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6319860 No.6319860 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think DFW ever smoked weed.

>> No.6319863

you are incorrect.

>> No.6319864

psh, he was clearly intimate with hemp rope

>> No.6319881

No, really, he writes about weed like someone who hasn't even been in the same room as people smoking it once in his life.

>> No.6319884

No, I'm sure he has and hated it.

>> No.6319896

He's said he didn't have the nervous system for it.

>> No.6319903

No, really, he writes about weed like someone who has been around it and it has negatively effected his anxiety.

>> No.6319906

If you think that then I don't think you've smoked it either.

>> No.6319909

he called pynchon out on sounding like some kind of pot head. i dont think someone who smokes weed would do that

>> No.6319910

Read his biography.

>> No.6319922


i don't smoke weed personally anymore (i have done it though like a dozen times) because it gives me panic attacks, but i have some friends who do, and one especially who uses it compulsively; i only read IJ to page 50 or so but the scene where he prepares for his smoking spree seemed spot on; the anxiety, the antics, all the preparation to ensure he's under the radar, the vow to himself that it's the last time etc.

are you offended because it seems to imply weed is a bigger deal than it is for the average "weed user"? because i don't think that's his point; he's just writing about a personal experience, which is one that he probably shares with a significant portion of potheads who use it compulsively rather than moderately / recreationally. i have similar rituals regarding my opiate consumption. alcoholics try to hide their addiction in a somewhat similar way (i'm not saying weed smokers are addicts, far from it, but it can certainly become addictive to a degree, just like any other form of escapism especially when substances are involved)

burroughs called people teaheads and he probably smoked his fair share of weed, the guy shot up anything he could get his hands on. i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he meant the pothead stereotype rather than any person who may smoke weed

why so salty OP

>> No.6319927

If you think that then I think you should graduate high school before posting, kid.

>> No.6319934

Weed is plebby as fuck, but it (and its culture) is nothing like how he depicts it.

>> No.6319937

>le dank memer here
>dfw ain't no 420 friendly no?
>less go behind shopping mall and get our DANK on ye ye ye!

Op you sound like a kid who tries desperately to push peer pressure his friends into his 'dank' habits, and who likes to call out people who aren't 'drunk enough' at parties. Just wait until you grow up and experience some real life anxiety, then you might just understand... thats if you aren't overly 'DANKED' out.

>> No.6319939

Shitposting is plebby as fuck, but it (and its culture) is exactly how you depict it. Stop being so mad. Who cares?

>> No.6319940

Are you talking about the part with Erdedy or what?

>> No.6319949

Okay, looks like you ran out of arguments. Have fun replying insubstantial nonsense as much as you'd like, because I'm not going to bother replying.

>> No.6319953

Okay, looks like you ran out of arguments. Have fun replying insubstantial nonsense as much as you'd like, because I'm not going to bother replying.

>> No.6319954

How about you reply to me instead?

>> No.6319957

see >>6319934

>> No.6319959

Shit, meant to quote

>> No.6319963

Not any passage in particular, but that one is an example.

>> No.6319967

see >>6319953

>> No.6319972

The post I directed to wasn't an insubstantial argument, it was a clarification that I dislike weed and stoners in general to someone who seems to think that I like it.

>> No.6319979

The post I directed to wasn't an insubstantial argument, it was a clarification that I dislike shitposting and memers in general to someone who seems to think that I like it.

>> No.6319986

How am I "shitposting" and "meming"? When did I say that I thought you liked it?

>> No.6319987

I asked specifically about the first part with Erdedy because that basically punctuates DFW's distaste for the anxiety it caused him. Try to reread it under the less-comedic context of someone who's actually so addicted to being high (albeit to a non-addictive substance) that he tries to quit and convince himself he dislikes it, but can't. I feel like the amount of detail he goes into for finding ways around it to convince himself he doesn't want it says that DFW had similar experiences.

He's not trying to depict the culture itself with characters like Erdedy, Gompert, or Hal, just his own experiences. As someone who's been around several people who decayed themselves and their minds, even just with pot, I can relate to these on some level.

>> No.6319990

How am I "dankposting" and "Weed smoking"? When did I say that I thought you liked it?

>> No.6319993


/high school pleb tier

>> No.6319997

It was a belt pleb.

