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File: 22 KB, 440x309, 440px-Noam_Chomsky_WSF_-_2003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6312499 No.6312499 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Chomsky?

>> No.6312502

he is great, pretty friendly. Send him an email if you have anything you want to ask him and he will usually reply

>> No.6312514

I think he is brilliant and I am sad that he wont live forever.

He's not perfect but he is one of the most cogent voices taking the people in power to task for their bullshit.

>> No.6312516
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>> No.6312621

Lol, seems cool.

I haven't read anything about him but somebody recommended him and said that any of his works are pretty good. Any nice starting points for him?


>> No.6312670

Yeah /lit/ should collectively write him an email.

>> No.6312684

He's been dead for like a month

>> No.6312697

just fucking pick one you stupid cock. if you dont get it read interpretations and try again

>> No.6312700

How can a supposedly intelligent person identify as an anarchist?

>> No.6312701

The recent book "On Anarchism" is just a collection of interviews and writings so give that a go

>> No.6312702

nothing of value was lost

>> No.6312717

>what does /lit/ thinks of X

Jesus I'm so full of those threads.

>> No.6312737

Guys Chomsky literally just collapsed in his office. My girlfriend is studying at MIT and she was staying overtime and from what she just told me he collapsed in his office and was found lying on the floor unconscious. She doesn't know if he's alive or not. I'm freaking out, Chomsky is literally the best academic the United Snakes has ever seen. My GF and I were crying on the phone together for like 10 minutes.

>> No.6312742


>> No.6312744

Can confirm.

My bf works at Mass General and he said Chomsky was wheeled in a few hours ago. I will update you when he texts me next.

>> No.6312751

I'm literally crying.

>> No.6312756


>> No.6312761

is she hot

>> No.6312769

are you hot

or gay, if gay go away

>> No.6312771


I love him. I really appreciate people who claim genocides didn't take place in order to pin those deaths on the US instead.

I mean, why should Chomsky care what actually happened? A Cambodian killed by the U.S. works out far better for his anti-imperialistic worldview than a Cambodian genocided by a group that Chomsky famously supported.

>> No.6312772

I don't believe you.

>> No.6312778

That was Joe Chomsky, ladies.

>> No.6312779

I tried for a long time to hate him and think he was an idiot leftist then finally realised the only way you can think that is if you're an edgy contrarion. The man knows his shit.

>> No.6312784

he knows his shit about US stuff but his moralizing is pretty annoying

>> No.6312787

Like what? Honestly I think most of what he says coincides with common sense

>> No.6312790

It's official guys, he's dead. Turn on CNN. They're doing a ten hour tribute to him all day tomorrow. Holy shit.

R.I.P. Noam Chomsky. <333333

>> No.6312799
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>implying he hasn't been wrong more times than he's been right
>implying Marxists haven't done a better job of explaining US imperialism and cultural hegemony

>> No.6312801

This guy is like my role model. I'm absolutely fascinated by how neatly he speaks and articulates his ideas. As someone who just learned English as a third language, he is someone I'm looking forward to becoming like him. I also agree with a lot of his political positions and he isn't a dick about it like Hitchens and Harris and the rest of the band of new edgelords aka atheists. actually I feel bad even by comparing him to these philistines

>> No.6312805

It's thanks to you that I was awoken from my waking slumber by the jarring crack of an old Jewish windpipe. That kike bitch had it coming.

>> No.6312810

Holy shit! I'm at a Zizek lecture in Bologna and he got a phone call during class and started laughing and said "just like a Cambodian dissident" and bit into his sandwich! It's official.

>> No.6312864

you're more philistine than harris

>> No.6312884

An atheist, therefore not worth bothering about.

>> No.6312887

Well you can actually say anything because it's your mouth, but that doesn't really amount to anything. I don't oppose atheism as a whole I just don't like the way Harris criticizes Philosophy and regards it as inferior, how is that in any way anti intellectual or indifferent to arts and cultures? Yeah it's easy to call people names because it's /lit/ after all.

>> No.6312890

Maybe so but he says explicitly that he doesn't give a shit about what people believe

>> No.6312893


>> No.6312911

But that's retarded. Religion, and even the lack of religion, is ridiculously important in the lives of nearly everyone around the world. One might even say that the impact of the US, the world's dominant imperial power, pales in comparison to the impact of what people believe about the supernatural, the transcendent. At the very least, many of the modern movements against America are at least partly informed by religion, and cannot be understood without a religious context.

