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6319109 No.6319109 [Reply] [Original]

Library adventures
>>see medical books on a table, well laid out and organized
>look at the first page, paper on venereal disease
>lurk around waiting to see who laid the papers like that expecting a medical student studying
>old guy in a red velvet coat with a cane

>>walk to a corner
>>reading naked lunch
> guy in next alcove takes a call
>>hear two guys having a quiet conversation, one talking about his "needs"
> quiet shuffling and a gasp of pleasure

>at computer bank
>guy starts singing along to YouTube video

>the comfy chairs were removed due to bedbugs

>library a modern architecture with rocks underneath a moat
>homeless people spend the night there

>> No.6319142

>walk into reading room
>someone had pooped on the ground
>walk to next reading room
>poop there instead
>report both poops to the librarian
>roll out troll out :^p

>> No.6319164

i used to smuggle my lunch food into the school library and eat in solitude

i've seen the panties of various librarians through careful creeping about the library

one time i saw someone placing their boogers into a book

i've stolen at least nine books in my life, one of which i've been ejaculating into for the past several months

>> No.6319170


Have the homeless ruined libraries /lit/? Or do they add a certain charm to the place?

>> No.6319191

Most homeless shelters are just a night-only deal. That is, the guys and gals all get kicked out in the morning, sometimes early in the morning. There is literally nowhere else for these people to go than the libraries and parks.

Nowhere else is free and lets you stay for hours.

>> No.6319195

I went in a library yesterday for the first time in years. There was a fat black girl sitting at a table with a skinny white guy. She was on her phone and he was looking at magazines. Suddenly I hear her yelling at him to put something down. Turned out he was a retard and she was his handler.

I also had a little girl almost run into me as she happily dashed to the children's section. Her mother was following some distance behind her, ineffectively snapping her fingers at the kid.

There were a few old people, but no homeless, I guess because it was in a rural area as opposed to a city.

>> No.6319196

>Go to library
>Wander through fiction section
>Homeless dude looking at porn with the sound off on library computer
>Find some books I like
>Check them out

If you're uncomfortable around a couple homeless people maybe you should just buy your books online.

>> No.6319208

>Go to the library to study for an exam due to the university library being closed for the day
>See middle-aged guy using the computers, think nothing of it
>Stand up to use the washroom
>He's watching vampire roleplay porn
>After two minutes starts googling necrophelia
>Turn 360 degrees and never go back to a public library

>> No.6319226

I have never seen a homeless person in a library

t.first world society

>> No.6319255

Watched two guys in their late 20s grab copies of American Sniper and sit down for what seemed like 10 minutes mostly talking about the movie before leaving and making a comment how reading too much isn't good.

>> No.6319257


more like flyover society?

>> No.6319261

It's an odd place you live where hobos are a sign of prosperity and development.

>> No.6319265

It's odd you're actually pretending to be this retarded

>> No.6319268

Yes I will just buy free books on the internet which I have no desire to own

>> No.6319271

>people have wealth
>use that wealth to build public spaces
>people without wealth or private spaces come to these places
Whoa whaaat

>> No.6319278

I only visit university and suburban libraries, must be an inner-city public library problem.

>> No.6319283

>lol look guys now im pretending that acting retarded makes me superior

>> No.6319288


>There are more hobo's in the city than there are in the suburbs

Jesus what a suprise.

Yes, homelessness is a sign of prosperity. In poor countries there are no homeless people, just poor people, because anyone can take 2 pieces of plastic and call it their home. In rich countries such practices are not allowed, hence the homeless man has to spend his time in public buildings. In poor countries these people would get shot trying to enter "public" buildings.

>> No.6319303

A lot of mosques have people just sleeping there and no one gives a fuck. I was in one were some dude was clearly fapping under his coat and a family was praying ten feet away from him, no judgment. Why are americans so worrisome with public spaces?

>> No.6319305

Why don't Australia, NZ, the Nordics and other well developed countries have large homeless problems?

Sounds more like a HDI issue.

>> No.6319321

There are no homeless people in my country, the government pays for their houses.

t. actual first world society

>> No.6319323


>> No.6319328

Where is that?

>> No.6319335

Homelessness is usually a result of insane alcoholism and some lower mental illness that destroys planning and long term goals. I've known like four homeless people who still recieved foodstamps and one recieved his monthly money.