>> No.6319998

I think his lens is very skewed on the subject then, and maybe that's not a bad thing; I just seriously got the impression that he got all his information on it by "studying" it rather than speaking from personal experiences. Could be wrong, but a lot of other subjects in the book are definitely not based on personal experience (sans the depression, sweating and suicide, only leaving the less consequential subjects, which are still very plentiful), which is why I get that impression.

Are you having fun?


>> No.6320023

>What is google?
>What is a biography?

He did smoke weed, but it gave him anxiety. Stop trying to troll.

>> No.6320036

If you think weed is just a chill out relax type high and doesn't raise anxiety and paranoia in some people then you're a fucking idiot.

I am one of those people that gets high on weed and has his anxiety and paranoia increase. The thing is...I find it enjoyable for some reason.

>> No.6320042


>decaying your self
>by smoking cannabis

I think you're thinking of meth.

>> No.6320047

Are you having fun?

>> No.6320052

Cannabis can decay one's mental health.

>> No.6320053

>tfw weed makes me feel incredibly self conscious and i just feel like dying
>tfw my best friends smoke it and i don't want to look like a no-fun nellie
>tfw haven't been in high school in 3 years but my biggest problem is a fucking high school problem

>> No.6320061

I smoke a lot of weed. The erdedy scene was instantly relatable. Almost too relatable it was freaky. DFW knows the ins and outs of a pothead mindset. Sorry bro.

>> No.6320064

why do you smoke a lot of weed if you relate to erdedy so strongly?

>> No.6320067

If you have known mental health issues in your family you shouldn't smoke weed.

>> No.6320068

>>tfw haven't been in high school in 3 years but my biggest problem is a fucking high school problem

>that feel

>> No.6320075


Marijuana is very dangerous to some people. NOt dangerous in the sense of dying or anything but addiction. Very addicting and habit forming. A lot of people are comforted by the fact that weed is not a hard drug so they think they can do it a lot and "quit whenever they want." I think this type of mindset is just self advocating the habitual use of marijuana.

>> No.6320078

Cause I like weed. More specifically relating to the anxiety of buying weed, getting ready to smoke weed, and overanalyzing the implications of what you send to your drug dealer. That overanalyzation spills out into other conversations i have with people. weed was definitely a catalyst to my social anxiety

>> No.6320081

You're all 12-year-olds or shut-ins if you haven't experienced a horrible high from smoking too much bud.

That shit will have you re-evaluating your very existence, like putting yourself under a microscope and dissecting until all you can see is ever flaw you have. That shit is cyclical too, you smoke to kill time or as a pain-killer or for lack of anything better to do and before you know realize, it becomes something you're dependent on, when it was only meant to be a hobby, imagine smoking every day instead of participating in your favorite hobby, do you know how horrible you would feel allowing it to become that important to you?

It puts a filter on your life, you don't live better from it, it makes you incapable of fully experiencing everything life has to offer. Fuck out of here, DFW was definitely a pothead at some point and that shit scarred him, 100000%

>> No.6320086

I've quit cold turkey several times, for long stretches, without ever fiending for it in any way. I think you're overgeneralizing

>> No.6320091

Wow, splendid comment there anon! How rewarding! You have opened all of our eyes to a universal truth, dearly thank you.

>> No.6320092

notice how i said "some people"

>> No.6320094

Protip: People have widely different habits and reactions when it comes to Cannabis

>> No.6320096

>one retard is too stupid to understand infinite jest

who cares, let the double digiter be. move on with your lives.

>> No.6320100

...everyone's family has mental issues.

>> No.6320105

DFW was a shitlord who went to AA meetings and privately was a huge Christfag, of course he condemns recreational drug use

he wrote books about hip hop and Saussure

what a fucking dork

>> No.6320109


Marijuana is only addictive in the form of it being a habit, not actual jonesing. If they were 'decayed' by cannabis it's not because of the cannabis, it's because they were deadbeats anyways.