>> No.6312918

He doesn't say he doesn't understand religion, he just thinks whether you are religious or not, it doesn't really matter to him and he feels indifferent about any of the stances in the debate

>> No.6312920

*tips cowboy hat*


>> No.6312922

I'm failing to see what your point is. You can agree with all of Chomsky's political views and still believe in God.

>> No.6312963

/lit/ I sent him an email. If he replies I'll post the response here. Of course apparently he is dead, so bonus points if I get a reply from Chomsky's ghost.

>> No.6313007

He is like Thoreau

>> No.6313139

old faggot

>> No.6313201


I email famous people fairly commonly.

I definitely got legit replies from Jimmy Wales and Richard Stallman. I felt that Chomsky's reply may have been written by an assistant for some reason as he just kind of said "this is an important issue and I'm glad you're thinking about it, we're all looking for the answers and I hope you find what you seek."

>> No.6313208


I think he's a libertarian socialist?

I don't see that as a contradiction in terms.

Libertarian socialism is the social ideal that people should work together collectively for the communal interest instead of for profit. So it rejects both business and big government. Organizations like non-profits, credit unions, trade unions, and torrent sites are in the spirit of "libertarian socialism." I don't see it as that batty an idea.

>> No.6313213

>in b4 uncited claims of denying Cambodia
>in b4 uncited claims of supporting dictators
You know the article or blog you read that said those things that you want to repeat, well there is reason why they also didn't cite these claims.

>> No.6313218

Chomsky denounces Lippmann, he cites him as the beginning of Public Relations

>> No.6313219

He is in Brazil at the moment meeting his new wifes family and meeting trade unions and shit
Dont lie

>> No.6313225

A massive hypocrite and a liar:

>> No.6313231

I think his emails are usually short like that. I know someone who asked him about Georgism and he just replied something like "it's a good idea but not sufficiently useful for the current situation". I mean, he probably answers hundreds of emails a day.

>> No.6313234
File: 34 KB, 500x363, drill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA bombs Cambodia, killing thousands, causes society to break down, causing thousands more to die, paving the way for the Khmer Rouge to seize power
>The Khmer Rouge kill thousands
>The West goes apeshit crying for the Cambodians
>At the same time Indonesia invades East Timor and kills thousands, Indonesia is only able to do this thanks to American arms and support
>The West is Silent
>Chomsky points out what we did first in Cambodia
>Chomsky compares the Khmer Rouge, which we cant do anything about, to Indonesia which we are directly responsible for
>oh my god chomsky stop denying stop blaming western imperialism why do you support genocide chomsky
Ask yourself why these claims you read and now parrot didn't have any citations or quotes

>> No.6313237

it is pretty annoying when its pointed out that you do the same things you criticize others for

>> No.6313244

he spends 6 hours answering emails
every day

>> No.6313333
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I want to email him about The Dispossessed and what he thinks of the model of Anarchism it presents, but I figure since he is pretty cut off from modern culture that he wouldn't be familiar with it :(

>> No.6313355

Email him that you're an idealistic young black man who recently moved from West Philadelphia and ask him how class and race are tied together in America.

>> No.6313363

>muh Khmer Rouge

When are the Amerrycunts going to move on from the Cold War?

>> No.6313372

when it's over.

>> No.6313373

Dirty unamerican professor.

>> No.6313447



>> No.6313458

lol no

Also he sounds indinstinguishable from a religious/cult leader in that video

>> No.6313585
File: 585 KB, 1236x1071, Chomsky_Times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys I got a reply, Chomsky is now my hero.

>> No.6313594

that's pretty cool

>> No.6313599

Link or it didn't happen.

>> No.6313614


>> No.6313620

hitchens replied to me a few months before he died
i win hahaha

>> No.6313628

sam harris is spot on here

>> No.6313639

I love him.

>> No.6313689

does chomsky really think this way?

>> No.6313696

no. it's a huge strawman

>> No.6313698

No, it was a pretty extreme generalization of Chomsky's moral views.

