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/lit/ - Literature

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6320150 No.6320150 [Reply] [Original]

Name me ONE (1) good work that's come out of this board.
Protip: you can't.

>> No.6320154

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra


>> No.6320556

>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
Is it good?

>> No.6320557

its the epitome of "LOL"

>> No.6320559

0.01% is good
10% are juvenile attempt at shit humor
the rest is just boring

>> No.6320579

it is if you're high enough

>> No.6320581

too generous imo

>> No.6320598

would you expect anyone who actually started a career while posting here to actually let this place know and jeopardize a notoriously delicate career path in the era of death by association SJW group think?

Do you think anyone smart enough to write something good would actually let people here know they made it?

Do you really think someone would do that?

>> No.6320601


Isn't everything?

>> No.6320648

Tao Lin

>> No.6320684

>mention in passing in an interview that I visit lit
>"isn't that 4chan?"
>it's a small part of-...
>"isn't 4chan that website that assaults women activists and hosts kiddy porn?"
>yes, well, we cleaned up the kiddy porn a few years ago...
>"All of his books should be pulled, and his money given to domestic abuse charities!"
>"Mr. ANONSKY? Agent Opie, we KNOW you didn't really do anything, but we're still going to monitor you closely for the next 18 months."
>"I challenge you all NOT to read any of Anonsky's books for a year! I'm still relevant!"
>I would like to apologise for my comments, and any hurt they may have caused
>"He broke Rule 2! Raid!"
>"I'm sorry, Mr. ANONSKY... You're just not a saleable product for us anymore. We'll be taking your novels out of print this week."
>"Someone leaked Anonsky's address! 24 hour protest at his house!"

>well, at least the bro's at lit still accept me...
>"Anonsky's a pleb! Anonsky's a hack! Anonsky's popularity is proof that he's shit-tier!"

>> No.6320703


It's things like this that make me want to eradicate 90% of humanity. I'm probably lumped in there too for various reasons.

>> No.6320729


>> No.6320741

hi there tao lin

>> No.6320775

tao lin doesn't care because his writing is not good and doesn't stand on its own, he's popular because of his ocd, despertion for attention and literal stalking of journalists to get himself talked about. Tao Lin NEEDS places like 4chan to get noticed, a good writer does not, and probably wouldn't publicly associate with this place

>> No.6320789

tao lin is good as far as "young adult" writers go actually. i said this as a joke when talking to this one girl about john green but it's honestly a defensible statement.

>> No.6320799

Its true.

>Racism and Sexism hub, CP ring and sexual harassment and cyber terrorism cell "4chan" supposedly has among its sordid ranks Anon Anonyinovski author of the mediocre selling lit-fic novel "Infinity dead ambition"
>Anon, tell us; in your new novel the Main Character is a white man; is this because you hate black individuals and women, or put in the words of your "clan" "whores and niggers".
>'er, no sorry hes not actually white, hes actually span. . .'
>Have you stopped masturbating to CP?
>' i would never!'
>you never stop. Got it.
>there you have it folks known child killer Anon write a manifesto about burning niggers and kittens to death. He is also a 300lbs turbo virgin fedora wearer with a micro penis.
>'no please. i-i-i just wanted to tell the anons, i-its possible to make it. I just wanted to let them know not to give up'

This kills the career

>> No.6320813
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Eat shit for underestimating /lit/'s ability for truly beautiful prose and creativity

>> No.6320816

Dan Opie. From the CPA? I can't be the only one he called...

>> No.6320829

hmm. the sticky is not bad. pretty surprising that the bunch of fuckwits who populate this board could come up with it, really

the rest is shit tho

>google search pic
>find that girls in chainmail bikinis is a thing
>i may be gone some time

>> No.6320870
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this book offends people

>> No.6320886

It's not though, not even close

>> No.6320901

>>mention in passing in an interview that I visit lit
>>"what the fuck is lit?"
You overestimate the importance of 4chan to normal people.

>> No.6320905

The sticky has been directing to the wrong link for at least months. That's pretty bad.

