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6306873 No.6306873 [Reply] [Original]

So is this basically... Catch 22 poop jokes?

>> No.6307063
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>> No.6307095

This is gonna sound pretentious as fuck, but don't ignore the importance of shit in the novel as a representative of entropy and death.

>> No.6307167
File: 994 KB, 500x371, 2e843541d87c6732cb462ab726baaeb0_400x1000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a real hard time accepting that this isn't a piss take

>> No.6307178


only on /lit/

>> No.6307198

Why? This seems out of place? In a literary movement that included Naked Lunch? From the author who first published the word "jailbait" and described public masturbation in his debut novel? In a book about a guy whose erections predicts V-2 strikes?

I mean, in many ways it is a "piss take". Half of what Pynchon writes is meant to be a "piss take".

>> No.6307199

If there's a really graphic, descriptive scene of a man eating a woman's shit in a novel, I'm going to assume it's there as part of a larger point being made.

Or at least that's what I'm going to HOPE. I have some pretty disgusting fetishes too, but I'm not going to throw them into a masterpiece for no good reason.

>> No.6307201


is this why he won't get his nobel prize?

>> No.6307330

This is why I still haven't read anything Pynchon. I really can't understand why I'd want to.

>> No.6307484

no, he was just on drugs when he wrote it, he has stated before that he was "so fucked up" when he wrote it, that re reading it, he doesn't understand where he was going with a lot of sequences in the novel.

>> No.6307509

Truly Joycean.

>> No.6307559

I can't remember a public masturbation scene in V. Help me out, bro

>> No.6307605


its like not even a page in a 900 page monster. its a great book and worth the time.

scato is fine in literature, happens so much.

>> No.6307606

Sounds like nonsense. "Jail bait" goes back to 1934, 3 years before Pynchon was born. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_T._Farrell since you asked.

>> No.6307675
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I'm sure it really is good, and I'll read it eventually, but passages like that definitely leave an impression on you.

>> No.6307677

Its a really funny scene dude

>> No.6307683

>The scene when Bianca's mom spanks her underaged ass in front of the entire room full of party goers.

God damn Pynchon is a randy bastard.

>> No.6307693

Nor can I, and I read it just a couple weeks ago.

Jailbait does figure prominently, though

>> No.6307711

What is the context of htis scene?

>> No.6307884



>> No.6307892

A chick is shitting into a dudes mouth.

>> No.6307899


>> No.6308530

>admitting being plebs

>> No.6308539

what a cuck

>> No.6308552

Let's not forget Hansel & Gretel

>> No.6308594

And this is why the Baby Boomers are the scum of the Earth. Nothing has meaning for them, everything is tied to the 'experience,' except the experience goes away the moment it is had.

>> No.6308615
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Pynchon isn't a boomer. He was born before WWII even started.

>> No.6308620

Our experiences "go away" eventually so I don't know why you're knocking this. And I don't know how anyone could accuse Pynchon of feeling no meaning for anything.

>> No.6308623

I loved TCoL49, but this is shit.

>> No.6308638

And yet the whole thing coheres in very obvious ways. It's like when Bob Dylan says his songs are just random combinations of words. The songs and albums for that matter often add up to more than the sum of their parts regardless of what the author has to say.

Folks can hate on the novel, but the damn things actually pretty easy to read even if you're not sure how it all connects. Like a lot of Pynchon's other books it isn't half as bad as people say it is. If you don't like this kind of thing, fine, but the constant "derr guys, Pynchon is a rip off and he's dumb, derr" isn't even trying.

>> No.6308647

But what does the shit mean?

>> No.6308671

i feel like i have to take an insanely huge shit, but it's night and i don't want to mess up my poop schedule

>> No.6308686


how do people keep shit schedules?

>> No.6308687

I shit once every three or four days. In the morning.

>> No.6308689

so you don't have to blast a turd in the middle of your work day

get a job, nerd

>> No.6308694

so you can get your shits out before you take a shower so you can have a sparkly clean asscrack for the rest of the day

>> No.6308697

...once every three or four days?

What the fuck?

>> No.6308700

> be me
> at book store
> grab Gravitys Rainbow
> flip open the book to a random page
> read first sentence in the middle of the page
> talking about eating pussy
> put the book back and walk away

>> No.6308701

he's probably a fucking vegan or some shit

>> No.6308705

Enjoy your colon cancer. You should shit once or twice a day.

>> No.6308708

What more do they want? She asks this seriously, as if there's a real conversion factor between information and lives. Well, strange to say, there is. Written down in the Manual, on file at the War Department. Don't forget the real business of the War is buying and selling. The murdering and violence are self-policing, and can be entrusted to non-professionals. The mass nature of wartime death is useful in many ways. It serves as a spectacle, as a diversion from the real movements of the War. It provides raw material to be recorded into History, so that children may be taught History as sequences of violence, battle after battle, and be more prepared for the adult world. Best of all, mass death's a stimulus to just ordinary folks, little fellows, to try 'n' grab a piece of that Pie while they're still here to gobble it up. The true war is a celebration of markets. Organic markets, carefully styled "black" by the professionals, spring up everywhere. Scrip, Sterling, Reichsmarks, continue to move, severe as classical ballet, inside their antiseptic marble chambers. But out here, down here among the people, the truer currencies come into being. So, Jews are negotiable. Every bit as negotiable as cigarettes, cunt, or Hersey bars.

>> No.6308712

ok i've remembered wrong
I read it about a year ago, I thought I recalled benny profane masturbating on a park bench but I'm obviously just confused

>> No.6308726

It's a beautiful book.

Some of it heart wrenching. The exoticism, perversion, and seemingly incoherent actions are all just a surface image. It's an actual incredible fucking story. How does this deter you from reading yet you have probably read the Bible?