From what I understand, a pretty large chunk of the Aboriginal population of Australia suffers from this exact pattern I'm describing, except it may not be mental illness or at least diagnosed as such in their cases.

Also how difficult is it to obtain things like crack cocaine in the countries you have mentioned? Do you know there aren't entire apartments houses of welfare recipiants killing themselves with stolichnaya?

>> No.6319349


Not him, but I live in Holland and we don't have homeless people here. It's shaming when I go to London and it looks like Calcutta or something.

>> No.6319376

I'm not cool enough to have bought drugs before so I don't know.

Aboriginals do bring the number waaaaaaaay up, the prime aboriginal state is probably 20x average. Nomadic culture, whatcha gonna do?

>> No.6319494

The homeless ruin libraries. My library has a small newspaper section with like 200 major papers from around the world. The "problem" is that it has really comfy couches, so it has turned into a homeless sleeping room. They're there from opening to closing and the staff won't tell them to GTFO because "everyone is welcome to use the space". I went there the other day to get the paper from my home town, but as soon as I stepped into the room, I was assaulted by the dank pissy smell of eight slumbering homeless men. The air was literally humid with homeless sweat. I could taste their filthy essence and it almost made me gag. I did not get the paper.

I don't mean to sound edgy, but I think we should gas the homeless with carbon monoxide. I'll give you 36 months to try to fix them, but if they're still homeless by then, I'm gassing them.

>> No.6319515

I'd be perfectly fine with the homeless if they didn't smell so bad. I'm ok with all the weird shit they do but their smell is literally a mild form of assault.

>> No.6319523
File: 755 KB, 1800x1442, diogene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he look like this, ma'am?

>> No.6319530
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>I don't mean to sound edgy

>> No.6319531


How about you don't lie to get your point across?
I've been to a variety of libraries in NZ, and there are loads of homeless people there. I'm going to bet a thousand bucks that the aussies got the same situation with all the aboriginals.


Uhm... Yes we do. Do you live in some rural village or something? There are most certainly homeless people in the Netherlands. In my library you are guarantueed to find homeless men browsing porn on the computers.

>> No.6319537

>walk into library
>wherever I sit, Asians are taking calls at full volume
>passive-aggressiveness doesn't even work one them
That UCLA girl actually had some good points.

>> No.6319556

>all these homeless people in libraries

I cannot even remember the last time I saw a homeless person, let alone in the library.

>> No.6319563


>live three blocks away from important public library
>when i first moved in, there was a homeless guy sleeping from 12 to 6 at the door
>i met him a bunch of times, because i would almost always come home drunk sometime during his sleeping sessions, but he wasn't always sleeping, and sometimes he'd say hi
>this one time i came home reaaaally fucked up, we had taken acid and gone to see nicolas jaar play a live set
>meet this guy, asks me for change, didn't have any (who the fuck has change anymore, coin inflation must be killing these guys)
>i end up giving him a tab of acid, and, as this bum would later recall as a literal revelation, i told him 'it would open the door'
>three days pass and i come home drunk again, but there was this guy waiting for me
>literally waiting for me
>he had no idea of what an acid tab was and he believed that he had gone to heaven and came back
>with no epistemological framework to explain the experience, he really believed he had actually gone to heaven and returned, and he said he had to ask me a question
>i've never seen a homeless guy so serious before, and this guy slept in the streets
>he said, 'is heaven beyond death?'
>i told him heaven was a deathless state
>in the twenty minutes that followed, i absolutely regretted my assertion. he told me that if death was the way into that place again then he had to find away to kill himself to get there, but he wasn't sure still
>i realized i fucked up big time, so i invited him home, offered him some clothes and went with him so he could get a library card (you must prove you're a citizen and this guy didn't have any papers but i fucked the library's secretary so i knew i could convince her)
>end up meeting Elias (that was his name) about three times a week in the library
>i would only stay for an hour and see how he was doing and commenting on which books he should read next
>this guy literally SWALLOWED books. i started him off on plato, but he kept saying that was not in his interest and that he couldn't understand. i thought that his literacy was doubtful until we read some heraclitus i left on the table. he said 'this is it! it was like this!'
>definetly a strain for hardcore mysticism, he read most of the things i recommended him in less time that i could re-read them to further explain the semantic frame in which the different mytico-philosophical currents of theology work on
>you know the drill, most of Shankara's commentaries (vedas, brahma sutras, yoga sutras - i skipped the baghavad because i don't like it) and their terminological use differ greately when translated to, say, Plotinus
>over the two months i took him as a disciple he kept saying 'this is it! it was like this!' on some few passages, and then sayin no, not this, not this
>go on vacation for a month
>come back and Elias is not here
>not anywhere
>weeks pass by until I go to the library to look for the last translation of the Samadhi-pada
>find out Elias killed himself with a razor