>> No.6320931

someone always mentions this every other week. how is it not fixed? i swear it's been a year now

>> No.6321029

"young adult" writers write books that can be comfortably received by an immature mind. they flirt with "big ideas" about the nature of power, beauty, etc, but use these concepts to tint a straightforward and easily digestible narrative in order to tap into that desire to think a little, but not too much. tao lin is a screwed up guy whose psyche happens to be compatible with that of the average teen, so just narrating that have happened/would make sense happening to him is enough to create that. i have no clue if john green is the same kind of intellectual teenager or just really condescending.

>> No.6322092

I'm a relatively well known writer in my country and since this is not Ameributt, no one is as ignorant as that. I can discuss freely about any site I visit. I fact I recommended 4chan (/lit/ and /co/) to a few buddies of mine, well versed in the internet stuffs. You'd be surprised how unpopular 4chan is outside US. No one knows of it.

Feels good not being an americunt

>> No.6322101

Richard Yates

>> No.6322150

Few people in the US are aware of it, it would seem to me.

>> No.6322154


If you like esoteric meme humor.

>> No.6322425
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The unpublished genius that is Kolsti's Adventures in the Everglades.

>> No.6322437

pynchon post here

>> No.6322673



>> No.6322682


>implying your strawman bullshit wouldn't actually be incredibly good publicity

>> No.6322688


Some of those Emma Stone poems were pretty good.

>> No.6322740
File: 139 KB, 960x720, das book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my little copy of 4chan for when this site or its culture eventually dies; I've even read every page.

I bought the second one because it was cheap and I like the cover.

>> No.6322741

emma stone poems?

>> No.6322744

>/lit/ publishes a book
>doesn't even get a sticky

>> No.6322754
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>find that girls in chainmail bikinis is a thing
awwww yeah son

>> No.6322757
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>> No.6322773

I think its the one where she falls in love with a neckbeard as a parody of authors who self insert? Or was that natalie Portman?
Ive been here too long

>> No.6322776

Holy shit where do I get a copy I want to read it

>> No.6322777


There are a few different editions available

>> No.6322805

can someone post them?

>> No.6322876

I thought about what her nipples would look like and then I imagined them being really huge and gross and now I can almost see them pushing through the chainmail

>> No.6322896

Flashbird the vampire.

How new are you?

>> No.6323478
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Just a load of poems someone posted a few weeks ago. Some of them were OK. I saved one of the pics from the thread, but none of the poms

>> No.6323482
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>tfw you will never cum on her feet

>> No.6323783


>> No.6323798


>Post Ironic Shitposting: Prose edition.

>> No.6323807


"x gave him no y", the book.
Where x is a popular religious icon and y is something that will offend those that hold a belief in x.
And they dare say analytical philosophy is shit.

>> No.6323821
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>mfw lit don't like my book

>> No.6323848

I would absolutely rail the girl in OP's pic. I would be some typical patrician and she would be my slutty little concubine who I would fuck hard and endlessly, shaming her for her subservience and status, while she would moan in pleasure and gratitude for the fact that she could get stuffed with a throbbing hard cock that belonged to an intelligent patrician with a properly cultivated, sleek, athletic body, unlike her plebeian, skinny fat build.

>> No.6323900
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>I would absolutely rail the girl in OP's pic.
who wouldn't?

>> No.6323912

The collected poems /lit/ wrote about Nicki Minaj's ass.

>> No.6323930
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>> No.6323942


Question: Who gets the money for it?

>> No.6323945



>From the fertile mound there springs a spine,
>One caramelized, crooning concubine,
>And in her sea of salacious soil
>Lie the innervations of my toil.

>O! Gravity's rainbow embodied thus,
>Ever-bending beams and blessed truss
>That fissure of beloved Earths,
>Pleasant bounty hoary sirens dearth,

>The trembling of our intemperate hearts,
>Combined, spring those continents apart
>Bearing cavernous depths to be explored,
>The lower bosom of that buxom Moor.

>> No.6323948

>everytime [sic] he masturbated the semen came out with so much strenght [sic] that ended killing [sic] whoever had him inside

do you know what masturbation is

>> No.6323960

There are also the Nicki Minaj Ass poems.

