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/lit/ - Literature

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630966 No.630966 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ what books did you read in school?

>> No.630968

School books

>> No.630991

Books that were assigned:

Great Expectations (dislike)
A Tale of Two Cities (dislike)
countless Shakespeare stories (varying degrees of like/dislike)
The Odyssey (like)
To Kill A Mockingbird (somewhat like)
Lord of the Flies (like)
Fahrenheit 451 (very much like)
The Scarlet Letter (meh)
The Great Gatsby (very much like)
Heart of Darkness (mixed feelings)
Their Eyes Were Watching God (dislike)
Pride and Prejudice (dislike)
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (dislike)

Books that I decided to read on my own:

A Clockwork Orange (love)
The Catcher in the Rye (love)
Johnny Got His Gun (love)
Looking For Alaska (love)
Slaughterhouse-Five (love)

>> No.630999
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>The Catcher in the Rye (love)
>Johnny Got His Gun (love)
>Looking For Alaska (love)
>The Great Gatsby (very much like)

>> No.631003

you mean assigned IN school?

>> No.631007

or read DURING high school?

>> No.631018

FCPS Reading List: 1995-1999 ::

The Inheritors
Moby Dick
Tequila Mockingbird
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
Of Mice And Men
Illiad (repeat)
Odyssey (repeat)
Oedipus (repeat)
Romeo and Juliet
King Lear
Richard 2
Merry Wives of Windsor
Hamlet (repeat)
Various Textbook Digest Snippets (poetry? cannot recall)
Brave New World
Farenheight 451
Song of Solomon
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Ethan Frome
Red Badge of Courage
Great Gatsby
Old Man and the Sea
Invisible Man (Ellison)
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Johnny Got His Gun
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

that that's about it

they were throwing out the old books they didn't teach anymore? Dude. FCPS in the 80s had
Vonnegut (Cat's Cradle/God Bless You/ Sirens)
Cool World
Last Butterfly

>> No.631024

my curriculum during high school:

The Federalist Papers
Democracy in America
Frederick Douglass's autobiography
Huckleberry Finn
My Antonia by Willa Cather
The Old Man and the Sea by Hemmingway
The Great Gatsby
Locke's Second Treatise
Rousseau's Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
A Tale of Two Cities
Shakespeare's Henry V
The Communist Manifesto
Crime and Punishment
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
Iliad and Odyssey
Plato's Republic
Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
Hebrew Bible
Augustine's Confessions
New Testament
Macbeth and King Lear
Dante's Divine Comedy
Don Quixote
Machiavelli's Prince
Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.631039

Let's see what I can recall.
Julius Caesar (liked)
A Separate Peace (bleh)
The Jungle (hilariously disgusting meat packing)
The Scarlet Letter (terrible)
Walden pond, all that shit (shit)
A Raisin in the Sun (eh)
The Great Gatsby (shitty)
A Tale of Two Cities (hated)
Return of the Native (worst piece of shit I ever read)
Macbeth (badass)
Beowulf (liked)
Canterbury Tales (eh)
Things Fall Apart (hated)
Angela's Ashes (hated)
Hiroshima (I can't even remember the plot)

Lots of shit I hated.

>> No.631040

This is seriously all I had to read in high school.

The Scarlet Letter
The Great Gatsby
The Pearl by Steinbeck
Tuesdays with fucking Morrie
One chapter of the Canterbury Tales (with a "modern translation")
One chapter of Beowulf
Some shitty, forgettable book about football.


>> No.631043

To Kill A Mockingbird (somewhat like)
Great Expectations (meh)
Flowers for Algenon (love)
A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (love)
The Scarlet Letter (fucking hate)
A Farewell to Arms (somewhat like)
Huckleberry Finn (meh then, somewhat like now)
Beowulf (like)
Grendel (liked very much)
1984 (liked very much)
Lord of the Flies (like)
Pygmalion (somewhat like)
Confessions of St. Augustine (disliked)
Selections from the Summa Theologica (grudgingly appreciated, if only because it showed how absurd theology was)
Orthodoxy - G. K. Chesterton (meh)
Selections from the Brothers Karamazov (FUCK YEAH)
The Great Gatsby (liked)
The Stranger (loved)
Ethan Frome (hated)
Native Son (meh)
Night (somewhat liked)
Their Eyes were Watching God (hated)
The Metamorphosis and The Trial (loved)
No Exit (liked)
The Catcher in the Eye (meh)

I went to a Catholic school. Some of the classes were good, and some were awful. The theology books were from the religion classes, obviously.