>> No.6320119

>not actual jonesing

please have you ever been around people that are total potheads that haven't smoked for an entire day or can't get ahold of his drug dealer? Fuckin jonesing like crazy. The habit manifests its self like an addiction. Just cause you don't have terrible withdrawals from weed (trouble sleeping) doesn't mean that it has other harmful effects that rival those of an addiction

>> No.6320125

he had anxiety attacks just from going on a fucking cruise for fuck sakes

>> No.6320130

could have similar potential withdrawal effects as addiction*

>> No.6320149

>have you ever been around anyone who needed to get a hold of someone or something they want

Think about it......so now everyone has a mental addiction to wanting to get his friend on the phone when he finds out he's at the store and you want him to get you something to drink? And then he doesn't answer?


didn't think so faggot

>> No.6320153

if its your first day without you might be angsty for a smoke but it dies down after a few more days

>> No.6320156

was he actually a christfag?

>> No.6320162

ITT: Kids who have never smoked weed, or have only smoked low-grade.
Kids who have never had issues with anxiety.
Kids who have not read up on David Foster Wallace beyond 20 pages of Infinite Jest.

>> No.6320164

no, he killed himself. Christfags think baby jesus will send you to hell for that

>> No.6320166

I'm sorry but this is wrong. Although marijuana is relatively safe, I still smoke it a lot, its not perfectly safe. Drugs are habit forming and marijuana is not exempt from this. I notice the habit in myself. Like this isn't a new thing thats being discussed. Why are you guys so resistant to the fact that pot causes problems for some people.

>> No.6320170

>thinking there is much of a difference between "low grade" and anything else

>> No.6320171


>> No.6320173

>not thinking there is much of a difference between "low grade" and anything else

>> No.6320179

i smoked a lot and the erdedy part at the beginning was spot on for me

>> No.6320180

what do you mean by "safe". Being slightly grumpy over not having your weed for a day doesn't hurt anyone. You can feel the same way about not having your morning coffee.

>> No.6320187

>what only I've witnessed and experienced is objectively right in all circumstances

>> No.6320192

damn straight

>> No.6320193
File: 32 KB, 500x587, 1389563714188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your pipe tobacco and makers mark, neckbeard

>> No.6320194

I mean it fucks with yr anxiety and paranoia brother.

>> No.6320517

OP doesn't know shit about weed

>> No.6320554

I once drank 16 cups of black coffee in one day, it was the most fucked up i've ever been. more than black out drunk or high from mushrooms or adderall. Never did weed.

DFW talks about AA members drinking too much coffee in passing at one point and how it makes you feel so unbelievable shit its ridiculous for how little it 'does' for you. And that is entirely spot on.

I think he probably has experience pushing the lesser substances too far. and he spent a good amount of time in Boston AA himself while writing the book so hes probably heard of people who were habitually addicted to about almost anything.

>> No.6320587

lel, please expand upon this. Assuming it isn't simply b8

>> No.6320590

>but it (and its culture) is nothing like how he depicts it.

you know when the book was written right?

were you actually there?

>> No.6320665

I guess I'll toss my $0.02 in on pot, addiction, etc.

IMO and in my experience, being in an environment where getting caught is likely and the repercussions for getting caught are serious, pot can exacerbate the stress and anxiety around smoking.

I smoked safely in the suburbs for about 6 months with minimal anxiety and paranoia. After I went to college, my anxiety ramped way up because I had roommates kicked out for pot use. At the time I was leaning on pot for socialization, self-medication, etc.; eventually the stress of smoking started having a negative effect on my anxiety and caused a lot of issues (anxiety, paranoia, delusions, isolationism, etc.).

I still like smoking (excluding the anxiety and paranoia). I think it's much more interesting than alcohol. With that said, the stress of getting caught in combination with pot's ability to cause anxiety/stress is just a bad combination for me. I plan on smoking again when I get to be ~25 years old (when brain is fully developed) and in Colorado (or other legal state). In theory, the legally safe environment will make smoking much less stressful.


>> No.6320673
File: 33 KB, 633x758, crusty feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this bait gets 74 replies, and a positive thread about the book gets 0

>> No.6320676

oh fuck, this is true. this book is already becoming dated; in a decade or so people will already be writing forewords trying to explain the period it was written in.

>> No.6320696

You kids are giving me a headache.

>> No.6320700

>You kids are giving me a headache.
And by that I mean:

>> No.6320756

>tfw pot is forever permanently inextricably tied w/ pavlovian strength with the stimulus of getting caught by your overbearing prude religious parents and you can never in your life fully enjoy what it's like to 'relax' when you smoke weed, always paranoid & filled with vague self hatred

>> No.6320777

look you're trying to make this argument that he never smoked but he struggled with addiction to marijuana from the time he was a teenager onward
his use of the stuff is well-documented and discussed, you are trying to argue against established facts

>> No.6320812

did he really? not denying it, just asking for a source, i'm interested in what he has to say about it outside of fiction.

