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/lit/ - Literature

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6317556 No.6317556 [Reply] [Original]

>take a class on John Milton
>spend weeks talking about the sexism aimed at Eve

"Education" amirite?

>> No.6317571

No sexism talk in my Milton class

maybe your professor is just shit

>> No.6317574

He probably doesn't even go to school dude don't reply

>> No.6317581

Wow. You caught me.

Well done, mate :^)

>> No.6317752
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>take a class on Shakespeare
>spend weeks talking about the anti-semitism aimed at Shylock

"Education" amirite?

>> No.6317808

All aboard the shitty education train

Literally all we talked about on Beowulf is gender roles.

>> No.6317825
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>all we talked about on Beowulf is gender roles.

>> No.6317840

Welcome to the next step in education.

>> No.6317848

>introductory history class on WW1
>half of the semester was on woman's rights from the book All Quiet on the Western Front

How does one even even do that...

>> No.6317852

>British Literature class
>Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Woman on syllabus
>Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Woman on syllabus again
>Wait a minute...
>flip the page back over and again
>yeah it's on there twice

I just dismissed it as a mistake, like maybe it was a copy-paste error, or the prof meant Vindication of the Rights of Man in one instance, but no, we actually read the same thing twice.

Just imagine what the rest of the syllabus was like.

Fuck school was torture.

>> No.6317856

>implying there is anything else of worth

>> No.6317860
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>mfw british anything

you guys got a Nietzsche group permanently at a university banned because the ideas they discuss may offend people

>> No.6317870
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>> No.6317871

I was taking a class to study British Literature, not a class actually in Britain. I can't imagine how awful that would be.

>> No.6317892

>then tucked into their chests. A thing
seen once, then everywhere—

the top of the gazebo, the little cracked statue,
along the barbed fence. Noticed because

I know first with my eyes, then followed
their several songs braiding the trees.

>> No.6317934

If you honestly can not understand how gender is one of the major themes in the work of Milton then you are fucking retarded. This is coming from someone who detests critical theory having taken over the arts as well btw

>> No.6317941

Obviously they would have approached it from a strictly feminist perspective, which you have to admit is tedious as hell and annoying at times for anyone who doesn't share that perspective.

>> No.6317978

>take a class on the Revolutions in Modern history
>nearly the whole course was about empowerment of women, how they FINALLY get their own jobs, livelihood, and independence through emergent technology and political systems
>"these were fundamental turning points in history, where women were beginning to break free from the shackles of the patriarchy and expected gender roles"
>we also had to learn about the mid 20th century 'sexual revolution'
>I was mysteriously too sick to partake in those lectures and classes
>By the way, my teacher was an Italian-Aboriginal feminist who was studying her masters degree on "Women, prejudice, and the Stolen Generation"

She was actually correct in what she was saying, but she just blew it way out of proportion. I just wanted to learn about wars and steam trains and shit.

>> No.6318013

To be fair Adam would still be alive to this very day if it wasn't for Eve.

She dun goofed pretty good

>> No.6318105

>took a class in geometry
>literally all we discussed was which shape best represented a strong, independent woman
>and which angles were the most sexist

>> No.6318174

"Education" amirite?

>> No.6318221

>Reading Tempest in class
>Miranda almost raped by Caliban
>But Caliban is black
>Professor scrambles to come up with an argument on how it wasn't really rape
>Intersectionality in action

>> No.6318265
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>auditing a physics class
>professor waddles in
>talks about how mass is a property which privileges certain atomic configurations over others


>> No.6318889

Sorry you guys didn't all hug it out and suck Milton's cock.

>muh canon

>> No.6318912

>take a class on Shelley's Frankenstein
>spend weeks talking about how Frankenstein was a misogynist trying to circumvent women's role in reproduction

"Education" amirite?

>> No.6318924

>this happened
yeah right kiddo

>> No.6318946

Wow man, I'm really sorry.

I was lucky enough to learn Milton from Paul Stevens, who is a bit of an academic celeb when it comes to Milton. Prof at U of T. He spoke out against feminist readings of Milton for a whole hour one day.

Here's a great lecture on Milton. The best one of the internet.


>> No.6318947

>take a class on Frankenstein
>feminist professor refuses to admit that textual scholarship proves that Percy wrote most of it

>> No.6318956

skip the first bit, there's a bullshit panel at the beginning

>> No.6319035

How on fucking earth is that objectionable?

