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/lit/ - Literature

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6318378 No.6318378 [Reply] [Original]

There is no better place to witness the futility of the human capacity than on the literature board of 4chan dot org. In it, unabashed ignorance and pseudo-intellectualism are mired with actual attempts at genuine intellectualism and exploration. The result is awkward at best - cynical and lazy troglodytes compose most of the population, spamming the board's pages with childish and trite memes; deluded, hopelessly dogmatic religious fanatics pollute the discussions with their unwavering and unflexible stubborn stupidity; while at the same time narrow-minded, lobotomized STEM-types continue to promote their resistance to the fine arts, hailing the scientistic approach as the one singular way to explain anything at all beyond mere human conception. Observing all of these blind and drunk fools wading through this viral murk in a vain quest for God is one of my greatest displeasures.

Not least of /lit/'s problems is its population of utter plebeians who posess pale or bad taste in not only literature, but in arguably all of the fine arts as well. Quite rarely is education displayed, even more rare is to see it congratulated. More commonly, any discussion in which a poster clearly shows his superior over another or multiple others, they are derided by them, simply for knowing things that they do not. Words like "pretentious" are then employed, and entire, cogent arguments are brushed off with pre-judged bias. How can such a community like this, which demands clarity and intelligence from everyone at all times, simulateneously be fostering this cauldron of peasantry? This saucepan of illiteracy? This Crockpot of anti-intellectual blindness?

The posters of this board would do well to know that they are mere blips of sand on the beach of wisdom. Mere blips I say. Your self-imposed barriers to the truth are weak, contorted and flacid, and they will not stand at the alter of justice; indeed they will bend at the order of the literati who are equipped with the expertise and scholarship to do so. Before you continue to post on this board, you are obliged to ask yourself if you are committing to the greater good and body of knowledge. You must then make sure you have put forth all available effort in making sure that your post is of the highest quality to your ability. If you fail to do this, consider spending your time on one of the many other boards that are perhaps better suited to your interests.

Sir Washington O'Duke

>> No.6318383
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Your a faggot

>> No.6318391

I ejaculate in your holes.

>> No.6318405
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>> No.6318407

It is my theory that when a "pleb" insults another who has demonstrated more knowledge and understanding on a subject, it is actually a primitive defense mechanism. They subconsciously realize that they will have trouble keeping conversational pace with their online peer, which makes their ego feel "threatened." To counter said "threat," they turn to a time-honored way of pushing an unwanted presence away; spouting insults and jeers at it, perhaps using image macros too. This accomplishes the task of protecting their ego, but it comes at a cost. The cost is the knowledge and understanding they would have gained by accepting that perhaps they weren't as smart as they initially thought, and remaining in the thread to see and digest what others might have had to say on the topic. This is opposed to the choice of "shitposting" in the thread, driving the quality of the thread down with the shitposter. The ego, is it really good for anything, I wonder?

>> No.6318437

>He still believes in the dichotomy

>> No.6318440

Do explain

>> No.6318447

The intelligent people here dot even think of themselves as patricians and don't think of other posters as plebs. That way it becomes easier to have intelligent conversations about critical theory, Marxism, theology, philosophy, psychology, and the humanities in general without getting butthurt as easily as OP clearly did just before making this thread.

>> No.6318456

It is has been my perception that "patrician" and "pleb" are jokingly used as ways to stir up conversation. I did not think people took those terms seriously, point taken. Also, what's giving away OP as butthurt?

>> No.6318458

The fact that he typed out that whole post

>> No.6318470

So, he is agitated at the quality of posts on this board. I'm sure we have all felt that way a time or two.

>> No.6318473

It's very touching that you woke up brave enough to thrust your attempt at writing on us all; but, beyond that, I'm unimpressed. How long did you spend writing this? Your prose is stale as day-old ejaculate and pitifully mired in snobbery. Exchange your thesaurus for a dictionary, correct those niggling little spelling errors, take a good, long, hard look in the mirror, then attempt something genuine.

>> No.6318478
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>Mere blips I say.

>> No.6318482

>Exchange your thesaurus for a dictionary

Snap. Goddamn.

>> No.6318487
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 1714 Silbermann Organ of Freiberg Cathedral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my favourite organ albums. Wouldn't this be better on /mu/ though? Doesn't seem to be much literature in your post. Did they take away the board where you could whine about how much time you spend on 4chan?

>> No.6318645

What does that make you, fellow poster?

>> No.6318650

But it's fun.

>> No.6318653

So you admit he was probably butthurt?

>> No.6318756

What do you mean by "butthurt?" Just upset?

>> No.6319028
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1420920248295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The young and the edgy - the posts

>> No.6319790

ebin! :^D

>> No.6319889

Yup. Are you not familiar with 4chan's discourse?

>> No.6320964

"Butthurt" seems a little extreme.

>> No.6320978

Not really.

>> No.6321179
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Careful what you wish.

>> No.6321243

This is 4chan. You take a literature board on the asshole of the internet too seriously friendo. You want intelligent discussion, start a club at your Uni. Now where my dank book memes at faggots?

>> No.6321283

Spooked out of you're mind

>> No.6321316

OP you used to many describing words. I think YOUR better off posting somewhere else because your obviously trying way too hard.
>unwavering and unflexible stubborn stupidity
no one writes that way unless their trying really fucking hard to be smart.

>> No.6321503


Why would I spend so much effort doing that when I could write literature? The only difference between lit and the academia is that /lit/ is self aware enough to know when it's spouting shit.

>> No.6321575


and academia*

>> No.6321835

Sure, it mediates between your higher self and the outside world - a thankless job, as this guy puts it;

"The ego has a difficult and often thankless job trying to mediate between the inner world and the outer world, and it finds ambiguity, ambivalence, and paradox, stressful and confusing. The ego prefers that the map be the territory because that would make navigation easier. It likes to force premature closure on complex uncertainties, and find all encompassing solutions to life’s problems."

"Some people glorify the thinking function and have an inflated over-valuation of superficial rationality. Others, particularly people on Eastern paths or identifying with the New Age, villianize the mind and ego and say you must get rid of these crucial psychic functions. Both points of view consider a degraded type of thinking. The mind and the ego are invaluable allies when they are correctly oriented in the hierarchy of psychic functions. The Self, which Jung defined as the totality of all the layers of the psyche, and the guidance of its global intuition and visionary insight, needs to be in the ruling position. The mind and the ego should be in the position of ministers or cabinet members working for the Self. The mind and ego can work together, for example, to figure out how to mediate between the inner and outer world, how to take the visions and intuitions of the Self and bring them out into the world, how to turn them into words or other cultural products or how to act on them interpersonally or politically, etc."

-Jonathan Zap (both)

>> No.6321859

i read for fun.

>> No.6321862

>no one writes that way unless their trying really fucking hard to be smart.

or maybe....they aren't trying that hard at all....420 blaze it phgt