>> No.631055

for clarification, books you HAD (or were supposed to) read in school

>> No.631060

A Tale of Two Cities
Animal Farm
Romeo and Juliet


>> No.631066

did you read 1 book a year?

>> No.631069

FUCK. Can't believe I forgot Shakespeare.

Macbeth (loved)
Hamlet (liked)
Julius Caesar (liked)
Shakespeare's Sonnets (varying degrees of want)
And selections from Henry Kissinger's Diplomacy (liked).

>> No.631093


Since we're counting plays, I'll add The Crucible. That was the only drama we had (and we had to read it out loud in class). Yup, not even one sonnet of ol' Shakes in 4 years.

>> No.631103

Romeo and Juliet in 10th grade. All the rest in twelfth grade. I left out Scarlet Letter from 11th grade.

We mostly watched movies instead of reading books because, well, it was just that bad. Most of my time in high school Advanced English class was spent on grammar.

>> No.631110

The Chrysalids
Twelfth Night
Merchant of Venice
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Sunflower
Animal Farm
The Crucible
Lord of the Flies
(next ones for this year)
The Great Gatsby
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
A Fine Balance
Waiting for Godot
Like Water For Chocolate
Death of a Salesman

We were supposed to do A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in my one class, but we're not, which pisses me off.

>> No.631111

To Kill A Mockingbird
The Most Dangerous Game (Short Story)
The Odyssey (Part of, and even then that part was condensed for a school textbook, keep in mind this was when I was a freshman in high school)
A Raisin In The Sun
Romeo and Juliet
The Great Gatsby
Black Boy
The Catcher In The Rye
The Five People You Meet In Heaven
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime
The Things They Carried
Into The Wild
The Lovely Bones
The Secret Life Of Bees

There were quite a few more, but I can't remember. Most of the later ones came from my Contemporary Fiction and Non-Fiction class I took my last trimester Senior Year (last year).

>> No.631112

Cry The Beloved Country, Night, about to read Siddartha. Last year it was The Odyssey, Frankenstein, other stuff I don't remember and the year before it was To Kill A Mockingbird and other things I don't remember. Good selections on the most part, but I wish we had been assigned MORE.

>> No.631113

I'm in "University" English (which is what I guess is called advanced for this province) and we do no grammar whatsoever. It's always sort of irked me that we don't but whatever.

In Grade 10 our teacher had us watch John Carpenter's "The Thing" for a "horror" unit. Shit was so cash.

>> No.631119

Wow. Are you counting recreational reading as well?

>> No.631127

>We were supposed to do A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in my one class, but we're not, which pisses me off.

If I ever have to teach a lit class with kids who show any prospect (but who am I kidding), I'm making them read this book. The others will just fail in life anyway.

>> No.631128

Oh, plus Lord of the Flies, The Chosen, and Animal Farm.

>> No.631154

I had one English comp class in university where where read nothing but robot fiction and watched movies like Robocop, Tron, Terminator, etc.

>> No.631163

In this semester's British Lit II class, we read:

The Country Wife
Great Expectations
A Room of One's Own
Nervous Conditions

>> No.631168


He must have been some ballin' ass teacher. Seldom do I have teachers that cool.

>> No.631177

I'm going to stick to my senior English lit class.

Canterbury Tales
Essay on Criticism
Tess of the D'ubervilles
A Portrait of the Artist as a young man
The Awakening (not English I donno why it was there)
Jane Eyre (don't think I actually read this one)
Heart of Darkness
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Probably more but I can't recall.

>> No.631187


Shit, I also forgot Night. That's still about all I can remember, but I think I'm still forgetting some.


Nah man. I read multiple books in a trimester (we were the only school in the district to go by them, but they divided up quite evenly) at school for our basic English classes I was in. If I added on books I read outside of school there'd be a ton more.

>> No.631192

Have you read Jane Eyre before? Why would you be so stupid as to skip it if you haven't? Are you that influenced by misogyny and idiot opinions? If you're so convinced you'll hate it, why don't you read it so you have reasons for your hatred?

>> No.631194

Gr 9: Invitation to the Game, The Chrysalids
Gr 10: Stones
Gr 11: Crabbe
Gr 12: We All Fall Down, Heat of the Night

I took Academic/Uni English in Grade 9 because I thought I was cool. Ended up getting really sick and shit to the point where I'd only be able to go once or twice a week - failed. Retook again the year after but I couldn't get U level so I just went for applied.

>> No.631219

I read about half of it and drifted away from it. It was also the last book we read and I was starting to pay attention to finals.

I liked Tess and The Awakening. But even if I hadn't I know how to separate my personal preferences in reading from any declaration of merit.