Milton spends entire chapters on the relation between the sexes. It's one of the major themes and the cause of the Fall. If you can't talk about feminist issues in Paradise Lost, what fucking work CAN you analyse?

Ironically enough, you are letting your own political beliefs intrude into how the poem should be discussed while accusing others of doing the same (they're not).

>> No.6319051

>female detected

>> No.6319055

>Milton spends entire chapters on the relation between the sexes. It's one of the major themes and the cause of the Fall. If you can't talk about feminist issues in Paradise Lost, what fucking work CAN you analyse?
Feminism is a contemporary political ideology which has fuck all to do with Milton's analysis of gender. To discuss his approach to gender through the lense of feminism is completely anachronistic and does nothing but reduce the text to a trigger for another boring, obnoxious feminist intellectual setpiece.

>> No.6319059

>was in a lab
>teacher wanted us to use amplitude discriminator
>got him fired for oppressing those waves

>> No.6319062

>mfw you're all lying

I'm getting my BFA in 6 months and I guess I've heard the word "feminist" or anything related less than 10 times during the whole course

>> No.6319064

Check your privilege shitlord.

>> No.6319080

It is completely anachronistic to read 350 year old poems and pretend they were written yesterday. If you can't apply the centuries of thought since they were composed you may as well not read them.

>> No.6319087

>It is completely anachronistic to read 350 year old poems and pretend they were written yesterday.

Do you know what the word "anachronistic" means?

>centuries of thought

O I am laffin.

>> No.6319094

Avoid female professors at all costs. They'll turn everything into a monologue about their cunts and ignore everything of value.

>> No.6319095
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retard pls go

>> No.6319101

>in French class
>teacher says that english is inferior because its constructions unfairly favor the object which is sexist because our syntax paints the object as male and the subject as female, and that romance languages' subject centered structure is more equitable
>into the trash it goes

>> No.6319104

>Feminism is a contemporary political ideology which has fuck all to do with Milton's analysis of gender.

Uhhhhh what?
Milton is making various statements on the relationship between men and women.
Apparently you think we should avoid any discussion of Milton's beliefs on this issue because that would be 'anachronistic'. As if readers in the 17th century skipped the chapter with the creation of Eve.
Can you see how retarded you sound?

>> No.6319120

>be me
>studying Odyssey
>female professor
>says odysseus is homosexual because he presents his sword to someone else
>says men are happy when they see a lesbian porn but not gay porn
>says odysseus's shield is representing a female's pregnany belly
>somewhere in the text odysseus burns down his house
>says there are pyromaniacs, they are aroused when they see something burning and they love to masturbate to it
>be me after class
>catch the professor and ask her aren't we overreading a little?
>says no, they are all in the text

>> No.6319126

>Apparently you think we should avoid any discussion of Milton's beliefs on this issue because that would be 'anachronistic'. As if readers in the 17th century skipped the chapter with the creation of Eve.
The concept of "feminism" and all of its ideological baggage is entirely foreign to Milton and the seventeenth century. You're distorting his work if you project the concerns of modern feminism onto it.

>> No.6319129

That's a lie and you know it, romance language departments all say the germanic languages are more egalitarian due to having less gender-distinctive articles

>> No.6319133

So is the concept of critical theory (some could argue of critic as a whole, at least in any way we use it), so you might as well quit the class

>> No.6319137


You are such a girl it's not even funny. Post feet pls.

>> No.6319143

That other person isn't me, and I'm not a girl, sorry m7 :^)

>> No.6319148

You're using a fallacy here.
No-one is projecting the concerns of modern feminism onto Milton.
Readers are engaging in a dialogue with Milton and the text from a feminist perspective. As every single reader does from their own perspective.

The role of literary criticism is not to uncritically absorb the views of the author without any attempt at analysis.

>> No.6319149

The role of women in society has been discussed for centuries, it didn't get invented when they invented the word feminism.

>> No.6319150


>> No.6319158

>No-one is projecting the concerns of modern feminism onto Milton.
>Readers are engaging in a dialogue with Milton and the text from a feminist perspective.

The fact that you can write both of these sentences next to each other is incredible to me. . .

>> No.6319161

>thinks feminism is "contemporary"
>hasn't read Plato, Wollstonecraft, or Mills

>> No.6319166

>attend conservative boys highschool
>put up with a little religion outside of class
>actually educated

The worst possible incident I can think of was when I was in a mathematics class and the teacher came in asking us to cut out cardboard floppy disks for a play she was doing.