>> No.6319567

i have a job at my uni library

there's a lot of welfare(?) ppl that come here all day to play shitty online mmos on the public computers. mostly middle aged men, they play these stupid pirate games literally all day

>> No.6319569


1 in 200, or about 100,000, Australians are homeless.

>> No.6319581

Yeah this baffles me. I'll see people come in and play FarmVille, or some equally inane equivalent. Literally anything would be a better use of their time

>> No.6319590

poor people playing Farmville for 8 hours straight

>> No.6319592

Campus libraries are garbage. They're treated as gigantic lunch and lounging spots.

If you'll allow me to put on some thicker glasses and take out my cane, I'll say the problem with young people today is they don't respect anything, their parents, each other, their education, the subjects they study or don't study, the campus itself, and so on. They are selfish little shits trying to get their job permission slip while having as much fun and doing as little work as possible.

>> No.6319594


Damn son.
I imagine few things, or rather nothing, could possibly be as mindblowing as taking psychedelic drugs without being aware of what you took.

>> No.6319596

You just let him cherry-pick a philosophy that confirmed "heaven is being dead"? Dude. Ladm8. Did you not consider giving him something which would explain what acid is?

>> No.6319619

Denmarkfag here.

Cocaine and heroin are very easy to find here.

>> No.6319632


I tried man. I told him to take another acid tab with me and he could see that there is a smooth continuum between normal consciousness and altered states. He refused. He was fanatically convinced that he had gone to heaven. Also I believe that reading actually fucked him up even more so. He was obsessed with the idea of grace - that there is nothing a man can do to get close to God, that it's just God's whim that descends and touches you. He was obsessed with this idea. I also tried to show him that metaphysical constructs deal mainly with formless feeling, but he believed there was a world subject to those rules, the laws of heaven. He was keen on finding the way back into that world, and every fucking description he had of it resembled death. I guess so much hindu philosophy wasn't that good in the end...

I also tried to give him The Joyous Cosmology (watts) Food of the Gods (McKenna) and most of stanislav grof's papers on the psycho-liminal interpretation of psychedelic states (I actually gave him my copy of grof's papers on lsd and death), and nothing, he couldn't have cared less of technical terms.

He was a sort of holy fool, in a way, I guess. You have no idea how sad I felt when I found out he had sliced his wrists in front of the library. I blame myself because it looked kind of like a statement. "You didn't save me, you didn't save me". I had told him repeatedly that truth would set him free, and that there is liberation in this life. I guess he didn't want that. He wanted the bliss of death.

>> No.6319634

Do you have homeless people?

>> No.6319636

You need to write this

>> No.6319643

Very few. There is not a single citizen who does not receive enough money to pay for an apartment + necessities, but some spend all of that money on drugs and as a result become homeless.

>> No.6319644

Should have given him a slap and TiHKAL.
No, I just wanted to say that. He was probably mentally ill to start with, you did try. I've given hallucinogens to the homeless in the past myself, it's just bad luck it went badly in your case.

>> No.6319661

>Did you not consider giving him something which would explain what acid is?
Well, it seem so obvious in retrospect.

>> No.6319671


In what way? I ended up studying and being a cinematographic script-writer because I was too insecure to believe I could ever be a writer. Now I know I should have taken the true path, instead of writing great movies, getting rejected, and re-writing the ideas of my bosses that give me so much money. I actually have an unpublished, ever-growing short-story compilation, and thought about making this one another story, but dam man, it's just too close to my feelings. Since then (this was 7 months ago) I recollected some scraps from his life, paid the tax for his cremation so that I could visit him in the cemetery, and everything about him is just so sad. Apparently he had some type of epilepsy. His parents died, his inheritance was sort of stolen by his uncle, and he lost his first jobs because of his seizures (although he never had a fit with me). So basically he was a well rounded guy, just a guy, who ended up in the streets since he was 18 because no one took the trouble of helping him.