>> No.6320839

I'm sorry to hear that, bud. Maybe the connections in your brain between stress and pot will weaken as you get older?

That's what I'm banking on at least. I'm going to take solace in the possibility of being able to enjoy later in life.

>> No.6320849

did you really try to deny it? Just asking if you have looked for a source, i'm interested in nothing he has to say outside of fiction.

>> No.6320854

> /lit/
if you want discussion go to reddit.

>> No.6320856

"He had attempted suicide the year before, in his family home, and had also gone from being a marijuana addict to an alcoholic, mostly drinking alone and in front of the television."

An excerpt from his biography: http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/david-foster-wallace-in-recovery-an-excerpt-from-the-new-biography

>> No.6320867

i bet you fucking link people lmgtfy every time someone asks a question.

thanks, this is interesting.

>> No.6320868
File: 41 KB, 762x769, darwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 27 and have smoked on and off for a decade now. People react differently to it, you can't throw everyone in the same category and assume they're having identical experiences.

Different strains, how much you smoke, where you smoke, in what state you're in in terms of physical and mental health, who you're with, what you do, etc all combine and effect the experience.

Personally speaking unless it's from a vaporizer I don't even like taking more than one (big) hit simply because of how shitty smoke feels. If I smoke daily for a few weeks I'll notice my hair becoming lifeless, skin looking less vital, less energy, etc. After a while it seems like the THC concentration in the brain significantly dulls my thinking and it feels like my mind is clouded. I wonder sometimes just how many of my heavy stoner friends are living in this haze 24/7 without really realizing it. I've gone through phases of daily smoking many times for long periods at a time. There are some people who smoke daily for 25+ years with few side-effects, so it can be difficult to judge how detrimental it may be to different people.

Regarding weed and creativity, I think it's a deception. What happens is, in my experience, you spend lots of time sober, then smoke, and the high makes all your sober ideas you'd been working on seem fantastic, it's like you suddenly realize the brilliance of it all, which seemed dull while sober and uninspiring. So what happens is, you smoke again... and again... and again. Each time the "creative enhancement" seems to re-emerge but nothing gets done. I could show you an example of a Youtube stoner who has a wake and bake video, looking like a zombie before his first hit, and then bursting into an ode to weed, claiming it is spiritual and beneficial to creativity and what-not, but he does nothing, achieves nothing, all that happened is his dopamine started firing (or whatever) and he had the delusion of suddenly tapping into his genius. Weed can be a great deceiver.

Sometimes I think weed has kind of latched onto the human species to protect its own longevity on earth. Think about it. Humans enjoy it, so cultivate it. Gradually it pervades the culture as is happening nowadays. Weed everywhere.

As for addiction, even when I quit to clear my mind of that horrible lingering hazy effect, within a few days (once lucidity has returned) I feel like smoking again. Thus begins the cycle all over...

>> No.6320877

The experience of smoking the dope isn't a universal one: some people become paranoid, others relax; some have their minds race hyper-actively, others zone-out.

>> No.6320891

Well put, but I think the addiction is more variable than that. But yes, weed is definitely not good if you're depressed or are prone to anxiety attacks. It should never be used as a mood lifter; it only worsens your problems on your mind if you have any and can trigger whatever dispositions you have. Clearly that explains why DFW disliked it.

>> No.6320929

> He had attempted suicide the year before, in his family home, and had also gone from being a marijuana addict to an alcoholic, mostly drinking alone and in front of the television.

None of you epic memers have actually read or listened to DFW, have you?

>> No.6320935

there you have it

>> No.6320967

I agree totally, I live in Iceland and only smoke during the summertime. Weed for me would make me depressed in the dark winters. It's supposed to be a happy, spontaneous experience and most importantly in a good environment.

>> No.6320984

Well arguably weed does break down some of the barriers between the conscious and unconscious mind. I find the creativity comes from having this different mindset, with some of your senses more in tune.

I have created some amazing music stoned, and it hasn't been simply a matter of re-hashing what I've previously worked on.

