "Exit Level" charts were made, but it never made it onto one. It's one of those difficult philosophical novels that make my brain hurt but that /lit/ seems to love. It's basically about this guy who discovers a hole in the wall of his cheap hotel room and spies on a succession of guests in the next room, seeing the highs and lows of human life.

>> No.6325353

More like psychedelic, but yes.