This was final year, yet she threatened myself and another student when we continued with our work. I can't remember why I didn't see the headmaster, I probably didn't think it was worth it.

>> No.6319167

Define "feminism" plox.

>> No.6319169

When you say "critics are projecting the concerns of feminism ONTO Milton" you are committing the fallacy I mentioned above.

"Distorting" Milton would be saying he believed things he did not believe. If there was a class discussing how Milton was a Catholic, that would be distortion.
Disagreeing with and finding Milton's approach to sex and gender problematic is not 'distortion'. It's a debate every reader has with every text. And it's not anachronistic to have one.

>> No.6319175

>Disagreeing with and finding Milton's approach to sex and gender problematic is not 'distortion'. It's a debate every reader has with every text. And it's not anachronistic to have one.
It certainly isn't scholarship, and political evaluative procedures like that have no place in a university classroom.

>> No.6319179
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>> No.6319185

>It certainly isn't scholarship

academic study or achievement; learning of a high level.

It's scholarship by definition. What you mean to say is: "it's not GOOD scholarship [i.e. I disagree with it therefore it's bad]".

>political evaluative procedures like that have no place in a university classroom

You are the one politicising literary studies by advocating the exclusion of certain themes and perspectives you find politically objectionable.

>> No.6319188
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>> No.6319190

Duhhh no.
"projecting the concerns of feminism onto Milton" would be to say that Milton was a feminist. AFAIK no-one actually teaches that at universities.

>> No.6319193

Arbitrary "dialogue" with Milton doesn't involve any study or achievement whatsoever. It's pure politics. The only serious scholarship that can be done with Milton's text is the historical task of factually excavating his meaning by reconstructing the contexts in which he wrote and the discourses within which he was intervening.

>> No.6319197
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>> No.6319201

Okay...so what? All of literary criticism is anachronistic. The point of the study of literature is not to construct perfectly historical renderings of what the author believes and nothing else...

Do you think it's possible to read the Iliad as a Dark Age Greek would have?

>> No.6319203

Measuring Milton by the yardstick of contemporary feminism violates the cardinal rule of intellectual historical scholarship: see things their way. Anything other than the recovery of historical meaning from texts is intellectual masturbation and shouldn't be conducted in a school classroom - it should be confined to the dinner tables of the mindless chattering classes.

>> No.6319205
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>Studying physics in hs
>Teacher refuses to mention E=mc^2 because it is a sexed equation

>> No.6319209

No you don't. Seeing things their way is simply one way to analyse their work. Asking what it means now is another useful approach.

>> No.6319210

But that's what feminist literary criticism does. Milton's sexual politics, a key theme in the poem, was rather ignored until feminists started discussing it.

>> No.6319212
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>in Science
>teacher claims that we were unable to make clothes prior to machines

>> No.6319213

>Literary criticism
no shit

>> No.6319217


so the issue at hand is that your feelings get hurt

people point out the flaws in an author's world view and you get buttdevastated, and why is that

would you rather have people ignore it

>> No.6319218

I hereby convict you of naive empricism. Your sentence is to spend months shitposting on /lit/ about how Hegel's discussion of Thersites from the Iliad is anachronistic and therefore evil.

>> No.6319221

Read Wittgenstein and Austin you fucking spastics. Meaning comes from concrete speech acts within historically distinct language games. You fuckers need to get real.

>> No.6319229

Lel, Wittgenstein would have agreed with me. Read more.

>> No.6319239
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>in blowjob instruction class
>professor says deep throating is sexist

>> No.6319272
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>a collection of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.

Feminist Theory aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experience; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues such as the social construction of sex and gender.

Taking that into consideration it's not unfair or incorrect to apply these theories to works of literature like Milton's Paradise Lost.

Milton predates feminism but it's not unfair to look at his work from a feminist perspective because the whole function of the feminist project is to uncover the ways in which gender roles and inequality are constructed, among other things.

The thing about Milton's sexual politics is that it would have consequences in its own society and would also have consequences in our own society. Art often informs people's view on certain issues.

What is this work saying? How does it function? Those are valid questions and it's naive to think its gender politics are irrelevant when we still praise this work as a great piece of literature and central to the Western canon and so on.