>> No.6319681


Dude I'm telling you he wouldn't have read TIHKAL. He just liked short aphorisms referring to existance. He was like the son of Diogenes and Heraclitus - a homeless one-liner.

>> No.6319691

I'd like to think that being shown a wide variety of trip reports from a number of different chemicals might have helped him understand his experience as chemically induced and not divine, but I never met him and it's a bit late to worry about it now.

>> No.6319715

anons right
make a screenplay -> movie out of this
I'd watch it- it reads well

>> No.6319716


Perhaps. But try to get inside his head. When I talked about lsd, he couldn't understand that I used the word 'drug'. For him, drugs where always something that made you forget - like crack cocaine, alcohol, or pharmacological barbiturates. He couldn't understand that lsd was a drug. He was convinced that I gave him some sort of candy, and that it was actually the words "this will open the door" that got him through his glimpse of nirvana.

If I was at home right now I would post his letter. It is amazing. He could barely write, but because his hand was sort of broken or frost-bitten. I told him that I wanted to know what happened to him, but he could never explain. So what he did, in the end, was collect enough quotes that he liked, and ushered them into a sort of devotional poem. Also, as he is literally just cutting phrases out and putting them together, there is no cohesion - as far as philosophy students are used to read - but it has a kind of mad-enlightened-bard to its insane rhythm. I'll paraphrase it here (original in spanish), just so you guys get the picture:

"Nothingess (sic) Unformed, Forever. One Child of the My Womb. Man as Woman the sky opens changing. It rests. Then, a fire speaks! I am that I am that I am. Who but me? Killing hurts the killer, not the killed. Death is a lie. Death is a lie. Death is a lie."

>> No.6319729

About to visit the Seattle Central Library. Ishiguro is doing a reading there Monday, apparently.

Anyone have experiences with that one?

>> No.6319737

>For him, drugs where always something that made you forget
Exactly why I would have suggested showing him how drugs can be other things. But the point is moot now.
Do you know when you'll get home and realistically might be able to post it? I'll watch the thread if so, I would be interested to read your translation.

>> No.6319748


I'll get home from work in an hour, I'll post a literal translation then.

>> No.6319772

>How about you don't lie to get your point across?

What lie? There are like two homeless people in the city I live in and they're both voluntarily so. You get one or two beggars, but they've always got nicer shoes than me so can be ignored.

I'm originally from London and whenever I go home these days, the contrast is stark and horrible. The Strand at night looks like a fucking shanty town.

I'm no communist, but I don't like feeling guilty as I step over homeless people on my way to spend £200 on dinner.

>> No.6319822


i don't know if i should love you or hate you

>> No.6319823

Sounds like your typical homeless ramblings.

>> No.6319842
File: 15 KB, 343x248, 1324683238001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao, maybe you should write fiction for a living, you've even got a few readers lined up it seems

>> No.6319925


i know i can't (and even if I could, that would entail giving away my personal privacy, which i would never do here) validate my experience, and you are entitled to believe it is fiction (i never trust anything here either), but, do you find it so impossible? I mean, this happens all the time. I had a friend who went insane in a similar manner from smoking salvia every day, and ended up killing himself.

>> No.6319999


>What lie? There are like two homeless people in the city I live in and they're both voluntarily so

Epic anecdotal evidence my friend. "Homelessness isn't a problem in this country because I don't see it" Is this really your argument?

You claimed homelessness wasn't a problem in Australia. There are an estimated 100.000, or 1 in 200 Australians, homeless people in Australia.

So either you lied or you made a claim without anything backing it up. Then you defend that claim by stating anecdotal evidence about how many homeless people you see in your town.

>> No.6320012

>tfw no hobo bro

>> No.6320019


Some of the homeless dudes can be pretty gross, bro.

>go to the library
>get in the lift to reach the fiction section
>old thirsty asian bum eye rapes me as i get off the lift
>wander through the fiction section
>gross black bum follows me around saying lewd things
>find some books i like
>check them out

The homeless should be gassed.

>> No.6320043

Didn't Orwell write that we hate homeless people because "make money" is society's only remaining moral imperative and they won't follow it?

>> No.6320065


I don't about britshits but America is a Protestant nation and if you're a homeless subhuman then God obviously hates you.

>> No.6320072

That's stupid.
I hate hobos because they make me feel guilty of having a roof over my head and enough money to buy food, internet and other useless shit.
I also avoid them because of the smell and the awkwardness of talking to an obviously retarded person.