>> No.6313713

I wonder why he replies to moronic questions all day if that really is him.

Why bother? Maybe because he wants to educate the world a bit more?
Get lay people to think a little bit harder?

Boost his profile? Feed his ego?
Fun/distraction ?
Who knows.

>> No.6314424

Maybe he craves some love. Or maybe he just wants to increase his popularity among political studies nerds.

>> No.6314569

Torrent sites are not in the spirit of anarchism, you're stealing from artists. How do they live if you take their creative efforts? You might as well just steal fine table a cabinet maker has crafted.

>> No.6314573

Most recent democracy now interview from like a week ago

>> No.6314577

That's a really dumb pol-tier question

>> No.6314579

>boost his profits
He's a tenured professor at MIT he has plenty, if profit was his goal he could have taken his work that impacts on computers and gone into the private sector

>> No.6314648

Chomsky is great at giving insight into power structures and how those (ab)use their power. His morality is of course based on some giant spooks but i dont care since i see merit in them for a better society which is a spook that is important to me.
In the same vein Harris has value to me since he is a corrective to the insanity of religion which has been allowed to spread loads of terrible ideas for way too long, even though harris basis his morality on spooks too.

>> No.6314681

You keep using that word...

>> No.6314727

Chomsky: "a world with less private tyrannies and more democracy is better" - spooky
Harris: "a universe with less suffering is better" - spooky

>> No.6314758

So are Cuba and the Soviet Union responsible for the mass killings of Francisco Macias Nguema in Equatorial Guinea, since they also sent them arms and support in the 1970s?

>> No.6314761

>His morality is of course based on some giant spooks

Morality is a spook by definition.

>> No.6314763

He is just another Judeo-Bolshevik, what distinguishes him from others like him is that he is physically unable to recognize any source of evil that isn't the United States, so he would deny the Rwandan Genocide, for example, because he couldn't find a way to blame the U.S.

>> No.6314765

>He is just another Judeo-Bolshevik


>> No.6314773 [DELETED] 

Judeo-Bolshevism is a historical and intellectual phenomenom, not a conspiracy theory.

>> No.6314782

being an academic and mentioning american imperialism makes you a spook

>> No.6314784

>Judeo-Bolshevism is a historical and intellectual phenomenom

No it isn't. It is a pseudo-intellectual historical revisionism by people who want to connect the religion of Judaism and their ethnicity with a political ideology.

It is simply a complete non-sequitur.

>> No.6314785

lurk moar, it's


>> No.6314792

That's like saying Irish republicanism is a pseudo-intellectual historical revisionism by people who want to connect the religion of Catholicism and their ethnicity with a political ideology.

>> No.6314803

>he is physically unable to recognize any source of evil that isn't the United States
Maybe as an American citizen he feels obliged tobe responsible for its actions?
This is always the mark of the arch statist, they get hysterial when people look first at their own country instead of everyone else
>he would deny the Rwandan genocide
1) [citation needed]
2) he blames the legacy of Belgium colonialism

>> No.6314804

There is a natural link between nationalism and religion. They are both sectarian.

There is no natural link between the Jewish religion, and Communism. In fact, the most refined explication of Communism was written by a Jewish person, namely Karl Marx, who himself hated Jews almost as inanely as National Socialists.

But keep trying harder faggot.

>> No.6314824

Id say a moral system is an objective thing: a set of moral axioms and rules made up by humans. It gets spooky when you claim it has any intrinsic/objective worth.

>> No.6314835

>It gets spooky when you claim it has any intrinsic/objective worth.

No. It is intrinsically spooky because morality are rules that "other people" have to follow.

If you say something is wrong, and therefore I have to adhere to what you define as wrong, you are literally spooking me.

>> No.6314837

There is a clear link between secular Jewish culture, in the specific case of the United States, secular Jewish culture from NYC brought by Jewish emigrants from Eastern Europe, and communism, specially in the second generation.

Noam Chomsky is the son of a Ukrainian-born immigrant. Howard Zinn's father was born in Austria-Hungary, Saul Alinsky's parents came from the Russian Empire, you see, there is a pattern here. From such patterns a intellectual historian can identify cultural movements and shared influences that may interact with a person's thinking. But of course, you can do that to everyone, unless with Jews, otherwise you are meant to stay on /pol/ debating whether any irrelevant sable-rattling in Eastern Europe is "the happening".

