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6314193 No.6314193[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he's a pacifist
>he's a libertarian
>he's an anarchist
>he's a communist

>> No.6314198
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>he's all of those things simultaneously

>> No.6314202

Who is?

>> No.6314203

You are

>> No.6314207

What's /lit/'s problem with anarchism? Seriously the most beautiful view of a world.

>> No.6314212

Some people are just stuck in the "its just not realistic" worldview because it makes them appear mature and grownup, even if they're still just a bunch of retards

>> No.6314226

This is good sarcasm

>> No.6314232

property rights and humans dont mix well without some people turning into jackasses

>> No.6314243

There no sarcasm in my post. Its essentially a stance very similar to Atheism in its "ha look at you being so naive and childish believing in something like a God, while I am a mature for realizing that its just not possible and also science (which I have only a shallow grasp of but will use as a pseudo argument)"

>> No.6314260

It's possible to prove that Anarchism is an inferior and/or non-competitive system compared to others
It's not possible to prove that there is no God
Therefore it is incorrect to compare the two.

I'm sure being an anarchist on an individual level can yield some benefits at least.

>> No.6314301

How is it a bad thing that someone is against violence?

>> No.6314311

>mfw I'm a feminist but I'll never debate about it on 4chan for obvious reasons.

>> No.6314312

Look up the Moriori and their interactions with the Maori.

Pacifism is great in a closed system, but is very easy to take advantage of.

>> No.6314313

so what?

>> No.6314316

thats why im in the "wish a nigga would" camp

>> No.6314322

Here's a great system of thought

It's recognizing that you will most likely not contribute a net-gain to the environment during your existence and advocates hanging yourself in a forest so that, through your death, you might still serve as fertilizer for the trees and food for the wildlife.

How is it a bad thing that someone is acting for the greater good of others?

>> No.6314323


>> No.6314337


>> No.6314343

yep me three. arguing on the interbutt is pointless

>> No.6314348

>I won't argue, but I'll make it known that I hold this view just because

Good on you

>> No.6314365

Taking into account OP post I don't think it's crazy to do it.

>> No.6314369

The OP is a challenge, those are concessions.

>> No.6314389

Me four. We're a very silent minority on here.

>> No.6314403

Probably because the only version of anarchism that isn't completely retarded is individualist anarchism.

>> No.6314405

>>6314311 #
>>6314323 #
>>6314343 #
>tfw 4chan tells you to go to >>>/reddit/
>reddit tells you to go to /r/tumblr
>tumblr tells you to diewhitecis-malescum.tumblr.com

>> No.6314406

That's why you own a gun

>> No.6314407

Enjoy being cucks to 3rd wave sexual market-controlling dykes

>> No.6314408

Jesus Christ no wonder you're feminists, all you do is bitch and play the victim.

>> No.6314411

Maybe that means your ideology is shit

>> No.6314413

Fourth feminist here. I'm a feminist of the Camille Paglia variety. She may be a dyke, but most feminists hate her, especially the 3rd wave feminists. The Tumblr feminists sure don't like her.

>> No.6314416

Lots of feminists on /lit/ considering this board is essentially just /marx/.

Honestly, i've found /lit/ to have some of the best discussions on these topics.

Discussing Feminism rationally and sensibly on the rest of 4chan is basically impossible considering /pol/ has turned it into such a toxic word and literally everyone believes that strawfeminism is actually fact and won't even bother to read what you right even if you correct them totally non-aggressively.

But the other problem is that the Sociology/Feminist oriented Reddit boards are way too much of a hug box in that people will get uppity at you because they get offended by fucking everything I've had people going off at me for using the terms "fuck" (sexism) "moron" (ableism), "dickhead" (sexism) and all sorts of shit. Also I'm so fucking sick of hearing "This is problematic" without explaining why (often engaging in a fallacy of composition) and the word "gross", jesus fucking christ get over yourselves.

This is why I like /lit/, it's not a hugbox at all, but people here are generally decently intellegent and well read and mods do a decent job of keeping out the fucking retarded /pol/fags and Gamergoobers who just exist to troll and derail any discussion.

>> No.6314418

Its like Iran and ISIS: its all feminism and its all problematic.

>> No.6314746

>tfw I identify as a deconstructionist so I don't have to be labelled as an SJW but I adhere closely to libertarian values

>> No.6314790

Get out, Netanyahu