>> No.6320073

Where the fuck are you getting Australia from

>> No.6320084

He emntioned that but it was just a passing comment in his larger body of work about being a hobo himself.

>> No.6320087

I want you to go to five AA meetings.

>> No.6320111


It seems it mitakenly switched my quotes in the post you were referring to.
So you're from the Netherlands? Then I'm going to wreck the living shit out of your shitty anecdotal evidence with my own anecdotal evidence, by pointing out that I've come across 6 homeless people today so far, here in the Netherlands.
The CBS measured 27.000 homeless people in 2012.

You're still wrong.

>> No.6320123

I'm not even him, chill

>> No.6320266

>Was in a room once with a dumb high school bitch who decided to have a full-on Skype video chat on her laptop
>Too pussy to say anything
>Also too lazy to transfer to another desk, had a lot of shit with me

>Another time, looked up from desk momentarily to see middle-aged guy looking at monster-dick porn on one of the library computers
>not even video, pics

>> No.6321054

>You claimed homelessness wasn't a problem in Australia.

I live in Holland. I've no idea what australia

>> No.6321329

If he did, he was wrong. We hate them because of the smell. All our basic instincts tell us that no thing, let alone person, should smell like that and that anyone who does should be avoided.

>> No.6321375
File: 101 KB, 750x470, The-New-York-Public-Library-Stephen-A-Schwarzman-Building.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Schwarzman Building in Bryant park, one of the most beautiful and well-stocked libraries in the world, has plenty of homeless people under its tall ceilings. Get outta' here with that inner-city crap. It's in one of the most concentrated areas of wealth in the Western World.

>> No.6321438

Can you post a picture, even if it is in a new thread, when you have the chance? I would very much like to read what he compiled. I am not the anon that mentioned your writing about this, but I agree that you should. I have fantasized about giving hallucinogenics to unsuspecting individuals and for you to have seen the effects first hand means that whatever you write about it, I will read. Fuck it if it doesn't get published; the few of us here that will appreciate it, I hope, will serve as enough motivation for you.

>> No.6321449

>There's an xbone and ps4 in the children's section because the library is right next to the school

Every week day they run in and make the most noise possible in a library for about 2 hours after school

>> No.6321573

NZ has a homeless problem, more specifically auckland central. Surprisingly enough the central library seems free of the homeless (it's pretty big) although they often hang round the surrounding area. I've seen more in my local to be honest, and it's not one quarter of the size.

I don't really mind either way. It's worse on public transport or some place you can't move if the smell gets to you

>> No.6321911

Damn, reading this story feels like the old 4chan.

You absolutely need to publish this bruh. Fuck, you already got several people supporting you.

>> No.6321917

Motherfucker! you killed the next Phillip K. Dick!

>> No.6321969


Homeless people are homeless for a reason. In my country, A homeless person would be getting the equivalent of ~140 USD a week on welfare. They have no rent to pay. It would be a very simple matter to save up the spare money and finally get thier lives on track, but they can't, because they're fucking stupid.

>> No.6322012
File: 194 KB, 1067x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit thread, expecting to see varied library stories/experiences
>see "homeless" and "porn" in almost every post

Goddamnit /lit/

>> No.6322024

>Surprisingly enough the central library seems free of the homeless (it's pretty big) although they often hang round the surrounding area

I used to regularly see homeless people there reading the comics trade paperbacks. Not recently, though. Maybe moving the sections around helped.

>> No.6322072 [DELETED] 