>> No.6319281

>take class in feminist theory
>all we do is talk about the literary devices used in novels by dead white men

>> No.6319329 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6319339

>people point out the flaws in an author's world view

>> No.6319370

>class on Othello
>weeks after weeks talking about the feelings of some nigger and his interracial degenerate romance

Fucking sjws

>> No.6319381

Yeah me neither. My professor actually made the point that by the standards of the time, Milton was quite lenient on Eve, blaming her and Adam equally.

>> No.6319390


>> No.6319417

Is there a good edition of Paradise Lost that contains the Doré illustrations? I can't seem to find anything decent on Amazon.

>> No.6319419

>Readers are engaging in a dialogue with Milton
oh, fuck off with your "dialogue"s. stop maintaining the cycle of shit in the humanities for god's sake

>> No.6319441

The humanities need to finish their death spiral before they can be born anew. There's no point in trying to stop it. If anything it's our collective duty to inject bullshit more quickly.

>> No.6319512

>go to catholic college to avoid cancer leftism
>there is indeed no leftism
>instead half the classes are about elementary school theist arguments
>psychology prof is a vatican exorcist who talks about demons

I guess I had it coming. There are some cool classes though

>go to catholic college to avoid cancer leftism
>there is indeed no leftism
>instead half the classes are about elementary school theist arguments
>psychology prof is a vatican exorcist who talks about demons

I guess I had it coming. There are some cool classes though

>> No.6319526
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>psychology prof is a vatican exorcist who talks about demons

This sounds like the best psych class ever tbh.

>> No.6319529
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>> No.6319557

good lord

>> No.6319580


>> No.6319602

It's really not though, since he talks like he's adressing a bunch of old ladies. really shit prof in general
I get the impression Jesuits are just shit at thelogy and it's all about muh feels. There's a dominican priest and nun who teach aquinas and ancient phil. And they are based. What can ya do

>> No.6319614
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Well there's your problem.

>> No.6319628

Jesuits are very strong in theology. They study for 11 years or more.

>> No.6319882

>this isn't a perfectly valid reading of frankenstein

I mean, not to the extent of outright calling franky a mysoginist, just a character whose relationships with women are straight weird nigga

>> No.6319935

University of Tennessee? Neat, I also go to college in TN

>> No.6319950


Where are you studying at?

If it's not a private or Catholic university chances are your professors are all left-wing SJW special snowflake types.

>> No.6320016

That sucks, when I took my Milton class, we essentially broke him up into four sections:

Nativity Ode/Lycidas
Paradise Lost

and it was literally the best, most enlightening class I've taken in my life.

>> No.6320129


I get the feeling that sometimes these topics are interesting to cover, but sometimes the prof goes into tunnel vision mode and zooms in on one aspect. It almost happened with one prof i had, but they managed to reel it in and move the discussion to other areas.

Load of clap trap by spotlight seeking 'academics', Mary's other works prove her place in the romanticist canon, and a worthy scholar. Percy was a contributing editor but nothing more. And Lauritsen is a hack that was rightfully called out by Robinson.

There is homosexuality in odyssey, read book 3. The interpretations of your professor though are strenuous.

>> No.6320540
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lol wut?

>> No.6320547

Go to a real Christian college if you want to appreciate Christian works taught by great professors.

>> No.6320594

>basically feminism without the "fem"

both ideologies suck terribly.

>> No.6320597

fug off gommie :-D

>> No.6320610

Marx/Engels from which feminism branched out of? xD

>> No.6320629

Colleges are all run by intergalactic space monsters anyways.
They have been here since America was invented by Benjamin Franklin, they came down in their space ships and made nests deep within the earth.
Columbia University was the first college to be wholly owned by them, and ever since the Vietnam war, not a single college has been founded without being possessed by the beasts.
At colleges, no matter what they teach, they spread highly sophisticated messages that turn students into galactic mindslaves.
Within 50 years, every thing on Earth will be part of one giant organism, that will be raped for for food and energy until the universe grows cold.

>> No.6320785

>chemistry class
>learning about periodic table
>we discuss why so many heavy elements are named after men and not women
>its because men are pigs
>class agrees the noble gasses are the most feminine elements because they strong, independant, and dont need no covalent bond
>we create our own periodic table, revised to be more inclusive (eg. Hydrogen becomes Sarkezium with an atomic weight of rape)
>in 2089 America's first feminist nuclear power plant melts down on its inception day

>> No.6320791

def finna post this r/4chan, get dat dank karma