>> No.6314846

I don't agree with you. Saying there is a connection between the ethnicity "Jew" and a political ideology is tantamount to saying there is a natural connection between being white and being a fascist.

>> No.6314849

Chomsky view on this is pretty logical: the usa is one of the most "free" countries and the objectively most powerful country in the world (not an american but i agree), so if you wanna make a change, its the logical place to start.
I like him although he is too passive towards islam for my tastes, also cares too much for the weak

>> No.6314857

>I like him although he is too passive towards islam for my tastes, also cares too much for the weak

As with most liberals, he thinks Islam is a liberation theology, that just resists an occupying power(the U.S).

In other words, on this specific topic, he has no idea what he's talking about because he has already decided what the problem is in his mind.

>> No.6314858

"White" is a very broad term. If you said that there was a connection between being Prussianism and National Socialism or Catholicism and the Ustashe or Falange I wouldn't really disagree with you, because you see, I am not dishonest enough to disregard obvious implications because they may be politically insensitive.

>> No.6314866

Not him, but there is, the system sprang from a white mind and was formalized and implemented first by whites wasnt it

>> No.6314871

>"White" is a very broad term.

Not really. White is a skin color and includes people from all over Europe, Oceania, the Russias, and the Americas, and inside all of these places there are a multitude of ways politics manifests itself, that has nothing to do with the people's skin color.

>If you said that there was a connection between being Prussianism and National Socialism or Catholicism and the Ustashe or Falange I wouldn't really disagree with you

There is clearly a connection between Prussianism and National Socialism, and Catholicism and the Ustashe and the Falange.

But saying the thing that REALLY connects them isn't ideology, it is the skin color of the people that had the ideology, i.e their ethnicity, or place of origin(as the other guy did with Jews and their support of Bolshevism), makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

>> No.6314874

Not really. Are you saying Genghis Khan was white? Or The Emperor dynasties of China, or The Shogunates in Japan?

>> No.6314881

>White is a skin color and includes people from all over Europe, Oceania, the Russias, and the Americas
Americans and Australians aren't white, the Europeans that moved there are.

>> No.6314883

You have never been to Latin America if you think white is only defined as a "skin color".

And no, "skin color" didn't had anything to do with the reason why ex-Freikorps supported Hitler or Galician Catholics supported Franco. I don't see if you realized but i didn't even talked much about race, what defines political ideology is culture. There was a Catholic culture in rural Spain that made them support the nationalists, there was a militarist, statist, culture in Prussia that made them ripe for the Nazis, there was a secular Jewish culture in NYC that made almost all of the children of Eastern European Jewish immigrants into communists. Unfortunately, there will never be any serious investigation on why it was so.

>> No.6314885

Agree, ah well no man is perfect, i still like him...

It always makes me laugh to think the greatest non muslim islam proponents in the west would be first against the wall in an islamic theocracy... which is what any muslim majority "democracy" would automatically tend towards

>> No.6314897

Wasnt fascism inventend like a century ago? Or are you taking a broader definition where any dictator is a fascist?

>> No.6314903

You sure showed me.

>there was a secular Jewish culture in NYC that made almost all of the children of Eastern European Jewish immigrants into communists.

I don't think you're correct at all. There are plenty of secular Jews from that same area in America that are politically right, the most striking example being Milton Friedman.

I would agree with you, if you said that Jews on the whole are overtly ideological, and more inclined to be politically radical, but that's not what you're saying is it.

>> No.6314906

Sam Harris' level thought shown in this video is so fucking shallow it's ridiculous. It's like Chomsky thinks on just whole different level.

>> No.6314912

To be honest, I would say that Milton Friedman was a really smart communism, who completely destroyed western economies just to make Communism more palatable to future generations.

But that, I admit, is a conspiracy theory.

>> No.6314914

I don't think chomsky's ever discounted intentions. He's just not dumb enough to believe that most of what the US does is for "good intentions." I'm not even that big of chomsky fan, but Chomsky is just so much damn smarter than Harris it's not even funny. Listening to harris speak in this video brings me back to my high school philosophy class listening to high school students trying to bullshit rebuttals of writers we read just to get class participation.