>have schizophrenia
>live on disability
>go to the library every day because have internet addiction but don't want internet at my home because want to concentrate on writing
>have cold
>haven't bathed in weeks because schizophrenia
>sit down at computer and waste time on 4chan
>middle aged bummy guy with grey hair and mustache sits beside me
>have runny noise and keep sniffing
>tried blowing earlier but have a cold so doesn't help
>guy turns to me and says, "Blow your nose or something. That's fucking annoying."
>make eye contact with him and say, "Fuck you."
>alarm response
>he turns back to his screen
>continue to stare at him
>no response
>figure he just wasn't aware of how rude he'd been, so get up, walk downstairs to get paper napkin to blow nose
>doesn't help
>nose still running
>return to my computer station, back to 4chan
>guy starts making sniffing noises too
>realize he interpreted my leaving as a sign of weakness and is now trying to fuck with me
>okay, there's going to be a fight
>how can I escalate this?
>pretend to sneeze right in his face, sending my cold germs all over him, hopefully infecting him so he'll know that a running nose isn't something you can just shut off
>no reaction
>ten minutes later he gets up, standing right behind me
>shut off my computer...waiting for it
>fake coughs very loudly right in my face
>go time
>stand up and punch him in the face
>exchange blows
>he can't handle it
>get him on the ropes
>he hugs me to stop from getting punched in face
>continue to wail on him
>he eventually lets go, almost staggering to floor
>crowd of people standing around watching
>he points at me, too terrified to make eye contact. "That asshole coughed on me!"
>"I never coughed on you, sir." Look to patrons and gesture to guy, "He's paranoid!"
>one witness to entire event hinks when I say that
>staff lead guy out of library while he screams "He's an asshole!" at me over and over again, still unable to make eye contact with me
>staff leads me out other door, telling me police have been called and that I'm kicked out for the day
>see guy talking to hink patron and staff outside other door
>depart without them seeing me

>> No.6322078 [DELETED] 

>bury deadly weapon concealed on person in library garden
>find hiding spot within earshot behind some dumpsters
>police arrive and interview guy and staff
>guy tries to claim I assaulted him
>backed up by hink patron, who admits he saw guy cough in my face as well, and that he initially swore at me
>police basically tell guy that since he instigated the conflict it was a consent fight and they could bring him in for filing a false report trying to claim assault, and that they have no way to identify me
>call him immature, and tell him not to try anything in case he ever sees me again
>police leave
>see guy go
>head him off at the pass from other direction
>look at him and smile as we pass
>he hunches up and can't make eye contact
>return later that night to retrieve my weapon
>few days later sitting at computers browsing 4chan
>knuckle rash almost all healed from forehead
>guy approaches computers, sees me with mortified look on his face
>has pair of shiners and swollen lips
>turns around, and walks away, unable to maintain eye contact

Such is life in the library.

>> No.6322091

The campus libraries I'm familiar with serve more as lounge areas for people to do homework or fuck around I guess on their laptops. The main lounges are busy and noisy and full of gross food smell. The upstairs study carrels with windows are always taken. I go to the basement where there are always empty and private carrels with lots of writing on the walls. It's kind of cozy down there, all those stacks, hidden alcoves. It's always quiet. I never have any reason to go to the suburban libraries, they have a tiny selection and I'm at school all the time anyway with huge collections so why bother. I think suburban libraries are basically free internet centres for immigrants and seniors. I haven't been to the main downtown library in years. My city has a huge homeless problem because of the mild climate and the profusion of drugs. I don't know how bums survive in Calgary or Winterpeg. Also thanks to neo liberalism all the insane asylum inmates were turned out onto the street a few decades ago, and for some reason they didn't get jobs and buy houses.

>> No.6322094 [DELETED] 

Shit forgot to add that he also had a runny nose.

>> No.6322159

I'm a pretty recent visitor to be fair, and haven't ventured that much, but I figured there would be many more given the state of Queen St and co

>> No.6322652

Every time I go to my local library there is this homeless fat lady sleeping on one of the chairs, surrounded by bags

It's disgusting and she should be removed, but the library obviously tolerate her.

>> No.6323034

Femanon on /lit/?

>> No.6323117

No reason to believe that, hobos love purtyboys. "Gay" is believed to derived from geycat, a hobo's companion catamite.

>> No.6323146


Ok guys, I know I said that it would take me an hour to get back home from work, but instead I got drunk.

I have no camera device to upload the poem of Elias, and even if I would it is still in spanish with a terrible handwriting, wo I will make a literal translation here. I hope the ones who requested it can see it before the thread gets 404'd.