The main point is that is that weed (like most drugs) isn't some .exe that you run and follow those guidelines. It's more of a catalyst for the brain, which works in addition to the way your brain is already structured. Hence why people have completely different experiences...

>> No.6320989


The human brain is a ridiculously complicated chemical computer. One persons experience of a drug can be very different to another.

You know how theres all those people who think that all psychologists are evil and the pharmaceutical companies are monsters - because they claim antidepressants make people kill themselves? Theyre not wrong, sometimes they do. Perfectly good psychological medication can randomly have completely different or opposite effects, because the current human understanding of the brain is somewhere between 'kinda' and 'we dont know jack shit'.

>> No.6321016
File: 37 KB, 1921x695, 1423108152246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why it annoys me how people will completely shun off drugs. I find Psychedelics fascinating, in the sense that they can strip away all of your sensory filters.

>> No.6321040

I feel catatonic and want to end my life while I'm stoned, but on the comedown I feel amazing and incredibly creative. Not worth it though.

>> No.6321052

>that chart
for me it's just
>feel feverish and shaky as fuck
>wait impatiently for it to end
is it just my natural disposition, or something that i can change? and no, it wasn't 2ce or some fucked up RC, it was bonafide LSD.

>> No.6321056

meant 25i, 2ce is among the "fucked up RCs"

>> No.6321211

not him, but tobacco is even more pleb

heroin is the most patrician drug

>> No.6321215

Maybe the hit wasn't enough? Have you tried shrooms, they're abit lighter.

>> No.6321245

if 75(ish) ug made me feel like i was having a horrible brain-damaging heatstroke, i'm kind of wary of going any higher. i might try shrooms though, maybe it'll go smoother.

>> No.6321262

speed you mean

>> No.6321443


>Oh, I think religion is a huge part of the story I tell. One big reason I wanted to spend all these years with Wallace was to help me with my own questions of faith by examining his. But faith is different from worship in houses with pointy roofs. David did go to church sometimes, but as a sipper. He liked one’s pageantry, the other’s earnestness, the Danishes at a third. Yet God was central to his thoughts. He had no natural predisposition for belief in a divine being, but I think he forced himself to overcome it mostly to remind himself he wasn’t He. It helped him to relax to know not everything was under his control. You can see how comforting the idea of the divine is in the excerpted story “Good People,” from “The Pale King.” That novel on the whole is almost an ecclesiastical text.

>> No.6321451

ITT: people with superegos too large to deal with chronic marijuana use

aka plebs

>> No.6321457

Jesus this is sad... God damn, I am angry at the man for killing himself.

>> No.6321458

>thread about dfw and weed
>105 replies and 4 images omitted

>> No.6321489




>> No.6321495

>tfw freaked out all of my friends having a panic attack while tripping.

I kind of have a negative outlook on psychedelics since then. Every person that I've heard say "It has helped me empathize with people" is actually pretty narcissistic.

For me at least it's just something that makes you see and think some weird shit for a day.

It's always silly to me when someone says "where did you trip" and the response is "Mike's room,", as if some sort of earth-shattering event had occurred there. To anyone living in reality it's just a few kids sitting down and laughing in Mike's room.

>> No.6321500

Is there a full version of this episode of Charlie Rose somewhere?

>> No.6321525

I GOTCHU I GOTCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLPStHVi0SI&list=PL34JJBaJHmURUO-tOod49edYUD1aTDGGe


>> No.6321533

That's the wrong episode. The other episode has Franzen and one other dude.

>> No.6322304
File: 30 KB, 534x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I identified with the anxiety/depression/addiction/alienation so intensly it was almost surreal. I couldn't believe DFW reached me as profoundly as he did. I have read J R and Gravity's Rainbow. Gaddis and Pynchon are better writers, but DFW just hit me on another level altogether. Certain points in GR and JR made me really think and sort of humorously sad, with highlights of desolation or hilarity. Infinite Jest balances bleak, soul-crushing despair with manic hilarity for most of it's 1100 pages and is entertaining in a way I know I can't begin to adequately describe.

I can understand why some people may not like him, but in my opinion this book us nothing short of wonderful. I have experience with many of it's themes and it was just uncannily close to home.

Also, I don't understand how people say this book wasn't inspired by Pynchon. The silly names, abbreviations everywhere, throwing out organizations and plot elements and world details with zero context or explanation for another hundred or two pages; seems pynchon-inspired to me.

