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File: 29 KB, 455x449, Peter Hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6313250 No.6313250 [Reply] [Original]

This video made my jaw drop.

How can Chris, not only being older but also drinking and smoking heavily since his teens look so good compared to Peter? I mean, he got everything: he's at once the pretty one, the smart one, the eloquent one, the charming one, the good one.

>> No.6313257

He's ugly af, sorry

>> No.6313266

What would Peter Hitchens be if his brother wasn't famous?

>> No.6313270

>thinking Christopher was the smart one.

>> No.6313276

I know you want to do a bit of cheerleading for your political team but be realistic, will you

>> No.6313281

Does it matter? It doesn't make Christopher's Swiss cheese arguments any stronger. Nor does it make Peter any less right about everything.

>> No.6313291

ever see their debate?

i found it extremely sad that they didn't seem to love each other

>> No.6313324

Conservative radio host complaining about immigrants

>> No.6313365

>I don't know what this word "homophobic" means, it translates as "fear of men"

How can one man be so fucking stupid, you need to be 12 to think that would be clever

>> No.6313426

It literally does translate from Latin to English as "fear of men".

>> No.6313433

After a certain point in time, they probably found it strange that you could even call them brothers.

>> No.6313451

>I mean, he got everything
He got kinda fat eventually. And of course cancer. -_-

This could have gone in the Hitchens thread, OP. Ah-well.

>> No.6313538

Funny that Chris spoke almost in tv segment Iambics and Peter speaks in very moderated Dactylics...

I suspect the OP simply doesn't appreciate dark Cornish aesthetics. I'm sure Peter Hitchens would much rather emphasize his Russian or Oxford roots instead, since it's always been a liability among the southeast.

>> No.6314156

Hitchen's father was cucked by a former priest. I know thye look pretty alike, but one of them could be illegitimate

>> No.6314209

link to vid?

>> No.6314741

I love that video where hitchens btfo's the catholic church in like 10 minutes in an epic rant...
i dont even care that he mightve been a willing stooge for the neocons or has some inconsistencies in his beliefs, he was a beautiful human

>> No.6314744

It's the religious-reactionary hatred against everything, it makes the outside of someone look as ugly as the inside

>> No.6314771

Peter is better looking than Christopher's corpse. That's what you get for living like a filthy degenerate.

>> No.6314776

He isn't that bad looking.
>hatred against everything
Citation needed.

>> No.6314777
File: 30 KB, 600x574, Don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the smart one

>> No.6314819

>Nor does it make Peter any less right about everything.

Please be ironic

>> No.6314823

Please stop bullying Peter

>> No.6314827


>> No.6314831

*tips fedora

>> No.6314845

Oh yeah, Peter Hitchens, let's all listen to him.

The guy who unironically thinks putting bigger restrictions on drugs and increasing sentences will help crime.

Well done, Peter. Truly intelligent.

>> No.6314847

Not him. But you're a fool.
You'd get fucked up by C Hitch and you know it.

>> No.6314850
File: 880 KB, 900x900, Steampunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6314853

If you're going to argue againt CH supporters then you'll have to provide some constructive arguments as meme pictures only make you look more stupid and only reveal your pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.6314856

yeah this

>> No.6314862



>> No.6315335

>that fat piece of white shit
>look so good