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6311683 No.6311683 [Reply] [Original]

What are some top tier anti democratic works (from any perspective, anarchist, fascist, etc.)?

>> No.6311691

Why is Reagan dominating the chart?

What has he done?

>> No.6311694

It's funny how the ratings in that chart seem to favor the most good-looking and charming presidents, as well as ones who experienced economic and social stability in the US during their presidencies (but not necessarily because of their actions)

cant answer your question tho never read any fascism

>> No.6311697

What do you mean by "democracy"?

>> No.6311698


There seems to be a near-universal adulation for Reagan in the USA and I honestly can't understand it. I'm old enough to remember when everyone thought he was a senile liability and I can't see he's done anything since he died.

>> No.6311706

It's an article of faith in the conservative civil religion that Reagan was some kind of conservative messiah

>> No.6311709

americans don't know their history

>> No.6311716
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The Unique and His Property

>> No.6311719

best: nixon
worst: bush jr or lyndon

>> No.6311721

De Tocqueville.

>> No.6311728

>inb4 Socrates

>> No.6311733

Tocqueville is based

>> No.6311739


Plato's Republic

>> No.6311753

but if you think he is against democracy, you've greatly misunderstood him...

>> No.6311760

I didn't say that

>> No.6311887

no, not if you were the one calling him based, but this is a thread asking for anti-democratic literature so his name is irrelevant here.

>> No.6312533

I think it had more to do with his charisma. He was an actor, after all.

>> No.6312856


>> No.6312870
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>> No.6312878
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wanna gas?

>> No.6313105

Public opinion means nothing
The masses are just dumb shits seriously

>> No.6314947

>Literally anyone picking Nixon over Bush or Obama
Nixon spied on politicians. Obama and Bush spied on everyone.

>> No.6316921


>> No.6316943

This is the definitive ranking:

1. Eisenhower
2. Truman
3. Clinton
4. Kennedy
5. Ford
6. Reagan
7. Nixon
8. Johnson
9. H.W.
10. Carter
11. W.
12. Obama

>> No.6316963

pls be in lyndon

>> No.6316977


>> No.6316981

Daily reminder that Nixon singed SALT, normalized relations with China, abolished the draft, ended the war in Vietnam, was the first President since before FDR to cut military spending, created the Environmental Protection Agency, started Affirmative Action, worked on a Family Assistance Plan and supported the Equal Rights Amendment.

>> No.6316983

excellent bait

>> No.6316985

Get out. Seriously. SAGE SAGE SAGE

>> No.6316997

As if those ideas were his own and not just told to him to do by those who really held power and he was just a bitter crook who ruined the country almost as much as Reagan who was LITERALLY an actor essentially elected to play a role I consider largely ceremonial at best in an oligarchy such as the American Empire.

>> No.6317031

nothing else matters, except for Eisenhower at the top and dubya and obama at the bottom.

this is a strange phenomenon. I agree with some faggot on lit.

>> No.6317050

wouldn't the definitive ranking just be

1. Reagan
12. Obama

Eisenhower is objectively the best on the list though. That is almost a fact more than opinion.

>Ended Korean War
>Spurred technological innovation
>Killed McCarthyism
>Supported civil rights
>maintained prosperity
>warned us of the military-industrial complex

>> No.6317068

Read everything by Carl Schmitt

>> No.6317079

>As if those ideas were his own
I wouldn't be surprised. Nixon described himself as a "practical liberal" when he was first trying to get a Republican position, and judging by his memoirs, he was pretty smart, he just seemed stupid during paranoid rants and when he was being a phony on TV

>> No.6317081

Obama at eight percent. What a bunch of kiss-asses.