I can understand why this book is a meme though. DFW himself, that one interview, this is water contrasted with his suicide, he fucking calls Hal's dad autistic and his mom patrician in the same page or so. Still, his post-hoc addition to the 2chainz forum memetic legacy shouldn't discount his ability.

>> No.6322338

Too bad that he doesn't seem to know shit about other drugs:


>In fact, there’s something very alcoholic about his junkie characters. They get off on frat-boy sadism like the “Closed”-sign incident. They find Anonymous groups more natural than substitution therapy. And the transvestite harrassed by those anting ants spends two weeks (!) withdrawing, drinking codeine syrup (with the same alcohol content as vodka!) and getting Lost-Weekend-style animal hallucinations. In a ludicrously short time, he develops full-blown alcoholism with DTs. You wonder if this is because Wallace can only describe booze addiction, and needs some excuse to put it in the story.

>(8) Further proof Wallace didn’t know shit about drug culture after the 70s. In his TV essay, “E Unibus [sic] Pluram” [sic] he writes: “My real dependency here is not on a single show or a few networks any more than the hophead’s is on the Turkish florist or the Marseilles refiner.” By the 90s, the French Connection was history, Turkey no longer grew much illicit opium and only beatnik-wannabe posers used words like “hophead.”

>> No.6322372

kek, I was waiting for someone to post this essay. It's always good.

>> No.6322399


Regarding weed and creativity, I think it's a deception. What happens is, in my experience, you spend lots of time sober, then smoke, and the high makes all your sober ideas you'd been working on seem fantastic, it's like you suddenly realize the brilliance of it all, which seemed dull while sober and uninspiring. So what happens is, you smoke again... and again... and again. Each time the "creative enhancement" seems to re-emerge but nothing gets done.

He literally just wrote that.

Sober up, faggots. He's a rambling stoner idiot daydreaming about fiction.

>> No.6322678

this. Indian here. DFW hypes the whole fucking thing.

>> No.6322923


I tripped in my room. Is that earth shattering? Maybe not, but it was the most emotionally cathartic experience I'd had in years, and I was able to tell my father I loved him.

LSD does has legitimate therapeutic effects, although therapeutic doses are much smaller than what most people take recreationally.

>> No.6323032

Just kids full stop really.

>> No.6323269

But even if that is the case, it's clearly still helping the creative process. Personally I find it helps me become more relaxed, as what typically happens when sober is I tend to have a problem concentrating as I worry I have too much to do.

Recently, I've been preferring coffee for increasing creativity. Damn good coffee.

captcha: select all the beer below

>> No.6323358

His description of the tennis player's usage of a "bat"/"one-hitter" to smoke in secret, since it enables the user to prevent smoke from letting out from the lit cherry into the ether by sealing both ends with your finger-tips (as opposed to the more common "party bowl" which is difficult to seal up mid-smoke), is almost identical to the way I smoke indoors when getting caught is a concern.

I guess, according to your theory, he could've observed & interviewed a user, but I would find that level of procedural detail surprising if it's based on second-hand knowledge.

>> No.6323389

That's still a means of facilitating the creative process, even according to your description.

The diminishing returns notion is debatable and, if it exists, would seem to pertain mainly to heavy users with super-high tolerance.

>> No.6323474
File: 361 KB, 500x825, tumblr_nj5q92jW6V1reyxklo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used to smoke from time to time. In the summer when I started to use heavily is when it really began to effect my psyche. I began feeling worthless, listless, and just plain dulled. After smoking before going to bed I would wake up with a weird headache like I was in a fog or beginning to start to have a flu. I've since stopped and feel better and seem to have a clearer direction as what I need to do.

On the other hand I have friends who constantly use, day in day out and I have no more ways of connecting with them any more, for they only want to get stoned and play video games.

>> No.6323494

Wow you're a fucking tool son. Take a seat.

>> No.6323501

A little judgemental, are we?

>> No.6323514

it sure does

>> No.6323528

what about Poor Tony, the heroin addict? Detoxing in a bathroom drinking cough syrup hiding from junkies he fucked over

>> No.6323530

Lmao at all the kids in this thread who have taken one hit of reggos without inhaling and now think they're experts about weed.

Anxiety and paranoia are incredibly common side effects

>> No.6324154