>> No.6323221


“And now into the inquiry of Self.
Who are you is who am I:
There is nothing but the Word.
I had to die on the cross to say this.
Consciousness is the being.
Knowledge the fetters.
What Master but the Moment?
The normal mind is the path.
Hold no opinions.
Love says I am Everything.
Wisdom says I am Nothing.
Between the two my life beats.
Forget, forever forget me!
Like a shadow, I am
and I am not.
Believe in me and you are my shadow
Projected forward.
Believe in you and I am your shadow
Projected backwords.
See into the nature of sight
And no shadow settles.
All is bright, all is light!
Reader reader, are you writing?
Fools indeed see the Absolute,
but they imagine it is a tree or a cloud
that they are seeing.
I am such fool.
Will you save me?
I have collected enough scars.
Leave me, your shadow on the door,
And plunge into the whiteness again.
The Mind makes the Abyss –
It is the Heart that crosses it.
We can do it right now.
We’ll die on the cross.
Believe to feel,
Believe until it kills
That which wants to die.
Let’s wear the mask of who we were
When our womb was the moon.”
I know it's rambling, and it has fragments from the things that we read together, but I like to believe there was something he was saying, some truth he had attained, although I can't see it. I don't know if someone here knows about the subject more than me and could give some insight, it would be awesome. Also, the translation is as literal as I could do it, but there is the poetic flick here and there.

>> No.6323348

>and if you're a homeless subhuman then God obviously hates you.
No, that wouldn't be protestant.
You obviously meant: and if you're a homeless subhuman then you obviously didn't work hard enough

>> No.6323378

>go into library to research something quickly
>some guy sitting next to me with his headphones in watching some youtube video
>think nothing of it until I see the title and description of the video
>"Obama the Antichrist Revisited- Proof that Obama is the Antichrist"
>It's like 40 minutes long and looks like a lot of random disconnected footage
>Calmly shut down PC, get up and walk away

>> No.6323421
File: 66 KB, 1579x716, elias was.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6323422

Thank you. Saved it as Elias' Poem. He is now immortal thanks to you.

>> No.6323433

but what would elias think of this?

>> No.6323443

Absolutely irrelevant. He's fucking ashes.

>> No.6323444


how can he be immortal man, he's dead

>> No.6323449


how can he be fucking ashes, when he's dead?

also how is it that you can fuck ash, i mean, is it a pile of it, or do you just rub it on your cock?

>> No.6323461

His memory forever lives; his poem will outlive us all!

If you need to ask how one can fuck ash, then obviously you are an imbecile. De Sade can ignite your imagination in regards to such matters as fucking ash.

>> No.6323464

You sound like an asshole.

>> No.6323649


Nope, I'm a lad.
But I have a friend who works at the library and she's had issues with creepers too. One of them followed her around and took pictures of her until a coworker noticed and ran him off.

>> No.6323726
File: 375 KB, 640x480, STOP!! Hibari kun! 09 (DVD 640x480 DivX5.11) 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying reading isn't a highly feminine task

>> No.6324030
File: 108 KB, 800x535, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save up money
>while homeless
When are you moving out of Mommys basement

>> No.6324063

>tfw I will soon be a library-dwelling hobo

>> No.6324180

>you will never be homeless, spending most of your waking life in the library, reading five hundred pages a day, without the distractions of the internet, accruing life experience and the literary education for your future masterpiece
why even live

>> No.6324509


I've been living by myself on low incomes for years. Did you not see the part where I mentioned they were getting more than double what an average person would need for food per week?

>> No.6324664

The library near me gets a lot of homeless traffic, mostly kids in their early 20s and some runaway teens. When I used to work their I hated dealing with them because they stunk and always left a mess. One kid had a library card and the address said 1 Home Depot street, because he was living behind the Home Depot across the way. Pretty sad. I live in a poor part of Long Island out east, obviously not the Hamptons.

>> No.6324740


It's not.
In fact, it's probably one of the few gender neutral tasks on the planet.

Everyone needs to read at some point.

>> No.6324751

wasn't perfume and shit invented to make ourselves smell nice to ourselves, because everyone fucking smelled?

some christian dude once said
>everyone stinks, but no one smells.
or something and man i would hate to live there

in general, weren't christians considered dirty? i thought it was considered a virtue for the longest time, like the dirtier you become the closer you are to god or something

anyway i don't think that's an instinct, since it's more probable that we should normally smell like shit as a species than not at all

>> No.6324763

I thought his lantern was a tissue box for a moment, had a hearty chuckle.
Based dio

>> No.6324764

>like the dirtier you become the closer you are to god or something

I thought the saying was the exact opposite. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"

>> No.6324830

Which country?

>> No.6325174



>> No.6325246

Last I checked you don't pay taxes to keep Mosques.
Homeless people aren't homeless because they lack wealth, they either choose to be so or are insane.

>> No.6325400

>put billionaire next to a thousand homless people
>just look at that, the mean worth is in the millions!