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6317383 No.6317383 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you've been battling with feelings of inadequacy but you finally realize that you were only struggling and suffering because you wanted to be something you were not and were afraid to admit it
It feels like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Has anyone else ever had something similar happen? I still remember when I was trying to hard to be a writer and I finally just accepted that I mostly was looking for fame and 'making something' out of my life. I still do write now, but I'm no longer in a big race against time.

>> No.6317438


I used to be that way with music, but then I kind of gave it up. Hilariously enough, I wound up being recruited for this band and am actually doing pretty well with music now.

I'd say the best example for me is when I finally decided not to pursue math as a major and decided to follow my potentially bankrupt heart and major in philosophy. Have now decided to fully pursue a phd and a professorship, and I am terrified of being broke but also so excited to be doing what I love--rambling about irrelevant bs with other pseudo academics who get off on the size of their lexicons :')

>> No.6317445

>not bending the world to fit you
>bending yourself to fit the world instead

>> No.6317448


>thinking you have God-like agency and ability to affect the world

come on dude

>> No.6317450

Ya know Kierkegaard had something to say about that.

>> No.6317451


Congrats OP. I know those feels. Allow me to share a gem of wisdom a wise man once told me:

"You have to learn how to admire people without wanting to be them."

>> No.6317457

>not deluding yourself into thinking you do
>not at least trying for the beauty of the act

You don't have the soul of a poet

>> No.6317461
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ma boi soren

>> No.6317468


There's nothing beautiful about perpetual disappointment and alcoholism, sorry. The sooner you outgrow your Byronic aspirations the better.

>> No.6317484

That's not how being engaged in a neverending quest works.

You achieve little goals, and never reach the final one.

Disappointment is your own reaction to events. An idealist never knows disappointment if his delusion is conscious, if he willingly indulges in dead ends.

lol determinism

>> No.6317489

>There's nothing beautiful about perpetual disappointment and alcoholism

Bukowski ? Baudelaire ? Valery ? Vian ? Aragon ?

>> No.6317495

that's p hard. i feel like admiration and envy are almost the same thing

>> No.6317507

Inspiration is completely different from envy.
You only feel envy when you make the clear concession of your own incompetence at reaching the heights that you set to yourself, and adopt a bitter attitude.

The emulation that originates from admiration is always selfless and humble; your ego is the key.

The only admiration possible without emulation is faith.

>> No.6317518


meh hyper-individualism and romanticism are for teenagers.

life is hard enough, no need to make it harder.

>> No.6317530

how so ?

I think life is pretty easy and intrinsically beautiful and I've been living under the poverty line all my life

>> No.6317534


I have problems with self-control and discipline, mostly. I find it difficult to bring my living and my acts into harmony with my beliefs.

>> No.6317540

You mean to tell me you're a lazy ass procrastinator who don't do shit and wants to be a cool kid ?

>> No.6317546


I want to be a good person.

>> No.6317563

And what are you doing to achieve this ?

>> No.6317570
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That's a pretty common feeling in /lgbt/

>> No.6317576


trying to fix my sleep schedule, read more, do good in school blah blah

>> No.6317583

That doesn't seem too hard you little bitch.

Tthe world urges almost no imperatives on us firts worlders in 2015, yet some people still dwell aimlessly among the corridors of their own labyrinth, failing to take even the slightly step.

>> No.6317606


I don't see the point of having this conversation when I don't know who you are, and particularly when you don't know who I am.

>> No.6317615

I have this delusion that i'm going to get into Harvard Law and become a politician. Somebody convince me I'm wrong.

>> No.6317644

That's the whole point anon.
Give in to the beauty of incomprehension.

>> No.6317703


Time will do that, don't worry.

>> No.6317935
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>> No.6317955

>bionicle will never come back