>> No.6323964

whoops, didn't see someone mentioned these already

>> No.6324031
File: 148 KB, 300x300, 1412194876684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing a novel, though I don't think /lit/ would like it.
I've written about 300 pages (of an estimated 500) so far, and I'm very happy with the way it's developing. Authors that I've sent excerpts to seem to like it and have encouraged me to finish the novel; not that I wouldn't anyway. It's a story that's been stuck in m6y head since I was sixteen and decided to get it on paper during bus rides to college when I was 18. I've since typed it up and have a formal structure that I'm filling in, chapter by chapter.
It should be finished by the end of the year, assuming my freelance career goes well. I plan on giving out a few free copies to people on /lit/ once I have the book licensed and publishing rights are signed.
It's a "space opera" science fiction novel, beginning with the main protagonist being one of few survivors of his planet's sterilization by an unknown civilization. The opening section is a future parallel of our existence, where we have just begun to colonize other planets in our solar system while believing we are alone in the universe due to the apparent "silence" of the stars.
The main body of the novel follows the survivors and their interactions with various other civilizations, while stumbling across the origins of their existence and why they were wiped out. They find out that while they were a relatively insignificant civilization compared to those around them, they were unknowingly a key part of major galactic politics and war for reasons that are later revealed.
The protagonist and many of the survivors, as well as members of the civilizations they come across have to come to terms with their existence and find answers to moral questions regarding their future survival. There are numerous critical events that take place dependent on misunderstandings that are later revealed and the characters, as well as the reader have to come to terms with those impacts.
Towards the end, the protagonist finds the answers to many of the questions through the book and has to make several huge decisions which impact the entire galaxy and beyond. At this point, the protagonist comes face to face with the "real" antagonist, which sets up for the sequel.

Main themes in the novel:
First contact "war"
Focus on character development (core in the novel)
Varying degrees of scale revealed throughout the novel, in terms of "what matters"
Huge space and ground battles that have heavy sci-fi elements, but are grounded (e.g. no "fantasy" solutions or impossible technology)
A balanced narration between male and female characters (not meaning it's a LGBT novel, more that it's not just "boy's science future battle porn")
Parallels between our current philosophic discussions and our current societal view of space.
A very descriptive experience (I want the reader to be able to "see" the experience, while still leaving some parts to the imagination).
Aimed at 18-35 demographic

>> No.6324112


>has to make several huge decisions which impact the entire galaxy and beyond
>Aimed at 18-35 demographic

These don't go together for me, the former ("THE WHOLE WORLD depends on what I choose here!") is generally intended to reflect overinflated sense of self-importance that children feel and that is why you see it so frequently in kids' books. If you need to bust out such a nuclear option to make the book feel like its plot has high stakes, I think that betrays a lack of confidence in the other elements of the story.

>> No.6324134

Any tips when sending a sample to writers you admire?
Do you send a letter first asking if it's okay or you just do it? Do you ask the publisher for their address or you went to classes they were giving? Did you just send them the stuff or you ahd a minor face to face interaction with them?
Anything else you can think of would help.

>> No.6324141 [DELETED] 

I wrote a page per minute. Didn't have time to think.

>> No.6324144

I'm aware of this trope and that's not the case in the book.
Their "importance" is a result of the decisions of other civilizations using this civilization as a pawn for power. The fact that there are survivors from the extermination makes them key to uproot, discredit, and win wars against the other civs.

It's not the case of "hurr durr, I'm a special snowflake and everything I do is super important for no reason."

The reasons they are "important" is key to the plot, so I can't really explain it. As for the protagonist, he is dispensable and his story is about coming to terms with his existence and how to react to his loss and what to do about it.
The reason he is able to make decisions that are integral to the galaxy is due to actions of the other civilizations and the other survivors.

The age bracket is 18-35 since the story deals with a lot of violence, adult themes and adult concepts.

>> No.6324155

I talk to some of them personally due to my profession. I'm not talking Ian Banks tiwer, but published authors.
Generally I would send them an email/letter discussing an aspect of one of their books and the piece I send them would be tied in a way to that topic.

The main area I need to work on is dialogue, which makes sense because I'm a descriptive writer, not a speech guy.

>> No.6324160


I'll also note that the book focuses on several characters (as a space opera) and no one character is overly prioritized. The main protagonist is just that because his story is more directly associated with a significant timeline of events and decisions.

>> No.6324169
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I tried to write a page per minute or less. Didn't have time to think.

>> No.6324958

so who's the girl? because she looks so much like my girlfriend, it's kind of crazy. is she french, by any chance?

>> No.6324991

do they not have google on your planet?