>> No.6314916

Fascism as a word, and as a political ideology with specific tenets it was invented approximately 100 years ago.

But, we didn't prove the existence of atoms until some 80 years ago either, yet they have still existed since the beginning of time.

Just because you put something into a definable concept in language, doesn't mean it hasn't existed prior to that doing.

>> No.6314939

Old Noam is basically a god of grammar and his generative syntax is one of the most fascinating structures in language science. Bothering with his philosophical or social works is a waste of time though, i can appreciate that he wrote them though.

>> No.6314949

>Sam Harris' level thought shown in this video is so fucking shallow it's ridiculous.
Harris' thinking is always shallow.

>> No.6314952

one of them is a well-respected philosopher of language and politics, the other one is an american tv personality and atheist horseman. what do you expect.

>> No.6314955


It really isn't, you two just like sucking old man Chomsky's dick.

>> No.6315809

He should stick to science, his political and moral commentary is just cringe worthy to read. It's like listening to a later Andrew Jackson Jihad album.

>> No.6315839

Didn't he die?

>> No.6315857
File: 40 KB, 314x475, manufacturingconsentbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, so cringeworthy wow you're so intelligent, look at this guy belittling chomsky

i bet you've never even wrote a book you autistic loser

>> No.6315877


>> No.6315918


>> No.6316225

And don't forget that as an American, he sees it as his responsibility first

>> No.6316235

>hurr durr stick to your profession let the responsible men run things do no question do not think sleep now

>> No.6316361


I think artists should operate on a donation model. I disagree with intellectual property lasting any more than a few years because it's just not finite and therefore not truly finite; I disagree with government sponsored art because it degenerates too quickly into propaganda and nobody ever actually is a fan of it. "Art" as a product is one of those things where the spirit of liberalism is extremely useful to us, it's the ultimate product where quality suffers if pay for the producers is extracted from taxes.

>> No.6316703

That is pretty neat.

Regarding what he said, I think I must agree. Words, seem to be defined by the means in which they are used, and were everyone to decide to follow a more logical defention of terrorism (or any other word) that would be the defenition, likewise, were sufficient numbers of people to decide that terrorism referes to the making of mint icecream, that would be the meaning of the term, despite its apparent strangeness.

The issue is with predictions of those changes, and with directing those changes. Very seldom do people have great control over the use of words outside of from their self.

>> No.6317027

stop preventing people of having fun by telling the truth!1

>> No.6317070
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>> No.6317071

>duh gubment is ebil :DDD
Damn, so fucking deep.

>> No.6317090
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>> No.6317107

holy shit, so dumb. no you're not, you're just not giving corporations your shekels, which will result in a more positive economy for artists and better art. real artists only make money off of grants and academic gigs

>> No.6317191

Is imperialism all that bad? What can I read on modern imperialism and projection of power? (other than Chomsky)

>> No.6317268

Among the zealots, Henry Kissinger and Samuel Huntington.
As for critics, don't skip Ambedkar and Paulo Freire

>> No.6317278


>> No.6317334

You do realize that chomsky is an anti bolshevik anarchist right? And the rwandan genocide part is a lie too.
I seriously don't understand how can poltards beleive so much retarded shit that gets refuted by googling for two seconds.

>> No.6317348

>genghis khan was fascist
This is a whole new level of retarded, even for /pol/.

>> No.6317498

I can't wait until this happens for real.

>> No.6319840

Guys turn on CNN Chomsky just had a heart attack in Brazil, apparently he was having sex with his new wife and his heart just stopped. He's been hospitalized but they are NOT updating on his condition. Guys I think this is it. I think Chomsky's dead.

>> No.6319843

Holy fuck.

>> No.6319856

The second post does say that, the first one is just saying that our political systems stem from older ones which isn't such a new or dangerous concept.

>> No.6319891
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Sent him an email.

Let's see his power level.

>> No.6319921


you better update this thread if he replies

>> No.6321646

>Richard Stallman

>> No.6321873

good book

>> No.6322401


If you don't make a thread about it anon, you are officially a complete faggot.

>> No.6323055

... Except they really are.
You need to read up on anarchism.

>> No.6323207


/lit/ is cancer