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6320787 No.6320787 [Reply] [Original]

>Hitler was deeply interested in Turkish affairs after 1919. He not only admired but also sought to imitate Atatürk’s radical construction of a new nation from the ashes of defeat in World War I. Hitler and the Nazis watched closely as Atatürk defied the Western powers to seize government, and they modeled the Munich Putsch to a large degree on Atatürk’s rebellion in Ankara. Hitler later remarked that in the political aftermath of the Great War, Atatürk was his master, he and Mussolini his students.
>This was no fading fascination. As the Nazis struggled through the 1920s, Atatürk remained Hitler’s “star in the darkness,” his inspiration for remaking Germany along nationalist, secular, totalitarian, and ethnically exclusive lines. Nor did it escape Hitler’s notice how ruthlessly Turkish governments had dealt with Armenian and Greek minorities, whom influential Nazis directly compared with German Jews. The New Turkey, or at least those aspects of it that the Nazis chose to see, became a model for Hitler’s plans and dreams in the years leading up to the invasion of Poland.

Anyone read this? Is it worth it?

>> No.6320857
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Atatürk was probably a crypto-Jew. At any rate the Young Turks were firmly controlled by confirmed Donmeh Jews. Like other members of the Tribe worldwide, they wanted to build a secularist, positivst, progressive society in order to insulate their community from threats by being in a position to power to play other groups against each other, and like certain other Jews decided that the best way to go about that was to murder all the Christian gentiles under their control, Christ being the ultimate enemy of the Chosen. They murdered two million Armenians in all. Of course history now absurdly blames this genocide on Muslims, and Israel refuses to recognize that the Armenian genocide ever took place.

>mfw a Jewish-led genocide inspired the Holocaust

>> No.6320908

it was used as another diplomatic pressure tool.
the jewish anti-defamation league suddenly announced in 2007 that there had been an armenian genocide. then in 2010 it lobbied the american congress not to recognise it as genocide.
i havent read the book, but i think it belongs to this campaign. they probably wanted somebody from academia to construct some weird link between ataturk government and nazis (even though hitler hated freemasons and cryptojews + had close political ties to traditionalist muslim leaders), similar to how holocaust industry is used against germany.

>> No.6321033

>At any rate the Young Turks were firmly controlled by confirmed Donmeh Jews

lol this is one of the wackiest jewish conspiracy theories i've heard yet. but seriously, please leave /pol/, you clearly don't know jack shit about Ottoman history

>> No.6321069

>tfw you will never be jewish
>you will never be worshiped by polites and muslims for your perceived God-like power and intelligence
>you will never take advantage of that God-tier networking system

I've got a german last name often used by ashkenazi, maybe i should just pretend.

>> No.6321070
File: 36 KB, 311x369, Basil Zaharoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

history is bizarre and wacky, especially when secret societies are involved. deal with it.

>> No.6321092

go away /pol/

>this one thing happened one time
>therefore any theory i pull out of my ass with no evidence is true
>wake up sheeple

this is not an argument here

just go away

>> No.6321096
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>> No.6321107

Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan led millions of women and children to slaughter — with premeditation and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. It's a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me.

I have issued the command — and I'll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad — that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formations in readiness — for the present only in the East — with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space (Lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?

August 1939

>> No.6321139

The list of "important Young Turks" on the Young Turks Wikipedia page is literally half Jews and Ataturk's Wikipedia page covers the "rumors" of his Jewish identity. When even Wikipedia of all places points this shit out, it has to point to something.

>> No.6321162

So under this ideology mark, jewish aka the church of Satan people say that Atatürk and Nazis were actually close, and /pol/tards and stormfags that Atatürk was actually a jewish controlled puppet state wake america.


>> No.6321180


you can also go and read von sebottendorff's book about turkish freemasonry to get a "real" nazi talk about this shit. an actual thule society member who was close to hitler in the early years, you know. might be important in this context.

>> No.6321205

I see you subscribe to the NYRB as well.

>> No.6321595

>literally half Jews
check again. two jews out of 13, and that doesn't include the hundreds of other turkish (and armenian, arabs [christian and muslim] or kurdish) officers and ideologues who belonged to the Committee of Union and Progress. Plus, when the Young Turks took power they basically set up a military triumvirate whose leaders were not jewish.

>"rumors" of his Jewish identity
A lot of people are rumored to be Jewish, among them Hitler and Ahmadinejad and Yulia Tymoschenko in Ukraine. Doesn't make it true faggot.

>> No.6321616

>especially when secret societies are involved
Secret societies aren't bizarre and wacky at all. They were popular in societies with heavy censorship in the 19th century. There were the Free Masons and Octobrists in Russia. There were Triads (late 1700s-present), the White Lotus and the Green Gang (1920-30s) Shanghai, the Revive China Society (1895-1900s) in China. There are dozens of more examples I can think up, and none of them involve Jews